This note describes making a simple package in Mathematica. The first section shows how to make a simple package. The second section shows how to make a package with subpackages in them and where to save the files so that they are easily loaded.
An example package that contains one function is made showing how to save it and load it into Mathematica and to update it again by adding a second function to it.
Each time a new function is added to the package, the package has to be reloaded in order to use the new function.
This note is not meant by any means to be comprehensive, but only to give someone who is new at Mathematica the minimal set of commands to make a basic package.
More details about packages are found in Mathematica help pages.
Open a new text file called foo.m
(using any text editor) and write in it the following
BeginPackage["foo`"] Unprotect @@ Names["foo`*"]; ClearAll @@ Names["foo`*"]; f::usage = "f[x]" Begin["`Private`"] f[x_] := Module[{}, x^2]; End[]; Protect @@ Names["foo`*"]; EndPackage[];
In the above foo[x]
is a public function which can be accessed from outside.
. Assuming it is saved to C:/mydata/foo.m
To use the function f[x]
defined in the package, open Mathematica notebook and load the package as follows (this is one easy way to load the package, there are other ways).
Now the package is loaded and you can call the function defined inside the package as follows
The function can also be called by explicitly pre-appending the package name to the function (which I prefer, as it makes it clear where this function came from) as follows
To add a second function, say g[x]
to the package, open foo.m
again using text editor, and change it to look as follows:
BeginPackage["foo`"] Unprotect @@ Names["foo`*"]; ClearAll @@ Names["foo`*"]; f::usage = "f[x]" g::usage = "g[x]" Begin["`Private`"] f[x_] := Module[{}, x^2]; g[x_] := Module[{}, x^4]; End[]; Protect @@ Names["foo`*"]; EndPackage[];
Now save the file foo.m
To use the new function added to the package, the package needs to be reloaded again
To see which functions in your package type
That is all. To add more functions, repeat the above steps.
The above functions \(f(x),g(x)\) are public functions. This is because each of them had a usage
statement. We can add private functions that are used internally in the package, which the user can not call or see as follow. Any function that has no usage statement is a private function.
BeginPackage["foo`"] Unprotect @@ Names["foo`*"]; ClearAll @@ Names["foo`*"]; f::usage = "f[x]" g::usage = "g[x]" Begin["`Private`"] (*these are public functions *) f[x_] := Module[{}, h[x]]; g[x_] := Module[{}, x^4]; (*this is private function because it has no usage statement*) h[x_]:= Module[{},x^2]; End[]; Protect @@ Names["foo`*"]; EndPackage[];
I’d like to thank Bill Rowe and Istvan Zachar on the Math newsgroup for helpful suggestions while working on this note.
This package was developed on windows and all the files will be stored in
FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications"}]
which on windows is located at
the Owner
is replaced by your user name. This is done so that the package will be loaded by just doing
Where nma
is our application name that we will make below. This way the application is loaded automatically from anywhere since Mathematica will search that folder automatically.
The application name is the same as the top level package name which lives in the file nma.m
The application name is the name of the folder where we will put the files in under Applications
The package name is nma
. So I created a folder called
And put all the m files there. The structure of the folder nma\
is the following
...Applications\nma\ nma.m dsolver.m firstOrderODE.m secondOrderODE.m kernel\ init.m
Logically the application nma
is structured as follows. There is one top level package called nma
which is always the same name as the application name (i.e. the name of the folder under Application). This package contains 3 packages, these are dsolver,firstOrderODE,secondOrderODE
. Each one is in its own file as shown above.
The init.m
purpose is to load the whole application when one does
Inside init.m
we will put the code to read all the files.
(*file init.m*) getFile[file_]:=Internal`InheritedBlock[{$ContextPath},Get[file]] getFile["nma`firstOrderODE`"]; getFile["nma`secondOrderODE`"]; getFile["nma`dsolver`"]; getFile["nma`nma`"];
The top level package nma.m
BeginPackage["nma`"] (*do not add ,{"nma`dsolver`"} *) Unprotect @@ Names["nma`*"]; ClearAll @@ Names["nma`*"]; dsolve::usage = "dsolve[ode,y[x],x] or dsolve[{ode,ic},y[x],x]" Begin["`Private`"] dsolve[ode_,y_[x_],x_] := Module[{}, nma`dsolver`dsolve[ode,y[x],x] (*need to have nma` there *) ]; End[]; Protect @@ Names["nma`*"]; EndPackage[]
Notice it has one entry point, function called dsolve[ode_,y_[x_],x_]
which calls one of its internal packages. Here is dsolver.m
BeginPackage["nma`dsolver`"] (*subpackage of nma *) Unprotect @@ Names["nma`dsolver`*"]; ClearAll @@ Names["nma`dsolver`*"]; dsolve::usage = "dsolve[ode,y[x],x]"; Begin["`Private`"] dsolve[ode_,y_[x_],x_] := Module[{}, parseODE[ode,y[x],x] ]; parseODE[ode_,y_[x_],x_] := Module[{}, nma`firstOrderODE`step[ode,y[x],x]; nma`secondOrderODE`step[ode,y[x],x] ]; End[]; Protect @@ Names["nma`dsolver`*"]; EndPackage[]
The above calls functions in the last two packages. Here they are firstOrderODE.m
BeginPackage["nma`firstOrderODE`"] (*subpackage of nma *) Unprotect @@ Names["nma`firstOrderODE`*"]; ClearAll @@ Names["nma`firstOrderODE`*"]; step::usage = "step[ode,y[x],x]"; Begin["`Private`"] step[ode_,y_[x_],x_] := Module[{}, Print["in nma`firstOrderODE`step[]"] ]; End[]; Protect @@ Names["nma`firstOrderODE`*"]; EndPackage[]
And finally secondOrderODE.m
BeginPackage["nma`secondOrderODE`"] (*subpackage of nma *) Unprotect @@ Names["nma`secondOrderODE`*"]; ClearAll @@ Names["nma`secondOrderODE`*"]; step::usage = "step[ode,y[x],x]"; Begin["`Private`"] step[ode_,y_[x_],x_] := Module[{}, Print["in nma`secondOrderODE`step[]"] ]; End[]; Protect @@ Names["nma`secondOrderODE`*"]; EndPackage[]
This completes the template package nma
. Now we can add more functions and more packages if needed. Any time we make changes we just need to do
To reload it. The above command can be done from any notebook without having to set any path, and Mathematica will find the application automatically.