1.405 problem 407

1.405.1 Solving as first order nonlinear p but separable ode
1.405.2 Solving as dAlembert ode
1.405.3 Maple step by step solution

Internal problem ID [8742]
Internal file name [OUTPUT/7676_Sunday_June_05_2022_11_39_01_PM_6552035/index.tex]

Book: Differential Gleichungen, E. Kamke, 3rd ed. Chelsea Pub. NY, 1948
Section: Chapter 1, linear first order
Problem number: 407.
ODE order: 1.
ODE degree: 2.

The type(s) of ODE detected by this program : "dAlembert", "first_order_nonlinear_p_but_separable"

Maple gives the following as the ode type

[[_homogeneous, `class A`], _rational, _dAlembert]

\[ \boxed {x {y^{\prime }}^{2}-y=0} \]

1.405.1 Solving as first order nonlinear p but separable ode

The ode has the form \begin {align*} (y')^{\frac {n}{m}} &= f(x) g(y)\tag {1} \end {align*}

Where \(n=2, m=1, f=\frac {1}{x} , g=y\). Hence the ode is \begin {align*} (y')^{2} &= \frac {y}{x} \end {align*}

Solving for \(y^{\prime }\) from (1) gives \begin {align*} y^{\prime } &=\sqrt {f g}\\ y^{\prime } &=-\sqrt {f g} \end {align*}

To be able to solve as separable ode, we have to now assume that \(f>0,g>0\). \begin {align*} \frac {1}{x} &> 0\\ y &> 0 \end {align*}

Under the above assumption the differential equations become separable and can be written as \begin {align*} y^{\prime } &=\sqrt {f}\, \sqrt {g}\\ y^{\prime } &=-\sqrt {f}\, \sqrt {g} \end {align*}

Therefore \begin {align*} \frac {1}{\sqrt {g}} \, dy &= \left (\sqrt {f}\right )\,dx\\ -\frac {1}{\sqrt {g}} \, dy &= \left (\sqrt {f}\right )\,dx \end {align*}

Replacing \(f(x),g(y)\) by their values gives \begin {align*} \frac {1}{\sqrt {y}} \, dy &= \left (\sqrt {\frac {1}{x}}\right )\,dx\\ -\frac {1}{\sqrt {y}} \, dy &= \left (\sqrt {\frac {1}{x}}\right )\,dx \end {align*}

Integrating now gives the following solutions \begin {align*} \int \frac {1}{\sqrt {y}}d y &= \int \sqrt {\frac {1}{x}}d x +c_{1}\\ \int -\frac {1}{\sqrt {y}}d y &= \int \sqrt {\frac {1}{x}}d x +c_{1} \end {align*}

Integrating gives \begin {align*} 2 \sqrt {y} &= 2 x \sqrt {\frac {1}{x}}+c_{1}\\ -2 \sqrt {y} &= 2 x \sqrt {\frac {1}{x}}+c_{1} \end {align*}

Therefore \begin{align*} y &= x \sqrt {\frac {1}{x}}\, c_{1} +\frac {c_{1}^{2}}{4}+x \\ y &= x \sqrt {\frac {1}{x}}\, c_{1} +\frac {c_{1}^{2}}{4}+x \\ \end{align*}


The solution(s) found are the following \begin{align*} \tag{1} y &= x \sqrt {\frac {1}{x}}\, c_{1} +\frac {c_{1}^{2}}{4}+x \\ \tag{2} y &= x \sqrt {\frac {1}{x}}\, c_{1} +\frac {c_{1}^{2}}{4}+x \\ \end{align*}

Verification of solutions

\[ y = x \sqrt {\frac {1}{x}}\, c_{1} +\frac {c_{1}^{2}}{4}+x \] Verified OK.

\[ y = x \sqrt {\frac {1}{x}}\, c_{1} +\frac {c_{1}^{2}}{4}+x \] Verified OK.

1.405.2 Solving as dAlembert ode

Let \(p=y^{\prime }\) the ode becomes \begin {align*} x \,p^{2}-y = 0 \end {align*}

Solving for \(y\) from the above results in \begin {align*} y &= x \,p^{2}\tag {1A} \end {align*}

This has the form \begin {align*} y=xf(p)+g(p)\tag {*} \end {align*}

Where \(f,g\) are functions of \(p=y'(x)\). The above ode is dAlembert ode which is now solved. Taking derivative of (*) w.r.t. \(x\) gives \begin {align*} p &= f+(x f'+g') \frac {dp}{dx}\\ p-f &= (x f'+g') \frac {dp}{dx}\tag {2} \end {align*}

Comparing the form \(y=x f + g\) to (1A) shows that \begin {align*} f &= p^{2}\\ g &= 0 \end {align*}

Hence (2) becomes \begin {align*} -p^{2}+p = 2 x p p^{\prime }\left (x \right )\tag {2A} \end {align*}

The singular solution is found by setting \(\frac {dp}{dx}=0\) in the above which gives \begin {align*} -p^{2}+p = 0 \end {align*}

Solving for \(p\) from the above gives \begin {align*} p&=0\\ p&=1 \end {align*}

Substituting these in (1A) gives \begin {align*} y&=0\\ y&=x \end {align*}

The general solution is found when \( \frac { \mathop {\mathrm {d}p}}{\mathop {\mathrm {d}x}}\neq 0\). From eq. (2A). This results in \begin {align*} p^{\prime }\left (x \right ) = \frac {-p \left (x \right )^{2}+p \left (x \right )}{2 x p \left (x \right )}\tag {3} \end {align*}

This ODE is now solved for \(p \left (x \right )\).

Entering Linear first order ODE solver. In canonical form a linear first order is \begin {align*} p^{\prime }\left (x \right ) + p(x)p \left (x \right ) &= q(x) \end {align*}

Where here \begin {align*} p(x) &=\frac {1}{2 x}\\ q(x) &=\frac {1}{2 x} \end {align*}

Hence the ode is \begin {align*} p^{\prime }\left (x \right )+\frac {p \left (x \right )}{2 x} = \frac {1}{2 x} \end {align*}

The integrating factor \(\mu \) is \begin{align*} \mu &= {\mathrm e}^{\int \frac {1}{2 x}d x} \\ &= \sqrt {x} \\ \end{align*} The ode becomes \begin {align*} \frac {\mathop {\mathrm {d}}}{ \mathop {\mathrm {d}x}}\left ( \mu p\right ) &= \left (\mu \right ) \left (\frac {1}{2 x}\right ) \\ \frac {\mathop {\mathrm {d}}}{ \mathop {\mathrm {d}x}} \left (\sqrt {x}\, p\right ) &= \left (\sqrt {x}\right ) \left (\frac {1}{2 x}\right )\\ \mathrm {d} \left (\sqrt {x}\, p\right ) &= \left (\frac {1}{2 \sqrt {x}}\right )\, \mathrm {d} x \end {align*}

Integrating gives \begin {align*} \sqrt {x}\, p &= \int {\frac {1}{2 \sqrt {x}}\,\mathrm {d} x}\\ \sqrt {x}\, p &= \sqrt {x} + c_{1} \end {align*}

Dividing both sides by the integrating factor \(\mu =\sqrt {x}\) results in \begin {align*} p \left (x \right ) &= 1+\frac {c_{1}}{\sqrt {x}} \end {align*}

Substituing the above solution for \(p\) in (2A) gives \begin {align*} y = x \left (1+\frac {c_{1}}{\sqrt {x}}\right )^{2}\\ \end {align*}


The solution(s) found are the following \begin{align*} \tag{1} y &= 0 \\ \tag{2} y &= x \\ \tag{3} y &= x \left (1+\frac {c_{1}}{\sqrt {x}}\right )^{2} \\ \end{align*}

Verification of solutions

\[ y = 0 \] Verified OK.

\[ y = x \] Verified OK.

\[ y = x \left (1+\frac {c_{1}}{\sqrt {x}}\right )^{2} \] Verified OK.

1.405.3 Maple step by step solution

\[ \begin {array}{lll} & {} & \textrm {Let's solve}\hspace {3pt} \\ {} & {} & x {y^{\prime }}^{2}-y=0 \\ \bullet & {} & \textrm {Highest derivative means the order of the ODE is}\hspace {3pt} 1 \\ {} & {} & y^{\prime } \\ \bullet & {} & \textrm {Solve for the highest derivative}\hspace {3pt} \\ {} & {} & \left [y^{\prime }=\frac {\sqrt {y x}}{x}, y^{\prime }=-\frac {\sqrt {y x}}{x}\right ] \\ \bullet & {} & \textrm {Solve the equation}\hspace {3pt} y^{\prime }=\frac {\sqrt {y x}}{x} \\ \bullet & {} & \textrm {Solve the equation}\hspace {3pt} y^{\prime }=-\frac {\sqrt {y x}}{x} \\ \bullet & {} & \textrm {Set of solutions}\hspace {3pt} \\ {} & {} & \left \{\mathit {workingODE} , \mathit {workingODE}\right \} \end {array} \]

Maple trace

`Methods for first order ODEs: 
   *** Sublevel 2 *** 
   Methods for first order ODEs: 
   -> Solving 1st order ODE of high degree, 1st attempt 
   trying 1st order WeierstrassP solution for high degree ODE 
   trying 1st order WeierstrassPPrime solution for high degree ODE 
   trying 1st order JacobiSN solution for high degree ODE 
   trying 1st order ODE linearizable_by_differentiation 
   trying differential order: 1; missing variables 
   trying dAlembert 
   <- dAlembert successful`

Solution by Maple

Time used: 0.047 (sec). Leaf size: 39

dsolve(x*diff(y(x),x)^2-y(x) = 0,y(x), singsol=all)

\begin{align*} y \left (x \right ) &= 0 \\ y \left (x \right ) &= \frac {\left (x +\sqrt {c_{1} x}\right )^{2}}{x} \\ y \left (x \right ) &= \frac {\left (-x +\sqrt {c_{1} x}\right )^{2}}{x} \\ \end{align*}

Solution by Mathematica

Time used: 0.05 (sec). Leaf size: 46

DSolve[-y[x] + x*y'[x]^2==0,y[x],x,IncludeSingularSolutions -> True]

\begin{align*} y(x)\to \frac {1}{4} \left (-2 \sqrt {x}+c_1\right ){}^2 \\ y(x)\to \frac {1}{4} \left (2 \sqrt {x}+c_1\right ){}^2 \\ y(x)\to 0 \\ \end{align*}