Problem 6.8
Nasser Abbasi
In this problem, need to find if Richardson scheme is not numerically stable for all tau.
To solve this, I find t_sigma, and then try for 6 values of tau starting from 3% below t_sigma up to 3% above t_sigma, each time at an increment of 1% of t_sigma.
The results shows that at the end of the run, T is always unstable for all selected tau.
» nma_problem_6_8
solves diffusion partial differential equation
for Dirchlet bounday conditions using Richardson
method. Problem 6.8
Nasser Abbasi
Enter number of space grid points:91
Enter number of time steps:100
t_sigma = 0.000062 seconds
Trying to see if stable of not for TAU=0.000064 seconds
Trying to see if stable of not for TAU=0.000063 seconds
Trying to see if stable of not for TAU=0.000062 seconds
Trying to see if stable of not for TAU=0.000062 seconds
Trying to see if stable of not for TAU=0.000061 seconds
Trying to see if stable of not for TAU=0.000060 seconds
Trying to see if stable of not for TAU=0.000060 seconds
function nma_problem_6_8()
% solves
diffusion partial differential equation
% for
Dirchlet bounday conditions using Richardson
method. Problem 6.8
% Nasser
help nma_problem_6_8;
clear all; close all;
N = input('Enter
number of space grid points:');
numberOfTimeSteps = input('Enter number of time steps:');
k = 1;
L = 1;
% space distance total from -L/2 to L/2
x0 = 0;
% where we want to find the solution at.
h = L/(N-1);
% space distance between each point.
% Find
t_sigma, and try number of Tau's below and above t_sigma
% to see
if unstable for all of the Tau. use 1% of t_sigma as step size
% for
tau variation around t_sigma.
t_sigma = h^2/(2*k);
t_sigma_factor = t_sigma *
fprintf('t_sigma = %1.6f seconds\n',t_sigma);
= -3:3)
currentTau = t_sigma-(m*t_sigma_factor);
coeff = 2 * k *
currentTau /h^2;
fprintf('Trying to see if stable
of not for TAU=%1.6f seconds\n',currentTau);
% reserve space for the whole
T(x,t) solution matrix
T =
zeros(numberOfTimeSteps, N);
T(1,round(N/2)) = 1/h; % initial condition for delta at center
% set the Nuemman bounday
conditions before
% each time step calculation of
T(:,1) = 0;
T(:,N) = 0;
% Make the first step in time
using FTCS, notice using 1/2
% coef since FTCS does not have
the '2' factor as in
% Richardson
for( i = 2:N-1 )
T(2,i) = T(1,i) + (1/2) * coeff * ( T(1,i+1) + T(1,i-1) -
% Make the rest of time steps
using Richardson
for( n = 2: numberOfTimeSteps -
for( i = 2:N-1 )
T(n+1,i) = T(n-1,i) + coeff*( T(n,i+1) + T(n,i-1) -
% Now do the plots.
spaceVector = (0:N-1)*h
- L/2;
timeVector = (0:numberOfTimeSteps-1) * currentTau;
colormap([0 0 0;1 0 0]);
mesh( spaceVector, timeVector, T );
of diffusion of delta spike at center, TAU=%1.6f',currentTau));
end % for try