7.1 Reduce

Downloaded source tar file from


The extracted it to my $HOME/TMP/ folder and cd to the folder created and did ./configure --with-csl and then make

When done, make sure to add $HOME/TMP/Reduce-svn6658-src/bin/ to PATH by editing my .bashrc

To start do redcsl -w  this starts in console mode. Or redcsl  to start in GUI window.

To run script do redcsl < script.red

  1. https://github.com/reduce-algebra
  2. https://reduce-algebra.sourceforge.io/index.php

To do integration do , after typing redcsl the GUI will come up then type

load_package "algint"; 
off fancy; 
on latex; 

The reduce document at https://reduce-algebra.sourceforge.io/reduce38-docs/reduce.pdf

To run reduce script, do this. First make file r.txt and write in it reduce commands. Let r.txt be this file

load_package "algint"; 
load_package "rlfi"; 
off fancy; 
on latex; 

Now do

redcsl --nogui < r.txt 
Reduce (CSL, rev 6339), 16-Jun-2022 ... 
***** FANCY is not current output handler 
4: \documentstyle{article} 
5: \begin{displaymath} 
r=-\cos \,x 
*** End-of-file read 

See https://reduce-algebra.sourceforge.io/tutorials/EggerScripts.en.php for examples of reduce scripts.