2.5 HW 5

  2.5.1 Problem description
  2.5.2 Joint space control
  2.5.3 Operational space control

  1. This HW in one PDF (letter size)

2.5.1 Problem description





2.5.2 Joint space control

The main goal is to decouple the nonlinear equation of motion of the robotic arm which is given by the equation below, where \([\quad ]\) indicates a matrix and \(\{\quad \}\) indicates a column vector. Notice that \([D(q)]\) means that that matrix \([D]\) is a function of \(q\). It does not mean the matrix \([D]\) is multiplied by \(q\). \begin {align*} [D(q)] \{\ddot {q} \} + [B(q)] [\dot {q}\dot {q}] + [C(q)] \{\dot {q}^2\} + [G(q)] &= \{\tau \} \end {align*}

The sizes of each of above quantities in terms of \(n\) which is the number of generalized coordinates, or the degrees of freedom, or the number of joints, which is \(3\) in this example, are given by \begin {align*} \overbrace {[D(q)]}^{n\times n} \overbrace { \{\ddot {q} \} }^{n\times 1} + \overbrace { [B(q)] }^{n\times \frac {(n-1)n}{2}} \overbrace { [\dot {q}\dot {q}] }^{\frac {(n-1)n}{2}\times 1} + \overbrace {[C(q)]}^{n\times n} \overbrace {\{\dot {q}^2\}}^{n\times 1} + \overbrace {[G(q)]}^{n\times 1} &= \overbrace {\{\tau \}}^{n\times 1} \end {align*}

The velocity terms and the gravity terms and the mass terms are indicated below \begin {align*} \overbrace {[D(q)] \{\ddot {q} \}}^{\text {Mass or inertia term}} + \overbrace {[B(q)][\dot {q}\dot {q}] + [C(q)] {\dot {q}^2\}}}^{\text {velocity nonlinear terms}} + \overbrace {[G(q)]}^{\text {gravity nonlinear term}} &= \overbrace {\{\tau \}}^{\text {forces and torques}} \end {align*}

The above equation of motion can be written in simpler form for analysis by letting \(V = [B(q)][\dot {q}\dot {q}] + [C(q)]\{\dot {q}^2\}\). Therefore the above becomes \begin {align*} [D]\{\ddot {q}\} + V + G &= \tau \\ [D]\{\ddot {q}\} &= \tau - V - G \tag {1} \end {align*}

Setting \(\tau = \tilde {D} \tau ' + \tilde {V} + \tilde {G}\) where \(\tilde {D},\tilde {V},\tilde {G}\) are estimates of the the actual \(D,V,G\). The estimates are computed in real time. \(\tau '\) is the actuating signal generated by the propertional derivative (P.D.) controller which is given by \[ \tau ' = k_d(\dot {q}_{\text {desired}}-\dot {q}_{\text {actual}}) + k_p(q_{\text {desired}}-q_{\text {actual}}) \] Using the above equation (1) becomes \begin {align*} D[\ddot {q}] &= \tilde {D} \tau ' + \tilde {V} + \tilde {G} - V - G \\ &= \tilde {D} \tau ' + (\tilde {V}-V) + (\tilde {G} - G) \tag {2} \end {align*}

Assuming the estimates are perfect with no noise and no delay, then \(\tilde {V}=V\), \(\tilde {G}=G\) and \(\tilde {D}=D\) and (2) reduces to \begin {align*} [I] \{\ddot {q}\} &= D^{-1}\tilde {D} \tau ' \\ &= \{\tau '\} \tag {3} \end {align*}

Where \([I]\) is the identity matrix. Therefore the equations have been decoupled.

\(\tau \) was determined based on the control being implemented as follows

part(a) \(\tau = \tilde {D} \tau ' + \tilde {G} + \tilde {V}\)

full compensation

part(b) \(\tau = \tilde {D} \tau ' + \tilde {G}\)

no velocity terms compensation, only gravity is compensated for. This means the \(V\) term is not estimated at run time hence the equations of motion will not be fully decoupled and some cross joints motion effects will result.

part (c) \(\tau = D_{\text {average}} \tau ' + \tilde {G} + \tilde {V}\)

decentralized control with full compensation. Mass matrix is constant which represents the average mass matrix.

For part (c), the average mass matrix \(D_{\text {average}}\) was found by setting the joint angles to zero \(q_i=0\) for the three joints in the original \([D]\) mass matrix. Therefore all the \(\cos (q)\) terms were replaced by one and all \(\sin (q)\) terms were replaced by zero.

Damping was not used as the problem did not specify one but this can be easily added in the Matlab code. In addition, the gear ratio \(N\) was not used as the problem did not specify a value for \(N\).

The end-effector position in task space was found to be

\begin {align*} X_{\text {end}} &= T_3^0 \left [\begin {array}{c} 0\\0\\0\\1\end {array}\right ] \\ &= \left [ \begin {array}{c} L \cos (q_1(t)) \cos (q_2(t)) + L \cos (q_1(t)) \cos (q_2(t)) \cos (q_3(t)) - L \cos (q_1(t)) \sin (q_2(t)) \sin (q_3(t))\\ L \cos (q_2(t)) \sin (q_1(t)) + L \cos (q_2(t)) \cos (q_3(t)) \sin (q_1(t)) - L \sin (q_1(t)) \sin (q_2(t)) \sin (q_3(t))\\ L \left (\sin (q_2(t)) + 1\right ) + L \cos (q_2(t)) \sin (q_3(t)) + L \cos (q_3(t)) \sin (q_2(t)) \end {array} \right ] \end {align*}

The above was evaluated at each time instance and used to plot the path of the end-effector in 3D.

The following diagram shows the controller layout taken from the class handout, page 6-120 which shows the controller with full compensation.

Figure 2.39: Diagram of controller, inverse dynamics control, full compensation. From class lecture notes

In the Matlab simulation, it was assumed that the measured manipulator states are exact and no noise was present as mentioned above. In practice this will not be the case and there will be an error in the estimates.

The following diagrams gives a high level overview of the Matlab software design for the implementation of the joint space control and the M files used.

Figure 2.40: Matlab program design for joint space controller

The output for each part is now given followed by discussion of the results.

Part (a) Coriolis, centrifugal, and gravity terms are compensated

In this part, full compensation was made for the nonlinear Coriolis, centrifugal and gravity terms. This gave complete decoupling between the joints. Becuase of this one expects no oscillation in the plots of the joints displacements over the time of the simulation. This was verified from the plots generated by the simulation.

In addition to the required plots, an additional plot was made showing the end-effector speed over time. This was found by finding the end-effector linear speed using \(\dot {X} = J \dot {q}\) where \(J\) is the end-effector Jacobian. The Jacobian was found using symbolic matlab in the file ThreeDOFcontrols_symbolic.m and the output was used in the the file ThreeDOFcontrol.m in order to calculate \(|\dot {X}|\) over each time step.

Figure 2.41: Final position of robot arm, Joint space control, part(a)

Figure 2.42: Joint position vs. time, Joint space control, part(a)

Figure 2.43: Joint velocity vs. time, Joint space control, part(a)

Figure 2.44: End effector \(\frac {dX_e}{dt},\frac {dY_e}{dt},\frac {dZ_e}{dt}\) Joint space control, part(a)

Figure 2.45: End effector \(X_e,Y_e,Z_e\) vs. time, Joint space control, part(a)

Figure 2.46: End effector linear speed vs. time, Joint space control, part(a)

Figure 2.47: End effector plot3 displacement, Joint space control, part(a)
Part (b) No velocity compensation. Only gravity compensation

In this part, only the gravity terms were compensated for. Since there is coupling that remains between the joints, one expects to see some oscillation in the joints speeds as they are no longer independent from each other as with part (a).

This was verified by the plots generated from the simulation.

Figure 2.48: Final position of robot arm, Joint space control, part(b)

Figure 2.49: Joint position vs. time, Joint space control, part(b)

Figure 2.50: Joint velocity vs. time, Joint space control, part(b)

Figure 2.51: End effector \(\frac {dX_e}{dt},\frac {dY_e}{dt},\frac {dZ_e}{dt}\) Joint space control, part(b)

Figure 2.52: End effector \(X_e,Y_e,Z_e\) vs. time, Joint space control, part(b)

Figure 2.53: End effector linear speed vs. time, Joint space control, part(b)

Figure 2.54: End effector plot3 displacement, Joint space control, part(b)
Part (c) Decentralized joint-space controller, full compensation using average D matrix

In this part, full compensation were made for the nonlinear Coriolis, centrifugal, and gravity terms, however the mass matrix \(D\) used was a constant matrix which represented the average of the original mass matrix.

The approximate mass matrix is given by \[ \tilde {D} = D_{\text {average}} + J_m^T I_m J_m \] Where \(I_m\) is the actuator moment of inertia and \(J_m\) is the actuator Jacobian. In this problem these were not used as they were not specified, and only the average mass matrix needed to be determined.

The average mass matrix \(D_{\text {average}}\) was obtained from \(D\) by setting each joint position given by \(q\) to zero and by also setting the off diagonal elements to zero. Setting the off diagonal elements to zero was needed as the average mass matrix needs to be diagonal to produce the decoupling effect.

Therefore all the cosine terms were set to one and all the sine terms were set to zero. The original \(D\) matrix is

\[ \text {\small $[D]= \left [ \begin {array}{ccc} \frac {1}{4} m L^2 c_2^2 + \frac {1}{4} m L^2 (c_{23}+2 c_2)^2+ I_b + I_a(c_2^2+c_{23}^2) + I_b(s_2^2+s_{23}^2) &0 &0\\ 0 & \frac {3}{2}m L^2+m L^2 c_3 + 2 I_a & \frac {1}{4}m L^2+\frac {1}{2} m L^2 c_3 + I_a\\ 0 & \frac {1}{4}m L^2+\frac {1}{2} m L^2 c_3 + I_a & \frac {1}{4} m L^2 + I_a \end {array} \right ] $} \] Hence the average \(D\) matrix becomes \begin {align*} [D_{\text {average}}] &= \left [ \begin {array}{ccc} \frac {1}{4} m L^2 + \frac {1}{4} m L^2 (1+2)^2+ I_b + I_a(1+1) + I_b(0+0) &0 &0\\ 0 & \frac {3}{2}m L^2+m L^2 + 2 I_a & 0\\ 0 & 0 & \frac {1}{4} m L^2 + I_a \end {array} \right ]\\ &= \left [ \begin {array}{ccc} \frac {1}{4} m L^2 + \frac {9}{4} m L^2 + I_b + 2 I_a &0 &0\\ 0 & \frac {3}{2}m L^2+m L^2 + 2 I_a & 0\\ 0 & 0 & \frac {1}{4} m L^2 + I_a \end {array} \right ] \end {align*}

Using the above \([D_{\text {average}}]\) the following plots shows the output obtained.

Figure 2.55: Final position of robot arm, Joint space control, part(c)

Figure 2.56: Joint position vs. time, Joint space control, part(c)

Figure 2.57: Joint velocity vs. time, Joint space control, part(c)

Figure 2.58: End effector \(\frac {dX_e}{dt},\frac {dY_e}{dt},\frac {dZ_e}{dt}\) Joint space control, part(c)

Figure 2.59: End effector \(X_e,Y_e,Z_e\) vs. time, Joint space control, part(c)

Figure 2.60: End effector linear speed vs. time, Joint space control, part(c)

Figure 2.61: End effector plot3 displacement, Joint space control, part(c)
Part (d) discussion of result, compare control methods

There are two main methods for nonlinear dynamics decoupling. These are the computed torque method and the inverse dynamics control. In this problem the inverse dynamics control method was used. In this method, decoupling is based on measured or estimated manipulator states as described above.

The advantages and disadvantages of each controller are given below followed by a discussion on the output.

Full compensation


Becuase all the non-linear terms were compensated for, this produced a smooth motion with no overshoot. In addition, the time step for the integration during simulation was not required to be too small.


In practice, this requires measurements in real time of all the states in order to compute and estimate the current Mass, Coriolis, centrifugal and gravity matrices at each sample time. This can be expensive and require a fast CPU. Also compensating for noise and delay in measurements makes this more complicated and there will always be some error in the estimates made.

No velocity terms compensation, only gravity compensation


The main advantage is that in practice this controller will be less complicated as the Coriolis and centrifugal terms do not need to be measured and computed at each time step. This will reduce the cost and make it faster to operate.


By not compensating for velocity terms, coupling between the joints motion remains. This can be seen by the overshoot in joints motion from the desired value and the oscillation in motion, even with the use of critical damping which should produce no overshoot. This can be severe disadvantage for an end-effector which is required not to overshoot and possibly hit the target as it approaches it.

Decentralized controller with full compensation


Since the mass matrix is constant, this reduces the computation in real time, as the mass matrix do not have to evaluated at each time sample as with the other controllers. This makes the controller simpler to implement.


Since the mass matrix is the average, it is an approximation of the real mass matrix. This can produce errors. In the simulation it was found that a smaller time step was needed for the numerical integration to reduce the overshoot. Even with a much smaller time step, one joint had very small amount of overshoot. In practice this might require a small sampling time and faster CPU to implement.

The following discussion gives a review of the output of each controller.

In part(a), full decoupling was made, which means each joint motion was independent of the other joints. Comparing the joint position vs. time plot generated in part (a) shows that the joints motion was smooth and had no oscillation since it was not affected by other joints motions. There was no overshoot in the joint positions since the damping ratio is set to be critical.

While in part(b), where no velocity compensation was made (these are the centrifugal and Coriolis terms) but only gravity was compensated for, the joint motion that resulted had oscillation in it which showed as well in the speed profile which was not as smooth compared to speed profile of the full decoupling case in part (a).

In addition, there was an overshoot in the joint position which was most apparent in joint 1 motion. This can cause problems in applications where the end-effector must approach the target without hitting it.

Part(c) initially showed some small oscillation in the motion of the joints when compared to part(a). However, this turned out to be due to using a large time step for the Runge Kutta integration. By reducing the time step to smaller value than that used in part (a) and part (b), the result improved and showed no oscillation in the joint positions nor in the joint velocities.

The time step used for part(c) was \(0.002\) seconds, while for part(a) it was \(0.005\) seconds. The simulation time to converge to the final destination did not changed compared to part (a). The only change needed was to reduce the time step.

However in part (c), there was a very small overshoot in the motion of joint 3 around 0.35 second as can be seen in the plot.

The mass matrix for part (c), which is the average mass matrix \(D_{\text {average}}\), is a constant matrix as described above, found by eliminating all the variable terms in the entries of the original mass matrix \(D\) by setting \(q\) to zero and updating the corresponding cosine and sine terms accordingly and by also setting the off-diagonal elements to zero to insure decoupling of the equations.

Of the above three controllers, the first one (part(a)) produced the best result (fast convergence to target and no oscillation in joints motion). Part(c) was similar to part(a), except for need to use much smaller integration time step. However, part (c) is the simplest controller and can make the implementation faster since the mass matrix used is not as complicated as the other two methods as it is a constant and hence no need to estimate it at run time. Therefore it is simpler method to execute and can be faster in practice.

The following diagram shows the joint position vs. time for the three controllers next to each others to make it easier to compare and contrast. Part (a) is similar to part(c), except for the small overshoot in joint 3 using part (c). Part(b) clearly did not produce good joint motion with large overshoot and large oscillations.

pict pict pict
Figure 2.62: Joints positions vs. time, part(a),(b),(c) side by side

The following diagram shows the joint velocity vs. time for the three controller next to each others to make it easier to compare. Part(b) had the most oscillations. In Part(a), joint \(1\) had the same joint velocity as joint \(2\), and that is why the blue line in the plot did not show as it is below the black line. For part(c) this was not the case.

Even though each joint had smooth velocity profile, joint 1 and joint 2 did not have the same velocity profile as with the full decoupling case of part(a).

pict pict pict
Figure 2.63: Joints velocity vs. time, part(a),(b),(c) side by side

The following diagram shows the end effector speed for the three control methods side by side. As discussed above, this was generated using \(\dot {X} = J \dot {q}\) where \(J\) is the basic Jacobian for the end effector. This shows the end-effector speed profile in part (c) was similar to part (a), while Part(b) end-effector speed profile showed the effect of the coupling that remained between the joints where there was a number of places where an accelerations and deceleration showed up over the full time of the simulation. The motion was not as smooth as the other two methods.

pict pict pict
Figure 2.64: end effector speed, part(a),(b),(c) side by side
source code listing for joint-space control

The following is the Matlab source code listing which implements the joint based control part of the HW.

To run the script for this part, the command is



%file ThreeDOFcontrols.m 
%This the main script used to implement HW5, part a. 
%Modified original code from ME739 UW learn@UW, Madison by Professor Zinn 
%Nasser M. Abbasi  5/10/2015 
%clear all; 
close all; clc; 
% set the model parameters per the HW problem. 
modelParameters = InitializeThreeDOFmodel(); 
% Ask use for which part to run. There are 3 types of controllers 
disp('Specify control method:') 
disp('   1 = option(a), inverse dynamics with full decoupling') 
disp('   2 = option(b), inverse dynamics - with gravity compensation') 
disp('   3 = option(c), decentralized joint space controller') 
modelParameters.controlMethod = input(' '); 
%depending on the control type, set different values. The decentralized 
%was found to require a smaller step size for RK-4 to behave well. 
if modelParameters.controlMethod ==1 
    tend    = 1;          %simulation run time 
    dT      = .005;       %integration step size 
    title_add_on = 'inverse dynamics with full decoupling'; 
elseif modelParameters.controlMethod ==2 
    tend    = 1.3; 
    dT      = .005; 
    title_add_on = 'inverse dynamics, with gravity compensation'; 
    tend    = 1.25; 
    dT      = .002; 
    title_add_on = 'decentralized joint space controller, full compensation'; 
numPts  = floor(tend/dT); 
L           = modelParameters.L; 
L1          = L; 
L2          = L; 
L3          = L; 
f_handle    = 1; 
axis_limits = L*[-2.5 2.1 -2.1 3 -.1 3]; 
render_view = [1 -1 1]; view_up = [0 0 1]; 
camproj perspective 
%----initialize rendering 
% link 1 rendering initialization 
r1         = L1/5; 
sides1     = 10; 
axis1      = 2; 
norm_L1    = 1.0; 
linkColor1 = [0 0.75 0]; 
plotFrame1 = 0; 
d1         =  CreateLinkRendering(L1,r1,sides1,axis1,norm_L1,linkColor1,... 
% link 2 rendering initialization 
r2         = L2/6; 
sides2     = 4; 
axis2      = 1; 
norm_L2    = 1.0; 
linkColor2 = [0.75 0 0]; 
plotFrame2 = 0; 
d2         =  CreateLinkRendering(L2,r2,sides2,axis2,norm_L2,linkColor2,... 
% link 3 rendering initialization 
r3         = L2/8; 
sides3     = 4; 
axis3      = 1; 
norm_L3    = 1.0; 
linkColor3 = [0 0 0.75]; 
plotFrame3 = 0; 
d3         =  CreateLinkRendering(L3,r3,sides3,axis3,norm_L3,linkColor3,... 
q       = zeros(3,numPts); 
dq      = zeros(3,numPts); 
t       = zeros(1,numPts); 
q(:,1)  = [0; pi/4; -pi/2];   %initial position 
%q(:,1) = [0; 0.01; 0];   %initial position 
qd(:,1) = [0; 0; 0];          %initial velocity 
z       = [q(:,1); qd(:,1)];  %initialize the state variables 
qDes    = [pi;pi;pi/2];       %desired final joint space position 
%qDes   = [pi/3;pi/2;pi/4];       %desired final joint space position 
qdDes   = [0; 0; 0];          %desired final joint velocity 
zDes    = [qDes; qdDes]; 
Xend    = zeros(3,numPts);    %end effector coordinates 
Xvend   = zeros(3,numPts);    %end effector linear velocity 
% integrate equations of motion,     % Runge-Kutta 4th order 
for i = 1:numPts-1 
    k1 = zDot3dofControls(z,zDes,modelParameters); 
    k2 = zDot3dofControls(z + 0.5*k1*dT,zDes,modelParameters); 
    k3 = zDot3dofControls(z + 0.5*k2*dT,zDes,modelParameters); 
    k4 = zDot3dofControls(z + k3*dT,zDes,modelParameters); 
    z = z + (1/6)*(k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)*dT; 
    % store joint position and velocity for post processing 
    q(:,i+1)  = z(1:3); 
    qd(:,i+1) = z(4:6); 
    t(1,i+1)  = t(1,i) + dT; 
for i = 1:numPts 
    q1 = q(1,i); 
    q2 = q(2,i); 
    q3 = q(3,i); 
    % Update frame {1} 
    c   = cos(q1); 
    s   = sin(q1); 
    L   = L1; 
    T10 = [c  0   s  0 
        s  0  -c  0 
        0  1   0  L 
        0  0   0  1]; 
    % Update frame {2} 
    c   = cos(q2); 
    s   = sin(q2); 
    L   = L2; 
    T21 = [c  -s  0  L*c 
        s   c  0  L*s 
        0   0  1   0 
        0   0  0   1]; 
    % Update frame {3} 
    c   = cos(q3); 
    s   = sin(q3); 
    L   = L3; 
    T32 = [c  -s  0  L*c 
        s   c  0  L*s 
        0   0  1   0 
        0   0  0   1]; 
    T20 = T10*T21; 
    T30 = T20*T32; 
    % end-effector position 
    Xend(:,i) = T30(1:3,4); 
    %to find end effector velocity, we use X' = J* q' where the Jacobian 
    %for the end effector is found in the Three_DOF_symbolic.m script 
    %as part of this HW, in the same folder as this file. 
    J(1,1)=L*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q3) - L*cos(q2)*cos(q3)*sin(q1) - L*cos(q2)*sin(q1); 
    J(1,2)=-cos(q1)*(L*(sin(q2) + 1) - L + L*cos(q2)*sin(q3) + L*cos(q3)*sin(q2)); 
    J(1,3)=-cos(q1)*(L*cos(q2)*sin(q3) + L*cos(q3)*sin(q2)); 
    J(2,1)=L*cos(q1)*cos(q2) + L*cos(q1)*cos(q2)*cos(q3) - L*cos(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q3); 
    J(2,2)=-sin(q1)*(L*(sin(q2) + 1) - L + L*cos(q2)*sin(q3) + L*cos(q3)*sin(q2)); 
    J(2,3)=-sin(q1)*(L*cos(q2)*sin(q3) + L*cos(q3)*sin(q2)); 
    J(3,2)=cos(q1)*(L*cos(q1)*cos(q2) + L*cos(q1)*cos(q2)*cos(q3) - L*cos(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q3)) + sin(q1)*(L*cos(q2)*sin(q1) + L*cos(q2)*cos(q3)*sin(q1) - L*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q3)); 
    J(3,3)=cos(q1)*(L*cos(q1)*cos(q2)*cos(q3) - L*cos(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q3)) + sin(q1)*(L*cos(q2)*cos(q3)*sin(q1) - L*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q3)); 
    Xvend(:,i) = J*qd(:,i); 
    % update rendering 
    title(sprintf('%s\ntime %3.2f (sec), distance to final destination = %4.3f (m)',... 
    hold on; 
    if i == 1;  %pause at start of simulation rendering 
plot(t(2:end),q(1,2:end),'b','LineWidth',2); hold on 
plot(t(2:end),q(2,2:end),'r','LineWidth',2); hold on 
plot(t(2:end),q(3,2:end),'k','LineWidth',2); hold off 
title(sprintf('%s\n%s',title_add_on,'Joint Position Vs Time')); 
xlabel('Time [sec]'); ylabel('Position [rad]'); 
grid on 
legend('Joint 1','Joint 2','Joint 3','Location','southeast'); 
%  PLOT JOINT Velocities 
plot(t(2:end),qd(1,2:end),'b','LineWidth',2); hold on 
plot(t(2:end),qd(2,2:end),'r','LineWidth',2); hold on 
plot(t(2:end),qd(3,2:end),'k','LineWidth',2); hold off 
title(sprintf('%s\n%s',title_add_on,'Joint velocity Vs Time')); 
xlabel('Time [sec]'); ylabel('Velocity [rad/sec]'); 
grid on 
legend('Joint 1','Joint 2','Joint 3','Location','northeast'); 
%  PLOT end effector X,Y,Z velocites 
plot(t,Xvend(1,:),'b','LineWidth',2); hold on 
plot(t,Xvend(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2); hold on 
plot(t,Xvend(3,:),'k','LineWidth',2); hold off 
title(sprintf('%s\n%s',title_add_on,'End effector X,Y,Z speed')); 
xlabel('Time [sec]'); ylabel('velocity [meter/sec]'); 
grid on 
%  PLOT end effector X,Y,Z positions 
plot(t,Xend(1,:),'b','LineWidth',2); hold on 
plot(t,Xend(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2); hold on 
plot(t,Xend(3,:),'k','LineWidth',2); hold off 
title(sprintf('%s\n%s',title_add_on,'End effector X,Y,Z coordinates')); 
xlabel('Time [sec]'); ylabel('coordinates [meter]'); 
grid on 
%  PLOT end effector speed (magnitude) 
plot(t, sqrt(sum(Xvend.^2,1)),'LineWidth',2); 
title(sprintf('%s\n%s',title_add_on,'End effector speed')); 
xlabel('Time [sec]'); ylabel('speed [meter/sec]'); 
grid on 
%  PLOT end effector displacement in 3D 
plot3(Xend(1,:),Xend(2,:),Xend(3,:),'LineWidth',2); hold on; 
title(sprintf('%s\n%s',title_add_on,'End effector 3D displacement')); 
xlabel('X'); ylabel('Y'); zlabel('Z'); 
grid on


function modelParameters = InitializeThreeDOFmodel 
    % set model parameters 
    % gravitational constant [m/s^2] 
    g = 9.81; 
    % link mass [kg] 
    m = 10; 
    % link length [m] 
    L = 1; 
    % link COM location [m] 
    Lc = L/2; 
    % link radius [m] 
    r = 0.1*L; 
    % link inertia (_|_ to  link's CL) [kg/m^2] 
    Ia = (1/12)*m*L^2; 
    Ib = m*r^2; 
    % assign values of model parameter structure 
    modelParameters.g = 9.81; % gravitational constant [m/s^2] 
    modelParameters.m = m;   % link mass [kg] 
    modelParameters.L = L;    % link length [m] 
    modelParameters.Lc = Lc;  % link COM location [m] 
    modelParameters.Ia = Ia;   % inertia (_|_ to  link's CL) [kg/m^2] 
    modelParameters.Ib = Ib;   % inertia (colinear to link's CL) [kg/m^2] 
    modelParameters.controlMethod = 1; 


function [zDot] = zDot3dofControls(z,zDes,modelParameters) 
    % assign joint displacements / velocities from state variables 
    q      = z(1:3); 
    qd     = z(4:end); 
    qDes   = zDes(1:3); 
    qdDes  = zDes(4:end); 
    % mass and "average" mass matrix calculation 
    [D,Davg] = Dmatrix_ThreeDOFcontrols(q,modelParameters); 
    % calculate D, B, D, and G matrices 
    B = Bmatrix_ThreeDOFcontrols(q,modelParameters); 
    C = Cmatrix_ThreeDOFcontrols(q,modelParameters); 
    V = B*[qd(1)*qd(2);qd(1)*qd(3);qd(2)*qd(3)]... 
        +C*[qd(1)^2;  qd(2)^2; qd(3)^2]; 
    % gravity vector 
    G = Gvector_ThreeDOFcontrols(q,modelParameters); 
    % decoupled system PD-controller torques 
    wn       = 2*2*pi; %using 2Hz per HW problem specs 
    zeta     = 1;  %critical damping, per HW problem specs 
    Kp       = wn^2; 
    Kd       = 2*zeta*wn; 
    tauPrime = Kd*(qdDes - qd) + Kp*(qDes - q);  %PD controller 
    % calculate total control torques (PD control + nonlinear decoupling) 
    % make up perfect estimate for simulation only 
    G_estimate = G; 
    V_estimate = V; 
    D_estimate = D; 
    if modelParameters.controlMethod == 1 
         % inverse dynamics with full decoupling 
         tau = D_estimate*tauPrime + G_estimate + V_estimate; 
    elseif modelParameters.controlMethod == 2 
        %inverse dynamics - with gravity compensation 
        tau = D_estimate*tauPrime + G_estimate; 
    elseif modelParameters.controlMethod == 3 
        %decentralized joint space controller, full compensation but 
        %use average D matrix, a constant matrix 
        tau = Davg*tauPrime + G_estimate + V_estimate; 
    %form joint acceleration vector 
    qdd = D\(tau -V - G); 
    % assign state variable derivatives 
    zDot = [qd; qdd]; 


%file Three_DOF_symbolic.m 
%used for solving HW5, ME 739. 
%finds the Jacobian also finds the derivative of the Jacobian, 
%needed for part(b) of the HW5 problem 
%Modifield slightly from original code from class web site. 
%I changed the notation to T_0_1 instead of T_1_0, since this makes 
%it more clear to me. 
%Nasser M. Abbasi 
clear all; clc; 
syms q1 q2 q3 L1 L2 L3 Lc1 Lc2 Lc3 m1 m2 m3 g dq1 dq2 dq3 
syms c1 c2 c3 s1 s2 s3 
syms Ixx1 Ixx2 Ixx3 Iyy1 Iyy2 Iyy3 Izz1 Izz2 Izz3 
syms Ia Ib L m 
% simplifying assumptions 
Ixx1 = Ia;  Iyy1 = Ib;  Izz1 = Ia; 
Ixx2 = Ib;  Iyy2 = Ia;  Izz2 = Ia; 
Ixx3 = Ib;  Iyy3 = Ia;  Izz3 = Ia; 
L1 = L;  L2 = L;  L3 = L; 
Lc1 = L/2;  Lc2 = L/2;  Lc3 = L/2; 
m1 = m;  m2 = m;  m3 = m; 
gVector = [0; 0; -g]; 
Ic1 = [Ixx1   0    0 
        0   Iyy1   0 
        0     0  Izz1]; 
Ic2 = [Ixx2   0    0 
        0   Iyy2   0 
        0     0  Izz2]; 
Ic3 = [Ixx3   0    0 
        0   Iyy3   0 
        0     0  Izz3]; 
disp('Evaluating kinematics') 
% calculate homogeneous transformation matrices to the link center of mass 
%   => Link 1 
c = cos(q1); s = sin(q1); 
T_0_1 = [c  0  s  0 
         s  0 -c  0 
         0  1  0  L1 
         0  0  0  1]; 
T_0_c1 = [c  0  s   0 
          s  0 -c   0 
          0  1  0  Lc1 
          0  0  0   1]; 
%   => Link 2 
c = cos(q2); s = sin(q2); 
T_1_2 = [c  -s  0  L2*c 
         s   c  0  L2*s 
         0   0  1   0 
         0   0  0   1]; 
T_1_c2 = [c  -s  0  Lc2*c 
          s   c  0  Lc2*s 
          0   0  1    0 
          0   0  0    1]; 
%   => Link 3 
c = cos(q3); s = sin(q3); 
T_2_3 = [c  -s  0  L3*c 
         s   c  0  L3*s 
         0   0  1   0 
         0   0  0   1]; 
T_2_c3 = [c  -s  0  Lc3*c 
          s   c  0  Lc3*s 
          0   0  1    0 
          0   0  0    1]; 
T_0_2 = T_0_1*T_1_2;        T_0_2 = simplify(T_0_2); 
T_0_c2 = T_0_1*T_1_c2;      T_0_c2 = simplify(T_0_c2); 
T_0_c3 = T_0_2*T_2_c3;      T_0_c3 = simplify(T_0_c3); 
T_0_3 = T_0_2*T_2_3; 
% calculate the linear and angular velocity Jacobian of each link (COM) 
z0 = [0 0 1]';  z1 = T_0_1(1:3,3);  z2 = T_0_2(1:3,3); 
o0 = [0 0 0]';  o1 = T_0_1(1:3,4);  o2 = T_0_2(1:3,4); 
o3 = T_0_3(1:3,4); 
oc1 = T_0_c1(1:3,4);  oc2 = T_0_c2(1:3,4);  oc3 = T_0_c3(1:3,4); 
%find the Jacobian for end effector first. This is needed to find 
%x' = J * q' for solving part (a) 
Jv3 = [cross(z0,o3)  cross(z1,(o3 - o1))  cross(z2,(o3 - o2))]; 
Jw3 = [z0 z1 z2]; 
Jacobian = [Jv3;Jw3]; 
%now we need to find time derivative of the above Jacobian 
tmp = subs(Jacobian,{q1,q2,q3},{'q1(t)','q2(t)','q3(t)'}); 
syms t; 
der_Jacobian = diff(tmp,t); 
der_Jacobian = subs(der_Jacobian,{'diff(q1(t),t)','diff(q2(t),t)','diff(q3(t),t)'},... 
der_Jacobian = subs(der_Jacobian,{'q1(t)','q2(t)','q3(t)'},... 
der_Jacobian = subs(der_Jacobian,{'sin(q1)','sin(q2)',... 
%find the end effector position vector using forward kinematics 
Xend = T_0_3 * [0;0;0;1]; 
Xend = subs(Xend,{'cos(q1)','cos(q2)','cos(q3)','sin(q1)',... 
%   => Jvc1 
Jvc1 = [cross(z0,(oc1 - o0))  [0; 0; 0]  [0; 0; 0]]; 
Jvc2 = [cross(z0,oc2)  cross(z1,(oc2 - o1))  [0; 0; 0]]; 
Jvc3 = [cross(z0,oc3)  cross(z1,(oc3 - o1))  cross(z2,(oc3 - o2))]; 
Jw1 = [z0 [0; 0; 0] [0; 0; 0]]; 
Jw2 = [z0 z1 [0; 0; 0]]; 
Jw3 = [z0 z1 z2]; 
% extract rotation matrices 
R10 = T_0_c1(1:3,1:3); 
R20 = T_0_c2(1:3,1:3); 
R30 = T_0_c3(1:3,1:3); 
% calculate mass matrix 
disp('Evaluating mass matrix'); 
Dv1 =  m1*transpose(Jvc1)*Jvc1; 
Dv1 = simplify(Dv1); 
Dv2 =  m2*transpose(Jvc2)*Jvc2; 
Dv2 = simplify(Dv2); 
Dv3 =  m3*transpose(Jvc3)*Jvc3; 
Dv3 = simplify(Dv3); 
Dw1 = transpose(Jw1)*R10*Ic1*transpose(R10)*Jw1; 
Dw1 = simplify(Dw1); 
Dw2 = transpose(Jw2)*R20*Ic2*transpose(R20)*Jw2; 
Dw2 = simplify(Dw2); 
Dw3 = transpose(Jw3)*R30*Ic3*transpose(R30)*Jw3; 
Dw3 = simplify(Dw3); 
D = Dv1 + Dv2 + Dv3 + Dw1 + Dw2 + Dw3; 
D = simplify(D); 
% after examining solution - try to get further simplification 
D = subs(D,{cos(q2)^2 - 1},{-sin(q2)^2}); 
D = subs(D,{cos(q2 + q3)^2 - 1},{-sin(q2 + q3)^2}); 
% calculate B and C maatrices 
disp('Evaluating Coriolis and centrifual terms') 
% form partial derivatives 
for i = 1:3 
    for j = 1:3 
        for k = 1:3 
            if k == 1 
                d(i,j,k) = diff(D(i,j),q1); 
            elseif k == 2 
                d(i,j,k) = diff(D(i,j),q2); 
            elseif k == 3 
                d(i,j,k) = diff(D(i,j),q3); 
d = simplify(d); 
% form Christofel symbols 
for i = 1:3 
    for j = 1:3 
        for k = 1:3 
            b(i,j,k) = 0.5*(d(i,j,k) + d(i,k,j) - d(j,k,i)); 
b = simplify(b); 
% assemble C and B matrices 
B = [2*b(1,1,2)  2*b(1,1,3)  2*b(1,2,3) 
     2*b(2,1,2)  2*b(2,1,3)  2*b(2,2,3) 
     2*b(3,1,2)  2*b(3,1,3)  2*b(3,2,3)]; 
C = [b(1,1,1)  b(1,2,2)  b(1,3,3) 
     b(2,1,1)  b(2,2,2)  b(2,3,3) 
     b(3,1,1)  b(3,2,2)  b(3,3,3)]; 
% form G vector 
disp('Evaluating gravity vector') 
G1 = -(transpose(Jvc1)*m1*gVector); 
G2 = -(transpose(Jvc2)*m3*gVector); 
G3 = -(transpose(Jvc3)*m3*gVector); 
G = G1 + G2 + G3; 
G = simplify(G); 
% Auto-generate Matlab functions to evaluate D, B, D, and G matrices 
    disp('Auto-generating Matlab functions'); 
    disp('    => generating D matrix function'); 
    disp('    => generating B matrix function'); 
    disp('    => generating C matrix function'); 
    disp('    => generating G vector function'); 
    disp('    => generating derivative of analytical Jacobian function'); 


function B = Bmatrix_ThreeDOFcontrols(q,modelParameters) 
    % assign model parameters to local variables 
    g = modelParameters.g; 
    m = modelParameters.m; 
    Ia = modelParameters.Ia; 
    L = modelParameters.L; 
    Ib = modelParameters.Ib; 
    q1 = q(1);  q2 = q(2);  q3 = q(3); 
    B(1,1) = (Ib-Ia-(1/4)*m*L^2)*sin(2*q2+2*q3)+... 
             (Ib-Ia- (5/4)*m*L^2)*sin(2*q2)-m*L^2*sin(2*q2+q3); 
    B(1,2) = -(1/2)*(sin(q2+q3)*((4*Ia-4*Ib+m*L^2)*cos(q2+q3)+... 
    B(1,3) = 0; 
    B(2,1) = 0; 
    B(2,2) = 0; 
    B(2,3) = -m*L^2*sin(q3); 
    B(3,1) = 0; 
    B(3,2) = 0; 
    B(3,3) = 0; 


function C = Cmatrix_ThreeDOFcontrols(q,modelParameters) 
    % assign model parameters to local variables 
    g = modelParameters.g; 
    m = modelParameters.m; 
    Ia = modelParameters.Ia; 
    L = modelParameters.L; 
    Lc = modelParameters.Lc; 
    Ib = modelParameters.Ib; 
    q1 = q(1);  q2 = q(2);  q3 = q(3); 
    C(1,1) = 0; 
    C(1,2) = 0; 
    C(1,3) = 0; 
    C(2,1) = (1/2)*(Ia-Ib+(1/4)*m*L^2)*sin(2*q2+2*q3)+... 
    C(2,2) = 0; 
    C(2,3) = -(1/2)*m*L^2*sin(q3); 
    C(3,1) = (1/4)*(sin(q2+q3)*((4*Ia-4*Ib+(1/4)*m*L^2)*... 
    C(3,2) = (1/2)*m*L^2*sin(q3); 
    C(3,3) = 0; %verify with my derivation, I got something not zero 


function [D,Davg] = Dmatrix_ThreeDOFcontrols(q,modelParameters) 
    % assign model parameters to local variables 
    % model parameters 
    m = modelParameters.m; 
    L = modelParameters.L; 
    Ia = modelParameters.Ia; 
    Ib = modelParameters.Ib; 
    s2   = sin(q(2)); 
    c2   = cos(q(2)); 
    c3   = cos(q(3)); 
    s23  = sin(q(2) + q(3)); 
    c23  = cos(q(2) + q(3)); 
    D    = zeros(3,3); 
    Davg = D; 
    %see ThreeDOFcontrols_symbolic.m for derivation of these 
    D(1,1)= 1/4*m*L^2*c2^2+1/4*m*L^2*(c23+2*c2)^2+... 
    D(1,2) = 0; 
    D(1,3) = 0; 
    D(2,1) = 0; 
    D(2,2) = 2*Ia + (3/2)*m*L^2 + L^2*m*c3; 
    D(2,3) = 1/4*m*L^2 + 1/2*m*L^2*c3 + Ia; 
    D(3,1) = 0; 
    D(3,2) = D(2,3); 
    D(3,3) = 1/4*m*L^2 + Ia; 
    % "average" mass matrix calculation, 
    % trigometric identities - assume q equals zero and set off diagonal 
    % to zero 
    c2 = 1.0; c3 = 1.0; c23=1; s2=0;s23=0; 
    Davg(1,1)= 1/4*m*L^2*c2^2+1/4*m*L^2*(c23+2*c2)^2+... 
    Davg(1,2) = 0; 
    Davg(1,3) = 0; 
    Davg(2,1) = 0; 
    Davg(2,2) = 2*Ia + (3/2)*m*L^2 + L^2*m*c3; 
    Davg(2,3) = 0;  %  1/4*m*L^2 + 1/2*m*L^2*c3 + Ia;  Notice, set to zero 
    Davg(3,1) = 0; 
    Davg(3,2) = 0; %notice, set to zero 
    Davg(3,3) = 1/4*m*L^2 + Ia; 


function G = Gvector_ThreeDOFcontrols(q,modelParameters) 
    % assign model parameters to local variables 
    g = modelParameters.g; 
    m = modelParameters.m; 
    L = modelParameters.L; 
    q1 = q(1);  q2 = q(2);  q3 = q(3); 
    G(1,1) = 0; 
    G(2,1) = (1/2)*m*g*L*(3*cos(q2)+cos(q2+q3)); 
    G(3,1) = (1/2)*m*g*L*cos(q2+q3); 

2.5.3 Operational space control

The difficult part of this implementation was finding the analytical Jacobian and its derivative with respect to time. Matlab symbolic was used for this and the file Three_DOF_symbolic.m contains the implementation of this.

The operational space controller using proportional derivative was implemented in the files ThreeDOFcontrols_OP.m and zDot3dofControls_OP.m. The following shows the plots generated for parts (a,b,c) followed by discussion comparing the results.

The following diagram shows the operational space controller layout taken from the class handout, page 6-163 which shows the controller with full compensation.

Figure 2.65: Diagram of controller, task space inverse dynamics control, full compensation. From class lecture notes

The following diagrams gives a high level overview of the Matlab software design for the implementation of the task space control. The Jacobian use in this controller is much more critical than with joint space controller due to the mapping between joint space and task space needed in the implementation.

Figure 2.66: Matlab program design for task space controller
Part (a) \(x_f=[-L, -L, 0]^T\)

Figure 2.67: Final position of robot arm, Operational space control, part(a)

Figure 2.68: Joint position vs. time, Operational space control, part(a)

Figure 2.69: Joint velocity vs. time, Operational space control, part(a)

Figure 2.70: End effector \(\frac {dX_e}{dt},\frac {dY_e}{dt},\frac {dZ_e}{dt}\) Operational space control, part(a)

Figure 2.71: End effector \(X_e,Y_e,Z_e\) vs. time, Operational space control, part(a)

Figure 2.72: End effector linear speed vs. time, Operational space control, part(a)

Figure 2.73: End effector plot3 displacement, Operational space control, part(a)
Part (b) \(x_f=[-L, -\frac {L}{10}, 0]^T\)

Figure 2.74: Final position of robot arm, Operational space control, part(b)

Figure 2.75: Joint position vs. time, Operational space control, part(b)

Figure 2.76: Joint velocity vs. time, Operational space control, part(b)

Figure 2.77: End effector \(\frac {dX_e}{dt},\frac {dY_e}{dt},\frac {dZ_e}{dt}\) Operational space control, part(b)

Figure 2.78: End effector \(X_e,Y_e,Z_e\) vs. time, Operational space control, part(b)

Figure 2.79: End effector linear speed vs. time, Operational space control, part(b)

Figure 2.80: End effector plot3 displacement, Operational space control, part(b)
Part (c) \(x_f=[-L, -L, 0]^T\) with velocity limiting heuristic

Figure 2.81: Final position of robot arm, Operational space control, part(c)

Figure 2.82: Joint position vs. time, Operational space control, part(c)

Figure 2.83: Joint velocity vs. time, Operational space control, part(c)

Figure 2.84: End effector \(\frac {dX_e}{dt},\frac {dY_e}{dt},\frac {dZ_e}{dt}\) Operational space control, part(c)

Figure 2.85: End effector \(X_e,Y_e,Z_e\) vs. time, Operational space control, part(c)

Figure 2.86: End effector linear speed vs. time, Operational space control, part(c)

Figure 2.87: End effector plot3 displacement, Operational space control, part(c)
Part (d) discussion of result, compare control methods

In this part of the problem, the same controller was used for all parts, which is a P.D. controller with compensation for velocity terms (Coriolis and centrifugal terms) and the gravity terms.

Operational space based control is more intuitive since the target coordinates are given in operational space rather than in joint space and therefore it is easier to describe in terms of where the end-effector target should be.

One issue with Operational space is that the Jacobian can become ill-conditioned near singularities. Since the Jacobain and its derivatives are used in this control to map between joint space and operational space, this can cause a problem. This means the operational space control has to either avoid getting close to singularity region or be modified near singularities. In this simulation, no singularity was encountered.

In the three cases, the path traveled by the end effector showed a straight line from the initial position to the final position as desired. This was different from the joint space control, where the path traveled by the end effector was curved and had number of twists and turns.

The time used to reach the target for part (c) (with linear velocity limiting) was the longest, a little over one second. This is about \(30\%\) longer than the time taken by part(a) which did not have the velocity limiting heuristic and also had the same target coordinates in task space.

This is as expected, since the maximum speed the end effector can reach in part(c) was kept below 5 meter/sec. The end-effector speed profile for part(a) shows it reached maximum speed of 12 meter/sec.

The advantage of speed limiting heuristic is that it eliminated large acceleration and deceleration of the end effector which can be important in some applications where joints speed have to be kept below some value.

In all cases, there was no overshoot in the operational space motion. But looking at joint space, case (b) showed sudden change in the joint one speed around 0.15 second.

Since control is based on operational space and not joint space, the joints positions and speeds that result can become much larger and exhibit large oscillation compared with joint based control. This is seen in part(b) where joint 1 had sudden change in speed. This can be a problem depending on the application where the joints actuators can not provide the required joint speed and will saturate.

The following plot shows side by side the joints space displacements that resulted for each part.

pict pict pict
Figure 2.88: Joints positions vs. time. Operational space. part(a),(b),(c) side by side

In the above, joint 1 had sudden change in motion for part(b), this is due to the end target location. In the velocity profile below, one can see the corresponding sudden change in speed for this joint as well.

The following diagram shows the joint velocity vs. time for each case.

pict pict pict
Figure 2.89: Joints velocity vs. time, operational space, part(a),(b),(c) side by side

The following diagram shows the end effector speed for the three cases side by side.

pict pict pict
Figure 2.90: end effector speed. Operational space. part(a),(b),(c) side by side
Source code listing for operational space control

The following gives the Matlab source code listing that implements the operational space control part of the HW. Three new files were needed in addition of the files listed in part (a) above.

To run the script for this part, the command is



%file ThreeDOFcontrols_OP.m 
%This the main script used to implement HW5, part b. 
%Modified original code from ME739 UW learn@UW, Madison by Professor Zinn 
%Nasser M. Abbasi  5/10/2015 
%clear all; 
close all; 
% set the model parameters per the HW problem. 
modelParameters = InitializeThreeDOFmodel_OP(); 
L = modelParameters.L; 
% Ask use for which part to run. There are 3 sections for this problem 
disp('Specify part of problem to solve:') 
disp('   1 = option(a)  Xf =[-L -L 0]') 
disp('   2 = option(b)  Xf =[-L  -L/10 0]') 
disp('   3 = option(c), Xf =[-L -L 0] with velocity limiting heuristic') 
modelParameters.controlMethod = input('> '); 
%depending on the section, set labels as needed 
xdDes   = [0; 0; 0];   %desired final task space velocity 
tend    = 1;     %max simulation run time, Actual time is determined below 
dT      = .005;  %integration step size 
switch modelParameters.controlMethod 
  case 1 
   title_add_on = 'Part(a) Xf=[-L -L 0]'; 
   xDes    = [-L;-L;0; xdDes];     %desired final task space states 
  case 2 
   title_add_on = 'Part(b) Xf=[-L -L/10 0]'; 
   xDes    = [-L;-L/10;0; xdDes];     %desired final task space states 
  case 3 
   title_add_on = 'Part(c) Xf=[-L -L 0] with velocity limiting heuristic'; 
   xDes    = [-L;-L;0; xdDes];     %desired final task space states 
L           = modelParameters.L; 
L1          = L; 
L2          = L; 
L3          = L; 
f_handle    = 1; 
axis_limits = L*[-2.5 2.1 -2.1 3 -.1 3]; 
render_view = [1 -1 1]; view_up = [0 0 1]; 
camproj perspective 
%----initialize rendering 
% link 1 rendering initialization 
r1         = L1/5; 
sides1     = 10; 
axis1      = 2; 
norm_L1    = 1.0; 
linkColor1 = [0 0.75 0]; 
plotFrame1 = 0; 
d1         =  CreateLinkRendering(L1,r1,sides1,axis1,norm_L1,linkColor1,... 
% link 2 rendering initialization 
r2         = L2/6; 
sides2     = 4; 
axis2      = 1; 
norm_L2    = 1.0; 
linkColor2 = [0.75 0 0]; 
plotFrame2 = 0; 
d2         =  CreateLinkRendering(L2,r2,sides2,axis2,norm_L2,linkColor2,... 
% link 3 rendering initialization 
r3         = L2/8; 
sides3     = 4; 
axis3      = 1; 
norm_L3    = 1.0; 
linkColor3 = [0 0 0.75]; 
plotFrame3 = 0; 
d3         =  CreateLinkRendering(L3,r3,sides3,axis3,norm_L3,linkColor3,... 
numPts  = floor(tend/dT); 
q       = zeros(3,numPts); 
dq      = zeros(3,numPts); 
t       = zeros(1,numPts); 
q(:,1)  = [0; pi/4; -pi/2];   %initial position 
qd(:,1) = [0; 0; 0];          %initial velocity 
z       = [q(:,1); qd(:,1)];  %initialize the state variables 
% integrate equations of motion,     % Runge-Kutta 4th order 
keep_running = true; 
k0=1;  %counter. Loop updates this and terminates when arm reaches target 
while keep_running 
    k1 = zDot3dofControls_OP(z,xDes,modelParameters); 
    k2 = zDot3dofControls_OP(z + 0.5*k1*dT,xDes,modelParameters); 
    k3 = zDot3dofControls_OP(z + 0.5*k2*dT,xDes,modelParameters); 
    k4 = zDot3dofControls_OP(z + k3*dT,xDes,modelParameters); 
    z = z + (1/6)*(k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)*dT; 
    % store joint position and velocity for post processing 
    q(:,k0+1)  = z(1:3); 
    qd(:,k0+1) = z(4:6); 
    t(1,k0+1)  = t(1,k0) + dT; 
    % check if goal position has been reached 
    q1 = z(1); q2 = z(2);  q3=z(3); 
    s1=sin(q1); c23=cos(q2+q3); s23= sin(q2+q3); 
    c2=cos(q2); c1=cos(q1); 
    s2=sin(q2); c3=cos(q3); s3=sin(q3); 
    %This is end effector position vector found from forward kinematics 
    %using the Three_DOF_symbolic.m symbolic computation script 
    X  = [ L*c1*c2 + L*c1*c2*c3 - L*c1*s2*s3; 
           L*c2*s1 - L*s1*s2*s3 + L*c2*c3*s1; 
           L*(s2 + 1) + L*c2*s3 + L*c3*s2]; 
    xError = norm(X - xDes(1:3)); 
    if (xError < 1e-3 || k0 > numPts) 
       keep_running = false; 
Xend    = zeros(3,k0);    %end effector coordinates 
Xvend   = zeros(3,k0);    %end effector linear velocity 
for i = 1:k0 
    q1 = q(1,i); 
    q2 = q(2,i); 
    q3 = q(3,i); 
    % Update frame {1} 
    c   = cos(q1); 
    s   = sin(q1); 
    L   = L1; 
    T10 = [c  0   s  0 
        s  0  -c  0 
        0  1   0  L 
        0  0   0  1]; 
    % Update frame {2} 
    c   = cos(q2); 
    s   = sin(q2); 
    L   = L2; 
    T21 = [c  -s  0  L*c 
        s   c  0  L*s 
        0   0  1   0 
        0   0  0   1]; 
    % Update frame {3} 
    c   = cos(q3); 
    s   = sin(q3); 
    L   = L3; 
    T32 = [c  -s  0  L*c 
        s   c  0  L*s 
        0   0  1   0 
        0   0  0   1]; 
    T20 = T10*T21; 
    T30 = T20*T32; 
    % end-effector position 
    Xend(:,i) = T30(1:3,4); 
    %to find end effector velocity, we use X' = J* q' where the Jacobian 
    %for the end effector is found in the Three_DOF_symbolic.m script 
    %as part of this HW, in the same folder as this file. 
    J(1,1)=L*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q3) - L*cos(q2)*cos(q3)*sin(q1) - L*cos(q2)*sin(q1); 
    J(1,2)=-cos(q1)*(L*(sin(q2) + 1) - L + L*cos(q2)*sin(q3) + L*cos(q3)*sin(q2)); 
    J(1,3)=-cos(q1)*(L*cos(q2)*sin(q3) + L*cos(q3)*sin(q2)); 
    J(2,1)=L*cos(q1)*cos(q2) + L*cos(q1)*cos(q2)*cos(q3) - L*cos(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q3); 
    J(2,2)=-sin(q1)*(L*(sin(q2) + 1) - L + L*cos(q2)*sin(q3) + L*cos(q3)*sin(q2)); 
    J(2,3)=-sin(q1)*(L*cos(q2)*sin(q3) + L*cos(q3)*sin(q2)); 
    J(3,2)=cos(q1)*(L*cos(q1)*cos(q2) + L*cos(q1)*cos(q2)*cos(q3) - ... 
        L*cos(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q3)) + sin(q1)*(L*cos(q2)*sin(q1) + ... 
        L*cos(q2)*cos(q3)*sin(q1) - L*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q3)); 
    J(3,3)=cos(q1)*(L*cos(q1)*cos(q2)*cos(q3) - L*cos(q1)*sin(q2)*... 
        sin(q3)) + sin(q1)*(L*cos(q2)*cos(q3)*sin(q1) - ... 
    Xvend(:,i) = J*qd(:,i); 
    % update rendering 
    title(sprintf('%s\ntime %3.2f (sec), distance to final destination = %4.3f (m)',... 
    hold on; 
    if i == 1;  %pause at start of simulation rendering 
plot(t(1:k0),q(1,1:k0),'b','LineWidth',2); hold on 
plot(t(1:k0),q(2,1:k0),'r','LineWidth',2); hold on 
plot(t(1:k0),q(3,1:k0),'k','LineWidth',2); hold off 
title(sprintf('%s\n%s',title_add_on,'Joint Position Vs Time')); 
xlabel('Time [sec]'); ylabel('Position [rad]'); 
grid on 
legend('Joint 1','Joint 2','Joint 3','Location','southeast'); 
%  PLOT JOINT Velocities 
plot(t(1:k0),qd(1,1:k0),'b','LineWidth',2); hold on 
plot(t(1:k0),qd(2,1:k0),'r','LineWidth',2); hold on 
plot(t(1:k0),qd(3,1:k0),'k','LineWidth',2); hold off 
title(sprintf('%s\n%s',title_add_on,'Joint velocity Vs Time')); 
xlabel('Time [sec]'); ylabel('Velocity [rad/sec]'); 
grid on 
legend('Joint 1','Joint 2','Joint 3','Location','northeast'); 
%  PLOT end effector X,Y,Z velocites 
plot(t(1:k0),Xvend(1,:),'b','LineWidth',2); hold on 
plot(t(1:k0),Xvend(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2); hold on 
plot(t(1:k0),Xvend(3,:),'k','LineWidth',2); hold off 
title(sprintf('%s\n%s',title_add_on,'End effector X,Y,Z speed')); 
xlabel('Time [sec]'); ylabel('velocity [meter/sec]'); 
grid on 
%  PLOT end effector X,Y,Z positions 
plot(t(1:k0),Xend(1,:),'b','LineWidth',2); hold on 
plot(t(1:k0),Xend(2,:),'r','LineWidth',2); hold on 
plot(t(1:k0),Xend(3,:),'k','LineWidth',2); hold off 
title(sprintf('%s\n%s',title_add_on,'End effector X,Y,Z coordinates')); 
xlabel('Time [sec]'); ylabel('coordinates [meter]'); 
grid on 
%  PLOT end effector speed (magnitude) 
plot(t(1:k0), sqrt(sum(Xvend.^2,1)),'LineWidth',2); 
title(sprintf('%s\n%s',title_add_on,'End effector speed')); 
xlabel('Time [sec]'); ylabel('speed [meter/sec]'); 
grid on 
%  PLOT end effector displacement in 3D 
plot3(Xend(1,:),Xend(2,:),Xend(3,:),'LineWidth',2); hold on; 
title(sprintf('%s\n%s',title_add_on,'End effector 3D displacement')); 
xlabel('X'); ylabel('Y'); zlabel('Z'); 
grid on


function modelParameters = InitializeThreeDOFmodel_OP 
    % set model parameters 
    % gravitational constant [m/s^2] 
    g = 9.81; 
    % link mass [kg] 
    m = 10; 
    % link length [m] 
    L = 1; 
    % link COM location [m] 
    Lc = L/2; 
    % link radius [m] 
    r = 0.1*L; 
    % link inertia (_|_ to  link's CL) [kg/m^2] 
    Ia = (1/12)*m*L^2; 
    Ib = m*r^2; 
    % assign values of model parameter structure 
    modelParameters.g = 9.81; % gravitational constant [m/s^2] 
    modelParameters.m = m;   % link mass [kg] 
    modelParameters.L = L;    % link length [m] 
    modelParameters.Lc = Lc;  % link COM location [m] 
    modelParameters.Ia = Ia;   % inertia (_|_ to  link's CL) [kg/m^2] 
    modelParameters.Ib = Ib;   % inertia (colinear to link's CL) [kg/m^2] 
    modelParameters.controlMethod = 1; 
    modelParameters.vMax=5; %meter/sec 


function [zDot] = zDot3dofControls_OP(z,xDesired,modelParameters) 
    % assign joint displacements / velocities from state variables 
    q      = z(1:3); 
    qd     = z(4:end); 
    xDes   = xDesired(1:3); 
    xdDes  = xDesired(4:end); 
    L = modelParameters.L; 
    % precalculate sin and cos terms 
    s1=sin(q(1)); c23=cos(q(2)+q(3)); s23= sin(q(2)+q(3)); 
    c2=cos(q(2)); c1=cos(q(1)); 
    s2=sin(q(2)); c3=cos(q(3)); s3=sin(q(3)); 
    J(1,1)=L*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q3) - L*cos(q2)*cos(q3)*sin(q1) - L*cos(q2)*sin(q1); 
    J(1,2)=-cos(q1)*(L*(sin(q2) + 1) - L + L*cos(q2)*sin(q3) + L*cos(q3)*sin(q2)); 
    J(1,3)=-cos(q1)*(L*cos(q2)*sin(q3) + L*cos(q3)*sin(q2)); 
    J(2,1)=L*cos(q1)*cos(q2) + L*cos(q1)*cos(q2)*cos(q3) - L*cos(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q3); 
    J(2,2)=-sin(q1)*(L*(sin(q2) + 1) - L + L*cos(q2)*sin(q3) + L*cos(q3)*sin(q2)); 
    J(2,3)=-sin(q1)*(L*cos(q2)*sin(q3) + L*cos(q3)*sin(q2)); 
    J(3,2)=cos(q1)*(L*cos(q1)*cos(q2) + L*cos(q1)*cos(q2)*cos(q3) - L*cos(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q3)) + sin(q1)*(L*cos(q2)*sin(q1) + L*cos(q2)*cos(q3)*sin(q1) - L*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q3)); 
    J(3,3)=cos(q1)*(L*cos(q1)*cos(q2)*cos(q3) - L*cos(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q3)) + sin(q1)*(L*cos(q2)*cos(q3)*sin(q1) - L*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q3)); 
    %the derivative of the Jacobian was derived in the Three_DOF_symbolic.m 
    Jd = zeros(3,3); 
    Jd(1,1)=L*s1*s2*qd(2) - L*c1*c2*qd(1) - L*c1*c2*c3*qd(1) + ... 
        L*c1*s2*s3*qd(1) + L*c2*s1*s3*qd(2) + L*c3*s1*s2*qd(2) + ... 
        L*c2*s1*s3*qd(3) + L*c3*s1*s2*qd(3); 
    Jd(1,2)=s1*qd(1)*(L*(s2 + 1) - L + L*c2*s3 + L*c3*s2) - ... 
        c1*(L*c2*qd(2) - L*s2*s3*qd(2) - L*s2*s3*qd(3) + ... 
        L*c2*c3*qd(2) + L*c2*c3*qd(3)); 
    Jd(1,3)=c1*(L*s2*s3*qd(2) + L*s2*s3*qd(3) - L*c2*c3*qd(2) - ... 
        L*c2*c3*qd(3)) + s1*qd(1)*(L*c2*s3 + L*c3*s2); 
    Jd(2,1)=L*s1*s2*s3*qd(1) - L*c1*s2*qd(2) - L*c2*c3*s1*qd(1) -... 
        L*c1*c2*s3*qd(2) - L*c1*c3*s2*qd(2) - L*c1*c2*s3*qd(3) -... 
        L*c1*c3*s2*qd(3) - L*c2*s1*qd(1); 
    Jd(2,2)=- s1*(L*c2*qd(2) - L*s2*s3*qd(2) - L*s2*s3*qd(3) + ... 
        L*c2*c3*qd(2) + L*c2*c3*qd(3)) - c1*qd(1)*(L*(s2 + 1) -... 
        L + L*c2*s3 + L*c3*s2); 
    Jd(2,3)=s1*(L*s2*s3*qd(2) + L*s2*s3*qd(3) - L*c2*c3*qd(2) - ... 
        L*c2*c3*qd(3)) - c1*qd(1)*(L*c2*s3 + L*c3*s2); 
    Jd(3,2)=c1*qd(1)*(L*c2*s1 - L*s1*s2*s3 + L*c2*c3*s1) - ... 
        s1*(L*s1*s2*qd(2) - L*c1*c2*qd(1) - L*c1*c2*c3*qd(1) +... 
        L*c1*s2*s3*qd(1) + L*c2*s1*s3*qd(2) + L*c3*s1*s2*qd(2) +... 
        L*c2*s1*s3*qd(3) + L*c3*s1*s2*qd(3)) - s1*qd(1)*(L*c1*c2 +... 
        L*c1*c2*c3 - L*c1*s2*s3) - c1*(L*c2*s1*qd(1) + L*c1*s2*qd(2) +... 
        L*c2*c3*s1*qd(1) + L*c1*c2*s3*qd(2) + L*c1*c3*s2*qd(2) +... 
        L*c1*c2*s3*qd(3) + L*c1*c3*s2*qd(3) - L*s1*s2*s3*qd(1)); 
    Jd(3,3)=- c1*(L*c2*c3*s1*qd(1) + L*c1*c2*s3*qd(2) + L*c1*c3*s2*qd(2)... 
        + L*c1*c2*s3*qd(3) + L*c1*c3*s2*qd(3) - L*s1*s2*s3*qd(1)) - ... 
        s1*(L*c1*s2*s3*qd(1) - L*c1*c2*c3*qd(1) + L*c2*s1*s3*qd(2) +... 
        L*c3*s1*s2*qd(2) + L*c2*s1*s3*qd(3) + L*c3*s1*s2*qd(3)) -... 
        s1*qd(1)*(L*c1*c2*c3 - L*c1*s2*s3) - c1*qd(1)*(L*s1*s2*s3 -... 
    % mass matrix calculation 
    D = Dmatrix_ThreeDOFcontrols_OP(q,modelParameters); 
    % calculate D, B, D, and G matrices 
    B = Bmatrix_ThreeDOFcontrols(q,modelParameters); 
    C = Cmatrix_ThreeDOFcontrols(q,modelParameters); 
    V = B*[qd(1)*qd(2);qd(1)*qd(3);qd(2)*qd(3)]... 
        +C*[qd(1)^2;  qd(2)^2; qd(3)^2]; 
    % gravity vector 
    G = Gvector_ThreeDOFcontrols(q,modelParameters); 
    % evaluate inverese of the Jacobian 
    [u,s,v] = svd(J); 
    sInv = eye(size(J)); 
    for i = 1: size(J,1) 
         if s(i,i) < .01 
             sInv(i,i) = 0; 
             sInv(i,i) = 1/s(i,i); 
    Jinv = v*sInv*u'; 
    % evaluate operational space terms 
    L0  = Jinv'*D*Jinv; 
    p  = Jinv'*G; 
    mu = Jinv'*V - L0*Jd*qd; 
    % op space position and velocity. THis was found in Three_DOF_symbolic.m 
    x  = [ L*c1*c2 + L*c1*c2*c3 - L*c1*s2*s3; 
           L*c2*s1 - L*s1*s2*s3 + L*c2*c3*s1; 
           L*(s2 + 1) + L*c2*s3 + L*c3*s2]; 
    xd = J*qd; 
    % decoupled system PD-controller torques 
    wn       = 2*2*pi; %using 2Hz per HW problem specs 
    zeta     = 1;  %critical damping, per HW problem specs 
    Kp       = wn^2; 
    Kd       = 2*zeta*wn; 
    % task-space velocity limiting heuristic 
    if modelParameters.controlMethod ==3 
       vMax   = modelParameters.vMax; 
       xError = norm(xDes - x); 
       %xErrorMag = sqrt(xError(1)^2 + xError(2)^2); 
       KpMax     = Kd*vMax/xError; %xErrorMag; 
       if Kp > KpMax 
          Kp = KpMax; 
    Fprime = -Kd*(xd - xdDes) - Kp*(x - xDes);  %PD controller 
    F = L0*Fprime + p + mu; 
    tau = J'*F; 
    %form joint acceleration vector 
    qdd = D\(tau -V - G); 
    % assign state variable derivatives 
    zDot = [qd; qdd]; 