\(\int (a+\frac {b}{x^2})^p (c+\frac {d}{x^2})^q x^3 \, dx\) [199]

Optimal result
Mathematica [A] (verified)
Rubi [A] (verified)
Maple [F]
Fricas [F]
Sympy [F(-1)]
Maxima [F]
Giac [F]
Mupad [F(-1)]
Reduce [F]

Optimal result

Integrand size = 22, antiderivative size = 99 \[ \int \left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )^p \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )^q x^3 \, dx=\frac {b^2 \left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )^{1+p} \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )^q \left (\frac {b \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )}{b c-a d}\right )^{-q} \operatorname {AppellF1}\left (1+p,3,-q,2+p,1+\frac {b}{a x^2},-\frac {d \left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )}{b c-a d}\right )}{2 a^3 (1+p)} \] Output:


Mathematica [A] (verified)

Time = 0.18 (sec) , antiderivative size = 100, normalized size of antiderivative = 1.01 \[ \int \left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )^p \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )^q x^3 \, dx=-\frac {\left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )^p \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )^q x^4 \left (1+\frac {a x^2}{b}\right )^{-p} \left (1+\frac {c x^2}{d}\right )^{-q} \operatorname {AppellF1}\left (2-p-q,-p,-q,3-p-q,-\frac {a x^2}{b},-\frac {c x^2}{d}\right )}{2 (-2+p+q)} \] Input:

Integrate[(a + b/x^2)^p*(c + d/x^2)^q*x^3,x]


-1/2*((a + b/x^2)^p*(c + d/x^2)^q*x^4*AppellF1[2 - p - q, -p, -q, 3 - p - 
q, -((a*x^2)/b), -((c*x^2)/d)])/((-2 + p + q)*(1 + (a*x^2)/b)^p*(1 + (c*x^ 

Rubi [A] (verified)

Time = 0.39 (sec) , antiderivative size = 100, normalized size of antiderivative = 1.01, number of steps used = 4, number of rules used = 3, \(\frac {\text {number of rules}}{\text {integrand size}}\) = 0.136, Rules used = {948, 154, 153}

Below are the steps used by Rubi to obtain the solution. The rule number used for the transformation is given above next to the arrow. The rules definitions used are listed below.

\(\displaystyle \int x^3 \left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )^p \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )^q \, dx\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 948

\(\displaystyle -\frac {1}{2} \int \left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )^p \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )^q x^6d\frac {1}{x^2}\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 154

\(\displaystyle -\frac {1}{2} \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )^q \left (\frac {b \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )}{b c-a d}\right )^{-q} \int \left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )^p \left (\frac {b c}{b c-a d}+\frac {b d}{(b c-a d) x^2}\right )^q x^6d\frac {1}{x^2}\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 153

\(\displaystyle \frac {b^2 \left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )^{p+1} \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )^q \left (\frac {b \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )}{b c-a d}\right )^{-q} \operatorname {AppellF1}\left (p+1,-q,3,p+2,-\frac {d \left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )}{b c-a d},\frac {a+\frac {b}{x^2}}{a}\right )}{2 a^3 (p+1)}\)


Int[(a + b/x^2)^p*(c + d/x^2)^q*x^3,x]


(b^2*(a + b/x^2)^(1 + p)*(c + d/x^2)^q*AppellF1[1 + p, -q, 3, 2 + p, -((d* 
(a + b/x^2))/(b*c - a*d)), (a + b/x^2)/a])/(2*a^3*(1 + p)*((b*(c + d/x^2)) 
/(b*c - a*d))^q)

Defintions of rubi rules used

rule 153
Int[((a_) + (b_.)*(x_))^(m_)*((c_.) + (d_.)*(x_))^(n_)*((e_.) + (f_.)*(x_)) 
^(p_), x_] :> Simp[(b*e - a*f)^p*((a + b*x)^(m + 1)/(b^(p + 1)*(m + 1)*Simp 
lify[b/(b*c - a*d)]^n))*AppellF1[m + 1, -n, -p, m + 2, (-d)*((a + b*x)/(b*c 
 - a*d)), (-f)*((a + b*x)/(b*e - a*f))], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, d, e, f, m, 
n}, x] &&  !IntegerQ[m] &&  !IntegerQ[n] && IntegerQ[p] && GtQ[Simplify[b/( 
b*c - a*d)], 0] &&  !(GtQ[Simplify[d/(d*a - c*b)], 0] && SimplerQ[c + d*x, 
a + b*x])

rule 154
Int[((a_) + (b_.)*(x_))^(m_)*((c_.) + (d_.)*(x_))^(n_)*((e_.) + (f_.)*(x_)) 
^(p_), x_] :> Simp[(c + d*x)^FracPart[n]/(Simplify[b/(b*c - a*d)]^IntPart[n 
]*(b*((c + d*x)/(b*c - a*d)))^FracPart[n])   Int[(a + b*x)^m*Simp[b*(c/(b*c 
 - a*d)) + b*d*(x/(b*c - a*d)), x]^n*(e + f*x)^p, x], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, 
 d, e, f, m, n}, x] &&  !IntegerQ[m] &&  !IntegerQ[n] && IntegerQ[p] &&  !G 
tQ[Simplify[b/(b*c - a*d)], 0] &&  !SimplerQ[c + d*x, a + b*x]

rule 948
Int[(x_)^(m_.)*((a_) + (b_.)*(x_)^(n_))^(p_.)*((c_) + (d_.)*(x_)^(n_))^(q_. 
), x_Symbol] :> Simp[1/n   Subst[Int[x^(Simplify[(m + 1)/n] - 1)*(a + b*x)^ 
p*(c + d*x)^q, x], x, x^n], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, d, m, n, p, q}, x] && NeQ 
[b*c - a*d, 0] && IntegerQ[Simplify[(m + 1)/n]]
Maple [F]

\[\int \left (a +\frac {b}{x^{2}}\right )^{p} \left (c +\frac {d}{x^{2}}\right )^{q} x^{3}d x\]





Fricas [F]

\[ \int \left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )^p \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )^q x^3 \, dx=\int { {\left (a + \frac {b}{x^{2}}\right )}^{p} {\left (c + \frac {d}{x^{2}}\right )}^{q} x^{3} \,d x } \] Input:

integrate((a+b/x^2)^p*(c+d/x^2)^q*x^3,x, algorithm="fricas")


integral(x^3*((a*x^2 + b)/x^2)^p*((c*x^2 + d)/x^2)^q, x)

Sympy [F(-1)]

Timed out. \[ \int \left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )^p \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )^q x^3 \, dx=\text {Timed out} \] Input:



Timed out

Maxima [F]

\[ \int \left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )^p \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )^q x^3 \, dx=\int { {\left (a + \frac {b}{x^{2}}\right )}^{p} {\left (c + \frac {d}{x^{2}}\right )}^{q} x^{3} \,d x } \] Input:

integrate((a+b/x^2)^p*(c+d/x^2)^q*x^3,x, algorithm="maxima")


integrate((a + b/x^2)^p*(c + d/x^2)^q*x^3, x)

Giac [F]

\[ \int \left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )^p \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )^q x^3 \, dx=\int { {\left (a + \frac {b}{x^{2}}\right )}^{p} {\left (c + \frac {d}{x^{2}}\right )}^{q} x^{3} \,d x } \] Input:

integrate((a+b/x^2)^p*(c+d/x^2)^q*x^3,x, algorithm="giac")


integrate((a + b/x^2)^p*(c + d/x^2)^q*x^3, x)

Mupad [F(-1)]

Timed out. \[ \int \left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )^p \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )^q x^3 \, dx=\int x^3\,{\left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )}^p\,{\left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )}^q \,d x \] Input:

int(x^3*(a + b/x^2)^p*(c + d/x^2)^q,x)


int(x^3*(a + b/x^2)^p*(c + d/x^2)^q, x)

Reduce [F]

\[ \int \left (a+\frac {b}{x^2}\right )^p \left (c+\frac {d}{x^2}\right )^q x^3 \, dx =\text {Too large to display} \] Input:



((c*x**2 + d)**q*(a*x**2 + b)**p*a*c*x**4 + (c*x**2 + d)**q*(a*x**2 + b)** 
p*a*d*q*x**2 + (c*x**2 + d)**q*(a*x**2 + b)**p*b*c*p*x**2 - (c*x**2 + d)** 
q*(a*x**2 + b)**p*b*d*p - (c*x**2 + d)**q*(a*x**2 + b)**p*b*d*q + (c*x**2 
+ d)**q*(a*x**2 + b)**p*b*d + 2*x**(2*p + 2*q)*int(((c*x**2 + d)**q*(a*x** 
2 + b)**p*x**3)/(x**(2*p + 2*q)*a*c*x**4 + x**(2*p + 2*q)*a*d*x**2 + x**(2 
*p + 2*q)*b*c*x**2 + x**(2*p + 2*q)*b*d),x)*a**2*d**2*q**2 - 2*x**(2*p + 2 
*q)*int(((c*x**2 + d)**q*(a*x**2 + b)**p*x**3)/(x**(2*p + 2*q)*a*c*x**4 + 
x**(2*p + 2*q)*a*d*x**2 + x**(2*p + 2*q)*b*c*x**2 + x**(2*p + 2*q)*b*d),x) 
*a**2*d**2*q + 4*x**(2*p + 2*q)*int(((c*x**2 + d)**q*(a*x**2 + b)**p*x**3) 
/(x**(2*p + 2*q)*a*c*x**4 + x**(2*p + 2*q)*a*d*x**2 + x**(2*p + 2*q)*b*c*x 
**2 + x**(2*p + 2*q)*b*d),x)*a*b*c*d*p*q + 2*x**(2*p + 2*q)*int(((c*x**2 + 
 d)**q*(a*x**2 + b)**p*x**3)/(x**(2*p + 2*q)*a*c*x**4 + x**(2*p + 2*q)*a*d 
*x**2 + x**(2*p + 2*q)*b*c*x**2 + x**(2*p + 2*q)*b*d),x)*b**2*c**2*p**2 - 
2*x**(2*p + 2*q)*int(((c*x**2 + d)**q*(a*x**2 + b)**p*x**3)/(x**(2*p + 2*q 
)*a*c*x**4 + x**(2*p + 2*q)*a*d*x**2 + x**(2*p + 2*q)*b*c*x**2 + x**(2*p + 
 2*q)*b*d),x)*b**2*c**2*p - 2*x**(2*p + 2*q)*int(((c*x**2 + d)**q*(a*x**2 
+ b)**p)/(x**(2*p + 2*q)*a*c*x**5 + x**(2*p + 2*q)*a*d*x**3 + x**(2*p + 2* 
q)*b*c*x**3 + x**(2*p + 2*q)*b*d*x),x)*b**2*d**2*p**2 - 4*x**(2*p + 2*q)*i 
nt(((c*x**2 + d)**q*(a*x**2 + b)**p)/(x**(2*p + 2*q)*a*c*x**5 + x**(2*p + 
2*q)*a*d*x**3 + x**(2*p + 2*q)*b*c*x**3 + x**(2*p + 2*q)*b*d*x),x)*b**2...