Problem 9.13 part b


Run this for C-N from tau=0.01 to tau 100.

At each time step, found matrix radius with the help of matlab max(abs(eig(B))).

Found that matrix radius is always 1 for every time step value.


This shows that N-C is matix stable for all tau.


» nma_problem_9_13_part_b


 program to solve problem 9.13 part b

 Nasser Abbasi


Enter N, number of grid points (suggest 61):61

Warning: Requested axes limit range too small; rendering with minimum range allowed by machine precision.

> In D:\nabbasi\data\nabbasi_web_page\academic\my_courses\phys_240\HW24\nma_problem_9_13_part_b.m at line 31




function nma_problem_9_13_part_b()


%program to solve problem 9.13 part b

%Nasser Abbasi


clear all; help nma_problem_9_13_part_b;


N=input('Enter N, number of grid points (suggest 61):');


I       = eye(N);

D       = makeD(N); 

L       = 1;

kappa   = 1; % diffusion coeff.

h       = L/(N-2);  % periodic

tsigma  = h^2/(2*kappa);


i       = 0;

tau     = 0.01;

tauIncr = 0.5;


for(nstep = 1:300)

   tau       = tau+tauIncr;

   coeff2    = tau/(4*tsigma);  % for C-N

   B         = inv(I - (coeff2*D)) * (I + (coeff2*D));

   i         = i+1;

   time(i)   = tau;

   radius(i) = max(abs(eig(B)));




set(gca,'Ylim',[1e-1 1e1]);

title('matrix spectral radius for C-N, diffusion problem, Drich. B.C., N=61');

xlabel('Tau, time step');

ylabel('matrix radius, measured as max(abs(eig(A)))');




% makes the D matrix for the

% periodic B.C.


function D=makeD(N)






        if( j == i+1)

            D(i,j) = 1;


        if( j == i-1)

            D(i,j) = -1;





  % now do the first and last rows

  D(1,2)   = 1;

  D(1,N)   = -1;

  D(N,1)   = 1;

  D(N,N-1) = -1;