Problem 1 teacher own.

Nasser Abbasi


Problem: a probe has the following position and velosity rbo=1.1 J and vbo= sqrt(2) I. Finds its position and velosity vectors after 3 hours and sketch the orbit.





Find e,a,p. since time is given, solve for Universal variable X from


\/ u   (t-t0) = 


Relate this angle to the hyporabolic Eccentric angle F, then use the classical Hyporabolic solution for the kepler equation to find time duration.




At burn out, satellite is at perigee (this can be seen also from the fact that vbo is perpendicular to rbo)



 rbo  = 1.1     J,   hence rbo = 1.1

 vbo  = sqrt(2) I    hence vbo = sqrt(2)


          v^2       u

Energy = ------ - ----

2                                r


Hence Energy (calculated at perigee)= 2/2 – 1/1.1 = 0.0909091 DU^2/TU^2


Since E>0, this is a hyperbola.



Energy = - -----                          ---(1)



To find ‘a’, Plug Energy in (1), and noting that u=1, we get



 0.0909091 = - -----        



hence   a =  -5.5  DU       


              | I         J     K |

h = r0 x v0 = | 0        1.1    0 | = I (0) – J (0) + K (1.1*sqrt(2))

              | sqrt(2)   0     2 |


h = -1.555634 k


hence h = 1.555634



Now, p = ----  = h^2



Hence p = 2.42          



To find e,  from p=a(1-e^2)


2.42    = -5.5 (1-e^2)




Now we are asked to find TOF when it crosses the x-axis. This means the angle mu = 90 degrees.


Using classical method, angle F is found from


             e + cos(90)

F = arccosh -------------              eq 4.2-21 BMW

             1+ e cos(90)


hence F = 0.6223625  radian


now, using equation 4.2-19 in BMW, we find TOF



TOF =  -------------- ( e sinh(F) – F )



TOF = sqrt( -5.5^3 ) ( 1.2  sinh(0.6223625) - 0.6223625 )


TOF = 2.2395  TU