(* By Nasser AbbasiEECS 207A, Lab 5 Color detection, see report for algorithm Decmber 2, 2004 *)Remove["Global`*"] ;




<<Graphics`Graphics` ;

<<DiscreteMath`Combinatorica` ;

<<Statistics`DataManipulation` ;


SetDirectory[ToFileName[Extract["FileName"/.NotebookInformation[EvaluationNotebook[]], {1}, FrontEnd`FileName]]] ;

blueSound = ReadSoundFile["blue.wav", PrintHeaderTrue] ;

redSound = ReadSoundFile["red.wav", PrintHeaderFalse] ;

vSound = ReadSoundFile["vertical.wav", PrintHeaderFalse] ;

hSound = ReadSoundFile["horizontal.wav", PrintHeaderFalse] ; 

yellowSound = ReadSoundFile["yellow.wav", PrintHeaderFalse] ;

greenSound = ReadSoundFile["green.wav", PrintHeaderFalse] ;

cyanSound = ReadSoundFile["cyan.wav", PrintHeaderFalse] ;

magentaSound = ReadSoundFile["magenta.wav", PrintHeaderFalse] ; 

kRed = 1 ;

kYellow = 2 ;

kGreen = 3 ;

kCyan = 4 ;

kBlue = 5 ;

kMagenta = 6 ; 

img = ImageRead["allred.jpg"] ; 

Show[Graphics[img], ImageSize {100, 100}] ;

nColor = ImageDepth[img] ; 

Print["Number of color channels in image is " <> ToString[ nColor]] ;

{nRow, nCol} = ImageDimensions[img] ;

Print["image size in pixels is " <> ToString[nRow] <>" rows x " <> ToString[nCol]   <>" cols"] ;

Print["Other image information " <> ToString[img[[2]]] <> " " <> ToString[img[[3]] ]] ;

Print["Displaying the top right 5x5 image area..."] ;

Print[MatrixForm/@ RawImageData[PlanarImageData[ImageTake[img , {1, 5}, {1, 5} ]]]] ; 

Print[".... Extracting the RGB channels from image..."] ; 

raw = RawImageData[img] ; (*same as image[[1]] *)r = N[Take[raw, {1, nRow}, {1, nCol}, {1, 1}]] ;

g = N[Take[raw, {1, nRow}, {1, nCol}, {2, 2}]] ;

b = N[Take[raw, {1, nRow}, {1, nCol}, {3, 3}]] ; 

r = Flatten[r] ; r = Partition[r, nCol] ;

g = Flatten[g] ; g = Partition[g, nCol] ;

b = Flatten[b] ; b = Partition[b, nCol] ; 

h = ImageHistogram[img, {0, 255}] ; 

Print["... generating histograms for each color channel..."] ; 

ShowImageHistogram[h, PointStyleNone] ; 

Print[".... generating Cummulative histogram for each color channel..."] ; 

c = CumulativeHistogram /@ h ;

ShowImageHistogram[c, PointStyleNone] ; 

Print["Displaying the separate color channels"] ; 

Show[GraphicsArray[Graphics/@ToChannels[img]]] ; 

r = N[r] ;

b = N[b] ;

g = N[g] ; 

{nRow, nCol} = Dimensions[r] ; 

nPixels = nRow * nCol ; 

hRed = N[nma`makeHistogram[Flatten[r]]] ;

hGreen = N[nma`makeHistogram[Flatten[g]]] ;

hBlue = N[nma`makeHistogram[Flatten[b]]] ; 

pdfRed = N[nma`makePDF[hRed, nPixels]] ;

cdfRed = N[nma`makeCDF[pdfRed]] ; 

 pdfGreen = N[nma`makePDF[hGreen, nPixels]] ;

cdfGreen = N[nma`makeCDF[pdfGreen]] ; 

 pdfBlue = N[nma`makePDF[hBlue, nPixels]] ;

cdfBlue = N[nma`makeCDF[pdfBlue]] ;

Print["Finsihed Making CDF and PDF..."] ; 

Block[{$DisplayFunction = Identity}, pdfRedp = ListPlot[pdfRed〚All, 2〛 ... ;True, PlotLabel {"CDF Blue. num pixels=",   nPixels}] ; ] ;

Show[GraphicsArray[ {pdfRedp, cdfRedp}, GraphicsSpacing {0.3, 0}]] ;

Show[GraphicsArray[ {pdfGreenp, cdfGreenp}], GraphicsSpacing {0.3, 0}] ;

Show[GraphicsArray[ {pdfBluep, cdfBluep}], GraphicsSpacing {0.3, 0}] ; ɯ ... ;Graphics`Graphics`BarChart[cdfGreen] ; Graphics`Graphics`BarChart[cdfBlue] ; *)

Print["Converting to HSV color space to determine colors..."] ; 

h = Table[0, {i, nRow}, {j, nCol}] ; 

s = h ;

v = h ; 

For[i = 1, i≤nRow, i = i + 1,  {For[j = 1, j≤nCol, j = j + 1, &# ... [i, j]] = ss ; v[[i, j]] = vv ; } ] } ] ; <br />

v = N[v/255] ;

h = h * 360 ;   (*convert to degree*)b = Table[0, {i, nRow}, {j, nCol}] ; 

Print["Dimensions of Hue =", Dimensions[h]] ;

Print["Dimensions of Saturation (purity) =", Dimensions[s]] ;

Print["Dimensions of Value (Brightness) =", Dimensions[v]] ; (*use 1 = RED, 2 = YELLOW, 3 = GREEN, 4 = CYAN, 5 = BLUE, 6 = MAGENTA*)

Print["Conversion completed, now counting colors..."] ; 

count = Table[0, {i, 6}] ; 

For[i = 1, i≤nRow, i = i + 1,  {For[j = 1, j≤nCol, j = j + 1, &# ... unt[[kMagenta]] = count[[kMagenta]] + 1}] ; } ] ; } ] ; 

Print["counting colors completed..."] ; 

Print["Color counting completed into 6 bins:"] ;

Print["Red pixels="<>ToString[count[[kRed]]] <> "\nYellow pixels="<>ToString[count[[kYellow]]] ] ;

    Print["Green pixels="<>ToString[count[[kGreen]]] <> "\nCyan pixels="<>ToString[count[[kCyan]]] ] ;

Print["Blue pixels="<>ToString[count[[kBlue]]] <> "\nMagenta pixels="<>ToString[count[[kMagenta]]] ] ;

m = Max[count] ;

If[mcount[[kRed]], ListPlay[redSound, SampleRate22050, PlayRange {-2^15, 2^15}]] ;    

    If[mcount[[kYellow]], ListPlay[yellowSound, SampleRate22050, PlayRange {-2^15, 2^15}]] ;

If[mcount[[kGreen]], ListPlay[greenSound, SampleRate22050, PlayRange {-2^15, 2^15}]] ;

    If[mcount[[kCyan]], ListPlay[cyanSound, SampleRate22050, PlayRange {-2^15, 2^15}]] ;

    If[mcount[[kBlue]], ListPlay[blueSound, SampleRate22050, PlayRange {-2^15, 2^15}]] ;

If[mcount[[kMagenta]], ListPlay[magentaSound, SampleRate22050, PlayRange {-2^15, 2^15}]] ; 


Number of color channels in image is 3

image size in pixels is 20 rows x 361 cols

Other image information PixelInterleave -> True ColorFunction -> RGBColor

Displaying the top right 5x5 image area...

{( {{254, 254, 254, 254, 254}, {254, 254, 254, 254, 254}, {254, 254, 254, 254, 254}, ... {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}} )}

.... Extracting the RGB channels from image...

... generating histograms for each color channel...


.... generating Cummulative histogram for each color channel...


Displaying the separate color channels


Finsihed Making CDF and PDF...




Converting to HSV color space to determine colors...

Dimensions of Hue = {20, 361}

Dimensions of Saturation (purity) = {20, 361}

Dimensions of Value (Brightness) = {20, 361}

Conversion completed, now counting colors...

counting colors completed...

Color counting completed into 6 bins:

Red pixels=7220\nYellow pixels=0

Green pixels=0\nCyan pixels=0

Blue pixels=0\nMagenta pixels=0


Format: Microsoft PCM WAVE RIFF

Duration: 6.40884 seconds

Channels: 1

Sampling rate: 22050

Bits per sample: 16

Data size: 282630 bytes

Number of samples: 141315

General :: spell1 : Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"vSound\" is similar to existing symbol \"Sound\".  More…

General :: spell : Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"hSound\" is similar to existing symbols  {Sound, vSound} .  More…

General :: spell1 : Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"kRed\" is similar to existing symbol \"Red\".  More…

General :: spell1 : Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"kYellow\" is similar to existing symbol \"Yellow\".  More…

General :: spell1 : Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"kGreen\" is similar to existing symbol \"Green\".  More…

General :: spell1 : Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"kCyan\" is similar to existing symbol \"Cyan\".  More…

General :: spell1 : Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"kBlue\" is similar to existing symbol \"Blue\".  More…

General :: spell1 : Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"kMagenta\" is similar to existing symbol \"Magenta\".  More…


Number of color channels in image is 3

General :: spell1 : Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"nRow\" is similar to existing symbol \"Row\".  More…

image size in pixels is 72 rows x 25 cols

Other image information PixelInterleave -> True ColorFunction -> RGBColor

Displaying the top right 5x5 image area...

{( {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, ... 54}, {254, 254, 254, 254, 254}, {254, 254, 254, 254, 254}, {254, 254, 254, 254, 254}} )}

.... Extracting the RGB channels from image...

General :: spell1 : Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"raw\" is similar to existing symbol \"Raw\".  More…

... generating histograms for each color channel...


.... generating Cummulative histogram for each color channel...


Displaying the separate color channels


Finsihed Making CDF and PDF...




Converting to HSV color space to determine colors...

Dimensions of Hue = {72, 25}

Dimensions of Saturation (purity) = {72, 25}

Dimensions of Value (Brightness) = {72, 25}

Conversion completed, now counting colors...

General :: spell1 : Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"count\" is similar to existing symbol \"Count\".  More…

counting colors completed...

Color counting completed into 6 bins:

Red pixels=0\nYellow pixels=0

Green pixels=0\nCyan pixels=0

Blue pixels=1800\nMagenta pixels=0


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