2.3 Waldek Hebisch’s Yet another integration test

Completed on Sept 15, 2021

This report uses the integrals provided thanks to Waldek Hebisch taken from this sci.math.symbolic post

The Number of integrals is [10,335]. With grading for all CAS systems except for Mupad.

These CAS systems were tested : Rubi 4.16.1, Mathematica 12.3.1, Maple 2021.1, Maxima 5.45, Fricas 1.3.7, Sympy 1.8 under Python 3.7.9, Giac/XCAS 1.7 and Mupad/Matlab 2021a and Sagemath 9.4.

Maxima, Fricas and Giac were used from within Sagemath 9.4 interface.