Problem 2.5

By Nasser Abbasi, Feb 9, 2002.


% nma_balle_HW_2_5 - Program to compute the trajectory of a baseball

% using the Euler method.


%HW 5, 2.5, Nasser Abbasi, feb 9, 2002.

%Modified from original teacher program balle.m



%This program determines the horizental and vertical (extra, not

%requested in HW) range as a function of the initial angle, for

%fixed initial speed (50 m/s) and initial hight (1 m)


%It plots 2 figures, one for the X range, and one for the Y range,

%and on each plots it shows the range for the condition of no Air

%resistance, and Air resistance.  (of course, with no Air

%resistance, larger ranges are expected.)


clear;  help nma_balle_HW_2_5;  % Clear memory and print header


% Where we store data during simulation

data = struct (  'angleInDegree'  , 0, ...

                 'maxXRangeNoAir' , 0, ...

                 'maxXRange'      , 0, ...

                 'maxYRnageNoAir' , 0, ...

                 'maxYRange'      , 0);


%* Set initial position and velocity of the baseball

initialY         = 1;                        % in meter

initialX         = 0;                       

initialPos       = [initialX, initialY]; 


initialSpeed     = 50; % Initial speed in m/s

initialAngle     = 10; % Initial angle in degrees

finalAngle       = 50;  % in degrees



%* Set physical parameters (mass, Cd, etc.)

Cd    = 0.35;    % Drag coefficient (dimensionless)

area  = 4.3e-3;  % Cross-sectional area of projectile (m^2)

g     = 9.81;    % Gravitational acceleration (m/s^2)

mass  = 0.145;   % Mass of projectile (kg

rho   = 1.2;     % Density of air (kg/m^3


airConst = -0.5*Cd*rho*area/mass;  % Air resistance constant


tau      = input('Enter timestep, tau (sec): ');  % (sec)


% to record outer step number, independent on angle granuality



for angle= initialAngle:finalAngle 




    % Initialize the initial velosity and speed

    initialVelosity  = [initialSpeed*cos(angle*pi/180), ...



    % we track both pos and Vel for no Air and Air cases during same run.

    % Set initial position and velocity for both conditions.

    currentPos       = initialPos; 

    currentVelosity  = initialVelosity;


    currentPosNoAir      = initialPos;

    currentVelosityNoAir = initialVelosity;


    % to track the Y max per run. Extra, no required by HW.

    maxYNoAir = currentPosNoAir(2);

    maxY      = currentPos(2);




    % keep running untill the ball hits the ground. Note: we track both

    % with Air and No Air during the same loop, so keep running even if one

    % ball has hit the ground, but the other still falling. faster

    % than having one loop per each. do both in the same loop.


    while( currentPos(2) > 0 | currentPosNoAir(2) > 0 )       


        istep = istep+1;

        t     = (istep-1)*tau;     % Current time


        if( currentPosNoAir(2) > 0 )

           currentPosNoAir(1) = initialPos(1) + initialVelosity(1)*t;

           currentPosNoAir(2) = initialPos(2) + initialVelosity(2)*t - 0.5*g*t^2;


           if( currentPosNoAir(2) > maxYNoAir )

               maxYNoAir = currentPosNoAir(2);




        if( currentPos(2) > 0 )

            %* Calculate the acceleration of the ball

            accel    = airConst*norm(currentVelosity)* currentVelosity; % Air resistance

            accel(2) = accel(2)-g;                                      % Gravity


            %* Calculate the new position and velocity using Euler method

            currentPos      = currentPos + tau*currentVelosity;     % Euler step

            currentVelosity = currentVelosity + tau*accel;   


            if( currentPos(2) > maxY )

               maxY = currentPos(2);





     % both balls have hit the ground. record where, to plot later.

     data.angleInDegree(N)  = angle;

     data.maxXRange(N)      = currentPos(1);

     data.maxXRangeNoAir(N) = currentPosNoAir(1);

     data.maxYRange(N)      = maxY;

     data.maxYRangeNoAir(N) = maxYNoAir;




 % plot results



fprintf('Max horizental range (No Air)=%g meter at angle=%d\n',K,data.angleInDegree(I));



fprintf('Max horizental range =%g meter at angle=%d\n',K,data.angleInDegree(I));



fprintf('Max vetical range (No Air)=%g meter at angle=%d\n',K,data.angleInDegree(I));



fprintf('Max vertical range =%g meter at angle=%d\n',K,data.angleInDegree(I));



%* Graph Range vs Angle

clf;  figure(gcf);   % Clear figure window and bring it forward


plot(data.maxXRange, data.angleInDegree,'+');

hold on;

plot(data.maxXRangeNoAir, data.angleInDegree,'-');


legend('With Air resistance (Euler method)','Theory (No air resistance)',4);

xlabel('Horizontal Range (meter)');  ylabel('Initial Angle (degree)');

title('Horizontal range vs. Angle of projection');


grid on;




plot(data.maxYRange, data.angleInDegree,'+');

hold on;

plot(data.maxYRangeNoAir, data.angleInDegree,'-');


legend('With Air resistance (Euler method)','Theory (No air resistance)',4);

xlabel('Vertical Range (meter)');  ylabel('Initial Angle (degree)');

title('Vertical range vs. Angle of projection');


grid on;





» close all

» clear all

» help nma_balle_HW_2_5


  nma_balle_HW_2_5 - Program to compute the trajectory of a baseball

  using the Euler method.



» nma_balle_HW_2_5


  nma_balle_HW_2_5 - Program to compute the trajectory of a baseball

  using the Euler method.


Enter timestep, tau (sec): 0.001

Max horizental range (No Air)=255.867 meter at angle=45

Max horizental range =126.012 meter at angle=39

Max vetical range (No Air)=75.7737 meter at angle=50

Max vertical range =48.1907 meter at angle=50