HW 3.25

Nasser Abbasi



Running this program showed that given a small initial difference in state, at one point in the future, the two trajectories will suddenly diverge from each others over small amount of time, but then the trajectories  settle down to distance between them that do not grow much bigger any more as happened the first time,  and continue to change by small amount over time. (seen clearly on the log plot below).


» nma_lorenz


  nma_lorenz - Program to compute the trajectories of the Lorenz

  equations using the non-adaptive Runge-Kutta method.

  Nasser Abbasi

  HW 3.25


Enter the initial position for the first particle  [x y z]: [1 1 20]

Enter the initial position for the second particle [x y z]: [1 1 20.001]

Enter the parameter r: 28

Enter number of steps: 600

Enter time delta tau(sec):0.1










function nma_lorenz

% nma_lorenz - Program to compute the trajectories of the Lorenz

% equations using the non-adaptive Runge-Kutta method.

% Nasser Abbasi

% HW 3.25


clear;  help nma_lorenz;



% layout the data struct used by this program


param  = struct('r',0,...          %this is passed to rk4 or rka




states = struct( 'state1',[],...



positions = struct('timeVector',[],...








states.state1 = input('Enter the initial position for the first particle  [x y z]: ');

states.state2 = input('Enter the initial position for the second particle [x y z]: ');



% get the problem parameter from the user


param.r = input('Enter the parameter r: ');



% These parameters are hardcoded and do not change


param.sigma = 10.;    

param.b     = 8./3.;  



% Obtain the time step and step size, since we are using

% non adpative rk


currentTime   = 0;

numberOfSteps = input('Enter number of steps: ');

tau           = input('Enter time delta tau(sec):');




% All, set, lets start the simulation


for i=1:numberOfSteps


  positions     = recordStateInstance(i,states,positions,currentTime);



  % Apply non-adaptive rk to both particles at the time time.


  states.state1 = rk4(states.state1,currentTime,tau,'lorzrk',param);

  states.state2 = rk4(states.state2,currentTime,tau,'lorzrk',param);


  currentTime = currentTime + tau;




% End of simulation, lets analyse the output, and do the plots

% (the fun part)







% Saves the state at each time step for later analysis

% and plotting when the simulation is completed.



function  positions = recordStateInstance(stepNumber,states,positions,time)


  positions.x1(stepNumber) = states.state1(1);

  positions.y1(stepNumber) = states.state1(2);

  positions.z1(stepNumber) = states.state1(3);


  positions.x2(stepNumber) = states.state2(1);

  positions.y2(stepNumber) = states.state2(2);

  positions.z2(stepNumber) = states.state2(3);


  % record the time elapsed since start of simulation at this step number

  % we could ofcourse find this by stepNumber*tau, since this is non adaptive

  % R-K, but this might be usefull to keep in this form for some kinds of

  % plotting later on.


  positions.timeVector(stepNumber) = time;






% function to analys and plot the result of the

% simulation. Takes as input the positions history of

% the two particles and determines the change in

% trajectories over time.


function analyseAndPlot(positions,param)



% First, lets plot time series for X position for each particle




plot(positions.timeVector, positions.x1,'-')

xlabel('Time');  ylabel('x(t) for first particle')

title(sprintf('Lorenz model time series for first particle'));



plot(positions.timeVector, positions.x2,'-')

xlabel('Time');  ylabel('x(t) for second particle')

title(sprintf('Lorenz model time series for second particle'));



% Graph the x,y,z phase space trajectory for both particles


% Mark the location of the three steady states

x_ss(1) = 0;             

y_ss(1) = 0;      

z_ss(1) = 0;


x_ss(2) = sqrt(param.b*(param.r-1)); 

y_ss(2) = x_ss(2);

z_ss(2) = param.r-1;


x_ss(3) = -sqrt(param.b*(param.r-1));

y_ss(3) = x_ss(3);

z_ss(3) = param.r-1;





view([30 20]);  % Rotate to get a better view

grid;           % Add a grid to aid perspective

xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');

title('Lorenz model phase space for first particle');




view([30 20]);  % Rotate to get a better view

grid;           % Add a grid to aid perspective

xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');

title('Lorenz model phase space for second particle');




% Now, let me plot the time series for X for both particles on the

% the same plot




plot(positions.timeVector, positions.x1,'-',positions.timeVector,positions.x2,':')

xlabel('Time');  ylabel('x(t) for both particles')

title(sprintf('Lorenz model time series for both particle'));

legend('first particle','second particle');




% Now find the distance between the particles in each dimension and

% plot



plot(positions.timeVector, abs(positions.x1-positions.x2),'-');

title('absolute distance between X coordinates between both particles');

xlabel('time in seconds');

ylabel('absolute difference in distance units');



% Now find the distance between the particles in each dimension and

% first, I plot distance between each coordinate



plot(positions.timeVector, abs(positions.y1-positions.y2),'-');

title('absolute distance between Y coordinates between both particles');

xlabel('time in seconds');

ylabel('absolute difference in distance units');




% Now find the distance between the particles in each dimension and

% plot



plot(positions.timeVector, abs(positions.z2-positions.z2),'-');

title('absolute distance between z coordinates between both particles');

xlabel('time in seconds');

ylabel('absolute difference in distance units');




% plot the difference between the length of the position vector





   r1(i)= sqrt(positions.x1(i)^2 + positions.y1(i)^2 + positions.z1(i)^2 );

   r2(i)= sqrt(positions.x2(i)^2 + positions.y2(i)^2 + positions.z2(i)^2 );

   distanceTraj(i)   = sqrt( (positions.x1(i)-positions.x2(i))^2 + ...

                             (positions.y1(i)-positions.y2(i))^2 + ...

                             (positions.z1(i)-positions.z2(i))^2 );





title('length of posiition vector changes with time for first particle');

xlabel('time in seconds');

ylabel('length of position vector');




title('length of posiition vector changes with time for second particle');

xlabel('time in seconds');

ylabel('length of position vector');




title('difference in position vector length between both particles over time');

xlabel('time in seconds');





% Now, plot the distance between the trajectoris




title(sprintf('distance between trajectories, max=%g,min=%g,mean=%g,std=%g',...


xlabel('time in seconds');

ylabel('distance in unit length');




title('distance between trajectories on log scale');


ylabel('log of distance between trajectories');



function deriv = lorzrk(s,t,param)

%  Returns right-hand side of Lorenz model ODEs

%  Inputs

%    s      State vector [x y z]

%    t      Time (not used)

%    param  Parameters [r sigma b]

%  Output

%    deriv  Derivatives [dx/dt dy/dt dz/dt]


%* For clarity, unravel input vectors

x     = s(1);

y     = s(2);

z     = s(3);

r     = param.r;

sigma = param.sigma;

b     = param.b;


%* Return the derivatives [dx/dt dy/dt dz/dt]

deriv(1) = sigma*(y-x);

deriv(2) = r*x - y - x*z;

deriv(3) = x*y - b*z;
