HW 2.21

By Nasser Abbasi



function nma_pendul

% nma_pendul - Program to determine effect of pivot driving

% accelration on the oscillation of the pendulum.


% Nasser Abbasi, HW 6, problem 2.22

% Modified from the original pendul.m program by Dr Garcia.



clear all;  help nma_pendul      % Clear the memory and print header


%* Set initial position and velocity of pendulum

theta0 = input('Enter initial angle (in degrees): ');

theta  = theta0*pi/180;   % Convert angle to radians

tau      = input('Enter time step: ');

Td       = input('Enter Td, the driving period (sec):');

initial_A= input('Enter the initial A to use (multiples of g):');

last_A   = input('Enter the maximum A to use (multiples of g):');


%* Loop over desired number of steps with given time step

nstep = input('Enter number of time steps: ');



% Run the simulation for different A, the amplitude of the

% driving accelaration, and plot the result for each run to

% see the effect of increasing A on the oscillation of the

% pendulum.



for(A= initial_A : 5 : last_A)






% Function to run the simulation for different

% values of A, with everything else fixed to see

% the effect of changing A.



function simulate(A,theta,tau,Td,nstep)


omega  = 0;               % Set the initial velocity


%* Set the physical constants and other variables

time     = 0;                % Initial time

irev     = 0;                % Used to count number of reversals


%* Take one backward step to start Verlet

accel     = - getAccelaration( time, A, Td, theta);    % Gravitational accel

theta_old = theta - omega*tau + 0.5*tau^2*accel;   


for istep=1:nstep 


  %* Record angle and time for plotting

  t_plot(istep)  = time;           

  th_plot(istep) = theta*180/pi;   % Convert angle to degrees

  time           = time + tau;


  %* Compute new position and velocity using  Verlet method

  accel = - getAccelaration( time, A, Td, theta);


  theta_new = 2*theta - theta_old + tau^2*accel;

  theta_old = theta;                 

  theta     = theta_new;  



%* Graph the oscillations as theta versus time



xlabel('Time');  ylabel('\theta (degrees)');

title(sprintf('Oscillation for initial angle=%d (degree), A0=%d', ...

              th_plot(1), A));




% function to find the accelatation from


%                 2*PI*time

%  g (1 + A  Sin(------------) )

%                    Td     

%  ------------------------------   Sin (theta)

%               L



function w=getAccelaration(time,A,Td,theta)


% notice, g/L is taken as 1


w=   1 + A*sin(2*pi*time/Td)  ;

w= w * sin(theta);





The simulation was started with a large fixed initial angle (170 degrees), then A, the amplitude of the acceleration of the pivot holding the pendulum was increased slowly, (in increment of 5 g), and for each value of A, we plot the oscillation of the pendulum. We see that for low values of A, the pendulum is not stable, but when A crosses over the value of 55g to 60g the pendulum start to oscillate around the initial angle.  As A is increased more, this oscillation become more frequent and at A of 100g, the pendulum makes  a little over 2 full swings in 8 seconds. The range of the oscillation (the angle over which it swings remains the same, which is from about 160 degrees to 200 degrees, but the frequency increases as A increases.


In these diagrams below, time is in seconds.



» clear all

» close all


» help nma_pendul


  nma_pendul - Program to determine effect of pivot driving

  accelration on the oscillation of the pendulum.


» nma_pendul


  nma_pendul - Program to determine effect of pivot driving

  accelration on the oscillation of the pendulum.


Enter initial angle (in degrees): 170

Enter time step: 0.004

Enter Td, the driving period (sec):0.2

Enter the initial A to use (multiples of g):40

Enter the maximum A to use (multiples of g):100

Enter number of time steps: 2000