(*copyright Nasser M. Abbasi, updated May 31, 2014*)
 gtick; (*tracked symbol*)
 {finalDisplayImage, u, state, forceGrid, grid, normf, cpuTimeUsed, stepNumber, mask, Minv, splittingNmatrix, factorLmatrix, 
   factorDmatrix, factorUmatrix, iterationMatrix, systemAmatrix, rightHandVector, steepestDescentR, conjugateGradientR, 
   conjugateGradientP, conjugateGradientZ, residualPlotData, relativeResidual, residual, preConditionerMatrix, residualPlotLimits, 
   SORChebyomega, gstatusMessage, gtick} = 
  processPDE[u, state, event, forceGrid, grid, normf, cpuTimeUsed, stepNumber, mask, rightHandVector, Minv, splittingNmatrix, 
   factorLmatrix, factorDmatrix, factorUmatrix, iterationMatrix, systemAmatrix, steepestDescentR, conjugateGradientR, 
   conjugateGradientP, conjugateGradientZ, Unevaluated@residualPlotData, SORomegaUserValue, SORChebyomega, residualPlotLimits, 
   preConditionerMatrix, relativeResidual, residual, fillIn, nonStationarySolver, stationarySolver, solverType, 
   splittingOrRelaxation, preconditioner, addFaceGrids, zAxisScale, plotPerformanceGoal, hx, hy, lenX, lenY, centerGrid, a, b, c, 
   x0, y0, stdx, stdy, initialSolution, forceTermSelection, typeOfplotToShow, plotToShow, northBCtype, northbc, 
   northBCconstantValue, westBCtype, westbc, westBCconstantValue, eastBCtype, eastbc, eastBCconstantValue, southBCtype, southbc, 
   southBCconstantValue, toleranceConstant, finalDisplayImage, del, gtick];
 Framed[finalDisplayImage , FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray], ImageMargins -> 0],
    (*--- pde3 PLOT optioons ------*)
    plotOptionsMacro = Grid[{
             {Style["plot", 10],
              PopupMenu[Dynamic[plotToShow, {plotToShow = #; gtick += del} &],
               {"solution" -> Style["solution 3D", 12], 
                "solution data" -> Style["solution data", 12], 
                "system matrix information" -> Style["system matrix", 12],
                "residual" -> Style["residual", 12],
                "convergence" -> Style["convergence", 12]
                }, ImageSize -> All, ContinuousAction -> False]
              Style["style", 10],
              PopupMenu[Dynamic[typeOfplotToShow, {typeOfplotToShow = #; gtick += del} &],
               { "ListPlot3D1" -> Style["ListPlot3D (1)", 12],
                 "ListPlot3D2" -> Style["ListPlot3D (2)", 12],
                 "ListPlot3D3" -> Style["ListPlot3D (3)", 12],
                 "ArrayPlot" -> Style["ArrayPlot", 12],
                "ListContourPlot" -> Style["ListContour (1)   ", 12],
                "ListContourPlot w/o labels" -> Style["ListContour (2)", 12],
                 "ListDensityPlot" -> Style["ListDensity", 12]
               ImageSize -> All, ContinuousAction -> False, Enabled -> Dynamic[plotToShow == "solution" || plotToShow == "residual"]]
             }, Alignment -> Left, Spacings -> {0.2, 0}
             {RadioButtonBar[Dynamic[plotPerformanceGoal, {plotPerformanceGoal = #; gtick += del} &],
               {"Speed" -> Text@Style["speed", 11], "Quality" -> Text@Style["quality", 11]}, Appearance -> "Vertical"]
             {Style["render", 11]}
           Grid[{{Checkbox[Dynamic[addFaceGrids, {addFaceGrids = #; gtick += del} &]]
             {Style[Column[{"face", "grids"}], 11]}
           Grid[{{Checkbox[Dynamic[zAxisScale, {zAxisScale = #; gtick += del} &]]
             {Style[Column[{"zoom", ""}], 11]}
          }, Alignment -> Center, Spacings -> {.7, .2}, Frame -> {All}, FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray]
    (*--- TOP ROW macro -----*)
    topRowMacro = Item[Grid[{
         Button[Text[Style["solve", 12]], {event = "run_button"; If[Not[state == "PAUSE"], state = "INIT"]; gtick += del}, 
          ImageSize -> {50, 35}],
         Button[Text[Style["pause", 12]], {event = "pause_button"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {52, 35}],
         Button[Text[Style["step", 12]], {event = "step_button"; If[Not[state == "RUNNING"], state = "RUNNING"]; gtick += del}, 
          ImageSize -> {48, 35}],
         Button[Text[Style["reset", 12]], {event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {48, 35}],
         }}, Alignment -> Center, Spacings -> {0.1, 0}
       ], Alignment -> {Center, Top}
    (*--- geometryMacro macro --*)
    geometryMacro = Item[Grid[{
               Row[{Text@Style[Row[{Subscript[Style["h", Italic], Style["x", Italic]] }], 12], Spacer[2],
                  Dynamic[hx, {hx = #; SORomegaUserValue = setOptimalSORomega[hx, hy, lenX, lenY]; event = "reset"; 
                    gtick += del} &], {1/4, 1/8, 1/16}]}],
               Row[{Text@Style[Row[{Style["x", Italic], " length" }], 12], Spacer[2],
                  Dynamic[lenX, {lenX = #; SORomegaUserValue = setOptimalSORomega[hx, hy, lenX, lenY]; event = "reset"; 
                    gtick += del} &], {1, 2}]}]
               Row[{Text@Style[Row[{Subscript[Style["h", Italic], Style["y", Italic]]}], 12], Spacer[2],
                  Dynamic[hy, {hy = #; SORomegaUserValue = setOptimalSORomega[hx, hy, lenX, lenY]; event = "reset"; 
                    gtick += del} &], {1/4, 1/8, 1/16}]}],
               Row[{Text@Style[Row[{Style["y", Italic], " length" }], 12], Spacer[2],
                  Dynamic[lenY, {lenY = #; SORomegaUserValue = setOptimalSORomega[hx, hy, lenX, lenY]; event = "reset"; 
                    gtick += del} &], {1, 2}]}]
              }, Spacings -> {.7, 0}
              {Style[Column[{"center", "grid"}, Alignment -> Center], 11]},
              {Checkbox[Dynamic[centerGrid, {centerGrid = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &]]}
              }, Spacings -> {0, .4}], SpanFromLeft
           }, Spacings -> {.8, 0}, Alignment -> Center], SpanFromLeft
             Dynamic[northBCtype, {northBCtype = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {"Dirichlet" -> Text@Style["Dirichlet", 10], 
              "Neumann" -> Text@Style["Neumann", 10]}, Appearance -> "Horizontal"
             ], SpanFromLeft
            PopupMenu[Dynamic[northbc, {northbc = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &],
              (1.0) & -> Style["a", Italic, 11],
              (#) & -> Style["a x", Italic, 11],
              (#^2) & -> Style[Row[{Style["a ", Italic], Style["x", Italic]^2}], 11],
              (Cos[Pi #]) & -> Style[Row[{Style["a", Italic], " cos(\[Pi] ", Style["x", Italic], ")"}], 11],
              (Cos[2 Pi #]) & -> Style[Row[{Style["a", Italic], " cos(2 \[Pi] ", Style["x", Italic], ")"}], 11]
              }, ImageSize -> All, ContinuousAction -> False
             ], SpanFromLeft
               Text@Style["a", Italic, 12],
                Dynamic[northBCconstantValue, {northBCconstantValue = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {-20, 20, 0.1}, 
                ImageSize -> Tiny, ContinuousAction -> False],
               Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt1[northBCconstantValue, {3, 1}], 10],
               Button[Text@Style["zero", 11], {northBCconstantValue = 0.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}],
               Button[Text@Style["one", 11], {northBCconstantValue = 1.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}]
              }, Spacings -> {.1, 0}, Alignment -> Center, Frame -> None], SpanFromLeft
           }, Frame -> None, Spacings -> {0.1, 0}, Alignment -> Center
          ], SpanFromLeft
             Dynamic[westBCtype, {westBCtype = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {"Dirichlet" -> Text@Style["Dirichlet", 10], 
              "Neumann" -> Text@Style["Neumann", 10]}, Appearance -> "Horizontal"]
            PopupMenu[Dynamic[westbc, {westbc = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &],
             { (1.0) & -> Style["a", Italic, 11],
              (#) & -> Style["a y", Italic, 11],
              (#^2) & -> Style[Row[{Style["a ", Italic], Style["y", Italic]^2}], 11],
              (Cos[Pi #]) & -> Style[Row[{Style["a", Italic], " cos(\[Pi] ", Style["y", Italic], ")"}], 11],
              (Cos[2 Pi #]) & -> Style[Row[{Style["a", Italic], " cos(2 \[Pi] ", Style["y", Italic], ")"}], 11]
              }, ImageSize -> All, ContinuousAction -> False
                 {Text@Style["a", Italic, 12],
                  Manipulator[Dynamic[westBCconstantValue, {westBCconstantValue = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {-20, 20, 
                    0.1}, ImageSize -> Tiny, ContinuousAction -> False
                  Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt1[westBCconstantValue, {3, 1}], 10]
                    Button[Text@Style["zero", 11], {westBCconstantValue = 0.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}]
                    , Spacer[2],
                    Button[Text@Style["one", 11], {westBCconstantValue = 1.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}]
                    }], SpanFromLeft
                 }, Spacings -> {.1, 0}, Alignment -> Center]
              }, Alignment -> Center, Spacings -> {0, 0}
             Dynamic[eastBCtype, {eastBCtype = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {"Dirichlet" -> Text@Style["Dirichlet", 10], 
              "Neumann" -> Text@Style["Neumann", 10]}, Appearance -> "Horizontal"], SpanFromLeft
            PopupMenu[Dynamic[eastbc, {eastbc = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &],
             { (1.0) & -> Style["a", Italic, 11],
              (#) & -> Style["a y", Italic, 11],
              (#^2) & -> Style[Row[{Style["a ", Italic], Style["y", Italic]^2}], 11],
              (Cos[Pi #]) & -> Style[Row[{Style["a", Italic], " cos(\[Pi] ", Style["y", Italic], ")"}], 11],
              (Cos[2 Pi #]) & -> Style[Row[{Style["a", Italic], " cos(2 \[Pi] ", Style["y", Italic], ")"}], 11]
              }, ImageSize -> All, ContinuousAction -> False
             ], SpanFromLeft
                  Text@Style["a", Italic, 12],
                  Manipulator[Dynamic[eastBCconstantValue, {eastBCconstantValue = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {-20, 20, 
                    0.1}, ImageSize -> Tiny, ContinuousAction -> False],
                  Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt1[eastBCconstantValue, {3, 1}], 10]
                  Row[{Button[Text@Style["zero", 11], {eastBCconstantValue = 0.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, 
                    ImageSize -> {45, 20}],
                    Button[Text@Style["one", 11], {eastBCconstantValue = 1.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}]
                    }], SpanFromLeft
                 }, Spacings -> {.2, 0}, Alignment -> Center]
              }, Alignment -> Center, Spacings -> {0, 0}
             Dynamic[southBCtype, {southBCtype = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {"Dirichlet" -> Text@Style["Dirichlet", 10], 
              "Neumann" -> Text@Style["Neumann", 10]}, Appearance -> "Horizontal"]
            PopupMenu[Dynamic[southbc, {southbc = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &],
             { (1.0) & -> Style["a", Italic, 11],
              (#) & -> Style["a x", Italic, 11],
              (#^2) & -> Style[Row[{Style["a ", Italic], Style["x", Italic]^2}], 11],
              (Cos[Pi #]) & -> Style[Row[{Style["a", Italic], " cos(\[Pi] ", Style["x", Italic], ")"}], 11],
              (Cos[2 Pi #]) & -> Style[Row[{Style["a", Italic], " cos(2 \[Pi] ", Style["x", Italic], ")"}], 11]
              }, ImageSize -> All, ContinuousAction -> False
              {Text@Style["a", Italic, 12],
                Dynamic[southBCconstantValue, {southBCconstantValue = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {-20, 20, 0.1}, 
                ImageSize -> Tiny, ContinuousAction -> False],
               Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt1[southBCconstantValue, {3, 1}], 10],
               Button[Text@Style["zero", 11], {southBCconstantValue = 0.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}],
               Button[Text@Style["one", 11], {southBCconstantValue = 1.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}]
              }, Spacings -> {.2, 0}
          ], SpanFromLeft
        }, Spacings -> {2.9, .6}, Alignment -> Center, Frame -> All, FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray]], 
      Alignment -> {Center, Top}
    (*--- sourceMacro           macro ---*)
    sourceMacro = Item[Grid[{
        {Item[PopupMenu[Dynamic[forceTermSelection, {forceTermSelection = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &],
           {1 -> Style["a", Italic, 12],
            2 -> Style["x y", Italic, 12],
            3 -> Style[Row[{Style["a", Italic], " exp (",
                Row[{Style["x", Italic], " - ", (
\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(Style["\", Italic]\), \("\<0\>"\)]\))^2}]/(Subscript["2 \[Sigma]", Style["x", Italic]])^2, " + ", 
                Row[{Style["y", Italic], " - ", (
\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(Style["\", Italic]\), \("\<0\>"\)]\))^2}]/("2 \[Sigma]")^2, ")"}], 12],  
            4 -> Style[
              Row[{Style["a", Italic], " (cos(", Style["b", Italic], " \[Pi] ", Style["x", Italic], ") + sin(", Style["c", Italic], 
                " \[Pi] ", Style["y", Italic], "))"}], 12],
            5 -> Style[
              Row[{Style["a", Italic], " cos(", Style["b", Italic], " \[Pi] ", Style["x", Italic], ") * sin(", Style["c", Italic], 
                " \[Pi] ", Style["y", Italic], ")"}], 12]
            }, ImageSize -> {ContentSizeW, ContentSizeH - 365}, ContinuousAction -> False],
          Alignment -> {Center}
          ], SpanFromLeft
            Text@Style["a", Italic, 12],
            Manipulator[Dynamic[a, {a = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {-10., 10., 0.1}, ImageSize -> Small, 
             ContinuousAction -> False],
            Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt1[a, {3, 1}], 11], Spacer[2],
            Button[Text@Style["zero", 10], {a = 0.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}, Alignment -> Center],
            Button[Text@Style["one", 10], {a = 1.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}, Alignment -> Center]
            Text@Style["b", Italic, 12],
            Manipulator[Dynamic[b, {b = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {-10., 10., 0.1}, ImageSize -> Small, 
             ContinuousAction -> False, 
             Enabled -> Dynamic[forceTermSelection == 2 || forceTermSelection == 4 || forceTermSelection == 5]],
            Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt1[b, {3, 1}], 11], Spacer[2],
            Button[Text@Style["zero", 10], {b = 0.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}, Alignment -> Bottom],
            Button[Text@Style["zero", 10], {b = 1.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}, Alignment -> Bottom]
            Text@Style["c", Italic, 12],
            Manipulator[Dynamic[c, {c = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {-10., 10., 0.1}, ImageSize -> Small, 
             ContinuousAction -> False, 
             Enabled -> Dynamic[forceTermSelection == 4 || forceTermSelection == 5 || forceTermSelection == 2]],
            Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt1[c, {3, 1}], 11], Spacer[1],
            Button[Text@Style["zero", 10], {c = 0.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}, Alignment -> Bottom, 
             BaselinePosition -> Center],
            Button[Text@Style["zero", 10], {c = 1.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}, Alignment -> Bottom, 
             BaselinePosition -> Center]
            Text@Style[Subscript[Style["x", Italic], 0], 12],
            Manipulator[Dynamic[x0, {x0 = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {-1.5, 1.5, 0.01}, ImageSize -> Small, 
             ContinuousAction -> False, Enabled -> Dynamic[forceTermSelection == 3]],
            Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt1[x0, {3, 2}], 11], Spacer[1],
            Button[Text@Style["zero", 10], {x0 = 0.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}, Alignment -> Bottom, 
             BaselinePosition -> Center],
            Button[Text@Style["zero", 10], {x0 = 1.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}, Alignment -> Bottom, 
             BaselinePosition -> Center]
            Text@Style[Subscript[Style["y", Italic], 0], 12],
            Manipulator[Dynamic[y0, {y0 = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {-1.5, 1.5, 0.01}, ImageSize -> Small, 
             ContinuousAction -> False, Enabled -> Dynamic[forceTermSelection == 3]],
            Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt1[y0, {3, 2}], 11], Spacer[1],
            Button[Text@Style["zero", 10], {y0 = 0.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}, Alignment -> Bottom, 
             BaselinePosition -> Center],
            Button[Text@Style["zero", 10], {y0 = 1.0; event = "reset"; gtick += del}, ImageSize -> {45, 20}, Alignment -> Bottom, 
             BaselinePosition -> Center]
               Text@Style["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Sigma]\), \(x\)]\)", 12], Spacer[1],
               Manipulator[Dynamic[stdx, {stdx = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {0.1, 3, 0.05}, ImageSize -> Tiny, 
                ContinuousAction -> False, Enabled -> Dynamic[forceTermSelection == 3]],
               Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt1[stdx, {3, 2}], 11],
               Text@Style["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Sigma]\), \(y\)]\)", 12], Spacer[1],
               Manipulator[Dynamic[stdy, {stdy = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {0.1, 3, 0.05}, ImageSize -> Tiny, 
                ContinuousAction -> False, Enabled -> Dynamic[forceTermSelection == 3]],
               Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt1[stdy, {3, 2}], 11]
               }], Alignment -> Center
             ], SpanFromLeft
           }, Spacings -> {.12, .15}, Alignment -> Center
          Block[{plotTitle, imageSize},
           imageSize = {ContentSizeW + 50, ContentSizeH - 250};
           plotTitle = 
            Text@Style[Row[{Style["f", Italic], "(", Style["x", Italic], ", ", Style["y", Italic], ") = ", 
                forceTermUsedFormatCommon[forceTermSelection, a, b, c, stdy, stdx, x0, y0, x, y]}], 11];
           Which[typeOfplotToShow == "ListPlot3D1" || typeOfplotToShow == "ListPlot3D2" || typeOfplotToShow == "ListPlot3D3",
               {Panel[Plot3D[Evaluate@forceTermExpressionCommon[forceTermSelection, a, b, c, stdy, stdx, x0, y0, x, y],
                  Evaluate@{x, grid[[-1, 1, 1]], grid[[-1, -1, 1]]}, {y, grid[[-1, 1, 2]], grid[[1, 1, 2]]},
                  PerformanceGoal -> plotPerformanceGoal,
                  ImagePadding -> {{10, 10}, {20, 25}},
                  ImageMargins -> 1,
                  PlotRange -> All,
                  PlotLabel -> plotTitle,
                  AxesLabel -> {Text@Style["x", Italic, 11], Text@Style["y", Italic, 11], None},
                  ImageSize -> imageSize,
                  TicksStyle -> 9
                  ], Alignment -> Center, ImageMargins -> 0, FrameMargins -> 0]}},
              Spacings -> {0, 0}, Frame -> None
            typeOfplotToShow == "ArrayPlot",
            Panel[ArrayPlot[-forceGrid, ColorFunctionScaling -> True,
              ImageMargins -> 1,
              ImageSize -> imageSize,
              PlotLabel -> plotTitle
              ], Alignment -> Center, ImageMargins -> 0, FrameMargins -> 0],
            Panel[ListContourPlot[Flatten[MapThread[Append[#1, #2] &, {grid, -forceGrid}, 2], 1],
              Contours -> 10,
               If[typeOfplotToShow == "ListContourPlot", ContourLabels -> Function[{x, y, z}, Text[Framed[z], {x, y}]], {} ]],
              Frame -> False,
              ImageMargins -> 1,
              ImageSize -> imageSize,
              PlotLabel -> plotTitle
              ], Alignment -> Center, ImageMargins -> 0, FrameMargins -> 0]
           ]], SpanFromLeft
        }, Spacings -> {.1, .5}, Alignment -> Center, Frame -> None
       ], Alignment -> {Center, Top}
    (*--- solver   macro      -----*)
    solverMacro = Item[Grid[{
         Text@Style["initial solution", 12],
          Dynamic[initialSolution, {initialSolution = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {"zero" -> Text@Style["zero", 11], 
           "random" -> Text@Style["random", 11]}, ContinuousAction -> False]
         Style[Text["select solver"], 12],
             Dynamic[solverType, {solverType = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {"direct" -> 
               Text@Style["direct sparse solver", 11],
              "stationary" -> 
               Grid[{{Text@Style["stationary", 11], 
                    stationarySolver, {stationarySolver = #; event = "reset" ; 
                    If[sorInputChoice == 1, SORomegaUserValue = setOptimalSORomega[hx, hy, lenX, lenY]]; gtick += del} &],
                    "Jacobi" -> Style["Jacobi", 11], 
                    "Gauss-Seidel" -> Style["Gauss-Seidel", 11],
                    "Gauss-Seidel red/black" -> Style["Gauss-Seidel R/B", 11], 
                    "SOR" -> Style["SOR", 11], 
                    "SOR/Chebyshev" -> Style["SOR/Chebyshev", 11]
                    }, ImageSize -> All, ContinuousAction -> False, Enabled -> Dynamic[solverType == "stationary"]]}}],
              "non stationary" -> 
               Grid[{{Text@Style["nonstationary", 11], 
                  PopupMenu[Dynamic[nonStationarySolver, {nonStationarySolver = #; event = "reset" ; gtick += del} &],
                    "steepest descent" -> Style["steepest descent", 11],
                    "ConjugateGradient" -> Style["conjugate gradient", 11],
                    "GMRES" -> Style["GMRES", 11],
                    "BiCGSTAB" -> Style["BiCGSTAB", 11]
                    }, ImageSize -> All, ContinuousAction -> False, Enabled -> Dynamic[solverType == "non stationary"]]}}]},
             ContinuousAction -> False, Appearance -> "Vertical", BaselinePosition -> Baseline]
           }, Spacings -> {.1, .1}]
         Style[Text[Column[{"stationary", "solvers", "configuration"}]], 12],
              {splittingOrRelaxation = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &],
              "splitting matrix method" -> Text@Style["splitting matrix method", 11],
              "relaxation method" -> Text@Style["relaxation method", 11]
             Appearance -> "Vertical",
             Enabled -> Dynamic[solverType == "stationary"]]
              {Text@Style["SOR \[Omega] value", 12], SpanFromLeft},
                Dynamic[sorInputChoice, {sorInputChoice = #; event = "reset", 
                   If[sorInputChoice == 1, SORomegaUserValue = setOptimalSORomega[hx, hy, lenX, lenY]]; gtick += del} &], {1 -> 
                  Text@Style["optimal", 11],
                 2 -> Text@Style["user", 11]
                 }, Enabled -> Dynamic[solverType == "stationary" && stationarySolver == "SOR"]],
               Manipulator[Dynamic[SORomegaUserValue, {SORomegaUserValue = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {0.01, 1.99, 0.01},
                 ImageSize -> Tiny, ContinuousAction -> False, 
                Enabled -> Dynamic[solverType == "stationary" && sorInputChoice == 2]],
               Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt2[SORomegaUserValue, {4, 2}], 11]
              }, Alignment -> Center ], SpanFromLeft
           }, Spacings -> {.1, .7}, Alignment -> Left](*was LEFT*)
         Style[Text[Column[{"nonstationary", "solvers", "configuration"}]], 12],
           {Style[Text["preconditioner"], 12],
            PopupMenu[Dynamic[preconditioner, {preconditioner = #; event = "reset" ; gtick += del} &],
              "NONE" -> Style["NONE", 11],
              "SSOR" -> Style["SSOR", 11],
              "ILU0" -> Style[ "ILU0", 11],
              "ILUT" -> Style[ "ILUT", 11],
              "ILUTP" -> Style[ "ILUTP", 11]
              }, ImageSize -> All, ContinuousAction -> False, Enabled -> Dynamic[solverType == "non stationary"]], SpanFromLeft
           {Style[Text["fill in"], 11],
            Manipulator[Dynamic[fillIn, {fillIn = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &],
             {0, 20, 1}, ImageSize -> Tiny, ContinuousAction -> False,
             Enabled -> Dynamic[solverType == "non stationary" && (preconditioner == "ILUT" || preconditioner == "ILUTP")]],
            Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt2[fillIn, {2, 0}], 11]
           }, Alignment -> Left]
         Text@Style[Column[{"convergence", "tolerance"}], 12],
            Manipulator[Dynamic[toleranceConstant, {toleranceConstant = #; event = "reset"; gtick += del} &], {1, 6, 1}, 
             ImageSize -> Tiny, ContinuousAction -> False, Enabled -> Dynamic[Not[solverType == "direct"]]],
            Text@Style[Dynamic@padIt2[N@(10^-toleranceConstant), {1, 6}], 12]
            }}, Spacings -> {.5, 0}]
       (*configurations for the solver panel grid*)
       Alignment -> {{Center, Center}},
       Spacings -> {0, 1.4},
       Frame -> All,
       FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray]
       ], Alignment -> {Center, Top}
   (*--- LEVEL 2             -----*)
     pde3 = Grid[{
           Style["geometry", 11] -> geometryMacro,
           Style["solver", 11] -> solverMacro,
           Style["source", 11] -> sourceMacro
           }, ImageSize -> {310, 410 }]
        }, Spacings -> {.1, 0}, Alignment -> Center
    (*--- end of level 2 ---*)
    ## &[
           {Graphics[Text[Style[Dynamic@gstatusMessage, 12]], ImageSize -> {240, 20}, ImageMargins -> 0]}
           }, Spacings -> {0, 0}], plotOptionsMacro}}, Spacings -> {2.8, 0}
       ], ControlPlacement -> Top ],
     Item[pde3, ControlPlacement -> Left]
 (*----------- end of Manipulate controls ---------------------------*)
 {{gstatusMessage, "reseting..."}, None},
 {{gtick, 0}, None},
 {{del, 10*$MachineEpsilon}, None},
 (*-- PDE 3 parameters ---*)
 {{state, "INIT"}, None}, (*4 states*)
 {{event, "reset"}, None},
 {{stepNumber, 0}, None},
 {{mask, {}}, None},
 {{cpuTimeUsed, 0}, None},
 {{fillIn, 8}, None},
 (*these are the A=M-N, for splitting method. Save M^-1 since that is what is used*)
 {{Minv, {}}, None},
 {{splittingNmatrix, {}}, None},
 (*this is the A=L+D+U factorization*)
 {{factorLmatrix, {}}, None},
 {{factorDmatrix, {}}, None},
 {{factorUmatrix, {}}, None},
 (*This is the error iteration matrix T=(M^-1).N*)
 {{iterationMatrix, {}}, None},
 {{nonStationarySolver, "ConjugateGradient"}, None},
 {{stationarySolver, "Jacobi"}, None},
 {{solverType, "stationary"}, None},
 {{splittingOrRelaxation, "relaxation method"}, None},
 {{nRow, 0}, None},
 {{preConditionerMatrix, {}}, None},
 {{preconditioner, "NONE"}, None},
 {{finalDisplayImage, {}}, None},
 {{rightHandVector, {}}, None},
 {{systemAmatrix, {}}, None},
 {{steepestDescentR, {}}, None},
 {{conjugateGradientR, {}}, None},
 {{conjugateGradientP, {}}, None},
 {{conjugateGradientZ, {}}, None},
 {{addFaceGrids, False}, None},
 {{zAxisScale, False}, None},
 {{plotPerformanceGoal, "Quality"}, None},
 {{hx, 1/4}, None},
 {{hy, 1/4}, None},
 {{lenX, 1}, None},
 {{lenY, 1}, None},
 {{centerGrid, True}, None},
 {{a, 1.0}, None},
 {{b, 0.0}, None},
 {{c, 0.0}, None},
 {{x0, 0.0}, None},
 {{y0, 0.0}, None},
 {{stdx, 0.3}, None},
 {{stdy, 0.3}, None},
 {{residualPlotData, Table[0., {10000}]}, None},
 {{initialSolution, "zero"}, None},
 {{forceConstant, 1}, None},
 {{forceTermSelection, 1}, None},
 {{sorInputChoice, 1}, None},
 {{SORomegaUserValue, 1.9}, None},
 {{SORChebyomega, 1.0}, None},
 {{typeOfplotToShow, "ListPlot3D1"}, None},
 {{plotToShow, "solution"}, None},
 {{northBCtype, "Dirichlet"}, None},
 {{northbc, (1) &}, None},
 {{northBCconstantValue, 0}, None},
 {{westBCtype, "Dirichlet"}, None},
 {{westbc, (1) &}, None},
 {{westBCconstantValue, 0}, None},
 {{eastBCtype, "Dirichlet"}, None},
 {{eastbc, (1) &}, None},
 {{eastBCconstantValue, 0}, None},
 {{southBCtype, "Dirichlet"}, None},
 {{southbc, (1) &}, None},
 {{southBCconstantValue, 0}, None},
 {{relativeResidual, 1}, None},
 {{toleranceConstant, 6}, None},
 {{residual, {}}, None},
 {{residualPlotLimits, {0, 0.1}}, None},
 {{u, Table[0, {5}, {5}]}, None},
 {{forceGrid, Table[-1, {5}, {5}]}, None},
 {{grid, makeGridCommon[0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, True]}, None},
 {{normf, 0}, None},
 {{cpuTimeUsed, 0}, None},
 {{stepNumber, 0}, None},
 ControlPlacement -> Left,
 SynchronousUpdating -> False,
 SynchronousInitialization -> True,
 ContinuousAction -> False,
 Alignment -> Center,
 ImageMargins -> 0,
 FrameMargins -> 0,
 TrackedSymbols :> {gtick},
 Paneled -> True,
 Frame -> False,
 Initialization :>
   evaluateForceCommon = Unevaluated[#3 #1^#6 + #4 #2^#7] /. HoldPattern[0.0^0.0] :> 0.0 &;
   padIt1[v_?(NumericQ[#] && Im[#] == 0 &), f_List] := 
    AccountingForm[Chop[N@v] , f, NumberSigns -> {"-", "+"}, NumberPadding -> {"0", "0"}, SignPadding -> True];
   padIt2[v_?(NumericQ[#] && Im[#] == 0 &), f_List] := 
    AccountingForm[Chop[N@v] , f, NumberSigns -> {"", ""}, NumberPadding -> {"0", "0"}, SignPadding -> True];
   padIt6[v_?(NumericQ[#] && Im[#] == 0 &), f_] := 
    AccountingForm[v, f, NumberSigns -> {"", ""}, NumberPadding -> {"0", "0"}, SignPadding -> True, NumberPoint -> ""];
   getSolutionDomainDimensions[hx_, hy_, Lx_, Ly_] := Module[{nRow, nCol},
     nRow = Ly/hy + 1;
     nCol = Lx/hx + 1;
     {nRow, nCol}
   generateEigenvalues[systemMatrix_, preConditionerMatrix_] := Module[{eigs, conditionedEigs, maximumEig, condA, condMA},
     eigs = Norm /@ Eigenvalues[systemMatrix];
     condA = LUDecomposition[systemMatrix][[3]];
     condMA = LUDecomposition[preConditionerMatrix.systemMatrix][[3]];
     conditionedEigs = Norm /@ Eigenvalues[Normal[preConditionerMatrix.systemMatrix]];
     maximumEig = Max[{eigs, conditionedEigs}];
     {eigs, conditionedEigs, maximumEig, condA, condMA}
   makeGridCommon[hx_, hy_, Lx_, Ly_, centerGrid_] := Module[{i, j, nx, ny, grid},
     nx = Lx/hx + 1;
     ny = Ly/hy + 1;
     With[{$icfrom = Floor[ny/2], $icto = -Floor[ny/2], $jcfrom = -Floor[nx/2], $jcto = Floor[nx/2], $ifrom = ny - 1, $jto = nx - 1},
      grid = If[centerGrid,
        Table[{j*hx, i*hy}, {i, $icfrom, $icto, -1}, {j, $jcfrom, $jcto}],
        Table[{j*hx, i*hy}, {i, $ifrom, 0, -1}, {j, 0, $jto}]
   forceTermUsedFormatCommon[forceTermSelection_, a_, b_, c_, stdy_, stdx_, x0_, y0_, x_, y_] := Module[{forceTermUsed},
      forceTermSelection == 1, forceTermUsed = a ,
      forceTermSelection == 2, forceTermUsed = HoldForm[ x y],
      forceTermSelection == 3, forceTermUsed = HoldForm[a Exp[- ( (x - x0)^2/(2 (stdx)^2) + (y - y0)^2/(2 (stdy)^2)) ]],
      forceTermSelection == 4, forceTermUsed = HoldForm[a (Cos[b Pi x] + Sin[c Pi y])],
      forceTermSelection == 5, forceTermUsed = HoldForm[a (Cos[b Pi x]*Sin[c Pi y])]
   forceTermExpressionCommon[forceTermSelection_, a_, b_, c_, stdy_, stdx_, x0_, y0_, x_, y_] := Module[{forceTermUsed},
      forceTermSelection == 1, forceTermUsed = a ,
      forceTermSelection == 2, forceTermUsed = x y,
      forceTermSelection == 3, forceTermUsed = a Exp[- ( (x - x0)^2/(2 (stdx)^2) + (y - y0)^2/(2 (stdy)^2)) ],
      forceTermSelection == 4, forceTermUsed = a (Cos[b Pi x] + Sin[c Pi y]),
      forceTermSelection == 5, forceTermUsed = a (Cos[b Pi x]*Sin[c Pi y])
   isInternalNode[i_, j_, nx_, ny_] := If[(i > 1 && i < ny && j > 1 && j < nx), True, False];
   isEdgeCommon[i_, j_, nCol_, nRow_] := 
    If[((i == 1 || i == nRow) && (j > 1 && j < nCol)) || ((j == 1 || j == nCol) && (i > 1 && i < nRow)), True, False];
   setCornerNodeCommon[$u_, i_, j_, nx_, ny_] := Module[{u = $u},
      i == 1 && j == 1, u[[1, 1]] = Mean[{ u[[2, 1 ]], u[[1, 2]]}],
      i == 1 && j == nx, u[[1, nx]] = Mean[{ u[[1, nx - 1]], u[[2, nx ]]}],
      i == ny && j == 1, u[[ny, 1]] = Mean[{ u[[ny - 1, 1 ]], u[[ny, 2]]}],
      i == ny && j == nx, u[[ny, nx]] = Mean[{ u[[ny, nx - 1]], u[[ny - 1, nx ]]}]
   makeScrolledPaneCommon[mat_?(MatrixQ[#, NumberQ] &), nRow_?(IntegerQ[#] && Positive[#] &), 
     nCol_?(IntegerQ[#] && Positive[#] &)] := Module[{t},
     t = Grid[mat, Spacings -> {.4, .4}, Alignment -> Left, Frame -> All];
     t = Text@Style[NumberForm[Chop[N@t] , {6, 5}, NumberSigns -> {"-", ""}, NumberPadding -> {"", ""}, SignPadding -> True], 
        LineBreakWithin -> False];
     Pane[t, ImageSize -> {nCol, nRow}, Scrollbars -> True]
   makeScrolledPaneCommon[lst_?(VectorQ[#, NumericQ] &), nRow_?(IntegerQ[#] && Positive[#] &), 
     nCol_?(IntegerQ[#] && Positive[#] &)] := Module[{t},
     t = Grid[{lst}, Spacings -> {.4, .4}, Alignment -> Left, Frame -> All];
     t = Text@Style[AccountingForm[Chop[N@t] , {6, 5}, NumberSigns -> {"-", ""}, NumberPadding -> {"", ""}, SignPadding -> True], 
        LineBreakWithin -> False];
     Pane[t, ImageSize -> {nCol, nRow}, Scrollbars -> True]
   processCornersCommon[u_, $eqs_, n_, U_, i_, j_, $vars_, northBCtype_, westBCtype_, southBCtype_, eastBCtype_, nRow_, nCol_] := 
    Module[{vars = $vars, eqs = $eqs},
     vars[[n]] = U[[i, j]];
     Which[i == 1 && j == 1,(*top left-top corner*)
       Which[northBCtype == "Dirichlet" || westBCtype == "Dirichlet",
         If[northBCtype == "Dirichlet" && westBCtype == "Dirichlet",
           eqs[[n]] = U[[i, j]] == Mean[{u[[1, 2]], u[[2, 1]]}]
           eqs[[n]] = U[[i, j]] == u[[1, 1]]
         ), True,(*both edgs are not Dirichlet*)
         eqs[[n]] = U[[i, j]] - Mean[{U[[1, 2]], U[[2, 1]]}] == 0
      i == nRow && j == 1,(*bottom left corner*)
       Which[southBCtype == "Dirichlet" || westBCtype == "Dirichlet",
         If[southBCtype == "Dirichlet" && westBCtype == "Dirichlet",
          eqs[[n]] = U[[i, j]] - Mean[{u[[i, 2]], u[[i - 1, 1]]}] == 0,
          eqs[[n]] = U[[i, j]] == u[[nRow, 1]]
         ), True,(*both edgs are not Dirichlet*)
         eqs[[n]] = U[[i, j]] - Mean[{U[[i, 2]], U[[i - 1, 1]]}] == 0.0
       ), (*top right corner*)
      i == 1 && j == nCol,
       Which[northBCtype == "Dirichlet" || eastBCtype == "Dirichlet",
         If[northBCtype == "Dirichlet" && eastBCtype == "Dirichlet",
          eqs[[n]] = U[[i, j]] - Mean[{U[[1, j - 1]], U[[2, j]]}] == 0.0,
          eqs[[n]] = U[[i, j]] == u[[1, nCol]]
         ), True,(*both edgs are not Dirichlet*)
         eqs[[n]] = U[[i, j]] - Mean[{U[[1, j - 1]], U[[2, j]]}] == 0.0;
      i == nRow && j == nCol,(*both edgs are not Dirichlet*)
       Which[southBCtype == "Dirichlet" || eastBCtype == "Dirichlet",
         If[southBCtype == "Dirichlet" && eastBCtype == "Dirichlet",
          eqs[[n]] = U[[i, j]] - Mean[{U[[i, j - 1]], U[[i - 1, j]]}] == 0.0,
          eqs[[n]] = U[[i, j]] - u[[nRow, nCol]]
         ), True,(*both edgs are nuemman*)
         eqs[[n]] = U[[i, j]] - Mean[{U[[i, j - 1]], U[[i - 1, j]]}] == 0.0
     {eqs, vars}
   processPDE[$u_, $state_, 
     event_, $forceGrid_, $grid_, $normf_, $cpuTimeUsed_, $stepNumber_, $mask_, $rightHandVector_, $Minv_, $NN_, $factorLmatrix_, \
$factorDmatrix_, $factorUmatrix_, $iterationMatrix_, $A_, $steepestDescentR_, $conjugateGradientR_, $conjugateGradientP_, \
$conjugateGradientZ_, residualPlotData_,(*by reference*)
     SORomegaUserValue_, $SORChebyomega_, $residualPlotLimits_, $preConditionerMatrix_, $relativeResidual_, $residual_, fillIn_, 
     nonStationarySolver_, stationarySolver_, solverType_, splittingOrRelaxation_, preconditioner_, addFaceGrids_, zAxisScale_, 
     plotPerformanceGoal_, hx_, hy_, Lx_, Ly_, centerGrid_, a_, b_, c_, x0_, y0_, stdx_, stdy_, initialSolution_, 
     forceTermSelection_, typeOfplotToShow_, plotToShow_, northBCtype_, northbc_, northBCconstantValue_, westBCtype_, westbc_, 
     westBCconstantValue_, eastBCtype_, eastbc_, eastBCconstantValue_, southBCtype_, southbc_, southBCconstantValue_, 
     toleranceConstant_, $finalDisplayImage_, del_, gtick_] := 
    Module[{successInitialization = True, makeNewPlot = True, u = $u, state = $state, forceGrid = $forceGrid, grid = $grid, 
      normf = $normf, cpuTimeUsed = $cpuTimeUsed, stepNumber = $stepNumber, mask = $mask, rightHandVector = $rightHandVector, 
      Minv = $Minv, NN = $NN, factorLmatrix = $factorLmatrix, factorDmatrix = $factorDmatrix, factorUmatrix = $factorUmatrix, 
      iterationMatrix = $iterationMatrix, AA = $A, steepestDescentR = $steepestDescentR, conjugateGradientR = $conjugateGradientR, 
      conjugateGradientP = $conjugateGradientP, conjugateGradientZ = $conjugateGradientZ, relativeResidual = $relativeResidual, 
      residual = $residual, SORChebyomega = $SORChebyomega, residualPlotLimits = $residualPlotLimits, 
      preConditionerMatrix = $preConditionerMatrix, finalDisplayImage = $finalDisplayImage, tmpU, tmpGrid, tmpForceGrid, 
      tick = gtick, statusMessage = ""
     (*----- INIT STATE -----*)
     Which[state == "INIT",
       {u, SORChebyomega, relativeResidual, grid, forceGrid, residual, residualPlotLimits, normf, mask, cpuTimeUsed, stepNumber, 
         successInitialization, statusMessage, AA, rightHandVector, factorLmatrix,
         factorDmatrix, factorUmatrix, preConditionerMatrix, Minv, NN, iterationMatrix} = initializeSystem[
         nonStationarySolver, preconditioner, splittingOrRelaxation, northBCtype, northbc, northBCconstantValue, westBCtype, westbc,
          westBCconstantValue, eastBCtype, eastbc, eastBCconstantValue, southBCtype, southbc, southBCconstantValue, hx, hy, Lx, Ly, 
         solverType, stationarySolver, centerGrid, forceTermSelection, a, b, c, x0, y0, stdx, stdy, initialSolution, 
       (*-- Only switch to new state if initialization is success --*)
         makeNewPlot = True;
         Which[event == "reset", statusMessage = "reset complete",
          event == "run_button",
           state = "RUNNING";
           tick += del
          event == "pause_button",
           state = "PAUSE";
           tick += del
          event == "step_button",
           state = "RUNNING";
           tick += del
        makeNewPlot = False
      (*----- PAUSE STATE -----*)
      state == "PAUSE",
       statusMessage = Row[{"paused [", stepNumber, "]"}];
        event == "pause_button", 
         state = "PAUSE"
        event == "reset",
         state = "INIT";
         {tmpU, SORChebyomega, relativeResidual, tmpGrid, tmpForceGrid, residual, residualPlotLimits, normf, mask, cpuTimeUsed, 
           stepNumber, successInitialization, statusMessage, AA, rightHandVector, factorLmatrix,
           factorDmatrix, factorUmatrix, preConditionerMatrix, Minv, NN, iterationMatrix} = initializeSystem[
           nonStationarySolver, preconditioner, splittingOrRelaxation, northBCtype, northbc, northBCconstantValue, westBCtype, 
           westbc, westBCconstantValue, eastBCtype, eastbc, eastBCconstantValue, southBCtype, southbc, southBCconstantValue, hx, hy,
            Lx, Ly, solverType, stationarySolver, centerGrid, forceTermSelection, a, b, c, x0, y0, stdx, stdy, initialSolution, 
          {u, grid, forceGrid} = {tmpU, tmpGrid, tmpForceGrid},
          makeNewPlot = False
          tick += del
        event == "run_button" || event == "step_button",
         state = "RUNNING"; 
         tick += del
      (*----- RUNNING STATE -----*)
      state == "RUNNING",
       Which[event == "step_button" || event == "run_button",
         If[stepNumber == 0 || relativeResidual > 10^(-toleranceConstant),
           {u, relativeResidual, residual, steepestDescentR, conjugateGradientR, conjugateGradientZ, conjugateGradientP, 
             SORChebyomega, cpuTimeUsed} = 
            solve[u, AA, rightHandVector, mask, hx, hy, relativeResidual, residual, stationarySolver, solverType, 
             splittingOrRelaxation, cpuTimeUsed, nonStationarySolver, Minv, NN, normf, forceGrid, SORomegaUserValue, stepNumber, 
             steepestDescentR, conjugateGradientR, conjugateGradientZ, preconditioner, preConditionerMatrix, fillIn, 
             toleranceConstant, SORChebyomega, conjugateGradientP, northBCtype, northbc, northBCconstantValue, westBCtype, westbc, 
             westBCconstantValue, eastBCtype, eastbc, eastBCconstantValue, southBCtype, southbc, southBCconstantValue, grid];
           stepNumber = stepNumber + 1;
           statusMessage = Row[{"running [", IntegerPart[stepNumber], "]"}];
           residualPlotData[[stepNumber]] = relativeResidual;
           (*-- only re-loop if in running state --*)
           If[event == "run_button",
            tick += del,
            state = "PAUSE"(*082713*)
           statusMessage = Row[{"completed [", stepNumber, "]"}];
        event == "reset",
         state = "INIT";
         {tmpU, SORChebyomega, relativeResidual, tmpGrid, tmpForceGrid, residual, residualPlotLimits, normf, mask, cpuTimeUsed,
           stepNumber, successInitialization, statusMessage, AA, rightHandVector, factorLmatrix,
           factorDmatrix, factorUmatrix, preConditionerMatrix, Minv, NN, iterationMatrix} = initializeSystem[
           nonStationarySolver, preconditioner, splittingOrRelaxation, northBCtype, northbc, northBCconstantValue, westBCtype, 
           westbc, westBCconstantValue, eastBCtype, eastbc, eastBCconstantValue, southBCtype, southbc, southBCconstantValue, hx, hy,
            Lx, Ly, solverType, stationarySolver, centerGrid, forceTermSelection, a, b, c, x0, y0, stdx, stdy, initialSolution, 
          {u, grid, forceGrid} = {tmpU, tmpGrid, tmpForceGrid},
          makeNewPlot = False
          tick += del
        event == "pause_button",
         state = "PAUSE"; 
         tick += del
     (* state machine completed, plot the final result *)
      finalDisplayImage = If[plotToShow == "solution data" || plotToShow == "system matrix information",
        Grid[{makeFinalPlot[u, grid, Lx, Ly, plotToShow, typeOfplotToShow, plotPerformanceGoal, addFaceGrids, zAxisScale, AA, 
           residual, residualPlotLimits]}, Alignment -> Center, Spacings -> {0, 0}
        If[plotToShow == "convergence",
           {makeResidualPlot[stepNumber, residualPlotData, {ContentSizeW, ContentSizeH - 8}, 1.2, {
              {None, None},
              {Text@Style["step number", 11],
                   {"current residual", NumberForm[relativeResidual, {11, 9}], SpanFromLeft},
                   {"cpu time", NumberForm[cpuTimeUsed, {7, 5}] , "sec"}
                   }, Alignment -> Center, Spacings -> {.2, .3}
                  ], 11]}
           }, Alignment -> Center, Spacings -> {0, 0.2}, Frame -> None, FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray]
           {makeResidualPlot[stepNumber, residualPlotData, {ContentSizeW, ContentSizeH - 285}, 0.2, {
              {None, None},
              {Text@Style["step number", 11],
                   {"residual ", NumberForm[relativeResidual, {10, 8}],
                    "cpu ", NumberForm[cpuTimeUsed, {7, 5}]}}, Alignment -> Left
                  ], 11]}
           makeFinalPlot[u, grid, Lx, Ly, plotToShow, typeOfplotToShow, plotPerformanceGoal, addFaceGrids, zAxisScale, AA, residual,
           }, Alignment -> Center, Spacings -> {0, 0.2}, Frame -> None, FrameStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.005], Gray]
     {finalDisplayImage, u, state, forceGrid, grid, normf, cpuTimeUsed, stepNumber, mask, Minv, NN, factorLmatrix, factorDmatrix, 
      factorUmatrix, iterationMatrix, AA, rightHandVector, steepestDescentR, conjugateGradientR, conjugateGradientP, 
      conjugateGradientZ, residualPlotData, relativeResidual, residual, preConditionerMatrix, residualPlotLimits, SORChebyomega, 
      statusMessage, tick}
   makeResidualPlot[stepNumber_, residualPlotData_, imageSize_, aspectRatio_, label_] := Module[{},
      ListPlot[If[stepNumber == 0, {0}, residualPlotData[[1 ;; stepNumber]]],
       ImageSize -> imageSize,
       Joined -> True,
       Frame -> True,
       AspectRatio -> aspectRatio,
       FrameLabel -> label,
       ImagePadding -> {{30, 10}, {35, 40}},
       GridLines -> Automatic,
       PlotStyle -> {Gray, Thin},
       PlotRange -> {All, {0, 1.1*If[stepNumber == 0, 1, Max[residualPlotData[[1 ;; stepNumber + 1]]]]}},
       TicksStyle -> 8
      ListPlot[If[stepNumber == 0, {0}, residualPlotData[[1 ;; stepNumber]]],
       PlotStyle -> Red,
       PlotRange -> {All, {0, 1.1*Max[residualPlotData[[1 ;; stepNumber + 1]]]}}]
   setUnknownsMask[{nRow_, nCol_}, northBCtype_, westBCtype_, eastBCtype_, southBCtype_] := Module[{mask},
     there are 7 cases to check for. Let T=top edge, R=right edge, L=left edge B=bottom edge, 
     then we need to check for one of these cases: no Nuemman on any edge, {LTRB},{TL,TR,TB},{TLR,TBR,TBL},{LB},{LR},{LBR},{BR}. 
     mask is used to tell location on unknowns in the solution grid. 
     This is needed since now we have Nuemman BC and so nodes on the edge can be part of the unknown and we need later to find the \
location of the unknowns
     mask = Table[0, {nRow}, {nCol}];
     Which[westBCtype == "Dirichlet" && northBCtype == "Dirichlet" && eastBCtype == "Dirichlet" && southBCtype == "Dirichlet",
      mask[[2 ;; -2, 2 ;; -2]] = 1,
      northBCtype == "Neumann" && westBCtype == "Dirichlet" && eastBCtype == "Dirichlet" && southBCtype == "Dirichlet",
      mask[[1 ;; -2, 2 ;; -2]] = 1,
      northBCtype == "Dirichlet" && westBCtype == "Neumann" && eastBCtype == "Dirichlet" && southBCtype == "Dirichlet",
      mask[[2 ;; -2, 1 ;; -2]] = 1,
      northBCtype == "Dirichlet" && westBCtype == "Dirichlet" && eastBCtype == "Neumann" && southBCtype == "Dirichlet",
      mask[[2 ;; -2, 2 ;; -1]] = 1,
      northBCtype == "Dirichlet" && westBCtype == "Dirichlet" && eastBCtype == "Dirichlet" && southBCtype == "Neumann",
      mask[[2 ;; -1, 2 ;; -2]] = 1,
      (* now do the checks for {TL,TR,TB} case*)
      northBCtype == "Neumann" && westBCtype == "Neumann" && eastBCtype == "Dirichlet" && southBCtype == "Dirichlet",
      mask[[1 ;; -2, 1 ;; -2]] = 1,
      northBCtype == "Neumann" && westBCtype == "Dirichlet" && eastBCtype == "Neumann" && southBCtype == "Dirichlet",
      mask[[1 ;; -2, 2 ;; -1]] = 1,
      northBCtype == "Neumann" && westBCtype == "Dirichlet" && eastBCtype == "Dirichlet" && southBCtype == "Neumann",
      mask[[1 ;; -1, 2 ;; -2]] = 1,
      northBCtype == "Neumann" && westBCtype == "Neumann" && eastBCtype == "Neumann" && southBCtype == "Dirichlet",
      mask[[1 ;; -2, 1 ;; -1]] = 1,
      northBCtype == "Neumann" && westBCtype == "Dirichlet" && eastBCtype == "Neumann" && southBCtype == "Neumann",
      mask[[1 ;; -1, 2 ;; -1]] = 1,
      northBCtype == "Neumann" && westBCtype == "Neumann" && eastBCtype == "Dirichlet" && southBCtype == "Neumann",
      mask[[1 ;; -1, 1 ;; -2]] = 1,
      northBCtype == "Dirichlet" && westBCtype == "Neumann" && eastBCtype == "Dirichlet" && southBCtype == "Neumann",
      mask[[2 ;; -1, 1 ;; -2]] = 1,
      northBCtype == "Dirichlet" && westBCtype == "Neumann" && eastBCtype == "Neumann" && southBCtype == "Dirichlet",
      mask[[2 ;; -2, All]] = 1,
      northBCtype == "Dirichlet" && westBCtype == "Neumann" && eastBCtype == "Neumann" && southBCtype == "Neumann",
      mask[[2 ;; -1, All]] = 1,
      northBCtype == "Dirichlet" && westBCtype == "Dirichlet" && eastBCtype == "Neumann" && southBCtype == "Neumann",
      mask[[2 ;; -1, 2 ;; -1]] = 1
   directSolver[$u_, AA_, rightHandVector_, mask_] := Module[{loc, x, u = $u, relativeResidual, residual, nRow, nCol},
     {nRow, nCol} = Dimensions[u];
     x = LinearSolve[N@AA, rightHandVector];
     loc = Position[mask, 1];
     MapThread[(u = ReplacePart[u, #1 -> #2 ]) &, {loc, x}];
     relativeResidual = 0.;
     With[{$nRow = nRow, $nCol = nCol},
      residual = Table[0, {$nRow}, {$nCol}]
     {u, relativeResidual, residual}
   steepestDescentSolve[$u_, $residual_, $steepestDescentR_, rightHandVector_, hx_, hy_, AA_, mask_, stepNumber_] := 
    Module[{u = $u, residual = $residual, steepestDescentR = $steepestDescentR, w, alpha, loc, res, nRow, nCol, relativeResidual},
     {nRow, nCol} = Dimensions[u];
     loc = Position[mask, 1];
     If[stepNumber == 0,
       steepestDescentR = rightHandVector - AA.Flatten[Extract[u, Position[mask, 1]]]
     w = AA.steepestDescentR;
     alpha = Norm[steepestDescentR]^2/(steepestDescentR.w);
     With[{$nRow = nRow, $nCol = nCol},
      res = Table[0, {$nRow}, {$nCol}]
     (*convert the residue vector to matrix*)
     MapThread[(res = ReplacePart[res, #1 -> #2 ]) &, {loc, steepestDescentR}];
     u = u + alpha*res;
     steepestDescentR = steepestDescentR - alpha*w;
     relativeResidual = (hx*hy)^(1/4)*Norm[steepestDescentR];
     residual = res;
     {u, relativeResidual, residual, steepestDescentR}
   krylovSolver[$u_, AA_, rightHandVector_, nonStationarySolver_, preconditioner_, toleranceConstant_, fillIn_, mask_] := 
    Module[{u = $u, x, loc, nRow, nCol, relativeResidual, residual},
     {nRow, nCol} = Dimensions[u];
     Which[preconditioner == "ILU0",
      x = LinearSolve[AA, rightHandVector, 
        Method -> {"Krylov", Method -> nonStationarySolver, "Preconditioner" -> preconditioner, MaxIterations -> Automatic, 
          Tolerance -> 10^-toleranceConstant}],
      x = LinearSolve[AA, rightHandVector, 
        Method -> {"Krylov", Method -> nonStationarySolver, "Preconditioner" -> {preconditioner, "FillIn" -> fillIn}, 
          MaxIterations -> Automatic, Tolerance -> 10^-toleranceConstant}]
     loc = Position[mask, 1];
     MapThread[(u = ReplacePart[u, #1 -> #2 ]) &, {loc, x}];
     relativeResidual = 0.;
     With[{$nRow = nRow, $nCol = nCol},
      residual = Table[0, {$nRow}, {$nCol}]
     {u, relativeResidual, residual}
   conjugateGradientSolve[$u_, $conjugateGradientR_, $conjugateGradientZ_, $conjugateGradientP_, $residual_, AA_, rightHandVector_, 
     mask_, stepNumber_, preConditionerMatrix_, hx_, hy_] := 
    Module[{u = $u, residual = $residual, conjugateGradientR = $conjugateGradientR, conjugateGradientZ = $conjugateGradientZ, 
      conjugateGradientP = $conjugateGradientP, w, alpha, beta, oldZ, oldR, resP, nRow, nCol, loc, relativeResidual},
     {nRow, nCol} = Dimensions[u];
     loc = Position[mask, 1];
     If[stepNumber == 0,
       conjugateGradientR = rightHandVector - AA.Flatten[Extract[u, Position[mask, 1]]];
       conjugateGradientZ = preConditionerMatrix.conjugateGradientR;
       conjugateGradientP = conjugateGradientZ;
     w = AA.conjugateGradientP;
     alpha = (conjugateGradientR.conjugateGradientZ)/(conjugateGradientP.w);
     With[{$nRow = nRow, $nCol = nCol},
      resP = Table[0, {$nRow}, {$nCol}]
     (*convert the residue vector to matrix*)
     MapThread[(resP = ReplacePart[resP, #1 -> #2 ]) &, {loc, conjugateGradientP}];
     u = u + alpha*resP;
     oldR = conjugateGradientR;
     oldZ = conjugateGradientZ;
     conjugateGradientR = conjugateGradientR - alpha*w;
     conjugateGradientZ = preConditionerMatrix.conjugateGradientR;
     beta = (conjugateGradientZ.conjugateGradientR)/(oldZ.oldR);
     conjugateGradientP = conjugateGradientZ + beta*conjugateGradientP;
     relativeResidual = 1.0*(hx*hy)^(1/4)*Norm[conjugateGradientR];
     residual = resP;
     {u, relativeResidual, residual, conjugateGradientR, conjugateGradientZ, conjugateGradientP}
   iterativeSolveJacobi[$u_, $residual_, forceGrid_, hx_, hy_, normf_, northBCtype_, northbc_, northBCconstantValue_, westBCtype_, 
     westbc_, westBCconstantValue_, eastBCtype_, eastbc_, eastBCconstantValue_, southBCtype_, southbc_, southBCconstantValue_, 
     grid_] := Module[{uNew = $u, u = $u, residual = $residual, sum = 1.0*(hx^2 + hy^2), product = 1.0*hx^2*hy^2, i, j, nRow, nCol, 
     {nRow, nCol} = Dimensions[u];
     For[i = 1, i <= nRow, i++,
       For[j = 1, j <= nCol, j++,
         If[isEdgeCommon[i, j, nCol, nRow],
           uNew = 
            updateInternalEdgeNode[uNew, i, j, hx, hy, northBCtype, northBCconstantValue, northbc, southBCtype, 
             southBCconstantValue, southbc, westBCtype, westBCconstantValue, westbc, eastBCtype, eastBCconstantValue, eastbc, grid, 
           If[isInternalNode[i, j, nCol, nRow],
             uNew[[i, j]] = 
              1/(2 sum) (hy^2 (u[[i, j - 1]] + u[[i, j + 1]]) + hx^2 (u[[i - 1, j]] + u[[i + 1, j]]) + product*forceGrid[[i, j]]);
             residual[[i, j]] = 
              forceGrid[[i, j]] + ( 
                1/product (hy^2 (u[[i, j - 1]] + u[[i, j + 1]]) + hx^2 (u[[i - 1, j]] + u[[i + 1, j]]) - 2 *sum*u[[i, j]]))
             uNew = setCornerNodeCommon[uNew, i, j, nCol, nRow]
        ](*END FOR*)
      ];(*END FOR*)
     u = uNew;
     relativeResidual = getRelativeResidual[normf, residual, hx, hy];
     {u, relativeResidual, residual}
   iterativeSolveSplitting[$u_, $residual_, hx_, hy_, AA_, Minv_, rightHandVector_, NN_, normf_] := 
    Module[{residual = $residual, u = $u, sol, relativeResidual, nRow, nCol},
     {nRow, nCol} = Dimensions[u];
     residual[[2 ;; -2, 2 ;; -2]] = Partition[rightHandVector - AA.Flatten[u[[2 ;; -2, 2 ;; -2]]], (nCol - 2)];
     sol = Minv.rightHandVector + (Minv.NN).Flatten[u[[2 ;; -2, 2 ;; -2]]];
     u[[2 ;; -2, 2 ;; -2]] = Partition[sol, nCol - 2];
     relativeResidual = getRelativeResidual[normf, residual, hx, hy];
     {u, relativeResidual, residual}
   iterativeSolveGaussSeidel[$u_, $residual_, forceGrid_, hx_, hy_, normf_, northBCtype_, northbc_, northBCconstantValue_, 
     westBCtype_, westbc_, westBCconstantValue_, eastBCtype_, eastbc_, eastBCconstantValue_, southBCtype_, southbc_, 
     southBCconstantValue_, grid_] := 
    Module[{u = $u, residual = $residual, sum = 1.0*(hx^2 + hy^2), product = 1.0*hx^2*hy^2, i, j, nRow, nCol, relativeResidual},
     {nRow, nCol} = Dimensions[u];
     For[i = 1, i <= nRow, i++,
      For[j = 1, j <= nCol, j++,
        If[isEdgeCommon[i, j, nCol, nRow],
          u = updateInternalEdgeNode[u, i, j, hx, hy, northBCtype, northBCconstantValue, northbc, southBCtype, southBCconstantValue,
             southbc, westBCtype, westBCconstantValue, westbc, eastBCtype, eastBCconstantValue, eastbc, grid, forceGrid]
          If[isInternalNode[i, j, nCol, nRow],
            residual[[i, j]] = 
             forceGrid[[i, j]] + ( 
               1/product (hy^2 (u[[i, j - 1]] + u[[i, j + 1]]) + hx^2 (u[[i - 1, j]] + u[[i + 1, j]]) - 2 *sum*u[[i, j]]));
            u[[i, j]] = 
             1/(2 sum) (hy^2 (u[[i, j - 1]] + u[[i, j + 1]]) + hx^2 (u[[i - 1, j]] + u[[i + 1, j]]) + product*forceGrid[[i, j]])
            u = setCornerNodeCommon[u, i, j, nCol, nRow]
     relativeResidual = getRelativeResidual[normf, residual, hx, hy];
     {u, relativeResidual, residual}
   iterativeSolveGaussSeidelRedBlack[$u_, $residual_, forceGrid_, hx_, hy_, normf_, northBCtype_, northbc_, northBCconstantValue_, 
     westBCtype_, westbc_, westBCconstantValue_, eastBCtype_, eastbc_, eastBCconstantValue_, southBCtype_, southbc_, 
     southBCconstantValue_, grid_] := 
    Module[{u = $u, residual = $residual, sum = 1.0 (hx^2 + hy^2), product = 1.0*hx^2*hy^2, i, j, nRow, nCol, k, relativeResidual},
     {nRow, nCol} = Dimensions[u];
      For[i = 1, i <= nRow, i++,
       For[j = 1, j <= nCol, j++,
        If[Mod[i + j, 2] == Mod[k, 2],
          If[isEdgeCommon[i, j, nCol, nRow],
            u = updateInternalEdgeNode[u, i, j, hx, hy, northBCtype, northBCconstantValue, northbc, southBCtype, 
              southBCconstantValue, southbc, westBCtype, westBCconstantValue, westbc, eastBCtype, eastBCconstantValue, eastbc, grid,
            If[isInternalNode[i, j, nCol, nRow],
              residual[[i, j]] = 
               forceGrid[[i, j]] + ( 
                 1/product (hy^2 (u[[i, j - 1]] + u[[i, j + 1]]) + hx^2 (u[[i - 1, j]] + u[[i + 1, j]]) - 2 *sum*u[[i, j]]));
              u[[i, j]] = 
               1/(2 sum) (hy^2 (u[[i, j - 1]] + u[[i, j + 1]]) + hx^2 (u[[i - 1, j]] + u[[i + 1, j]]) + product*forceGrid[[i, j]])
      {k, {1, 2}}];
     relativeResidual = getRelativeResidual[normf, residual, hx, hy];
     {u, relativeResidual, residual}
   iterativeSolveSORPDE3[$u_, $residual_, forceGrid_, hx_, hy_, normf_, SORomegaUserValue_, northBCtype_, northbc_, 
     northBCconstantValue_, westBCtype_, westbc_, westBCconstantValue_, eastBCtype_, eastbc_, eastBCconstantValue_, southBCtype_, 
     southbc_, southBCconstantValue_, grid_] := 
    Module[{u = $u, residual = $residual, sum = 1.0*(hx^2 + hy^2), product = 1.0*hx^2*hy^2, i, j, nRow, nCol, relativeResidual},
     {nRow, nCol} = Dimensions[u];
     For[i = 1, i <= nRow, i++,
      For[j = 1, j <= nCol, j++,
        If[isEdgeCommon[i, j, nCol, nRow],
          u = updateInternalEdgeNode[u, i, j, hx, hy, northBCtype, northBCconstantValue, northbc, southBCtype, southBCconstantValue,
             southbc, westBCtype, westBCconstantValue, westbc, eastBCtype, eastBCconstantValue, eastbc, grid, forceGrid]
          If[isInternalNode[i, j, nCol, nRow],
            residual[[i, j]] = 
             forceGrid[[i, j]] + ( 
               1/product (hy^2 (u[[i, j - 1]] + u[[i, j + 1]]) + hx^2 (u[[i - 1, j]] + u[[i + 1, j]]) - 2 *sum*u[[i, j]]));
            u[[i, j]] = 
             SORomegaUserValue (1/(
                 2 sum) (hy^2 (u[[i, j - 1]] + u[[i, j + 1]]) + hx^2 (u[[i - 1, j]] + u[[i + 1, j]]) + 
                   product*forceGrid[[i, j]])) + (1 - SORomegaUserValue) u[[i, j]]
            u = setCornerNodeCommon[u, i, j, nCol, nRow]
     relativeResidual = getRelativeResidual[normf, residual, hx, hy];
     {u, relativeResidual, residual}
   iterativeSolveSORChebyshev[$u_, $residual_, $SORChebyomega_, forceGrid_, hx_, hy_, normf_, stepNumber_, northBCtype_, northbc_, 
     northBCconstantValue_, westBCtype_, westbc_, westBCconstantValue_, eastBCtype_, eastbc_, eastBCconstantValue_, southBCtype_, 
     southbc_, southBCconstantValue_, grid_] := 
    Module[{u = $u, residual = $residual, SORChebyomega = $SORChebyomega, i, j, jacobiSpectralRadius, sum = 1.0*(hx^2 + hy^2), 
      product = 1.0*hx^2*hy^2, z, nRow, nCol, k, relativeResidual},
     {nRow, nCol} = Dimensions[u];
     z = (hx/hy)^2;
     jacobiSpectralRadius = (Cos[Pi/(nRow - 1)] + z Cos[Pi/(nCol - 1)])/(1. + z);
      For[i = 1, i <= nRow, i++,
       For[j = 1, j <= nCol, j++,
         If[Mod[i + j, 2] == Mod[k, 2],(*FIX ME, calculate once outside loop*)
           If[isEdgeCommon[i, j, nCol, nRow],
             u = updateInternalEdgeNode[u, i, j, hx, hy, northBCtype, northBCconstantValue, northbc, southBCtype, 
               southBCconstantValue, southbc, westBCtype, westBCconstantValue, westbc, eastBCtype, eastBCconstantValue, eastbc, 
               grid, forceGrid]
             If[isInternalNode[i, j, nCol, nRow],
               residual[[i, j]] = 
                forceGrid[[i, j]] + ( 
                  1/product (hy^2 (u[[i, j - 1]] + u[[i, j + 1]]) + hx^2 (u[[i - 1, j]] + u[[i + 1, j]]) - 2 *sum*u[[i, j]]));
               u[[i, j]] = 
                SORChebyomega (1/(
                    2 sum) (hy^2 (u[[i, j - 1]] + u[[i, j + 1]]) + hx^2 (u[[i - 1, j]] + u[[i + 1, j]]) + 
                    product*forceGrid[[i, j]])) + (1 - SORChebyomega) u[[i, j]]
               u = setCornerNodeCommon[u, i, j, nCol, nRow]
      {k, {1, 2}}
     If[stepNumber == 0, SORChebyomega = 1./(1 - jacobiSpectralRadius^2/2), 
      SORChebyomega = 1./(1 - jacobiSpectralRadius^2/4*SORChebyomega)];
     relativeResidual = getRelativeResidual[normf, residual, hx, hy];
     {u, relativeResidual, residual, SORChebyomega}
   solve[$u_, AA_, rightHandVector_, mask_, hx_, hy_, $relativeResidual_, $residual_, stationarySolver_, solverType_, 
     splittingOrRelaxation_, $cpuTimeUsed_, nonStationarySolver_, Minv_, NN_, normf_, forceGrid_, SORomegaUserValue_, 
     stepNumber_, $steepestDescentR_, $conjugateGradientR_, $conjugateGradientZ_, preconditioner_, preConditionerMatrix_, fillIn_, 
     toleranceConstant_, $SORChebyomega_, $conjugateGradientP_, northBCtype_, northbc_, northBCconstantValue_, westBCtype_, westbc_,
      westBCconstantValue_, eastBCtype_, eastbc_, eastBCconstantValue_, southBCtype_, southbc_, southBCconstantValue_, grid_] := 
    Module[{fun, cpuTimeUsed = $cpuTimeUsed, u = $u, relativeResidual = $relativeResidual, residual = $residual, 
      steepestDescentR = $steepestDescentR, conjugateGradientR = $conjugateGradientR, conjugateGradientZ = $conjugateGradientZ, 
      conjugateGradientP = $conjugateGradientP, SORChebyomega = $SORChebyomega, cpu},
      solverType == "direct",
       {cpu, {u, relativeResidual, residual}} = AbsoluteTiming[directSolver[u, AA, rightHandVector, mask]];
       cpuTimeUsed = cpuTimeUsed + cpu
      solverType == "stationary" && splittingOrRelaxation == "splitting matrix method",
       {cpu, {u, relativeResidual, residual}} = 
        AbsoluteTiming[iterativeSolveSplitting[u, residual, hx, hy, AA, Minv, rightHandVector, NN, normf]];
       cpuTimeUsed = cpuTimeUsed + cpu
      solverType == "stationary" && splittingOrRelaxation == "relaxation method",
       If[stationarySolver == "Jacobi" || stationarySolver == "Gauss-Seidel" || stationarySolver == "Gauss-Seidel red/black",
         fun = Which[stationarySolver == "Jacobi", iterativeSolveJacobi,
           stationarySolver == "Gauss-Seidel", iterativeSolveGaussSeidel,
           stationarySolver == "Gauss-Seidel red/black", iterativeSolveGaussSeidelRedBlack
         {cpu, {u, relativeResidual, residual}} = 
          AbsoluteTiming[fun[u, residual, forceGrid, hx, hy, normf, northBCtype, northbc, northBCconstantValue, westBCtype, westbc, 
            westBCconstantValue, eastBCtype, eastbc, eastBCconstantValue, southBCtype, southbc, southBCconstantValue, grid]];
         cpuTimeUsed = cpuTimeUsed + cpu
         Which[stationarySolver == "SOR",
           {cpu, {u, relativeResidual, residual}} = 
            AbsoluteTiming[iterativeSolveSORPDE3[u, residual, forceGrid, hx, hy, normf, SORomegaUserValue, northBCtype, northbc, 
              northBCconstantValue, westBCtype, westbc, westBCconstantValue, eastBCtype, eastbc, eastBCconstantValue, southBCtype, 
              southbc, southBCconstantValue, grid]];
           cpuTimeUsed = cpuTimeUsed + cpu
          stationarySolver == "SOR/Chebyshev",
           {cpu, {u, relativeResidual, residual, SORChebyomega}} = 
            AbsoluteTiming[iterativeSolveSORChebyshev[u, residual, SORChebyomega, forceGrid, hx, hy, normf, stepNumber, northBCtype,
               northbc, northBCconstantValue, westBCtype, westbc, westBCconstantValue, eastBCtype, eastbc, eastBCconstantValue, 
              southBCtype, southbc, southBCconstantValue, grid]];
           cpuTimeUsed = cpuTimeUsed + cpu
      solverType == "non stationary" && nonStationarySolver == "steepest descent",
       {cpu, {u, relativeResidual, residual, steepestDescentR}} = 
        AbsoluteTiming[steepestDescentSolve[u, residual, steepestDescentR, rightHandVector, hx, hy, AA, mask, stepNumber]];
       cpuTimeUsed = cpuTimeUsed + cpu
      solverType == "non stationary" && 
       nonStationarySolver == "ConjugateGradient" && (preconditioner == "SSOR" || preconditioner == "NONE"),
       {cpu, {u, relativeResidual, residual, conjugateGradientR, conjugateGradientZ, conjugateGradientP}} = 
        AbsoluteTiming[conjugateGradientSolve[u, conjugateGradientR, conjugateGradientZ, conjugateGradientP, residual, AA, 
          rightHandVector, mask, stepNumber, preConditionerMatrix, hx, hy]];
       cpuTimeUsed = cpuTimeUsed + cpu
      solverType == 
        "non stationary" && (nonStationarySolver == "ConjugateGradient" || nonStationarySolver == "BiCGSTAB" || 
         nonStationarySolver == "GMRES") && (preconditioner == "ILU0" || preconditioner == "ILUT" || preconditioner == "ILUTP"),
       {cpu, {u, relativeResidual, residual}} = 
        AbsoluteTiming[krylovSolver[u, AA, rightHandVector, nonStationarySolver, preconditioner, toleranceConstant, fillIn, mask]];
       cpuTimeUsed = cpuTimeUsed + cpu
     {u, relativeResidual, residual, steepestDescentR, conjugateGradientR, conjugateGradientZ, conjugateGradientP, SORChebyomega, 
   getRelativeResidual[normf_, residual_, hx_, hy_] :=
    1.0*If[Abs[normf] <= $MachineEpsilon,
      (hx*hy)^(1/4)*Norm[Flatten[residual], 2],
      ((hx*hy)^(1/4)*Norm[Flatten[residual], 2])/normf
   setOptimalSORomega[hx_, hy_, Lx_, Ly_] := Module[{jacobiSpectralRadius, nIntervalsInx, nIntervalsIny, t},
     (*find optimal omega for SOR for 2D case, with non-uniform grid spacing*)
     (*see Numerical recipes, 1st edition, page 657*)
     nIntervalsInx = Lx/hx;
     nIntervalsIny = Ly/hy;
     t = (hx/hy)^2;
     jacobiSpectralRadius = (Cos[Pi/nIntervalsInx] + t Cos[Pi/nIntervalsIny])/(1 + t);
      2/(1 + Sqrt[1 - jacobiSpectralRadius^2])
   setBoundaryConditions[$u_, grid_, northBCtype_, northbc_, northBCconstantValue_, westBCtype_, westbc_, westBCconstantValue_, 
     eastBCtype_, eastbc_, eastBCconstantValue_, southBCtype_, southbc_, southBCconstantValue_] := Module[{u = $u, i, j, nRow, nCol},
     {nRow, nCol} = Dimensions[u];
     (* westbc, northbc, eastbc, and southbc, are all pure functions*)
     If[northBCtype == "Dirichlet",
      u[[1, 2 ;; nCol - 1]] = northBCconstantValue*Table[northbc[grid[[1, j, 1]]], {j, 2, nCol - 1}]
     If[westBCtype == "Dirichlet",
      u[[2 ;; nRow - 1, 1]] = westBCconstantValue*Table[westbc[grid[[i, 1, 2]]], {i, 2, nRow - 1}]
     If[eastBCtype == "Dirichlet",
      u[[2 ;; nRow - 1, nCol]] = eastBCconstantValue*Table[eastbc[grid[[i, nCol, 2]]], {i, 2, nRow - 1}]
     If[southBCtype == "Dirichlet",
      u[[nRow, 2 ;; nCol - 1]] = southBCconstantValue*Table[southbc[grid[[nRow, j, 1]]], {j, 2, nCol - 1}]
     (*corner points *)
     u = setCornerNodeCommon[u, 1, 1, nCol, nRow];
     u = setCornerNodeCommon[u, 1, nCol, nCol, nRow];
     u = setCornerNodeCommon[u, nRow, 1, nCol, nRow];
     u = setCornerNodeCommon[u, nRow, nCol, nCol, nRow];
   makeSystemMatrixAndRightHandSide[u_, hx_, hy_, northBCtype_, northbc_, northBCconstantValue_, westBCtype_, westbc_, 
     westBCconstantValue_, eastBCtype_, eastbc_, eastBCconstantValue_, southBCtype_, southbc_, southBCconstantValue_, forceGrid_, 
     grid_] := Module[{AA, i, j, n = 0, eqs, vars, uu, U, min, An, bn, keepList, nRow, nCol, g, sum, prod},
     sum = 1.0*(hx^2 + hy^2);
     prod = 1.0*(hx^2*hy^2);
     {nRow, nCol} = Dimensions[u];
     U = Array[uu[#1, #2] &, {nRow, nCol}];
     With[{$nRow = nRow, $nCol = nCol},
      eqs = Table[0., {$nRow*$nCol}];
      vars = eqs
     For[i = 1, i <= nRow, i++,
      For[j = 1, j <= nCol, j++,
        (*do corner points first *)
        If[(i == 1 && j == 1 || i == nRow && j == 1 || i == 1 && j == nCol || i == nRow && j == nCol),
          {eqs, vars} = processCornersCommon[u, eqs, n, U, i, j, vars, northBCtype, westBCtype, southBCtype, eastBCtype, nRow, nCol]
          ),(*completed corner nodes, now check if node on edge *)
          If[(i == 1 || i == nRow || j == 1 || j == nCol),
            Which[i == 1,
             If[northBCtype == "Dirichlet",
               eqs[[n]] = U[[i, j]] == u[[i, j]];
               vars[[n]] = U[[i, j]]
               g = northBCconstantValue*northbc[grid[[i, j, 1]]];
               eqs[[n]] = 
                2 *sum*U[[1, j]] - hy^2 (U[[1, j - 1]] + U[[1, j + 1]]) - hx^2 (2 U[[2, j]] - 2 hy* g) == prod*forceGrid[[i, j]];
               vars[[n]] = U[[i, j]]
               )], i == nRow,
             If[southBCtype == "Dirichlet",
               eqs[[n]] = U[[i, j]] == u[[i, j]];
               vars[[n]] = U[[i, j]]
               g = southBCconstantValue*southbc[grid[[i, j, 1]]];
               eqs[[n]] = 
                2 sum*U[[-1, j]] - hy^2 (U[[-1, j - 1]] + U[[-1, j + 1]]) - hx^2 (2 U[[-2, j]] - 2 hy *g) == prod *forceGrid[[i, j]];
               vars[[n]] = U[[i, j]]
              ], j == 1,
             If[westBCtype == "Dirichlet",
               eqs[[n]] = U[[i, j]] == u[[i, j]];
               vars[[n]] = U[[i, j]]
               g = westBCconstantValue*westbc[grid[[i, j, 2]]];
               eqs[[n]] = 
                2 sum* U[[i, 1]] - hy^2 (2 U[[i, 2]] - 2 hx g) - hx^2 (U[[i - 1, 1]] + U[[i + 1, 1]]) == prod *forceGrid[[i, j]];
               vars[[n]] = U[[i, j]]
               )], j == nCol,
             If[eastBCtype == "Dirichlet",
               eqs[[n]] = U[[i, j]] == u[[i, j]];
               vars[[n]] = U[[i, j]]
               g = eastBCconstantValue*eastbc[grid[[i, j, 2]]];
               eqs[[n]] = 
                2 sum*U[[i, -1]] - hy^2 (2 U[[i, -2]] - 2 hx* g) - hx^2 (U[[i - 1, -1]] + U[[i + 1, -1]]) == prod*forceGrid[[i, j]];
               vars[[n]] = U[[i, j]]
            ),(*was not edge, so must be internal*)
            vars[[n]] = U[[i, j]];
            eqs[[n]] = 
             2 sum* U[[i, j]] - hy^2 ( U[[i, j - 1]] + U[[i, j + 1]]) - hx^2 (U[[i - 1, j]] + U[[i + 1, j]]) == 
              prod *forceGrid[[i, j]]
     vars = Flatten@U;
     AA = CoefficientArrays[eqs, vars];
     keepList = obtainListOfRowsToKeep[nRow, nCol, northBCtype, southBCtype, westBCtype, eastBCtype];
     An = AA[[2]][[keepList, keepList]];
     bn = -AA[[1]][[keepList]];
     min = Abs[Min[An]];
     An = An*(1/min);
     bn = bn*(1/min);
     {An, bn}
   obtainListOfRowsToKeep[nRow_, nCol_, northBCtype_, southBCtype_, westBCtype_, eastBCtype_] := Module[{rowsToRemove = {}},
     If[northBCtype == "Dirichlet",
      AppendTo[rowsToRemove, Range[1, nCol]];
     If[southBCtype == "Dirichlet",
      AppendTo[rowsToRemove, Range[(nRow - 1)*nCol + 1, nRow*nCol]];
     If[westBCtype == "Dirichlet",
      AppendTo[rowsToRemove, Range[1, nRow*nCol, nCol]];
     If[eastBCtype == "Dirichlet",
      AppendTo[rowsToRemove, Range[nCol, nRow*nCol, nCol]];
     Complement[Range[nRow*nCol], Flatten[rowsToRemove]]
   updateInternalEdgeNode[u_, i_, j_, hx_, hy_, northBCtype_, northBCconstantValue_, northbc_, southBCtype_, southBCconstantValue_, 
     southbc_, westBCtype_, westBCconstantValue_, westbc_, eastBCtype_, eastBCconstantValue_, eastbc_, grid_, forceGrid_] := 
    Module[{uNew = u, t1 = hx^2 + hy^2, t2 = hx^2*hy^2, t, nRow, nCol},
     t = t2/t1;
     {nRow, nCol} = Dimensions[u];
     If[(i == 1 || i == nRow) && (j > 1 && j < nCol),(*TOP or BOTTOM row*)
      If[i == 1,(*TOP row*)
        If[northBCtype == "Neumann",
         uNew[[i, j]] = 1/(2 t1) (2 u[[i + 1, j]] hx^2 - 2 hy hx^2 *northBCconstantValue*northbc[grid[[i, j, 1]]]
              + (u[[i, j - 1]] + u[[i, j + 1]])*hx^2) - (1/2) t forceGrid[[i, j]]
       ((* Bottom row *)
        If[southBCtype == "Neumann",
         uNew[[i, j]] =
          1/(2 t1) (2 u[[i - 1, j]] hx^2 - 2 hy hx^2 *southBCconstantValue*southbc[grid[[i, j, 1]]]
              + (u[[i, j - 1]] + u[[i, j + 1]])*hy^2) - (1/2) t forceGrid[[i, j]]
       If[(j == 1 || j == nCol) && (i > 1 && i < nRow),(*LEFT or RIGHT edge*)
        If[j == 1,
          If[westBCtype == "Neumann",
           uNew[[i, j]] =
            1/(2 t1) (2 u[[i, j + 1]] hy^2 - 2 hx hy^2 *westBCconstantValue*westbc[grid[[i, j, 2]]]
                + ( u[[i - 1, 1]] + u[[i + 1, j]]) hx^2) - (1/2) t forceGrid[[i, j]]
          If[eastBCtype == "Neumann",
            uNew[[i, j]] =
             1/(2 t1) (2 u[[i, j - 1]] hy^2 - 2 hx hy^2 *eastBCconstantValue*eastbc[grid[[i, j, 2]]]
                 + ( u[[i - 1, j]] + u[[i + 1, j]]) hx^2) - (1/2) t forceGrid[[i, j]]
   initializeSystem[nonStationarySolver_, preconditioner_, splittingOrRelaxation_, northBCtype_, northbc_, northBCconstantValue_, 
     westBCtype_, westbc_, westBCconstantValue_, eastBCtype_, eastbc_, eastBCconstantValue_, southBCtype_, southbc_, 
     southBCconstantValue_, hx_, hy_, Lx_, Ly_, solverType_, stationarySolver_, centerGrid_, forceTermSelection_, a_, b_, c_, x0_, 
     y0_, stdx_, stdy_, initialSolution_, SORomegaUserValue_] := 
    Module[{laplacian, nRow, nCol, SORChebyomega = 1, relativeResidual = 0, grid, forceGrid, u, residual, residualPlotLimits, normf,
       mask, cpuTimeUsed = 0, stepNumber = 0, ok = True, statusMessage, AA, rightHandVector, factorLmatrix = {}, factorDmatrix = {},
       factorUmatrix = {}, preConditionerMatrix = {},
      Minv = {}, NN = {}, iterationMatrix = {}, nSize},
     {nRow, nCol} = getSolutionDomainDimensions[hx, hy, Lx, Ly];
     {ok, statusMessage} = 
      isValidInput[northBCtype, westBCtype, eastBCtype, southBCtype, solverType, nonStationarySolver, nonStationarySolver, 
       stationarySolver, preconditioner, splittingOrRelaxation];
     (*keep the grid size small for performance*)
      If[Not[solverType == "direct" || solverType == "non stationary"] && nCol + nRow > 66,
        statusMessage = "grid size too large for solver";
        ok = False
       laplacian = 1/(1/4)^4 {{0, (1/4)^2, 0}, {(1/4)^2, -4 (1/4)^2, (1/4)^2}, {0, (1/4)^2, 0}};
       (*grid contains the (x,y) physical coordinates of each grid point*)
       grid = makeGridCommon[hx, hy, Lx, Ly, centerGrid];
       (*evaluate the source function at each physical coordiate, using the selected term*)
       forceGrid = Which[
         forceTermSelection == 1, With[{$nRow = nRow, $nCol = nCol}, Table[a, {$nRow}, {$nCol}]],
         forceTermSelection == 2, Map[(#[[1]] #[[2]]) & , grid, {2}],
         forceTermSelection == 3, Map[(a Exp[ (#[[1]] - x0)^2/(2 stdx^2) + (#[[2]] - y0)^2/(2 stdy^2) ]) & , grid, {2}],
         forceTermSelection == 4, Map[(a (Cos[b \[Pi] #[[1]]] + Sin[c \[Pi] #[[2]]])) & , grid, {2}],
         forceTermSelection == 5, Map[(a (Cos[b \[Pi] #[[1]]] * Sin[c \[Pi] #[[2]]])) & , grid, {2}]
       (*now initialize the solution grid*)
       With[{$nRow = nRow, $nCol = nCol},
        u = Table[If[initialSolution == "zero", 0., RandomReal[]], {$nRow}, {$nCol}]
       (*and initalize residual grid *)
       residual = forceGrid - ListConvolve[ laplacian, u, 1];
       residual[[All, 1]] = 0.0;
       residual[[All, -1]] = 0.0;
       residual[[1, All]] = 0.0;
       residual[[-1, All]] = 0.0;
       residualPlotLimits = {Min[residual], Max[residual]};
       (*find the grid norm of the force grid, use internal grid points only, since that is where*)
       (*the residual is, and this value is used only for that calculation*)
       normf = (hx hy)^(1/4)*Norm[Flatten[forceGrid], 2];
       u = setBoundaryConditions[u, grid, northBCtype, northbc, northBCconstantValue, westBCtype, westbc, westBCconstantValue, 
         eastBCtype, eastbc, eastBCconstantValue, southBCtype, southbc, southBCconstantValue];
       mask = setUnknownsMask[{nRow, nCol}, northBCtype, westBCtype, eastBCtype, southBCtype];
       {AA, rightHandVector} = 
        makeSystemMatrixAndRightHandSide[u, hx, hy, northBCtype, northbc, northBCconstantValue, westBCtype, westbc, 
         westBCconstantValue, eastBCtype, eastbc, eastBCconstantValue, southBCtype, southbc, southBCconstantValue, forceGrid, grid];
       If[solverType == 
          "non stationary" && (nonStationarySolver == "ConjugateGradient" || nonStationarySolver == "steepest descent"),
          statusMessage = "incompatible solver for non-symmetric matrix";
          ok = False
       If[(solverType == "non stationary" && nonStationarySolver == "ConjugateGradient" && 
           preconditioner == "SSOR") || (solverType == 
            "stationary" && (stationarySolver == "Jacobi" || stationarySolver == "Gauss-Seidel" || stationarySolver == "SOR") && 
           splittingOrRelaxation == "splitting matrix method"),
         factorLmatrix = LowerTriangularize[AA, -1];
         factorDmatrix = DiagonalMatrix[Diagonal[Normal[AA]]];
         factorUmatrix = Transpose[factorLmatrix]
       If[solverType == "direct" || solverType == "non stationary",
         If[solverType == "non stationary" && nonStationarySolver == "ConjugateGradient",
           If[preconditioner == "SSOR" || preconditioner == "NONE",
             {nSize, nSize} = Dimensions[AA];
             preConditionerMatrix = 
              generatePreConditionerMatrix[preconditioner, SORomegaUserValue, factorLmatrix, factorDmatrix, factorUmatrix, nSize]
        If[splittingOrRelaxation == 
           "splitting matrix method" && (stationarySolver == "Jacobi" || stationarySolver == "Gauss-Seidel" || 
            stationarySolver == "SOR"),
          Which[stationarySolver == "Jacobi",
            Minv = Inverse[factorDmatrix];
            NN = -(factorLmatrix + factorUmatrix);
            iterationMatrix = (Minv).(NN)
           stationarySolver == "Gauss-Seidel",
            Minv = Inverse[factorDmatrix + factorLmatrix];
            NN = -factorUmatrix;
            iterationMatrix = (Minv).(NN)
           stationarySolver == "SOR",
            Minv = SORomegaUserValue*Inverse[factorDmatrix + SORomegaUserValue*factorLmatrix];
            NN = (1/SORomegaUserValue) ((1 - SORomegaUserValue)*factorDmatrix - SORomegaUserValue*factorUmatrix);
            iterationMatrix = (Minv).(NN)
       statusMessage = "initialized";
     {u, SORChebyomega, relativeResidual, grid, forceGrid, residual, residualPlotLimits, normf, mask, cpuTimeUsed, stepNumber, ok, 
      statusMessage, AA, rightHandVector, factorLmatrix, factorDmatrix, factorUmatrix, preConditionerMatrix, Minv, NN, 
   generatePreConditionerMatrix[preconditioner_, SORomegaUserValue_, factorLmatrix_, factorDmatrix_, factorUmatrix_, n_] := 
     Which[preconditioner == "NONE",
       M = IdentityMatrix[n]
      preconditioner == "SSOR",
       M = 1/(SORomegaUserValue (2 - SORomegaUserValue)) (factorDmatrix + SORomegaUserValue factorLmatrix).Inverse[
           factorDmatrix].(factorDmatrix + SORomegaUserValue *factorUmatrix);
       M = Inverse[M]
   makeFinalPlot[u_, grid_, Lx_, Ly_, plotToShow_, typeOfplotToShow_, plotPerformanceGoal_, addFaceGrids_, zAxisScale_, AA_, 
     residual_, residualPlotLimits_] := Module[{opt, tmp, cond, dim, image, n, nRow, nCol},
     {nRow, nCol} = Dimensions[u];
     opt = Which[
       typeOfplotToShow == "ListPlot3D1", {Mesh -> {nRow, nCol}},
       typeOfplotToShow == "ListPlot3D2", {InterpolationOrder -> 0, Filling -> Bottom, Mesh -> {nRow, nCol}, 
        ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", MeshFunctions -> {#3 &}},
       typeOfplotToShow == "ListPlot3D3", {InterpolationOrder -> 3, Mesh -> {nRow, nCol}, ColorFunction -> "SouthwestColors"}
     image = Which[
       plotToShow == "solution",
         typeOfplotToShow == "ListPlot3D1" || typeOfplotToShow == "ListPlot3D2" || typeOfplotToShow == "ListPlot3D3",
          Block[{max, min},
           tmp = MapThread[Append[#1, #2] &, {grid, u}, 2];
           tmp = Chop@Flatten[tmp, 1];
           max = Max[tmp[[All, 3]]];
           min = Min[tmp[[All, 3]]];
           max = Min[max, 10^6];
           min = Max[min, -10^6];
              PerformanceGoal -> plotPerformanceGoal,
              ImagePadding -> {{35, 15}, {5, 1}},
              PlotRange -> {Full, Full, {min, max}},
              AxesLabel -> {Text@Style["x", Italic, 12], Text@Style["y", Italic, 12], None},
              TicksStyle -> 9,
              SphericalRegion -> True,
              If[addFaceGrids, FaceGrids -> All, FaceGrids -> None],
              If[zAxisScale == True, BoxRatios -> {Lx, Ly, Min[{Lx, Ly}]}, {}],
             ImageSize -> {ContentSizeW, ContentSizeH - 130},
             ImageMargins -> 0
         typeOfplotToShow == "ArrayPlot", {Show[ArrayPlot[u, ColorFunctionScaling -> True],
           ImagePadding -> {{30, 20}, {5, 1}},
           ImageSize -> {ContentSizeW, ContentSizeH - 130}
         typeOfplotToShow == "ListDensityPlot",
           ListDensityPlot[Chop@Flatten[MapThread[Append[#1, #2] &, {grid, u}, 2], 1],
            PlotRange -> All,
            InterpolationOrder -> 0,
            ColorFunction -> "SouthwestColors",
            BoundaryStyle -> Black,
            ImagePadding -> {{30, 20}, {5, 1}}
           ImageSize -> {ContentSizeW, ContentSizeH - 130}
          {Show[ListContourPlot[Flatten[MapThread[Append[#1, #2] &, {grid, u}, 2], 1],
             Contours -> 10,
             Evaluate[If[typeOfplotToShow == "ListContourPlot", ContourLabels -> Function[{x, y, z}, Text[Framed[z], {x, y}]], {} ]],
             Frame -> False,
             ImagePadding -> {{30, 20}, {5, 1}}
             ], ImageSize -> {ContentSizeW, ContentSizeH - 130}]}
       plotToShow == "solution data",
        {makeScrolledPaneCommon[Normal@u, ContentSizeH - 10, ContentSizeW]}
       plotToShow == "system matrix information",
        cond = LUDecomposition[AA][[3]];
        dim = Dimensions[AA];
        n = Min[30, First@dim];
           {Style[Text@Row[{"condition number = ", cond}], 12]},
           {Style[Text@Row[{"matrix size = ", dim}], 12]},
           {Style[Text["eigenvalues"], 12]},
           {makeScrolledPaneCommon[Transpose@Partition[Eigenvalues[Normal@AA, n], 1], 45, ContentSizeW - 20]},
           {Style[Text["A matrix"], 12]},
           {makeScrolledPaneCommon[Normal@AA[[1 ;; n, 1 ;; n]], ContentSizeH - 140, ContentSizeW]}
       plotToShow == "residual",
         typeOfplotToShow == "ListPlot3D1" || typeOfplotToShow == "ListPlot3D2" || typeOfplotToShow == "ListPlot3D3",
          tmp = MapThread[Append[#1, #2] &, {grid, residual}, 2];
          (*watch out for PlotRange\[Rule]All and conflict with BoxRatios*)
          Item@Show[ListPlot3D[Chop@Flatten[tmp, 1],
             PerformanceGoal -> plotPerformanceGoal,
             ImagePadding -> {{30, 20}, {5, 1}},
             If[zAxisScale == True, PlotRange -> Automatic, PlotRange -> {All, All, residualPlotLimits}],
             AxesLabel -> {Text@Style["x", 12], Text@Style["y", 12], None},
             PlotLabel -> Text@Style["residual", 12],
             TicksStyle -> 9,
             SphericalRegion -> True,
             If[addFaceGrids, FaceGrids -> All, FaceGrids -> None],
             If[zAxisScale == True, BoxRatios -> {Lx, Ly, Min[{Lx, Ly}]}, {}],
             AspectRatio -> 1.2,
             ], ImageSize -> {ContentSizeW, ContentSizeH - 130}]},
         typeOfplotToShow == "ListDensityPlot",
           ListDensityPlot[Chop@Flatten[MapThread[Append[#1, #2] &, {grid, residual}, 2], 1],
            PlotRange -> All,
            Mesh -> None,
            InterpolationOrder -> 0,
            ColorFunction -> "SouthwestColors",
            BoundaryStyle -> Black,
            ImagePadding -> {{30, 20}, {5, 1}}
           ImageSize -> {ContentSizeW, ContentSizeH - 130}
         typeOfplotToShow == "ArrayPlot", {Show[ArrayPlot[residual, ColorFunctionScaling -> True],
           ImagePadding -> {{30, 20}, {5, 1}},
           ImageSize -> {ContentSizeW, ContentSizeH - 130}]
         {Show[ListContourPlot[Flatten[MapThread[Append[#1, #2] &, {grid, residual}, 2], 1],
            Contours -> 10,
            Evaluate[If[typeOfplotToShow == "ListContourPlot", ContourLabels -> Function[{x, y, z}, Text[Framed[z], {x, y}]], {} ]],
            Frame -> False
            ], ImageSize -> {ContentSizeW, ContentSizeH - 130}]}
   isValidInput[northBCtype_, westBCtype_, eastBCtype_, southBCtype_, solverType_, nonStationarySolver_, nonStationarySolver_, 
     stationarySolver_, preconditioner_, splittingOrRelaxation_] := Module[{statusMessage = ""},
     If[northBCtype == "Neumann" && westBCtype == "Neumann" && eastBCtype == "Neumann" && southBCtype == "Neumann",
      statusMessage = "detected all boundaries with Neumann B.C.";
      Return[{False, statusMessage}]
     If[solverType == 
        "non stationary" && (nonStationarySolver == "BiCGSTAB" || nonStationarySolver == "GMRES") && (preconditioner == "SSOR" || 
         preconditioner == "NONE"),
      statusMessage = "solver supports only ILU0, ILUP or ILUTP";
      Return[{False, statusMessage}]
     If[solverType == "non stationary" && nonStationarySolver == "steepest descent" && Not[preconditioner == "NONE"],
      statusMessage = "solver accepts only NONE preconditioner";
      Return[{False, statusMessage}]
     If[solverType == "stationary" && 
       splittingOrRelaxation == 
        "splitting matrix method" && (stationarySolver == "Gauss-Seidel red/black" || stationarySolver == "SOR/Chebyshev"),
      statusMessage = "solver does not support splitting method";
      Return[{False, statusMessage}]
     If[solverType == "stationary" && 
       splittingOrRelaxation == 
        "splitting matrix method" && (northBCtype == "Neumann" || westBCtype == "Neumann" || eastBCtype == "Neumann" || 
         southBCtype == "Neumann"),
      statusMessage = "splitting method does not support Neumann";
      Return[{False, statusMessage}]
     {True, statusMessage}
   (* Thanks to Heike @SO for this function *)
   myGrid[tab_, opts___] := Module[{divlocal, divglobal, pos},
     (*extract option value of Dividers from opts to divglobal*)
     (*default value is {False,False}*)
     divglobal = (Dividers /. {opts}) /. Dividers -> {False, False};
     (*transform divglobal so that it is in the form {colspecs,rowspecs}*)
     If[Head[divglobal] =!= List, divglobal = {divglobal, divglobal}];
     If[Length[divglobal] == 1, AppendTo[divglobal, False]];
     (*Extract positions of dividers between rows from tab*)
     pos = Position[tab, Dividers -> _, 1];
     (*Build list of rules for divider specifications between rows*)
     divlocal = MapIndexed[# - #2[[1]] + 1 -> Dividers /. tab[[#]] &, Flatten[pos]];
     (*Final settings for dividers are {colspecs,{rowspecs,divlocal}}*)
     divglobal[[2]] = {divglobal[[2]], divlocal};
     Grid[Delete[tab, pos], Dividers -> divglobal, opts]
   MakeBoxes[Derivative[indices__][f_][vars__], TraditionalForm] := 
    SubscriptBox[MakeBoxes[f, TraditionalForm], 
     RowBox[Map[ToString, Flatten[Thread[dummyhead[{vars}, Partition[{indices}, 1]]] /. dummyhead -> Table]]]];
   ContentSizeW = 230;
   ContentSizeH = 405 ;