Subject:Hints on HW 9 From:Suzannah Sandrik <> Date:4/11/2014 11:45 AM I have a couple of suggestions on how to approach HW 9. Debris avoidance is a little bit different from the examples we did in lecture yesterday. There is a debris avoidance type of example in the notes, so give that a read. A good way to approach debris avoidance problems is to use the satellite's original position as the target. Then the satellite moves away from the target to avoid the debris, then back to the target so that it has the position after the maneuver that it would have had if it had never done the maneuver in the first place. Since the satellite started on a circular orbit, keeping that same orbit as the target reference also means that omega, the angular velocity of the target, stays constant throughout the problem. If you use that strategy, then the problem you are trying to solve is this: (x0,y0) are (0,0). The satellite starts at the origin. At time t1, being 10 km away means [x(t1)]^2 + [y(t1)]^2 = [10 km]^2. What x0_dot and y0_dot are required for this to happen? (And, since the problem specifies only an x-component delta-v, y0_dot is zero.) After performing delta-V #1, the satellite drifts away from its original orbital position at the origin. At time t1, the debris has passed and it's time to do a maneuver to return. If the goal is to return to the origin at time t2, set x(t2) and y(t2) equal to zero. Then what velocities x_dot and y_dot at time t1 are required to accomplish reaching the origin at time t2? Compare those to the velocities that the spacecraft already has at time t1 to find the required second delta-V. In the figure shown on the homework, the satellite starts and ends at the origin, (0,0). Hope that helps! -- Dr. Suzannah Sandrik Department of Engineering Physics University of Wisconsin-Madison 811 Engineering Research Building (608) 262-0764