HW 4, 2.2

By Nasser Abbasi


First part, write a program that computers f’(x) using equation f’(x) = [f(x+h)-f(x)] / h and plot a graph of absolute error similar to figure 1.3.


Source code

function nma_HW2_2_error

%function nma_HW2_2_error


% Illustrates the error in the calculation of f'(x)= [f(x+delta)-f(x)]/delta

% as delta changes (becomes smaller and smaller).


% This is the solution to problem 2.2, first part.



% We look only at the error using f(x)=x^2. where f'(x)= 2x, and

% evaluate the derivative at x=1.



%HW 4, 2.2

%Nasser Abbasi, phy 240, Sam Jose State Univ.

%Feb 6, 2002



% struct to hold the data as we iterate

struct err { ...

   value   : 0 ...

   delta   : 0 };



x=1;                % some x value to compare the error at.

DERIVE_EXACT = 2;   % since f'(x) is 2x, at x=1 is 2;

delta =1;


for i=1:21       

     deriveApprox    = ( f(x+delta) - f(x) ) / delta;

     err.value(i)    = abs(DERIVE_EXACT - deriveApprox);

     err.delta(i)    = delta;   

     delta           = delta/10;





title('Showing absolute error in evaluation of derivative as delta changes');

xlabel('Delta, or step size, drawn on a log scale.');

ylabel('Absolute error, drawn on a log scale');


% this legened below will not fit well on the diagram, need

% to figure how to do this better later.

%legend('abs err=| df(x)/dx-[f(x+delta)-f(x)]/delta',0);




% The function that we are finding its

% derivative.



function [y]=f(x)





» clear all;

» help nma_HW2_2_error


 function nma_HW2_2_error


  Illustrates the error in the calculation of f'(x)= [f(x+delta)-f(x)]/delta

  as delta changes (becomes smaller and smaller).


  This is the solution to problem 2.2, first part.



  We look only at the error using f(x)=x^2. where f'(x)= 2x, and

  evaluate the derivative at x=1.



»  nma_HW2_2_error