By Nasser Abbasi. April 30, 2003.
Project One Report for MAE 185
This page explains the work done for this project, and how to use the program. Then 2 examples are shown showing the output of the program. Then at the end the source code listing for the program is given.
A program was written to factor a polynomial of order up to 12 (the program should work for higher orders, but I have not tested it, so now it will only allow up to degree 12). The polynomial is factored into quadratic factors. The program uses the Bairstow algorithm. The program was written in MATLAB 6.5.
The program is delivered in the form of ONE matlab function (for ease of running). The file name is called nma_proj_1.m, this file is contained in the floppy attached to this report.
To run the program please follow these instructions:
When the program is finished running, it will display the final results, which consist of the initial polynomial, and all the quadratic factors generated. For each quadratic factored, it will print next to it the number of iterations needed, along with the initial r,s used and the error percentage used.
To help illustrate the running of the program, the following is MATLAB output of running the program for 3 examples. The first example uses the example given in the textbook at page 68. The second used the HW#1 problem 7.5, and the third example I used a degree 12 polynomial.
>> nma_proj_1
degree of polynomial? >4
Coefficent a0 ? >3.3
Coefficent a1 ? >0.5
Coefficent a2 ? >2.3
Coefficent a3 ? >-1.1
Coefficent a4 ? >1
Input polynomial is:
3.300000 +0.500000 x +2.300000 x^2 -1.100000 x^3 + x^4
Input for round 1 of reduction
Initial value for r? >-1
Initial value for s? >-1
percentage error? >0.01
Iteration= 1 r= -0.890309886866699 s= -1.063453025086079
Iteration= 2 r= -0.900024696322848 s= -1.100161308574414
Iteration= 3 r= -0.899999998585020 s= -1.099999999747730
Iteration= 4 r= -0.900000000000000 s= -1.100000000000000
Completed round 1 of quadratic factorization. Result is:
Q(x)= x^2 +0.900000 x +1.100000
f(x)= 3.000000 -2.000000 x + x^2
Reduction completed...... Displaying final results
f(x)=3.300000 +0.500000 x +2.300000 x^2 -1.100000 x^3 + x^4
Q(x)=(1.100000 +0.900000 x + x^2 )
Initial R= -1
Initial S= -1
Error percentage= 0.010000
Number of Iterations= 4
Remaining polynomial = (3.000000 -2.000000 x + x^2 )
>> nma_proj_1
degree of
polynomial? >4
a0 ? >5
a1 ? >-2
a2 ? >6
a3 ? >-2
a4 ? >1
polynomial is:
+5 -2 x
+6 x^2 -2 x^3 + x^4
Input for
round 1 of reduction
value for r? >-1
value for s? >-1
error? >0.001
1 r= -0.061538461538462 s= -0.169230769230769
2 r= 0.042709523712992 s= -0.828980044617199
3 r= 0.002922797682596 s= -0.999429846290281
4 r= -0.000000819911177 s= -0.999994768884341
5 r= 0.000000000002669 s= -0.999999999989700
6 r= -0.000000000000000 s= -1.000000000000000
7 r= -0.000000000000000 s= -1.000000000000000
round 1 of quadratic factorization. Result is:
Q(x)= x^2
+0.000000 x +1.000000
+5 -2 x
+ x^2
completed...... Displaying final results
f(x)=+5 -2 x
+6 x^2 -2 x^3 + x^4
Q(x)=(+1 + x^2
Initial R=
Initial S=
percentage= 0.001000
Number of
Iterations= 7
polynomial = (+5 -2 x + x^2
>> nma_proj_1
degree of polynomial? >12
Coefficent a0 ? >1
Coefficent a1 ? >2
Coefficent a2 ? >3
Coefficent a3 ? >4
Coefficent a4 ? >5
Coefficent a5 ? >6
Coefficent a6 ? >7
Coefficent a7 ? >8
Coefficent a8 ? >9
Coefficent a9 ? >10
Coefficent a10 ? >11
Coefficent a11 ? >12
Coefficent a12 ? >13
Input polynomial is:
+2 x +3 x^2 +4 x^3
+5 x^4 +6 x^5 +7 x^6
+8 x^7 +9 x^8 +10 x^9
+11 x^10 +12 x^11 +13 x^12
Input for round 1 of reduction
Initial value for r? >0
Initial value for s? >0
percentage error? >0.001
Iteration= 1 r= -2.000000000000000 s=
Iteration= 2 r= 0.825264990699901 s=
Iteration= 3 r= 0.175037879019421 s=
Iteration= 4 r= 0.108551575900868 s=
Iteration= 5 r= 0.056317310407555 s=
Iteration= 6 r= 0.014261795471642 s=
Iteration= 7 r= -0.020334754977247 s=
Iteration= 8 r= -0.049451762666777 s=
Iteration= 9 r= -0.074654375038776 s=
Iteration= 10 r= -0.097309013780552 s=
Iteration= 11 r= -0.118773929907182 s=
Iteration= 12 r= -0.140634519934368 s=
Iteration= 13 r= -0.165084546806031 s=
Iteration= 14 r= -0.195660171797862 s=
Iteration= 15 r= -0.238822250888860 s=
Iteration= 16 r= -0.307611751610722 s=
Iteration= 17 r= -0.429453147777501 s= 0.380549475473609
Iteration= 18 r= -0.653562702271718 s=
Iteration= 19 r= -1.042327752355456 s=
Iteration= 20 r= -1.684353579089757 s=
Iteration= 21 r= -1.478014424618908 s=
Iteration= 22 r= -1.379729264590980 s=
Iteration= 23 r= -1.507621906983582 s=
Iteration= 24 r= -1.520105793615768 s=
Iteration= 25 r= -1.523428029397745 s=
Iteration= 26 r= -1.523437720381192 s=
Completed round 1 of quadratic
factorization. Result is:
Q(x)= x^2 +1.523438 x +0.613208
f(x)= 1.630161 -0.789201 x
+4.194556 x^2 -2.610709 x^3 +7.799446 x^4
-5.334557 x^5 +11.949266 x^6 -7.940700 x^7 +14.918007 x^8
-7.804564 x^9 +13 x^10
Input for round 2 of reduction
Initial value for r? >0
Initial value for s? >0
percentage error? >0.001
Iteration= 1 r= -0.060868697879560 s=
Iteration= 2 r= 0.165200385901510 s=
Iteration= 3 r= 0.144067906879829 s=
Iteration= 4 r= 0.122949728990631 s=
Iteration= 5 r= 0.112643754024701 s=
Iteration= 6 r= 0.111816247426912 s=
Iteration= 7 r= 0.111815367720120 s=
Completed round 2 of quadratic
factorization. Result is:
Q(x)= x^2 -0.111815 x +0.647310
f(x)= 2.518354 -0.784188 x
+2.454036 x^2 -2.397807 x^3 +7.843707 x^4
-3.181940 x^5 +5.792860 x^6 -6.350953 x^7
+13 x^8
Input for round 3 of reduction
Initial value for r? >0
Initial value for s? >0
percentage error? >0.001
Iteration= 1 r= -0.993273612465389 s=
Iteration= 2 r= -0.862726959803642 s=
Iteration= 3 r= -0.760691153617270 s=
Iteration= 4 r= -0.676367324652383 s=
Iteration= 5 r= -0.621346560219958 s=
Iteration= 6 r= -0.617197518816925 s=
Iteration= 7 r= -0.617359187239549 s=
Iteration= 8 r= -0.617359236961131 s=
Completed round 3 of quadratic
factorization. Result is:
Q(x)= x^2 +0.617359 x +0.628891
f(x)= 4.004434 -5.177943 x
+2.617708 x^2 +1.850989 x^3 +6.492817 x^4
-14.376623 x^5 +13 x^6
Input for round 4 of reduction
Initial value for r? >0
Initial value for s? >0
percentage error? >0.001
Iteration= 1 r= 1.275590218768978 s=
Iteration= 2 r= 0.390464941011387 s=
Iteration= 3 r= 0.379706633048355 s=
Iteration= 4 r= 0.390993127837409 s=
Iteration= 5 r= 0.475457316467570 s=
Iteration= 6 r= 0.971497095004576 s=
Iteration= 7 r= 1.360144402844268 s= -0.732310559628934
Iteration= 8 r= 1.400763945747168 s=
Iteration= 9 r= 1.454784161781157 s=
Iteration= 10 r= 1.458420191572684 s=
Iteration= 11 r= 1.458484746017808 s=
Iteration= 12 r= 1.458484756905666 s=
Completed round 4 of quadratic
factorization. Result is:
Q(x)= x^2 -1.458485 x +0.734972
f(x)= 5.448415 +3.766793 x
+3.623405 x^2 +4.583679 x^3 +13 x^4
Input for round 5 of reduction
Initial value for r? >0
Initial value for s? >0
percentage error? >0.001
Iteration= 1 r= -2.737727056192364 s=
Iteration= 2 r= 0.345250133572883 s=
Iteration= 3 r= 0.066800873437501 s=
Iteration= 4 r= -0.077030082836193 s=
Iteration= 5 r= -0.168727305987084 s=
Iteration= 6 r= -0.263181564191614 s=
Iteration= 7 r= -0.495517272834559 s=
Iteration= 8 r= -1.479722121926726 s=
Iteration= 9 r= -0.759878202012628 s=
Iteration= 10 r= -0.731410755432144 s=
Iteration= 11 r= -1.479191534725507 s=
Iteration= 12 r= -1.256359804222183 s=
Iteration= 13 r= -1.201218278462528 s=
Iteration= 14 r= -1.200254734645366 s=
Iteration= 15 r= -1.200263049200175 s=
Iteration= 16 r= -1.200263049092128 s=
Completed round 5 of quadratic
factorization. Result is:
Q(x)= x^2 +1.200263 x +0.618170
f(x)= 8.813786 -11.019741 x
+13 x^2
Reduction completed...... Displaying final
+2 x +3 x^2 +4 x^3
+5 x^4 +6 x^5 +7 x^6
+8 x^7 +9 x^8 +10 x^9
+11 x^10 +12 x^11 +13 x^12
Q(x)=(0.613208 +1.523438 x
+ x^2 )
Initial R= 0
Initial S= 0
Error percentage= 0.001000
Number of Iterations= 26
Q(x)=(0.647310 + x^2
Initial R= 0
Initial S= 0
Error percentage= 0.001000
Number of Iterations= 7
Q(x)=(0.628891 +0.617359 x
+ x^2 )
Initial R= 0
Initial S= 0
Error percentage= 0.001000
Number of Iterations= 8
Q(x)=(0.734972 -1.458485 x
+ x^2 )
Initial R= 0
Initial S= 0
Error percentage= 0.001000
Number of Iterations= 12
Q(x)=(0.618170 +1.200263 x
+ x^2 )
Initial R= 0
Initial S= 0
Error percentage= 0.001000
Number of Iterations= 16
Remaining polynomial = (8.813786 -11.019741 x
+13 x^2 )