Project one. Problem Three. Mathematics 502 Probability and Statistics

Nasser Abbasi, September 26,2007. California State University, Fullerton


Problem 3 part (a)

We are asked to generate R.V's from "problem3_2.gif". We note as shown in the problem itself, that R.V. X can be written as product of 2 R.V WT where Wis ±1 with probability "problem3_3.gif"each. Hence to generate R.V. we do the following. We generate n R.V. from uniform distribution [0,1] using Mathematica random number generator. Then we check if each number is "problem3_4.gif" or not, and we generate 1 or -1 as the case may be. We then generate n random variables from the exponential distribution, which we know how to do from part (a). Then we multiply the above 2 vectors, element wise, with each others. The first vector being the vector of 1's and -1's. And the second vector being the RV's from the exponential distribution.  This is the algorithm

Input: λ,n (number of random variables to generate)
output: list of random numbers which belong to density "problem3_5.gif"

Seed the random number generator with unique value for us.
A = Generate n random numbers from the exponential distribution with parameter λ (CALL problem 1 part(a) with the input λ,n) This uses "problem3_6.gif"method and uniform random number generator as well.
B = Generate n random numbers from uniform random number generator [0,1]

FOR i in 1..n LOOP  -- Note: This is algorithm view. In code 'vectored' operation is used.
        IF B(i)<.5 THEN
            B(i) = 1
            B(i) = -1
         END IF

result = B * A

Now generate a histogram from the result above.
The following function implements the above algorithm

Code Implementation

Define the function "problem3_7.gif"which was derived earlier. This is the inverse of the CDF of the exponential density function "problem3_8.gif"










Test the above function by plotting the histogram generated for say n=10000 overlaid by the true double exponential density function.
First, define the double exponential function



Now do the overlay plot

This function makes a histogram which is scaled to be used to overlay density plots, or other functions.
Input:  originalData: this is an array of numbers which represents the data to bin
          nBins: number of bins
output: the histogram itself but scaled such that area is ONE







Problem 3 part(b)

In this part, we need to generate a list of r.v's that belong to normal distribution N(0,1), using uniform random number generator U[0,1] and using the random numbers generated from the double exponential density function in part (a) above. We are asked to use the accept/reject method.
First the method is explained, then the algorithm outlined, then the implementation shown and a test case given, then a GUI interface written to test the algorithm for different parameters values.

Accept/Reject algorithm
input: n (number of random variables to generate)
        λ (the exponential density parameter)
        f(x) the density function for random variable X which we wish to generate random variables
        "problem3_18.gif"(x) the density which we will use to help in generating the random variables from "problem3_19.gif"(x). This density is such that it is easy to generate random variables from. Much easier that from f(x) and that is why it was selected.
output: list of random numbers of length n from f(x)

Step 1: Find C. Where "problem3_20.gif" To solve this, this is the algorithm
           Algorithm for step 1:  Let "problem3_21.gif" (since double exponential is symmetric, I'll use one sided version). Let "problem3_22.gif". Now find the ratio "problem3_23.gif" Now find where the maximum of this ratio is using normal calculus method:  Take the derivative w.r.t. x and set it to zero. Solve the resulting equation for x. Evaluate the ratio at this root. This gives C.   We find that C=1.31549   The following few lines of code finds C:





Step 2: Now that we found C in step 1, then the envelop function becomes "problem3_26.gif"
Step 3: seed the number random generator
            initialize an array d of size n to contain all the accepted random numbers generated
            initialize counter number_accepted=0
            WHILE number_accepted < n DO
                 generate  r.v. from U[0,1] call it u.  
                 Generate  r.v. from double exponential density (using part(a)) call this x
                 IF u*C*"problem3_27.gif" THEN
                 END IF
             END LOOP
   Step 4: Now array d contains the n random numbers generated from the normal density N[0,1].  Make histogram and overlay it over N[0,1]

Diagram showing main steps in the algorithm


Accept Reject Algorithm Implementation



Test case for n=10,000

Test the above function, and make a plot of histogram overlaid on top of density of N(0,1)









The above is a plot showing the histogram for random numbers generated using the accept - reject method for N=10,000. The random numbers are very close the N[0,1] which indicates this method is working well. The larger N is, the more closely the random numbers histogram will approach N[0,1] probability density.

I have implemented a GUI based simulation as well for the above problem, please see the appendix below to run the simulation part.

Problem 3 simulation







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