Problem 9.8 part A
I tried for number of time steps, for each time step found the largest eigenvalue for A using the power method. No Eigenvalue was found that is <= 1, so spectral radius, defined as magnitude of largest eigenvalue is not <=1 , hence system is unconditionally unstable.
One annoying thing with matlab, is that when I print a value it says it is 1, but when I find the difference between 1 and the value I do not always get a zero as expected. Even though I set format to long g. This is what the output below says that the largest eigenvalue is 1. using eps I see the largest eigenvalue is within the floating point accuracy from 1. so, is it 1 or not 1 ?
» help EPS
EPS Floating point relative accuracy.
EPS returns the distance from 1.0 to the next largest
floating point number. EPS is used as a default tolerance by
PINV and RANK, as well as several other MATLAB functions.
» eps
» nma_problem_9_8_part_a
This solves problem 9.8 part a. finds if a matrix
is stable or not using the power method
Nasser Abbasi, April 29, 2002.
Enter N, the number of grid points (suggest 61):61
Enter n, number of iterations to find eigenvalues (suggest 10):10
h is 0.016949
trying for time steps from 0.000100 to 10.000000 at increment of 0.010000
largest eigenvalue after trying all time steps is 1
(maxLambda - 1) = 2.22045e-016
system is always unstable, no spectral radius found <= 1 for the time steps tried
function nma_problem_9_8_part_a()
% This
solves problem 9.8 part a. finds if a matrix
% is
stable or not using the power method
% Nasser
Abbasi, April 29, 2002.
clear all; help
N= input('Enter N, the number of grid points (suggest 61):');
= input('Enter accuracy need to stop iteration (suggest 1e-8):');
%I first
tried the loop below untill some user specified accuracy is reached
%for the
v vector. This did not make any difference on the result. So I changed
program to force it to go to user specified number of multiplications
n = input('Enter n, number of iterations to find eigenvalues
(suggest 10):');
L = 1;
c = 1;
h = L/(N-2);
fprintf('h is %f\n',h);
B = makeB(N);
I = eye(N);
x = ones(N,1);
firstTau = 0.0001;
lastTau = 10;
tauInc = 0.01;
fprintf('trying for time steps from %f to %f at increment of
for(tau= firstTau: tauInc :
A = (I - (c*tau/2*h) * B);
v = A^n*x;
v = v/norm(v);
mv= A*v;
lambda = mv(1)/v(1);
if(lambda > maxLambda )
maxLambda = lambda;
fprintf('largest eigenvalue after
trying all time steps is %g\n',maxLambda);
fprintf('(maxLambda - 1) = %g\n',maxLambda-1);
if( maxLambda <= 1 )
fprintf('system can be stable
for specific Tau, found a lambda less than one\n');
fprintf('system is always
unstable, no spectral radius found <= 1 for the time steps tried\n');
function B=makeB(N)
if( j == i+1)
B(i,j) = 1;
if( j
== i-1)
B(i,j) = -1;
% now do
the first and last rows
B(1,2) = 1;
B(1,N) = -1;
B(N,1) = 1;
B(N,N-1) = -1;