18.13 problem 7

Internal problem ID [6439]

Book: Differential Equations: Theory, Technique, and Practice by George Simmons, Steven Krantz. McGraw-Hill NY. 2007. 1st Edition.
Section: Chapter 4. Power Series Solutions and Special Functions. Section 4.3. Second-Order Linear Equations: Ordinary Points. Page 169
Problem number: 7.
ODE order: 2.
ODE degree: 1.

CAS Maple gives this as type [_Gegenbauer, [_2nd_order, _linear, `_with_symmetry_[0,F(x)]`]]

\[ \boxed {\left (-x^{2}+1\right ) y^{\prime \prime }-y^{\prime } x +p^{2} y=0} \] With the expansion point for the power series method at \(x = 0\).

Solution by Maple

Time used: 0.016 (sec). Leaf size: 121


\[ y \left (x \right ) = \left (1-\frac {p^{2} x^{2}}{2}+\frac {p^{2} \left (p^{2}-4\right ) x^{4}}{24}-\frac {p^{2} \left (p^{4}-20 p^{2}+64\right ) x^{6}}{720}\right ) y \left (0\right )+\left (x -\frac {\left (p^{2}-1\right ) x^{3}}{6}+\frac {\left (p^{4}-10 p^{2}+9\right ) x^{5}}{120}-\frac {\left (p^{6}-35 p^{4}+259 p^{2}-225\right ) x^{7}}{5040}\right ) D\left (y \right )\left (0\right )+O\left (x^{8}\right ) \]

Solution by Mathematica

Time used: 0.002 (sec). Leaf size: 155


\[ y(x)\to c_2 \left (-\frac {p^6 x^7}{5040}+\frac {p^4 x^7}{144}+\frac {p^4 x^5}{120}-\frac {37 p^2 x^7}{720}-\frac {p^2 x^5}{12}-\frac {p^2 x^3}{6}+\frac {5 x^7}{112}+\frac {3 x^5}{40}+\frac {x^3}{6}+x\right )+c_1 \left (-\frac {1}{720} p^6 x^6+\frac {p^4 x^6}{36}+\frac {p^4 x^4}{24}-\frac {4 p^2 x^6}{45}-\frac {p^2 x^4}{6}-\frac {p^2 x^2}{2}+1\right ) \]