Design Project Grading Criteria



Your design project counts for 20% of your total course grade and it is consists of the following components:

1)      Group oral summary presentation worth 50% of your total design grade.  You only have 8 minutes to present so that you must briefly encapsulate the following issues:

a)      Structure and organization of presentation (clearly define your objectives, assumptions, methodology, design criteria, interpret results, summary)

b)      Neatness and clarity of presentation materials

c)      Did you make a compelling argument that your design was best?  Or did you leave holes in your methodology that could lead to skepticism in the audience that issues not considered may lead to a better design.

2)      Written presentation worth 50% of your total design grade.  This is a more detailed written report where you can expand your ideas and interpretations in writing that you did not have time to discuss in the oral presentation.  This is where you include all of your graphs (you probably left some out of the presentation), your work (i.e., calculations) and your computer program.  You will be graded on the following:

a)       It must be neatly typed and not to exceed 15 pages but not less than 10 pages (learn how to use the Microsoft equation editor – and install it if it is not installed!)

b)       Clear structure and organization (clearly define your objectives, assumptions, methodology, design criteria, interpret results, summary).

c)      Neatness and clarity of graphs and charts (make it easy to prove your point by choosing the appropriate graphs and maybe point out with highlight your criteria conditions, etc…)

d)      Discussion:  did you make a compelling argument that your design was best?  Or did you leave holes in your methodology that could lead to skepticism in the audience that issues not considered may lead to a better design.