3.385 \(\int \sec ^4(c+d x) (a+b \sin (c+d x)) \, dx\)

Optimal. Leaf size=44 \[ \frac {a \tan ^3(c+d x)}{3 d}+\frac {a \tan (c+d x)}{d}+\frac {b \sec ^3(c+d x)}{3 d} \]




Rubi [A]  time = 0.04, antiderivative size = 44, normalized size of antiderivative = 1.00, number of steps used = 3, number of rules used = 2, integrand size = 19, \(\frac {\text {number of rules}}{\text {integrand size}}\) = 0.105, Rules used = {2669, 3767} \[ \frac {a \tan ^3(c+d x)}{3 d}+\frac {a \tan (c+d x)}{d}+\frac {b \sec ^3(c+d x)}{3 d} \]

Antiderivative was successfully verified.


Int[Sec[c + d*x]^4*(a + b*Sin[c + d*x]),x]


(b*Sec[c + d*x]^3)/(3*d) + (a*Tan[c + d*x])/d + (a*Tan[c + d*x]^3)/(3*d)

Rule 2669

Int[(cos[(e_.) + (f_.)*(x_)]*(g_.))^(p_)*((a_) + (b_.)*sin[(e_.) + (f_.)*(x_)]), x_Symbol] :> -Simp[(b*(g*Cos[
e + f*x])^(p + 1))/(f*g*(p + 1)), x] + Dist[a, Int[(g*Cos[e + f*x])^p, x], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, e, f, g, p}, x]
&& (IntegerQ[2*p] || NeQ[a^2 - b^2, 0])

Rule 3767

Int[csc[(c_.) + (d_.)*(x_)]^(n_), x_Symbol] :> -Dist[d^(-1), Subst[Int[ExpandIntegrand[(1 + x^2)^(n/2 - 1), x]
, x], x, Cot[c + d*x]], x] /; FreeQ[{c, d}, x] && IGtQ[n/2, 0]

Rubi steps

\begin {align*} \int \sec ^4(c+d x) (a+b \sin (c+d x)) \, dx &=\frac {b \sec ^3(c+d x)}{3 d}+a \int \sec ^4(c+d x) \, dx\\ &=\frac {b \sec ^3(c+d x)}{3 d}-\frac {a \operatorname {Subst}\left (\int \left (1+x^2\right ) \, dx,x,-\tan (c+d x)\right )}{d}\\ &=\frac {b \sec ^3(c+d x)}{3 d}+\frac {a \tan (c+d x)}{d}+\frac {a \tan ^3(c+d x)}{3 d}\\ \end {align*}


Mathematica [A]  time = 0.07, size = 41, normalized size = 0.93 \[ \frac {a \left (\frac {1}{3} \tan ^3(c+d x)+\tan (c+d x)\right )}{d}+\frac {b \sec ^3(c+d x)}{3 d} \]

Antiderivative was successfully verified.


Integrate[Sec[c + d*x]^4*(a + b*Sin[c + d*x]),x]


(b*Sec[c + d*x]^3)/(3*d) + (a*(Tan[c + d*x] + Tan[c + d*x]^3/3))/d


fricas [A]  time = 0.43, size = 35, normalized size = 0.80 \[ \frac {{\left (2 \, a \cos \left (d x + c\right )^{2} + a\right )} \sin \left (d x + c\right ) + b}{3 \, d \cos \left (d x + c\right )^{3}} \]

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.


integrate(sec(d*x+c)^4*(a+b*sin(d*x+c)),x, algorithm="fricas")


1/3*((2*a*cos(d*x + c)^2 + a)*sin(d*x + c) + b)/(d*cos(d*x + c)^3)


giac [A]  time = 0.41, size = 76, normalized size = 1.73 \[ -\frac {2 \, {\left (3 \, a \tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, d x + \frac {1}{2} \, c\right )^{5} + 3 \, b \tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, d x + \frac {1}{2} \, c\right )^{4} - 2 \, a \tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, d x + \frac {1}{2} \, c\right )^{3} + 3 \, a \tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, d x + \frac {1}{2} \, c\right ) + b\right )}}{3 \, {\left (\tan \left (\frac {1}{2} \, d x + \frac {1}{2} \, c\right )^{2} - 1\right )}^{3} d} \]

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.


integrate(sec(d*x+c)^4*(a+b*sin(d*x+c)),x, algorithm="giac")


-2/3*(3*a*tan(1/2*d*x + 1/2*c)^5 + 3*b*tan(1/2*d*x + 1/2*c)^4 - 2*a*tan(1/2*d*x + 1/2*c)^3 + 3*a*tan(1/2*d*x +
 1/2*c) + b)/((tan(1/2*d*x + 1/2*c)^2 - 1)^3*d)


maple [A]  time = 0.16, size = 38, normalized size = 0.86 \[ \frac {-a \left (-\frac {2}{3}-\frac {\left (\sec ^{2}\left (d x +c \right )\right )}{3}\right ) \tan \left (d x +c \right )+\frac {b}{3 \cos \left (d x +c \right )^{3}}}{d} \]

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.






maxima [A]  time = 0.33, size = 35, normalized size = 0.80 \[ \frac {{\left (\tan \left (d x + c\right )^{3} + 3 \, \tan \left (d x + c\right )\right )} a + \frac {b}{\cos \left (d x + c\right )^{3}}}{3 \, d} \]

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.


integrate(sec(d*x+c)^4*(a+b*sin(d*x+c)),x, algorithm="maxima")


1/3*((tan(d*x + c)^3 + 3*tan(d*x + c))*a + b/cos(d*x + c)^3)/d


mupad [B]  time = 5.27, size = 42, normalized size = 0.95 \[ \frac {\frac {2\,a\,\sin \left (c+d\,x\right )\,{\cos \left (c+d\,x\right )}^2}{3}+\frac {b}{3}+\frac {a\,\sin \left (c+d\,x\right )}{3}}{d\,{\cos \left (c+d\,x\right )}^3} \]

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.


int((a + b*sin(c + d*x))/cos(c + d*x)^4,x)


(b/3 + (a*sin(c + d*x))/3 + (2*a*cos(c + d*x)^2*sin(c + d*x))/3)/(d*cos(c + d*x)^3)


sympy [F]  time = 0.00, size = 0, normalized size = 0.00 \[ \int \left (a + b \sin {\left (c + d x \right )}\right ) \sec ^{4}{\left (c + d x \right )}\, dx \]

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.




Integral((a + b*sin(c + d*x))*sec(c + d*x)**4, x)
