| | | |
(1) [Z6651.P3 1958] |
Guide to the Literature of
Mathematics and Physics |
More... |
(2) [Z6651.P3 1958] |
Guide to the Literature of
Mathematics and Physics |
More... |
(3) [Z5834.S49H44 1973] |
Literature in digital signal
processing: terminology
and permuted title index |
More... |
(4) [Z733.U58G66 1980] |
Treasures of the Library of
Congress |
More... |
| | | |
(5) [Z253.53.P37 1993] |
Looking Good in Print |
More... |
(6) [Z253.4.T47A27 1990] |
Tex for the Impatient |
More... |
(7) [Z253.4.L38K66 1995] |
A guide to latex 2e |
More... |
(8) [Z253.4.L38K66 1995] |
A Guide to LATEX:
Document Preparation for
Beginners and Advanced
Users |
More... |
| | | |
(9) [Z253.4.L38H35 1993] |
LaTEX for Everyone |
More... |
(10) [Z253.4.L38G66 2004] |
The LaTeX Companion |
More... |
(11) [Z253.4.L38G66 1994] |
The Latex Companion |
More... |
(12) [Z253.4.L38.G745
2007] |
More Math Into Latex |
More... |
| | | |
(13) [Z253.4.L38.G663
1997] |
The Latex Graphics
Companion |
More... |
(14) [Z253.4.L38 V6713
2011 ] |
Typesetting Mathematics
With Latex |
More... |
(15) [Z253.4.L38 L35 1986
] |
Latex Document
Preparation System Users |
More... |
(16) [Z253.4.L38 .K66
2004] |
Guide To Latex |
More... |
| | | |
(17) [Z249.3.K59 1999] |
Digital Typography |
More... |
(18) [VM600.L24 1951] |
Mechanical Engineers’
Handbook |
More... |
(19) [VM381.M32 1978] |
The great liners (The
Seafarers) |
More... |
(20) [VM331.L89 1981] |
The Luxury yachts (The
Seafarers) |
More... |
| | | |
(21) [VM156.S413 ] |
Statics And Dynamics Of
The Ship |
More... |
(22) [VM151.K451 1991] |
Ship Construction |
More... |
(23) [UF500.F75 1985] |
Advanced Technology
Warfare |
More... |
(24) [TX298.G68 1974] |
How it works, illustrated:
everyday devices and
mechanisms, |
More... |
| | | |
(25) [TS191.8.P38 1981] |
Robot Manipulators |
More... |
(26) [TS191.8 .F59 2002] |
Flexible robot dynamics
and controls |
More... |
(27) [TS156.Q3D8 1965] |
Quality Control and
Industrial Statistics |
More... |
(28) [TS156.8.J63 1977] |
Process Control
Technology |
More... |
| | | |
(29) [TS156.8 .H68 1972] |
and Control Applications
for Practicing Engineers |
More... |
(30) [TS155.P74 1987] |
Production and Inventory
Control Handbook |
More... |
(31) [TR899.R83 1995] |
Nonlinear: A Guide to
Digital Film and Video
Editing |
More... |
(32) [TR897.5.W45 1986] |
Computer Animation |
More... |
| | | |
(33) [TR896.D68 1999] |
Digital Video for Dummies |
More... |
(34) [TR267.A5298 2006] |
Digital Photographer’s
Handbook |
More... |
(35) [TP155.S47 1967] |
Process-control systems:
Application, design,
adjustment |
More... |
(36) [TP155.C68 1965] |
More... |
| | | |
(37) [TP155.75.S73 1984] |
Chemical Process Control:
An Introduction to Theory
and Practice |
More... |
(38) [TP149.S582 1987] |
Introduction to Chemical
Thermodynamics |
More... |
(39) [TP149.S58 1981] |
Chemical Engineering
Kinetics |
More... |
(40) [TN269.R55 1980] |
Geophysical Signal
Analysis |
More... |
| | | |
(41) [TL1050.T47 1986] |
Introduction To Space
Dynamics |
More... |
(42) [TL1050.T47 1961] |
Introduction To Space
Dynamics |
More... |
(43) [TL1050.P78 1993] |
Orbital Mechanics |
More... |
(44) [TL1050.O73 1996] |
Orbital Mechanics |
More... |
| | | |
(45) [TL1050.B33 1971] |
Fundamentals of
astrodynamics |
More... |
(46) [TL1050.B33 1971] |
Fundamentals of
Astrodynamics |
More... |
(47) [TL845.K37 1985] |
Space Mathematics |
More... |
(48) [TL795.5.J63 1982] |
The Space Shuttle
Operators Manual |
More... |
| | | |
(49) [TL793.S44 1968] |
Man’s Conquest of Space |
More... |
(50) [TL793.H364 1984] |
Out of the Cradle |
More... |
(51) [TL790.S73 1991] |
Space Mission Analysis
and Design |
More... |
(52) [TL789.8.U6K5 1988] |
Illustrated History of
NASA: Anniversary
Edition |
More... |
| | | |
(53) [TL788.A53 1983] |
The dictionary of space
technology |
More... |
(54) [TL788.5.K47 1989] |
The Illustrated History of
Man in Space |
More... |
(55) [TL716.P23 2008] |
Helicopter Flight
Dynamics |
More... |
(56) [TL710.I45 2008] |
Pilot’s Handbook Of
Aeronautical Knowledge |
More... |
| | | |
(57) [TL709.H5 1970] |
and Thermodynamics of
Propulsion |
More... |
(58) [TL696.R2.S75 1983] |
Introduction to Airborne
Radar |
More... |
(59) [TL693.U5 1945] |
Work in Aircraft Radio
1945 Edition |
More... |
(60) [TL671.S565 1994] |
Future Flight: The Next
Generation of Aircraft
Technology |
More... |
| | | |
(61) [TL671.6.S82 1998] |
Mechanics of Aircraft
Structures (E-C) |
More... |
(62) [TL671.6 M36 1999] |
Aircraft Structures for
Engineering Students |
More... |
(63) [TL670.M615 1981] |
of the World’s Commercial
and Private Aircraft |
More... |
(64) [TL589.4.L44 1963] |
Guidance And Control Of
Aerospace Vehicles |
More... |
| | | |
(65) [TL574.S7.N45 1998] |
Flight Stability and
Automatic Control |
More... |
(66) [TL574.B6.S283 1960] |
Boundary Layer Theory |
More... |
(67) [TL574.A4.P58 1951] |
Basic Wing And Airfoil
Theory |
More... |
(68) [TL573.L5 1947] |
to Aerodynamics of a
Compressible Fluid |
More... |
| | | |
(69) [TL570.V5717 2004] |
Selected Topics In The
Light Of Their Historical
Development |
More... |
(70) [TL570.R34 1953] |
Introduction To
Aeronautical Dynamics |
More... |
(71) [TL570.K95 1959] |
Foundations Of
Aerodynamics |
More... |
(72) [TL570.K76 1986] |
Foundations Of
Aerodynamics |
More... |
| | | |
(73) [TL570.E75 1996] |
Dynamics Of Flight:
Stability And Control |
More... |
(74) [TL570.E75 1982] |
Dynamics of
Flight-Stability and
Control |
More... |
(75) [TL570.D863 1952] |
Principles of Control and
Stability of Aircraft |
More... |
(76) [TL570 .P4 1949] |
Airplane Performance,
Stability and Control |
More... |
| | | |
(77) [TL570 .C617 2013] |
Flight Dynamics
Principles |
More... |
(78) [TL546.H38 1946] |
Elementary Applied
Aerodynamics |
More... |
(79) [TL545.A78 1981] |
Aviation Fundamentals |
More... |
(80) [TL515 .T353 1977] |
History of Aviation |
More... |
| | | |
(81) [TL510.G8 1986] |
The Illustrated
Encyclopedia of
Commercial Aircraft |
More... |
(82) [TL272.B6177 1983] |
and Electronic Systems for
Automobiles and Trucks |
More... |
(83) [TL220.B68 1994] |
Build Your Own Electric
Vehicle |
More... |
(84) [TL146.5.H38 1991] |
Vehicles |
More... |
| | | |
(85) [TK9901.A3 1976] |
Electricity & electrical
appliances handbook |
More... |
(86) [TK7895.P3PHA
1978] |
Phase-Locked Loops &
Their Application |
More... |
(87) [TK7895.M5M463
1982] |
Applications Handbook |
More... |
(88) [TK7888.3.M343
1984] |
Digital Design |
More... |
| | | |
(89) [TK7888.3.H48 1976] |
Hardware, Software, and
Applications |
More... |
(90) [TK7888.3 .O82 1980
v.1] |
An Introduction to
Microcomputers (v. 1) |
More... |
(91) [TK7885.S525 1985] |
Computer design and
architecture |
More... |
(92) [TK7885.D474 1982] |
and Programming Modern
Systems: Supercomputing
Systems VOL II |
More... |
| | | |
(93) [TK7885.C64] |
Computer Engineering: A
DEC View of Hardware
Systems Design |
More... |
(94) [TK7885.A5G64] |
The Computer from
Pascal to Von Neumann |
More... |
(95) [TK7882.S65R3] |
Digital Processing of
Speech Signals |
More... |
(96) [TK7882.C56.T39
1998] |
Dvd Demystified |
More... |
| | | |
(97) [TK7881.S36 1983] |
Understanding Electronic
Control of Automation
Systems |
More... |
(98) [TK7881.4.D5413
1983] |
Digital audio technology |
More... |
(99) [TK7876.C67 1986] |
Microwave Principles And
Systems |
More... |
(100) [TK7876.A28 1969] |
Microwave Theory and
Applications |
More... |
| | | |
(101) [TK7874.W335 1990] |
Digital Design: Principles
and Practices |
More... |
(102) [TK7874.T85 1971] |
Abc’s of integrated
circuits |
More... |
(103) [TK7874.R87 1987] |
Processing |
More... |
(104) [TK7874.R34 1975] |
Integrated circuit projects |
More... |
| | | |
(105) [TK7874.M525 1972] |
Integrated Electronics:
and Digital Circuits and
Systems (McGraw-Hill
electrical and electronic
engineering series) |
More... |
(106) [TK7874.M479 1978] |
(Scientific American
Library series) |
More... |
(107) [TK7874.J3 1982] |
Applications and Design
with Analogue Integrated
Circuits |
More... |
(108) [TK7874.G688 1984] |
Analysis and Design of
Analog Integrated Circuits |
More... |
| | | |
(109) [TK7874.G688 1977] |
Analysis and Design of
Analog Integrated Circuits |
More... |
(110) [TK7874.E49 1982] |
Integrated Circuit
Fabrication Technology |
More... |
(111) [TK7874.C63 1980] |
Processing and Device
Design |
More... |
(112) [TK7874.B768 1984] |
Digital IC Vestpocket
Handbook |
More... |
| | | |
(113) [TK7872.T73 T48
1963] |
Transistor circuit design,
prepared by the
engineering staff of Texas
Instruments Incorporated |
More... |
(114) [TK7872.S4H8 1956] |
Handbook of
Semiconductor Electronics |
More... |
(115) [TK7872.P38G37
1979] |
Phaselock Techniques |
More... |
(116) [TK7872.M6O25
2002] |
Modulation, Detection
and Coding |
More... |
| | | |
(117) [TK7872.F5V38
1982] |
Analog Filter Design |
More... |
(118) [TK7872.F5S44
1976] |
Selected papers in digital
signal processing, II |
More... |
(119) [TK7872.F5R28
1973] |
Digital Signal Processing
(IEEE Press selected
reprint series) |
More... |
(120) [TK7872.F5R28
1972] |
Digital Signal Processing
(IEEE Press Selected
Reprint Series) |
More... |
| | | |
(121) [TK7872.F5R28
1972] |
Digital Signal Processing
(IEEE Press Selected
Reprint Series) |
More... |
(122) [TK7872.F5G67
1990] |
Simplified Practical Filter
Design |
More... |
(123) [TK7872.F5G43
1981] |
Modern Filter Design |
More... |
(124) [TK7872.F5C48
1975] |
Digital Filtering and
Signal Processing |
More... |
| | | |
(125) [TK7872.F5.O6
1969] |
Papers On Digital Signal
Processing |
More... |
(126) [TK7872.F5.L26
1979] |
Analog And Digital
Filters: Design And
Realization |
More... |
(127) [TK7872.F5.J33
1986] |
Digital filters and signal
processing |
More... |
(128) [TK7872.F5.H368
1996] |
Adaptive Filter Theory |
More... |
| | | |
(129) [TK7872.F5.D36
1974] |
Approximation methods
for electronic filter design |
More... |
(130) [TK7872.F5 Y44
1973] |
Literature in digital signal
processing: terminology
and permuted title index |
More... |
(131) [TK7872.F5 S93
1973] |
Computer Aided Filter
Design |
More... |
(132) [TK7872.F5 .C37
1978] |
Digital filters and their
applications |
More... |
| | | |
(133) [TK7872.F5 .B67
1985] |
Digital Filters, theory and
applications |
More... |
(134) [TK7872.A5.L45
1964] |
Papers On Semiconductor
Microwave Electronics |
More... |
(135) [TK7872 T73E48
1961] |
More... |
(136) [TK7871.85.S77
1990] |
Solid State Electronic
Devices |
More... |
| | | |
(137) [TK7871.85.N394
1986] |
Microdevices and
Materials |
More... |
(138) [TK7871.85.H38
1973] |
Power Semiconductor
Applications: Vol 1. |
More... |
(139) [TK7871.85.H38
1972] |
Power Semiconductor
Applications, Vol 2 |
More... |
(140) [TK7871.85.H38
1972] |
Power Semiconductor
Applications Vol 2 |
More... |
| | | |
(141) [TK7871.85.H336
1980] |
Handbook on
semiconductors VOL 3 |
More... |
(142) [TK7871.85.D73
1975] |
Solid State Devices and
Applications |
More... |
(143) [TK7871.85.D34
1968] |
Semiconductors From A to
Z |
More... |
(144) [TK7871.85 .C26
1972] |
Understanding Solid-State
Electronics |
More... |
| | | |
(145) [TK7871.6.E9 1989] |
Antennas Selection &
Installation |
More... |
(146) [TK7871.6.B353
1982] |
Antenna Theory: Analysis
and Design |
More... |
(147) [TK7871.58.O6J85] |
IC op-amp cookbook |
More... |
(148) [TK7870.R53 1986] |
Discrete and Integrated
Electronics |
More... |
| | | |
(149) [TK7870.M53 1965] |
Pulse, Digital, and
Switching Waveforms |
More... |
(150) [TK7870.M53 1965] |
Pulse, Digital and
Switching Waveforms |
More... |
(151) [TK7870.M53 1965] |
Pulse, Digital, and
Switching Waveforms |
More... |
(152) [TK7870.M34 1959] |
Handbook of Electronic
Control Circuits |
More... |
| | | |
(153) [TK7870.F52 1999] |
Electronic Devices |
More... |
(154) [TK7870.C32 1965] |
Microelectronic Circuits
And Applications |
More... |
(155) [TK7870 C55 1966] |
Foundations for
Microwave Engineering |
More... |
(156) [TK7868.S9S7 1969] |
How to
use integrated-circuit logic
elements |
More... |
| | | |
(157) [TK7868.S9D53
1971] |
Logic Design of Digital
Systems |
More... |
(158) [TK7868.P8M54
1970] |
Semiconductor Pulse
Circuits With
Experiments |
More... |
(159) [TK7868.L6 R67
1995 ] |
Fundamentals of Logic
Design |
More... |
(160) [TK7868.I58T53
1984] |
Circuits and Signals: An
Introduction to Linear and
Interface Circuits |
More... |
| | | |
(161) [TK7868.I58R86
1993] |
The Digital Interface
Handbook |
More... |
(162) [TK7868.I58C37
1997] |
Electronic Circuit
Guidebook, Vol 1: Sensors |
More... |
(163) [TK7868.D5T65
1999] |
Digital Electronics |
More... |
(164) [TK7868.D5T62
2004] |
Systems: Principles and
Applications |
More... |
| | | |
(165) [TK7868.D5T37] |
Digital Integrated
Electronics |
More... |
(166) [TK7868.D5R32
1975] |
Theory and Application of
Digital Signal Processing |
More... |
(167) [TK7868.D5R32
1975] |
Theory and Application of
Digital Signal Processing |
More... |
(168) [TK7868.D5P4 1972] |
The Design of Digital
Systems |
More... |
| | | |
(169) [TK7868.D5F53
1997] |
Digital Fundamentals |
More... |
(170) [TK7868.D5F53
1994] |
Digital Fundamentals |
More... |
(171) [TK7867.L6 1967] |
Theory and Problems of
Electronic Circuits |
More... |
(172) [TK7867.B66 1987] |
Electronic Devices And
Circuit Theory |
More... |
| | | |
(173) [TK7863.H33 1980] |
Electronics Engineering
for Professional Engineers’
Examinations |
More... |
(174) [TK7835.W3 1966] |
Solid-state electronics |
More... |
(175) [TK7835.M55 1956] |
Pulse and Digital Circuits |
More... |
(176) [TK7825.B8 1978] |
Complete Handbook of
Practical Electronic
Reference Data |
More... |
| | | |
(177) [TK7819.J3 1965] |
Electronics made simple |
More... |
(178) [TK7819.H83 1999] |
Basic communications
electronics |
More... |
(179) [TK7818.S37 1954] |
Experiments in electronics
and communication
engineering |
More... |
(180) [TK7816.U52 1972] |
Second-Level Basic
Electronics |
More... |
| | | |
(181) [TK7816.S6 1980] |
Electronics |
More... |
(182) [TK7816.O42 1977] |
Modern electronics made
simple |
More... |
(183) [TK7816.M39 1994] |
Radio Shack Basic
Electronic |
More... |
(184) [TK7815.U52 1950] |
Course in Electronics A
Textbook for Midshipmen
of the United States Naval
Academy |
More... |
| | | |
(185) [TK7815.S5 1980] |
Communication |
More... |
(186) [TK7815.M34 1954] |
Applied Electronics |
More... |
(187) [TK7815.E83 1958] |
Fundamentals of Radio &
Electronics |
More... |
(188) [TK7815 .H3 1947] |
Electronic Circuits and
Tubes |
More... |
| | | |
(189) [TK7800.I2 1967] |
IEEE transactions on
antennas and propagation,
Vol AP-15, 1967 |
More... |
(190) [TK7800.I2 1965] |
IEEE transactions on
antennas and propagation,
Vol AP-13, 1965 |
More... |
(191) [TK6678.W38 1994] |
The Art of Digital Video |
More... |
(192) [TK6675.W45 1986] |
Getting the Picture: A
Guide to Catv and the
New Electronic Media |
More... |
| | | |
(193) [TK6630.K5 1948] |
Television Simplified |
More... |
(194) [TK6630.I54 1996] |
Video Engineering |
More... |
(195) [TK6630.G75 1954] |
Basic television |
More... |
(196) [TK6575 .E33 1993] |
Radar: Principles,
Technology, Applications |
More... |
| | | |
(197) [TK6570.M6L36
1986] |
Mobile Communications
Design and Fundamentals |
More... |
(198) [TK6570.M6L35
1989] |
Mobile Cellular
Systems |
More... |
(199) [TK6570.M6C43
1995] |
Cellular Radio and
Communications: Selected
Readings |
More... |
(200) [TK6570.M6 R37
1996 ] |
Cellular Radio and
Advanced Selected
Readings |
More... |
| | | |
(201) [TK6570.M6 L35
1995 ] |
Mobile Cellular
Analog and Digital
Systems |
More... |
(202) [TK6554.5.S26 1972] |
101 questions & answers
about AM, FM, and SSB |
More... |
(203) [TK6553.S3 1943] |
Hyper And Ultrahigh
Frequency Engineering |
More... |
(204) [TK6553.P263 1973] |
Communication Systems
Design |
More... |
| | | |
(205) [TK6553.G58 1948] |
Frequency analysis,
modulation and noise |
More... |
(206) [TK6550.T42 1943] |
Radio Engineers’
Handbook |
More... |
(207) [TK6550.N15 1995] |
The Science of Radio |
More... |
(208) [TK6550.H45 1942] |
Principles of Radio |
More... |
| | | |
(209) [TK6550.A512 1976] |
More... |
(210) [TK6550 .G633 1981] |
Radio Circuits and Signals |
More... |
(211) [TK5741.U6 1942] |
Radio Fundamentals |
More... |
(212) [TK5105.Z54 2009] |
Principles of
Communication: Systems,
Modulation and Noise |
More... |
| | | |
(213) [TK5105.S73 1997] |
Data and Computer
Communications |
More... |
(214) [TK5105.S558 1986] |
Digital, Analog, And Data
Communication |
More... |
(215) [TK5105.S38 1977] |
Network Design and
Analysis |
More... |
(216) [TK5105.C65 1994] |
Communications (IEEE
Press Selected Reprint
Series) |
More... |
| | | |
(217) [TK5105.B478 1987] |
Data Networks |
More... |
(218) [TK5105.8885.A63
.L38 1999] |
Apache: The Definitive
Guide |
More... |
(219) [TK5105.888 .R67
1998] |
Information Architecture
For The World Wide Web |
More... |
(220) [TK5105.875.I57K76
1992] |
The Whole Internet User’s
Guide & Catalog
(Nutshell Handbook) |
More... |
| | | |
2000] |
Internet Core Protocols |
More... |
1994] |
How to Use the Internet |
More... |
(223) [TK5105.875.I57A43
1992 ] |
Nutshell handbook) |
More... |
(224) [TK5105.73 C67
1993] |
sendmail |
More... |
| | | |
(225) [TK5105.7.T88 1983] |
Tutorial local network
technology |
More... |
(226) [TK5105.7.S78 1990] |
Local Networks |
More... |
(227) [TK5105.7.M54
1990] |
Lan Protocol Handbook |
More... |
(228) [TK5105.583.M38
2001] |
Essential SNMP |
More... |
| | | |
(229) [TK5105.567.D67
1999] |
Ipsec |
More... |
(230) [TK5105.565.G85
1996] |
CGI Programming on the
World Wide Web
(Nutshell Handbook) |
More... |
(231) [TK5105.55Q55
1996] |
Windows Sockets Network
Programming |
More... |
(232) [TK5105.55.S74
1994] |
Illustrated, Volume 2: The
Implementation |
More... |
| | | |
(233) [TK5105.55.S74
1994] |
TCP/IP Illustrated,
Volume 1: The Protocols |
More... |
(234) [TK5105.55.S74
1994] |
Illustrated, Volume 2: The
Implementation |
More... |
(235) [TK5105.55 .S74
Vol.3 2000] |
TCP/IP Illustrated,
Volume 3 |
More... |
(236) [TK5105.5.T36 1985] |
Computer Networks |
More... |
| | | |
(237) [TK5105.5.T36] |
Computer Networks |
More... |
(238) [TK5105.5.S74 1991] |
Managing NFS and NIS
(Nutshell Handbook) |
More... |
(239) [TK5105.5.R36 1989] |
To SNA Networking using
More... |
(240) [TK5105.5.M3575
1992] |
Stacks: Interoperability in
Today’s Computer
Networks |
More... |
| | | |
(241) [TK5105.5.K44 1994] |
Networking Illustrated |
More... |
(242) [TK5105.5.J38 1978] |
Analysis, transmission,
and filtering of signals |
More... |
(243) [TK5105.5.F74 1994] |
Building the Information
Highway |
More... |
(244) [TK5105.5.B565
1989] |
Data Networks concepts,
theory and practice |
More... |
| | | |
(245) [TK5105.35.H36
1994] |
ATM Networks |
More... |
(246) [TK5105 .S73 1997] |
Data and Computer
Communications |
More... |
(247) [TK5104.S3637 1980] |
Satellite Communications |
More... |
(248) [TK5104.M37 1977] |
Communications Satellite
Systems |
More... |
| | | |
(249) [TK5103.D4 1972] |
Electronics Circuits |
More... |
(250) [TK5103.7.Z55 1992] |
Introduction to Digital
Communication |
More... |