Problem 8.8

Nasser Abbasi



Part a was run with and without Faraday cage. Then part b and c ran with faraday cage present. (running part b and c without the faraday cage present is not needed as it is is the same as running part a without the faraday cage, since nothing else would have changed).


For part a, when running with faraday cage present, the potential at the j=30 line had value of about 10 between the left and right faraday points (20,30) and (40,30).


For part b,  the potential at the j=30 line had a value of about 18 between the same two points as above. This is because less points are now at zero potential, and the 4 points that are at zero potential are the corner points.


For part c, The shape of the potential at the j=30 line looks the same as for part a, but the value is higher in the middle of the two points. About the same as part b above (since the same number of points). So it looks like the average potential at the middle of the faraday cage is the same if the number of points is the same and does not depend on the orientation of the cage, but depends on the number of faraday points that are potential zero.


When the number of points at zero is 8, potential in the center of the cage was about 10.

When the number of points at zero is 4, potential in the center of the cage was about 18.


Without the faraday cage present, the potential at the line j=30 is almost constant (as what one would expect) . this can be seen from the plot.


Run part a, with Faraday cage present


» nma_problem_8_8


  nma_problem_8_8 - Program to solve problem 8.8 in book


Enter number of grid points on a side: 60

Enter problem part to solve (a=1, b=2, c=3):1

Should I apply Faraday cage? [1=Yes, 0=NO] :1

Theoretical optimum omega = 1.90053

Enter desired omega: 1.9

Potential at y=L equals 100

Desired fractional change = 0.0001

After 10 iterations, fractional change = 0.0565377

After 20 iterations, fractional change = 0.0558858

After 30 iterations, fractional change = 0.0385277

After 40 iterations, fractional change = 0.0239683

After 50 iterations, fractional change = 0.0154008

After 60 iterations, fractional change = 0.00844819

After 70 iterations, fractional change = 0.00611628

After 80 iterations, fractional change = 0.0046467

After 90 iterations, fractional change = 0.00316189

After 100 iterations, fractional change = 0.00131194

After 110 iterations, fractional change = 0.000508721

After 120 iterations, fractional change = 0.000196511

Desired accuracy achieved after 122 iterations

Breaking out of main loop



Run part a, with NO Faraday cage present

» nma_problem_8_8


  nma_problem_8_8 - Program to solve problem 8.8 in book


Enter number of grid points on a side: 60

Enter problem part to solve (a=1, b=2, c=3):1

Should I apply Faraday cage? [1=Yes, 0=NO] :0

Theoretical optimum omega = 1.90053

Enter desired omega: 1.9

Potential at y=L equals 100

Desired fractional change = 0.0001

After 10 iterations, fractional change = 0.0356929

After 20 iterations, fractional change = 0.0204735

After 30 iterations, fractional change = 0.0121423

After 40 iterations, fractional change = 0.00718592

After 50 iterations, fractional change = 0.00473539

After 60 iterations, fractional change = 0.00414818

After 70 iterations, fractional change = 0.00246191

After 80 iterations, fractional change = 0.00153293

After 90 iterations, fractional change = 0.000889489

After 100 iterations, fractional change = 0.000505454

After 110 iterations, fractional change = 0.000293859

After 120 iterations, fractional change = 7.26886e-005

Desired accuracy achieved after 120 iterations

Breaking out of main loop


Run part b, with Faraday cage present

» nma_problem_8_8


  nma_problem_8_8 - Program to solve problem 8.8 in book


Enter number of grid points on a side: 60

Enter problem part to solve (a=1, b=2, c=3):2

Should I apply Faraday cage? [1=Yes, 0=NO] :1

Theoretical optimum omega = 1.90053

Enter desired omega: 1.9

Potential at y=L equals 100

Desired fractional change = 0.0001

After 10 iterations, fractional change = 0.0403522

After 20 iterations, fractional change = 0.0334746

After 30 iterations, fractional change = 0.0196417

After 40 iterations, fractional change = 0.0129768

After 50 iterations, fractional change = 0.00788112

After 60 iterations, fractional change = 0.00638972

After 70 iterations, fractional change = 0.00337059

After 80 iterations, fractional change = 0.00265851

After 90 iterations, fractional change = 0.00163381

After 100 iterations, fractional change = 0.000997667

After 110 iterations, fractional change = 0.000423025

After 120 iterations, fractional change = 0.000122452

Desired accuracy achieved after 121 iterations

Breaking out of main loop



Run part c, with Faraday cage present

» nma_problem_8_8


  nma_problem_8_8 - Program to solve problem 8.8 in book


Enter number of grid points on a side: 60

Enter problem part to solve (a=1, b=2, c=3):3

Should I apply Faraday cage? [1=Yes, 0=NO] :1

Theoretical optimum omega = 1.90053

Enter desired omega: 1.9

Potential at y=L equals 100

Desired fractional change = 0.0001

After 10 iterations, fractional change = 0.0415334

After 20 iterations, fractional change = 0.0295801

After 30 iterations, fractional change = 0.0226194

After 40 iterations, fractional change = 0.0143339

After 50 iterations, fractional change = 0.00980936

After 60 iterations, fractional change = 0.00597052

After 70 iterations, fractional change = 0.00393774

After 80 iterations, fractional change = 0.00246038

After 90 iterations, fractional change = 0.00176095

After 100 iterations, fractional change = 0.000760914

After 110 iterations, fractional change = 0.000382697

After 120 iterations, fractional change = 0.000156384

Desired accuracy achieved after 121 iterations

Breaking out of main loop



Source code


function nma_problem_8_8()

% nma_problem_8_8 - Program to solve problem 8.8 in book


clear all; help nma_problem_8_8;  % Clear memory and print header


%* Initialize parameters (system size, grid spacing, etc.)


N = input('Enter number of grid points on a side: ');

L = 1;          % System size (length)

h = L/(N-1);    % Grid spacing

x = (0:N-1)*h;  % x coordinate

y = (0:N-1)*h;  % y coordinate


problemPart = input('Enter problem part to solve (a=1, b=2, c=3):');


useFaraday  = input('Should I apply Faraday cage? [1=Yes, 0=NO] :');


%* Select over-relaxation factor (SOR only)

omegaOpt = 2/(1+sin(pi/N));  % Theoretical optimum

fprintf('Theoretical optimum omega = %g \n',omegaOpt);

omega    = input('Enter desired omega: ');


%* Set initial guess as first term in separation of variables soln.

phi0 = 100;     % Potential at y=L

phi  = phi0 * 4/(pi*sinh(pi)) * sin(pi*x'/L)*sinh(pi*y/L);


%* Set boundary conditions

% to map these to physical grid, think of what

% it will be after flipud and rot90 is applied to phi.



phi(1,:) = 0;    % this is the LEFT wall 

phi(N,:) = 100;  % this is the RIGHT wall


slope = 100/L;  



   phi(i,1) = slope*(i-1)*h;  % this is the BOTTOM wall




   phi(i,N) = slope*(i-1)*h;  % this is the TOP wall



fprintf('Potential at y=L equals %g \n',phi0);

%fprintf('Potential is zero on all other boundaries\n');


%* Loop until desired fractional change per iteration is obtained

flops(0);               % Reset the flops counter to zero;

iterMax = N^2;          % Set max to avoid excessively long runs

changeDesired = 1e-4;   % Stop when the change is given fraction

fprintf('Desired fractional change = %g\n',changeDesired);


for iter = 1:iterMax

    changeSum = 0;


    for i = 2:(N-1)        % Loop over interior points only

        for j = 2:(N-1) 


            if( isFaradayPoint(i,j,useFaraday,problemPart))  



                newphi = 0.25*omega*(phi(i+1,j)+phi(i-1,j)+ ...

                phi(i,j-1)+phi(i,j+1))  +  (1-omega)*phi(i,j);

                changeSum = changeSum + abs(1-phi(i,j)/newphi);



            phi(i,j) = newphi;




    %* Check if fractional change is small enough to halt the iteration

    change(iter) = changeSum/(N-2)^2;


    if( rem(iter,10) < 1 )

        fprintf('After %g iterations, fractional change = %g\n',...




    if( change(iter) < changeDesired )

        fprintf('Desired accuracy achieved after %g iterations\n',iter);

         fprintf('Breaking out of main loop\n');





%* Plot final estimate of potential as contour and surface plots


% convert the memory matlab matrix layout to the physical grid layout

phi = phi';



cLevels = 0:1:100;    % Contour levels

%cs = contour(x,y,flipud(rot90(phi)),cLevels);

cs = contour(x,y,phi,cLevels);

xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); clabel(cs);







xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('\Phi(x,y)');




%* Plot the fractional change versus iteration




ylabel('Fractional change');

title(sprintf('Number of flops = %g\n',flops));



% plot the potential at i=30





title(makeTitle('potential at j=30',useFaraday,iter,N,problemPart));





% takes i,j and determines if it is

% a faraday point depending on which part

% of the problem we are solving



function v = isFaradayPoint(i,j,useFaraday,problemPart)


if( ~useFaraday)





if(problemPart == 1 ) % part a

   if( (i==20 & j==20)  |  ...

       (i==20 & j==30)  |  ...

       (i==20 & j==40)  |  ...

       (i==30 & j==20)  |  ...

       (i==30 & j==40)  |  ...

       (i==40 & j==20)  |  ...

       (i==40 & j==30)  |  ...

       (i==40 & j==40))










if(problemPart == 2 ) % part b

   if( (i==20 & j==20) |  ...

       (i==20 & j==40) |  ...

       (i==40 & j==20) |  ...

       (i==40 & j==40))









if(problemPart == 3 ) % part c

   if( (i==20 & j==30) |  ...

       (i==30 & j==20) |  ...

       (i==40 & j==30) |  ...

       (i==30 & j==40))












% helper function to format title of plot



function title_ = makeTitle(name,useFaraday,iter,N,problemPart)



   useFaraday='Faraday cage present';


   useFaraday='Faraday cage NOT present';



if(problemPart == 1 )

   problemPart='part a';

elseif problemPart==2

   problemPart='part b';


   problemPart= 'part c';



title_ = sprintf('Problem %s, %s of phi, %s, after %d iterations, N=%d',...

