HW 3.5

Nasser Abbasi



% nma_orbit - Program to compute the orbit of a comet.

clear all;  help nma_orbit;  % Clear memory and print header



% Nasser Abbasi, HW 3.5. Modified from teacher orbit.m


% Add Verlet method


%                r_next - r_before

%  v_now    = ---------------------

%                   2 TAO



%  r_next  = 2 r_now - r_before + TAO^2 * accel_now



% The initial r entered is r_now, so we need to find r_before

% i.e. r_0. To do that, use this:


%                                   TAO^2

%  r_before  = r_now - TAO v_now + ------- accel_now

%                                    2


%* Set initial position and velocity of the comet.

r0 = input('Enter initial radial distance (AU): '); 

v0 = input('Enter initial tangential velocity (AU/yr): ');


r_now = [r0 0]; 

v_now = [0 v0];


state = [ r_now(1) r_now(2) v_now(1) v_now(2) ];   % Used by R-K routines


%* Set physical parameters (mass, G*M)

GM       = 4*pi^2;      % Grav. const. * Mass of Sun (au^3/yr^2)

mass     = 1.;        % Mass of comet

adaptErr = 1.e-3; % Error parameter used by adaptive Runge-Kutta

time     = 0;


%* Loop over desired number of steps using specified

%  numerical method.

nStep = input('Enter number of steps: ');

tau   = input('Enter time step (yr): ');



% menu keeps hanging my Matlab 5.3.1 on win2k, so I am using this

% way to input the method to use


numericalMethod= input('choose a numerical method: 1=Euler, 2=Euler-Cromer, 3=RK, 4=Adaptive-RK, 5=Verlet:');


if( numericalMethod == 5 ) %verlet, find the r_before to kick off the simulation

    accel_now = -GM*r_now/norm(r_now)^3;  

    r_before  = r_now - tau*v_now + (0.5*tau^2)* accel_now;



for iStep=1:nStep 


  %* Record position and energy for plotting.

  rplot(iStep)     = norm(r_now);           % Record position for polar plot

  thplot(iStep)    = atan2(r_now(2),r_now(1));

  tplot(iStep)     = time;

  kinetic(iStep)   = .5*mass*norm(v_now)^2;   % Record energies

  potential(iStep) = - GM*mass/norm(r_now);


  %* Calculate new position and velocity using desired method.

  switch numericalMethod

    case 1

      accel_now   = -GM*r_now/norm(r_now)^3;  

      r_next      = r_now + tau*v_now;             % Euler step

      v_next      = v_now + tau*accel_now;

      time        = time + tau;

      r_now       = r_next;

      v_now       = v_next;

    case 2

      accel_now   = -GM*r_now/norm(r_now)^3;  

      v_next      = v_now + tau*accel_now;

      r_next      = r_now + tau*v_next;            % Euler-Cromer step

      time        = time + tau;    

      r_now       = r_next;

      v_now       = v_next;

    case 3

      state       = rk4(state,time,tau,'gravrk',GM);

      r_now       = [state(1) state(2)];   % 4th order Runge-Kutta

      v_now       = [state(3) state(4)];

      time        = time + tau;  

    case 4

      [state time tau] = rka(state,time,tau,adaptErr,'gravrk',GM);

      r_now            = [state(1) state(2)];   % Adaptive Runge-Kutta

      v_now            = [state(3) state(4)];

    case 5 

      % verlet method


      accel_now = -GM*r_now/norm(r_now)^3;


      r_next    = 2*r_now - r_before + (tau^2 * accel_now);

      v_now     = (r_next - r_before)/(2*tau);


      time = time + tau;


      r_before  = r_now;

      r_now     = r_next;     




%* Graph the trajectory of the comet.

figure(1); clf;  % Clear figure 1 window and bring forward

polar(thplot,rplot,'+');  % Use polar plot for graphing orbit

xlabel('Distance (AU)');  grid;

S=sprintf('Initial radial dist=%g (AU), Initial V=%g (AU/yr), tau=%g (AU yr), nStep=%d',r0,v0,tau,nStep);


pause(1)   % Pause for 1 second before drawing next plot


%* Graph the energy of the comet versus time.

figure(2); clf;   % Clear figure 2 window and bring forward

totalE = kinetic + potential;   % Total energy



xlabel('Time (yr)'); ylabel('Energy (M AU^2/yr^2)');





» nma_orbit


  nma_orbit - Program to compute the orbit of a comet.


Enter initial radial distance (AU): 1

Enter initial tangential velocity (AU/yr): 2*pi

Enter number of steps: 200

Enter time step (yr): 0.02

choose a numerical method: 1=Euler, 2=Euler-Cromer, 3=RK, 4=Adaptive-RK, 5=Verlet:5





» clear all

» nma_orbit


  nma_orbit - Program to compute the orbit of a comet.


Enter initial radial distance (AU): 1

Enter initial tangential velocity (AU/yr): pi

Enter number of steps: 200

Enter time step (yr): 0.02

choose a numerical method: 1=Euler, 2=Euler-Cromer, 3=RK, 4=Adaptive-RK, 5=Verlet:5






» clear all

» nma_orbit


  nma_orbit - Program to compute the orbit of a comet.


Enter initial radial distance (AU): 1

Enter initial tangential velocity (AU/yr): pi

Enter number of steps: 200

Enter time step (yr): 0.005

choose a numerical method: 1=Euler, 2=Euler-Cromer, 3=RK, 4=Adaptive-RK, 5=Verlet:5
