Chapter 1

 1.1 Listing of CAS systems tested
 1.2 Results
 1.3 Performance based on Rubi rules and leaf size histograms
 1.4 Performance per integrand type
 1.5 Maximum leaf size ratio for each CAS against the optimal result
 1.6 Pass/Fail per test file for each CAS system
 1.7 Timing
 1.8 Verification
 1.9 Important notes about some of the results
 1.10 Design of the test system

This report gives the result of running the computer algebra independent integration problems.

The listing of the problems used by this report are

  2. CAS_integration_tests_2022_Mathematica_format.m

The Mathematica/Rubi format file above can be read into Mathematica using the following commands

SetDirectory[NotebookDirectory[]] (*where the above .m file was save*) 

lst[[1]] will be the first integrand,var and lst[[2]] will be the second one and so on.

The Rubi test suite files were downloaded from

The current number of problems in this test suite is [85865].

1.1 Listing of CAS systems tested

The following are the CAS systems tested:

  1. Mathematica 13.1 (June 29, 2022) on windows 10.
  2. Rubi 4.16.1 (Dec 19, 2018) on Mathematica 13.0.1 on windows 10.
  3. Maple 2022.1 (June 1, 2022) on windows 10.
  4. Maxima 5.46 (April 13, 2022) using Lisp SBCL 2.1.11.debian on Linux via sagemath 9.6.
  5. Fricas 1.3.8 (June 21, 2022) based on sbcl 2.1.11.debian on Linux via sagemath 9.6.
  6. Giac/Xcas 1.9.0-13 (July 3, 2022) on Linux via sagemath 9.6.
  7. Sympy 1.10.1 (March 20, 2022) Using Python 3.10.4 on Linux.
  8. Mupad using Matlab 2021a with Symbolic Math Toolbox Version 8.7 on windows 10.

Maxima and Fricas and Giac are called using Sagemath. This was done using Sagemath integrate command by changing the name of the algorithm to use the different CAS systems.

Sympy was called directly from Python.

1.2 Results

Important note: A number of problems in this test suite have no antiderivative in closed form. This means the antiderivative of these integrals can not be expressed in terms of elementary, special functions or Hypergeometric2F1 functions. RootSum and RootOf are not allowed.

If a CAS returns the above integral unevaluated within the time limit, then the result is counted as passed and assigned an A grade.

However, if CAS times out, then it is assigned an F grade even if the integral is not integrable, as this implies CAS could not determine that the integral is not integrable in the time limit.

If a CAS returns an antiderivative to such an integral, it is assigned an A grade automatically and this special result is listed in the introduction section of each individual test report to make it easy to identify as this can be important result to investigate.

The results given in in the table below reflects the above.

Table 1.1: Percentage solved for each CAS
System solved Failed
Mathematica % 97.999 ( 84147 ) % 2.001 ( 1718 )
Rubi % 94.208 ( 80892 ) % 5.792 ( 4973 )
Maple % 84.582 ( 72626 ) % 15.418 ( 13239 )
Fricas % 79.355 ( 68138 ) % 20.645 ( 17727 )
Giac % 58.609 ( 50325 ) % 41.391 ( 35540 )
Maxima % 57.048 ( 48984 ) % 42.952 ( 36881 )
Mupad % 56.256 ( 48304 ) % 43.744 ( 37561 )
Sympy % 42.09 ( 36141 ) % 57.91 ( 49724 )

The table below gives additional break down of the grading of quality of the antiderivatives generated by each CAS. The grading is given using the letters A,B,C and F with A being the best quality. The grading is accomplished by comparing the antiderivative generated with the optimal antiderivatives included in the test suite. The following table describes the meaning of these grades.

Table 1.2: Description of grading applied to integration result




Integral was solved and antiderivative is optimal in quality and leaf size.


Integral was solved and antiderivative is optimal in quality but leaf size is larger than twice the optimal antiderivatives leaf size.


Integral was solved and antiderivative is non-optimal in quality. This can be due to one or more of the following reasons

  1. antiderivative contains a hypergeometric function and the optimal antiderivative does not.
  2. antiderivative contains a special function and the optimal antiderivative does not.
  3. antiderivative contains the imaginary unit and the optimal antiderivative does not.


Integral was not solved. Either the integral was returned unevaluated within the time limit, or it timed out, or CAS hanged or crashed or an exception was raised.

Grading is implemented for all CAS systems in this version except for CAS Mupad where a grade of B is automatically assigned as a place holder for all integrals it completes on time.

The following table summarizes the grading results.

Table 1.3: Antiderivative Grade distribution for each CAS
System % A grade % B grade % C grade % F grade
Rubi 91.49 1.96 0.75 5.79
Mathematica 78.62 6.22 13.13 2.
Maple 56.45 18.49 9.64 15.42
Fricas 53.91 19.57 5.87 20.65
Maxima 43.72 11.7 1.63 42.95
Giac 42.55 15. 1.07 41.39
Sympy 28.64 9.85 3.6 57.91
Mupad 4.13 52.12 0. 43.74

The following Bar chart is an illustration of the data in the above table.


The figure below compares the CAS systems for each grade level.


1.2.1 Time and leaf size Performance

The table below summarizes the performance of each CAS system in terms of time used and leaf size of results.

Mean size is the average leaf size produced by the CAS (before any normalization). The Normalized mean is relative to the mean size of the optimal anti-derivative given in the input files.

For example, if CAS has Normalized mean of \(3\), then the mean size of its leaf size is 3 times as large as the mean size of the optimal leaf size.

Median size is value of leaf size where half the values are larger than this and half are smaller (before any normalization). i.e. The Middle value.

Similarly the Normalized median is relative to the median leaf size of the optimal.

For example, if a CAS has Normalized median of \(1.2\), then its median is \(1.2\) as large as the median leaf size of the optimal.

Table 1.4: Time and leaf size performance for each CAS
System Mean time (sec) Mean size Normalized mean Median size Normalized median
Rubi 0.26 153.08 1.2 98. 1.
Maxima 0.52 548.38 3.89 62. 1.04
Giac 1.54 607.21 4.54 72. 1.14
Fricas 1.96 1055.34 6.03 96. 1.29
Mathematica 2.37 690.29 2.9 81. 0.97
Maple 3.32 100610. 916.3 100. 1.17
Mupad 2.72 219.68 1.99 54. 1.
Sympy 5.21 314.21 4.18 44. 1.06

1.3 Performance based on Rubi rules and leaf size histograms

1.3.1 Performance based on number of rules Rubi used

This section shows how each CAS performed based on the number of rules Rubi needed to solve the same integral.

The maximum number of rules Rubi used to solve an integral was 9.


The above diagrams shows that the precentage of solved intergals decreases as the number of rules increases.

As expected, for integrals that required less rules, CAS systems had more success which indicates the integral was not as hard to solve. As Rubi needed more rules to solve the integral, we see that the solved percentage decreased for most CAS systems which indicates the integral is becoming harder to solve.

Mathematica had the best performance where its percentage remained almost the same as Rubi’s followed by Maple, then Fricas then the other CAS systems followed.

1.3.2 Performance based on number of steps Rubi used

This section shows how each CAS performed based on the number of steps Rubi needed to solve the same integral.

The number of steps can be much higher than the number of rules, as the same rule could be used more than once.


The above diagrams shows that the precentage of solved intergals decreases as the number of steps increases.

As expected, for integrals that required less steps by Rubi, CAS systems had more success which indicates the integral was not as hard to solve. As Rubi needed more steps to solve the integral, the solved percentage decreased for most CAS systems which indicates the integral is becoming harder to solve.

Mathematica had the best performance where its solved percentage remained almost the same as Rubi’s followed by Maple, then Fricas then the other CAS systems followed.

1.3.3 Histograms based on leaf size


1.3.4 Mathematica source code used to generate the above plots


(*basic package to generate some states for Rubi Rules*) 
(*for summer 2022 CAS integration tests*) 
(*Nasser M. Abbasi, Version Oct 1, 2022. Written using Mathematica 13.1 version *) 
(*to use, do the following. *) 
db = CAS`openDB["cas_integration_tests.db"]; 
Unprotect @@ Names["CAS`*"]; 
ClearAll @@ Names["CAS`*"]; 
(* public API *) 
getNumberOfIntegrals::usage = "getNumberOfIntegrals[db]  gets number of integrals" 
openDB::usage = "openDB[folderName]  opens the database" 
closeDB::usage = "closeDB[db]  closes the database" 
generateRubiStepsStats::usage= "generateRubiStepsStats[db]  generate stats per rubi steps" 
generateRubiRulesStats::usage= "generateRubiRulesStats[db]  generate stats per rubi rules" 
generateLeafStats::usage= "generateLeafStats[db]  generate histograms for leaf size" 
openDB[fullPath_String]:= Module[{db},   
   db = Check[OpenSQLConnection[JDBC["SQLite", fullPath]],$Failed]; 
closeDB[db_]:= Module[{},Check[CloseSQLConnection[db],$Failed]]; 
getNumberOfIntegrals[db_] := Module[{numberOfIntegrals},   
    numberOfIntegrals = SQLExecute[db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main;"][[1, 1]]; 
(*Function to generate histogram of leaf size per cas*) 
getHistogramForLeafSize[casName_String, db_] :=  Module[{data, binWidth = 40}, 
  data = SQLExecute[db, "SELECT rubi_leafsize FROM main where " <> casName <> "_pass=1;"] // Flatten; 
  Histogram[data, {binWidth}, 
      Frame -> {True, True, False, False}, 
      FrameLabel -> {"Leaf size", "Number of integrals"}, 
      PlotLabel -> Style[casName, Bold], 
      ImageSize -> 300, BaseStyle -> 12] 
casSystems = {"rubi", "mma", "maple", "fricas", "giac", "maxima", "sympy", "mupad"}; 
    dataPerStep = Table[ 
        nProblemsForTheseSteps = SQLExecute[db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main where rubi_number_of_steps=" <> ToString@n <> ";"][[1, 1]]; 
        m = SQLExecute[db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main where rubi_number_of_steps=" <> ToString@n <> " and " <> cas <> "_pass=1;"][[1, 1]]; 
        {n, 1, maxNumberOfSteps} 
        {cas, casSystems} 
    data = Transpose@dataPerStep; 
    lbl  = LabelStyle -> Directive[Italic, Small, Black]; 
    data = Callout[data[[#]], casSystems[[#]], {1.1*#, Above}, lbl] & /@  Range[Length@casSystems]; 
    g = ListLinePlot[data, 
           GridLines -> {Range[maxNumberOfSteps], Automatic}, 
           GridLinesStyle -> LightGray, 
           ImageSize -> 600, 
           Frame -> {True, True, False, False}, 
           FrameLabel -> {"Rubi number of steps", "% solved problems"}, 
           Axes -> False, 
           (*PlotLegends -> casSystems,*) 
           PlotRange -> {{1, maxNumberOfSteps}, Automatic}, 
           FrameTicks -> {{Automatic, None}, {Range[maxNumberOfSteps], None}}, 
           BaseStyle -> 16 
data = Table[ 
   nProblemsForTheseRules = SQLExecute[db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main where rubi_number_of_rules=" <> ToString@n <> ";"][[1, 1]]; 
   m = SQLExecute[db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main where rubi_number_of_rules=" <> ToString@n <> " and " <> cas <> "_pass=1;"][[1, 1]]; 
    {n, 1, maxNumberOfRules}, {cas, casSystems} 
data = Transpose@data; 
lbl   = LabelStyle -> Directive[Italic, Small, Black]; 
data = Callout[data[[#]], casSystems[[#]], {1.1*#, Above}, lbl] & /@  Range[Length@casSystems]; 
g = ListLinePlot[data, 
  GridLines -> {Range[maxNumberOfRules], Automatic}, 
  GridLinesStyle -> LightGray, 
  ImageSize -> 600, 
  Frame -> {True, True, False, False}, 
  FrameLabel -> {"Rubi number of steps", "% solved problems"}, 
  Axes -> False, 
  (*PlotLegends -> casSystems,*) 
  PlotRange -> {{1, maxNumberOfRules}, Automatic}, 
  FrameTicks -> {{Automatic, None}, {Range[maxNumberOfRules], None}}, 
  BaseStyle -> 16]; 
p = getHistogramForLeafSize[#, db] & /@ casSystems; 
g = Grid[Partition[p, 2], Frame -> All, FrameStyle -> LightGray]; 
lbl = Style[Column[{"Histogram showing distribution of solved integrals", 
                    "based on leaf size using bin width of 40"}], Bold, 16]; 
g = Labeled[g, lbl, Top];  
Protect @@ Names["CAS`*"]; 

1.3.5 Maple source code used to generate same plots

This version uses Maple to access to the database. It is a small module. Below is the listing of the source code and link to the driver .mw and the module .mpl




#small Maple module to generate some stats plots for CAS integration tests 
#by Nasser M. Abbasi,. Version OCt 1, 2022. 
#Written using Maple 2022 
# To use do 
#read "CAS_plots.mpl"; 
#see driver for the above commands also. 
#make sure to set currentdir() to where the SQL database is 
#global to the module only. Shared among all procs 
local db:=-1; 
local cas::list:=["mma","rubi","maple","fricas","giac","maxima","sympy","mupad"]; 
export openDB:=proc(full_name::string) 
       error lastexception; 
    end try; 
end proc; 
export closeDB:=proc() 
    if db=-1 then 
        error "database not open"; 
        db :=-1; 
end proc; 
export make_number_of_steps_plot:=proc() 
    local A,number_of_integrals::posint,K,M::posint,N::posint; 
    local max_number_of_steps:=20; 
    local data; 
    local number_of_problems::integer; 
    local stmt,p1,p2; 
    if db=-1 then 
        error "database not open"; 
    data := Matrix(max_number_of_steps,8); 
    A := Database[SQLite]:-Prepare(db, cat("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main;")); 
    A := Database[SQLite]:-FetchAll(A); 
    for N from 1 to max_number_of_steps do 
        stmt := Database[SQLite]:-Prepare(db, 
                 cat("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main where rubi_number_of_steps=",String(N),";")); 
        stmt := Database[SQLite]:-FetchAll(stmt); 
        for M from 1 to nops(cas) do 
            data[N,M]  := get_percent_by_steps(N,number_of_problems,cas[M]); 
    p1 := dataplot(data, style=line, gridlines=true, size=[600,"golden"], 
            labels=["Number of rubi steps used","% solved"], 
    p2 := plots:-textplot( [ 
           [  3 , 105 , "rubi"] , 
           [ 12,95, "mma" ], 
           [12 ,69, "fricas"], 
           [8.8 ,48, "giac"], 
           [16 ,47, "mupad"], 
           [8.6,31, "maxima"], 
           [16,14, "sympy"] 
    return plots:-display( [p1 , p2]); 
end proc; 
export make_number_of_rules_plot:=proc() 
local A,number_of_integrals::posint,K,conn,M::posint,N::posint,p1,p2; 
    local max_number_of_rules:=9; 
    local data; 
    local number_of_problems::integer; 
    local stmt; 
    if db=-1 then 
        error "database not open"; 
    A := Database[SQLite]:-Prepare(db, cat("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main;")); 
    A := Database[SQLite]:-FetchAll(A); 
    for N from 1 to max_number_of_rules do 
        stmt := Database[SQLite]:-Prepare(db, 
                 cat("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main where rubi_number_of_rules=",String(N),";")); 
        stmt := Database[SQLite]:-FetchAll(stmt); 
        for M from 1 to nops(cas) do 
    p1 := dataplot(data, style=line, gridlines=true, size=[600,"golden"], 
              labels=["Number of rubi rules used","% solved"], 
    p2 := plots:-textplot( [[  3 , 105 , "rubi"] , 
           [ 6,95, "mma" ], 
           [8 ,73, "fricas"], 
           [6.5 ,52, "giac"], 
           [4.5 ,54, "mupad"], 
           [5.1,38, "maxima"], 
           [7,17, "sympy"] 
    return plots:-display( [p1 , p2]); 
end proc: 
# private procs below 
local get_percent_per_rules:=proc(number_of_rules::posint, 
    local s,p; 
    s := Database[SQLite]:-Prepare(db, 
                             cat("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main where rubi_number_of_rules=", 
                                   String(number_of_rules)," and ",cas_name,"_pass=1;")); 
    s := Database[SQLite]:-FetchAll(s); 
    p :=s[1,1]; 
    return p*100./number_of_problems; 
end proc: 
local get_percent_by_steps:=proc(number_of_steps::posint, 
    local s,p; 
    s := Database[SQLite]:-Prepare(db, 
              cat("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main where rubi_number_of_steps=", 
                 String(number_of_steps)," and ",cas_name,"_pass=1;")); 
    s := Database[SQLite]:-FetchAll(s); 
    p := s[1,1]; 
    return p*100./number_of_problems; 
end proc: 
end module;

1.4 Performance per integrand type

The following are the different integrand types the test suite contains.

  1. Independent tests.
  2. Algebraic Binomial problems (products involving powers of binomials and monomials).
  3. Algebraic Trinomial problems (products involving powers of trinomials, binomials and monomials).
  4. Miscellaneous Algebraic functions.
  5. Exponentials.
  6. Logarithms.
  7. Trigonometric.
  8. Inverse Trigonometric.
  9. Hyperbolic functions.
  10. Inverse Hyperbolic functions.
  11. Special functions.
  12. Sam Blake input file.
  13. Waldek Hebisch input file.
  14. MIT Bee integration
  15. Ryzhik and Gradshteyn table of integrals handbook

The following table gives percentage solved of each CAS per integrand type.

Table 1.5: Percentage solved per integrand type
Integrand type problems Rubi Mathematica Maple Maxima Fricas Sympy Giac Mupad
Independent tests 1892 99. 99.21 93.71 82.03 95.24 73.1 86.58 82.03
Algebraic Binomial 14276 99.99 99.8 83.03 60.65 80.86 61.73 64.67 60.65
Algebraic Trinomial 10187 99.99 99.34 90.73 52.98 84.97 40.18 72.23 56.66
Algebraic Miscellaneous 1519 99.41 98.49 87.62 52.27 81.96 46.08 61.55 61.88
Exponentials 961 99.79 96.67 81.48 66.81 90.74 45.68 49.53 71.49
Logarithms 3085 99.81 97.83 58.54 56.4 58.12 34.26 47.46 43.18
Trigonometric 22551 99.91 97.66 85.85 48.62 76.52 16.23 48.33 49.39
Inverse Trigonometric 4585 99.96 97.95 83.88 37.43 49.84 37.19 42.97 38.43
Hyperbolic 5166 100. 98.26 82.69 62.04 90.77 23.87 64.94 54.72
Inverse Hyperbolic 6626 99.97 98.25 79.79 47.83 63.25 28.4 36.84 39.6
Special functions 999 100. 95.7 70.37 47.65 71.27 46.85 31.23 40.24
Sam Blake file 3154 64.87 90.87 56.75 18.07 72.26 17.66 25.43 25.68
Waldek Hebisch file 10335 63.42 96.88 97.7 93.2 99.91 94.57 86.8 90.13
MIT Bee integration 316 93.35 98.73 94.62 92.41 96.84 82.28 91.77 89.56
Table of integrals 70 100. 100. 100. 98.57 100. 100. 100. 100.

In addition to the above table, for each type of integrand listed above, 3D chart is made which shows how each CAS performed on that specific integrand type.

These charts and the table above can be used to show where each CAS relative strength or weakness in the area of integration.
















1.5 Maximum leaf size ratio for each CAS against the optimal result

The following table gives the largest ratio found in each test file, between each CAS antiderivative and the optimal antiderivative.

For each test input file, the problem with the largest ratio \(\frac {\text {CAS leaf size}}{\text {Optimal leaf size}}\) is recorded with the corresponding problem number.

In each column in the table below, the first number is the maximum leaf size ratio, and the number that follows inside the parentheses is the problem number in that specific file where this maximum ratio was found. This ratio is determined only when CAS solved the the problem and also when an optimal antiderivative is known.

If it happens that a CAS was not able to solve all the integrals in the input test file, or if it was not possible to obtain leaf size for the CAS result for all the problems in the file, then a zero is used for the ratio and -1 is used for the problem number.

This makes it easier to locate the problem. In the future, a direct link will be added as well.











1. (1)

3.9 (50)

16.9 (114)

3.8 (169)

4. (45)

4789.3 (145)

4.2 (164)

42.4 (169)


7.3 (21)

5. (20)

3.6 (17)

113.1 (21)

14.3 (13)

16.8 (5)

4.6 (2)

3.3 (26)


1. (1)

1.1 (14)

17. (6)

11.1 (7)

2. (8)

1.9 (5)

1.9 (5)

11.3 (5)


6.4 (5)

14.3 (13)

14.7 (46)

16.6 (43)

5.5 (43)

4.8 (40)

5.3 (1)

6.9 (4)


1. (1)

54.7 (278)

12737.8 (278)

8.1 (280)

7.7 (280)

39.8 (123)

19.5 (141)

14.1 (204)


1. (1)

1.4 (3)

2.2 (4)

1.9 (1)

1.4 (7)

0.8 (4)

2.3 (5)

1.3 (3)


2.2 (3)

5.6 (7)

1.8 (3)

2.8 (3)

6.7 (9)

5. (2)

1.9 (3)

1.7 (3)


1.6 (50)

5.3 (31)

5.1 (40)

6.5 (11)

5. (42)

26.4 (71)

5.2 (70)

22.5 (70)


1.2 (365)

7.2 (80)

3.7 (296)

12.1 (328)

4.2 (341)

4789.3 (251)

15. (328)

6. (9)


3.2 (335)

45.7 (446)

3343.5 (327)

36.9 (399)

261.1 (248)

124.9 (217)

18.8 (537)

12.8 (253)


529. (82)

127. (82)

317. (82)

2.7 (2)

70. (82)

41.3 (17)

6.6 (50)

207. (82)


1.8 (6)

2.3 (4)

1.2 (8)

1.5 (2)

3.3 (3)

3.4 (3)

1.6 (2)

0.9 (8)


7.1 (369)

23.8 (1323)

30.9 (1323)

32.9 (1323)

32.9 (1323)

136.1 (671)

34. (1323)

38.1 (1323)


2. (870)

16.5 (1101)

22.6 (1101)

24.4 (1716)

21.5 (1101)

441.1 (578)

46.7 (827)

29.4 (580)


3.3 (97)

9.3 (99)

29.2 (111)

2.9 (119)

10.7 (21)

49.2 (119)

10. (119)

23.5 (12)


1. (1)

2.2 (25)

8.6 (25)

4. (25)

9. (25)

143.6 (25)

19.9 (25)

1.7 (3)


2.6 (35)

10.1 (67)

38. (66)

1.7 (35)

9.5 (59)

12. (4)

37.2 (53)

20.5 (5)


1. (3)

27.5 (31)

100. (35)

0. (-1)

2.6 (3)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)


8.2 (664)

8.7 (663)

7.9 (196)

10. (196)

10. (196)

55.3 (528)

8. (434)

10.1 (196)


1.6 (254)

8.9 (59)

136.7 (70)

4.4 (73)

26.1 (159)

10.2 (24)

5.9 (69)

23.2 (32)


1. (655)

12.6 (337)

33.5 (754)

3.1 (313)

17.2 (1016)

32.8 (324)

8.6 (553)

30.3 (244)


1.3 (64)

2.6 (63)

22.5 (55)

1.3 (15)

11.3 (62)

3. (21)

3. (98)

1.7 (21)


1. (1)

1.3 (37)

10.4 (15)

2.1 (15)

7. (15)

53. (15)

13.8 (15)

2.5 (1)


1.2 (173)

1.9 (45)

3.3 (163)

3.6 (161)

5.2 (26)

51.1 (57)

4. (157)

1.8 (133)


8.4 (2686)

13.4 (2913)

77.7 (1993)

13.2 (2285)

3754.9 (1276)

230.3 (2266)

28.4 (2813)

16.4 (2913)


1.4 (342)

10.3 (306)

17.9 (265)

4. (40)

15.1 (265)

232.7 (291)

6. (292)

20.4 (256)


1.3 (816)

13.6 (1007)

77.4 (546)

29.1 (1063)

57.9 (267)

36.6 (124)

9.8 (1052)

22.9 (873)


1.2 (46)

6. (14)

51.1 (15)

2.4 (15)

28.3 (15)

302. (9)

67.8 (15)

6.1 (15)


1.2 (552)

3.8 (45)

13.9 (215)

10. (43)

4003.6 (171)

14.9 (577)

8.1 (591)

16.9 (171)


1.3 (278)

10. (328)

51.5 (297)

11.2 (348)

16.3 (197)

10. (328)

10.6 (331)

12.5 (348)


1. (1)

1.6 (28)

4.9 (269)

3.2 (114)

4. (269)

21.6 (269)

6.3 (269)

3.4 (190)


2.8 (83)

6.2 (127)

5.8 (74)

2.2 (83)

7.2 (127)

16.4 (63)

6.9 (17)

3.5 (25)


2. (2419)

33.1 (1256)

96.2 (557)

27. (557)

66.3 (2300)

239.3 (2549)

43.7 (2354)

79.2 (1229)


1.3 (1471)

11.5 (1633)

73.8 (949)

50.9 (2170)

60.6 (1627)

1537.6 (1013)

78.9 (2229)

24.6 (2005)


2.1 (833)

46.1 (890)

116.1 (801)

5.5 (579)

62. (796)

141.7 (925)

20. (925)

24.8 (618)


1. (1)

3.4 (107)

425.1 (78)

2.7 (95)

29.8 (112)

1.2 (19)

92.3 (6)

3. (100)


1. (129)

4.1 (35)

14197.2 (12)

6.6 (27)

62.5 (74)

8.6 (14)

5.8 (37)

9.1 (4)


1.8 (76)

17.7 (261)

421. (278)

93.8 (278)

88.2 (278)

232.5 (367)

119.2 (278)

101.3 (278)


1.7 (636)

8.8 (109)

7. (109)

5.4 (515)

33.9 (1086)

27.8 (1105)

13.7 (885)

28.1 (910)


1.7 (212)

9.5 (88)

27.3 (220)

6.5 (88)

61.9 (268)

31.4 (284)

59.7 (275)

18.4 (218)


1.9 (327)

31.4 (371)

8.5 (55)

5.6 (70)

68.2 (308)

80.3 (55)

35.3 (309)

31.1 (105)


1. (59)

3.6 (103)

49.4 (108)

1.4 (111)

3428.4 (21)

43. (11)

42.2 (40)

11.9 (21)


1.6 (135)

1.8 (51)

13.8 (37)

1.6 (131)

4782.7 (22)

119.4 (37)

20.4 (60)

25.8 (51)


1.9 (1)

2.4 (22)

6.4 (29)

0. (-1)

4.2 (35)

0.8 (1)

2.5 (42)

3.8 (34)


1. (1)

4.9 (4)

0.9 (4)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)


2.1 (154)

20. (601)

54.7 (609)

7.4 (609)

46.4 (637)

103.6 (597)

141. (596)

42.1 (312)


1. (1)

25.5 (83)

1.6 (15)

1.8 (68)

51. (41)

42.2 (68)

15.3 (37)

12. (37)


1. (67)

25.1 (143)

88.8 (96)

88.7 (96)

77.1 (93)

82.9 (93)

73.6 (96)

75.2 (93)


1. (1)

11. (17)

1.7 (11)

2.1 (16)

2.2 (16)

3.2 (11)

3.3 (16)

1.8 (11)


1. (1)

1.7 (99)

4. (72)

1.1 (72)

9.5 (102)

18.1 (72)

12.1 (79)

22.8 (88)


6.2 (424)

11.6 (162)

294.5 (194)

42.3 (63)

15310.8 (134)

90.8 (255)

27.1 (202)

75.1 (192)


4.1 (1017)

172.1 (1010)

3059.3 (1010)

5.1 (612)

40.5 (871)

163.8 (182)

41.7 (717)

25.8 (404)


1. (1)

1.2 (82)

9.5 (87)

2.2 (2)

2. (81)

2.5 (2)

55.7 (2)

1.8 (2)


1. (1)

1.6 (4)

16. (46)

2.6 (46)

5. (58)

2.2 (32)

37.8 (39)

1.8 (20)


1.2 (655)

5.3 (636)

38.7 (267)

125.2 (267)

28.5 (292)

11.9 (563)

53.7 (563)

14.9 (268)


1. (1)

1.3 (133)

83.5 (150)

4.9 (149)

5. (150)

11. (150)

10.2 (81)

2.6 (61)


1.5 (120)

3.9 (363)

97.5 (440)

5.1 (348)

17.4 (440)

179.8 (441)

10.8 (392)

2.5 (65)


1.5 (176)

12.4 (64)

837. (189)

3. (166)

10. (237)

2.6 (5)

21.6 (186)

2.2 (166)


1.6 (178)

39.2 (308)

376.9 (168)

7. (10)

5.9 (269)

5.5 (119)

116.7 (239)

6.6 (239)


1. (1)

16.8 (81)

1428.6 (228)

79.4 (81)

7.1 (212)

8. (71)

26.2 (1)

10.7 (81)


1.4 (39)

30.8 (67)

11.2 (75)

14.2 (44)

4.5 (15)

11.7 (12)

12.3 (34)

7. (34)


1.2 (367)

9.6 (340)

161.9 (62)

9.1 (340)

9. (404)

38.1 (427)

35.8 (456)

3.6 (52)


1.5 (390)

4.3 (45)

1142.9 (92)

7.4 (390)

32.2 (197)

34.4 (183)

13.8 (45)

5.7 (197)


1.2 (284)

13.1 (44)

2190.9 (91)

10.6 (23)

11.4 (91)

15.9 (189)

15.3 (28)

7.6 (90)


1. (1)

114.1 (497)

33.3 (493)

3.9 (111)

7.8 (301)

137.4 (62)

5.7 (105)

6.2 (210)


1. (1)

8.6 (249)

7.6 (83)

21.4 (209)

13.1 (209)

29.5 (193)

633.3 (22)

12. (328)


1. (1)

9.2 (12)

4.3 (51)

2.4 (21)

5.9 (53)

17.1 (49)

2.4 (5)

1.8 (21)


1. (1)

1.8 (113)

7.6 (65)

21.3 (45)

2.3 (38)

2.2 (12)

69.6 (38)

1.7 (12)


1. (1)

3.3 (203)

7.8 (201)

168.3 (37)

4.7 (44)

8.4 (115)

14. (217)

2.7 (37)


2. (615)

510.4 (349)

397.6 (608)

9. (151)

23.4 (476)

68.3 (344)

14.1 (630)

17.8 (528)


1. (1)

1.1 (10)

1.4 (29)

8.1 (33)

1.1 (10)

3.9 (12)

2.3 (30)

1.1 (8)


1.6 (103)

56.7 (138)

3.1 (17)

4. (53)

7. (201)

2.6 (40)

762. (36)

14.1 (189)


1.9 (621)

1029.2 (406)

8115.7 (795)

33.4 (256)

16.2 (711)

79.3 (470)

20.9 (633)

29.5 (187)


1.6 (1108)

1478. (937)

150.5 (174)

9.3 (46)

15.3 (937)

223.9 (697)

443.5 (175)

22.1 (1306)


1.3 (12)

2212.1 (38)

686.6 (48)

7.7 (16)

29.9 (35)

3.4 (1)

4.1 (22)

13.8 (39)


1.2 (206)

83.1 (202)

7213.4 (353)

38.2 (48)

16.7 (327)

66.6 (265)

268.7 (222)

25.5 (248)


1. (1)

6.7 (10)

3.9 (2)

13.5 (1)

2.6 (2)

412.4 (8)

5.4 (12)

2.4 (3)


1.4 (32)

156.5 (4)

4.4 (33)

3.5 (20)

2.2 (18)

2.3 (32)

1.5 (16)

2.9 (1)


1.8 (236)

228.2 (240)

51483.2 (593)

19. (487)

3020.2 (254)

9937.7 (81)

19.3 (510)

30.3 (320)


1. (1)

2.2 (2)

1.8 (2)

1.3 (2)

4.6 (1)

11.7 (4)

2.3 (2)

35.6 (4)


1. (1)

1.5 (16)

1.4 (10)

1. (19)

51.7 (13)

2.8 (11)

1.8 (14)

13.3 (14)


1. (1)

3.7 (284)

8.3 (12)

16.5 (170)

4.1 (42)

2.5 (64)

1015. (141)

3.5 (41)


1. (1)

3.5 (187)

8.3 (76)

12.7 (133)

6.9 (33)

4.1 (9)

627.4 (22)

2.4 (1)


1. (1)

2.4 (61)

3.4 (50)

788.2 (7)

6.2 (52)

6. (41)

2. (5)

1.3 (4)


1. (1)

1.3 (94)

4.2 (26)

4.2 (86)

1.5 (35)

6. (61)

4.3 (35)

1.1 (87)


4.3 (11)

4.1 (60)

6.5 (78)

3.2 (3)

4.2 (32)

35.5 (25)

3.7 (11)

16.1 (24)


1. (1)

1. (10)

1.4 (29)

8.1 (32)

1.1 (10)

3.8 (12)

2.3 (30)

1.1 (8)


1. (1)

3.2 (1)

3. (3)

4.1 (3)

4.1 (20)

0. (-1)

3. (3)

14.7 (10)


1.4 (370)

35.3 (773)

9.3 (642)

6489.4 (123)

7.2 (484)

23. (452)

48.9 (782)

26.6 (462)


1. (1)

2.8 (2)

3. (2)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)


1. (1)

3. (1)

1.3 (1)

3.7 (1)

1.8 (1)

0. (-1)

1.6 (1)

1.2 (1)


1.1 (40)

36.7 (454)

14.3 (436)

7944.2 (100)

8.1 (279)

36.2 (252)

7.2 (259)

20.5 (260)


1. (1)

53.3 (393)

8. (29)

20.3 (115)

3.4 (319)

9. (35)

1080.9 (91)

2.8 (122)


1.4 (940)

84.8 (1350)

18. (1154)

7808.5 (402)

7.5 (1007)

29.3 (565)

7.5 (994)

28.4 (566)


1.2 (81)

4.9 (91)

5.9 (69)

9.4 (53)

3020.2 (79)

1914.1 (31)

3.7 (91)

20.3 (14)


1. (1)

2.1 (9)

2.3 (17)

1. (2)

15.4 (14)

13.9 (4)

7. (4)

38.3 (4)


1. (1)

1.9 (5)

1.4 (20)

0.8 (11)

51.4 (8)

3.2 (12)

66.7 (8)

13.4 (5)


1. (1)

106.8 (358)

402.6 (52)

1.3 (7)

9. (251)

3. (376)

24.8 (8)

26.5 (105)


1. (1)

4.5 (44)

8.6 (29)

10.5 (49)

5. (54)

2.5 (24)

6.5 (22)

2.8 (16)


1. (1)

3.8 (44)

1.2 (15)

7.9 (52)

4.5 (39)

16.9 (21)

1.7 (21)

2.3 (28)


1.5 (562)

75.5 (641)

173.9 (617)

19. (393)

8.6 (80)

40. (172)

718. (543)

10.6 (560)


1. (1)

7. (46)

2.8 (2)

2.9 (67)

7.5 (75)

1.3 (2)

352.2 (32)

6.3 (58)


1.4 (891)

200.5 (678)

7841827.2 (1268)

147.2 (1121)

295.8 (1257)

68.3 (1213)

27.4 (1203)

64.1 (1121)


1. (1)

941.7 (463)

15282.6 (454)

144. (373)

246.2 (354)

42.2 (280)

24.3 (257)

31.3 (373)


1. (130)

3975.5 (145)

43.6 (123)

3. (83)

11.4 (83)

145.8 (74)

39.8 (64)

18.8 (113)


1. (1)

44.6 (159)

2905.5 (351)

18.1 (272)

20.7 (379)

62.9 (245)

1941.1 (43)

48. (137)


1. (1)

777.6 (45)

37408.6 (26)

0. (-1)

16.5 (45)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)


1. (1)

21.6 (47)

143.1 (43)

1.3 (4)

4.9 (20)

2.6 (1)

4.2 (3)

5.9 (7)


1. (1)

4.5 (42)

10.3 (27)

17.4 (47)

5.2 (59)

2.4 (22)

40.3 (8)

2.2 (16)


1. (1)

2.5 (11)

2.5 (2)

3.3 (11)

4. (7)

1.3 (2)

2.5 (7)

6.7 (17)


1. (1)

2.4 (5)

3.2 (2)

4.3 (7)

3.3 (7)

1.2 (2)

2.7 (6)

8.7 (15)


1. (1)

3.9 (15)

17.5 (103)

1.9 (94)

3.5 (90)

35.7 (93)

2.4 (94)

31.3 (90)


1. (1)

23.7 (22)

35. (29)

13.6 (8)

13. (57)

59.8 (7)

17.1 (37)

21.2 (57)


1. (1)

1997.4 (22)

31763.8 (3)

0. (-1)

26. (27)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)


1. (1)

14.7 (42)

47. (288)

25.9 (47)

5.7 (42)

3.3 (1)

11.7 (42)

3.9 (223)


1. (1)

10. (40)

4.1 (29)

15.5 (16)

5.2 (6)

0. (-1)

6.1 (18)

1.8 (18)


1. (1)

3.2 (18)

5.9 (73)

120.4 (20)

4.5 (68)

2.2 (53)

4.2 (20)

5.5 (15)


1.4 (423)

249. (874)

14.7 (578)

1460.2 (263)

7. (515)

2.6 (5)

5.8 (513)

26.5 (502)


1. (1)

45.2 (153)

12.6 (284)

2.9 (65)

5.8 (227)

0. (-1)

7. (196)

10.9 (218)


1.7 (340)

55.8 (191)

46.5 (339)

3.7 (67)

34.3 (339)

13.1 (90)

7.1 (286)

19.8 (295)


1.3 (115)

2602.3 (169)

1151.1 (153)

40.5 (109)

9.1 (159)

0. (-1)

5.1 (159)

20.3 (190)


2.2 (197)

1877.2 (240)

7.1 (238)

46.4 (130)

15.6 (263)

3. (170)

4.3 (256)

24.3 (254)


1.3 (265)

350.5 (634)

15.8 (385)

1629.1 (267)

8.2 (336)

2.2 (47)

6.9 (335)

20.2 (324)


1. (1)

3.1 (36)

24.1 (25)

14.5 (25)

2.6 (58)

2.9 (33)

2.7 (41)

6. (58)


1.2 (870)

383.4 (1373)

19.8 (970)

2062.5 (624)

7.3 (808)

3. (930)

7.6 (489)

28.4 (679)


1. (1)

66.8 (138)

544.5 (433)

49.9 (379)

27.4 (461)

11.8 (363)

15. (389)

31.6 (116)


1. (1)

5.6 (42)

12.4 (21)

33.4 (39)

3.8 (42)

3.1 (1)

3.1 (41)

3.7 (61)


1. (1)

4. (25)

5. (74)

39.4 (15)

4.6 (69)

2.2 (53)

2.9 (61)

23. (27)


1. (1)

5.3 (36)

19.6 (18)

6.4 (13)

8.5 (20)

0. (-1)

13.6 (15)

24.8 (49)


1. (1)

2.5 (8)

2.6 (8)

4.9 (8)

3.7 (14)

0. (-1)

2.2 (8)

15.8 (9)


1.3 (20)

3.3 (10)

1.9 (5)

3.5 (1)

5. (22)

0. (-1)

2.2 (10)

27.9 (20)


1. (1)

2.7 (3)

2.2 (8)

2.5 (8)

2.3 (9)

4.9 (18)

3.3 (12)

3.9 (4)


1. (1)

1.2 (1)

1.8 (1)

0. (-1)

1.4 (1)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)


1. (12)

3.1 (18)

26.8 (15)

26.6 (13)

16.6 (11)

0. (-1)

5.3 (16)

21.3 (6)


1. (1)

29.1 (187)

5299951.7 (81)

85. (57)

7.2 (231)

6948.3 (39)

558.9 (93)

8. (233)


3.3 (23)

25.3 (272)

6.3 (209)

9.5 (209)

8.5 (143)

19.3 (124)

406.5 (236)

38. (124)


1.1 (281)

8.4 (382)

14.9 (80)

58.8 (171)

13.9 (273)

10.3 (396)

6002.2 (153)

3.1 (81)


1. (1)

2.7 (1)

6.9 (9)

0.4 (5)

12. (4)

1.1 (5)

0.7 (5)

2.2 (5)


4.3 (259)

7.8 (318)

12.8 (259)

90.9 (225)

3.5 (111)

5.6 (18)

2097.9 (70)

4.1 (224)


19.2 (34)

9.1 (133)

9.1 (33)

79.9 (34)

4.2 (63)

33.8 (135)

264.4 (31)

8.6 (63)


10.8 (759)

718.9 (434)

651.2 (860)

418.5 (198)

27.5 (503)

4789.3 (480)

5737. (605)

42. (529)


1.4 (107)

2.5 (95)

4.8 (156)

1.7 (155)

1.8 (7)

2.3 (11)

9.9 (145)

3. (150)


1. (237)

9.5 (655)

19.9 (90)

3.3 (195)

6.1 (642)

2.9 (413)

56.7 (620)

3. (662)


1.9 (147)

20.7 (84)

14. (55)

12. (177)

8.2 (103)

8.1 (206)

15.5 (255)

3. (12)


1. (1)

4.9 (41)

2.8 (156)

1.8 (155)

3. (7)

2.3 (11)

26.4 (147)

2. (150)


1. (1)

1.9 (10)

2.8 (13)

2.4 (11)

5.1 (33)

2. (23)

36.3 (23)

1.1 (21)


1. (1)

7.2 (114)

3.3 (18)

2.4 (24)

5.7 (29)

2. (58)

3.9 (31)

2.4 (27)


1. (1)

4.6 (83)

27.4 (148)

1.5 (165)

3.4 (112)

7.5 (105)

1.9 (134)

1.8 (21)


1. (1)

4.1 (25)

44.1 (20)

1.7 (8)

18.6 (21)

44.7 (8)

1.2 (21)

4.1 (7)


1.3 (152)

36.6 (1229)

186. (1266)

4.8 (218)

10.2 (1214)

11.6 (1159)

2.4 (1279)

7.7 (1159)


1. (1)

3.3 (36)

47.6 (37)

24.5 (61)

3. (30)

9.5 (12)

1. (27)

5.2 (1)


1.9 (344)

2.7 (248)

15.1 (180)

9.5 (180)

10. (375)

11.6 (375)

7.9 (375)

4.2 (376)


1.1 (117)

8.3 (63)

27.1 (147)

5.4 (67)

9. (76)

15.1 (132)

5.8 (125)

5.5 (1)


1.3 (109)

8.3 (173)

55.9 (142)

13.3 (107)

9. (183)

5.9 (106)

27.1 (135)

5.5 (149)


1. (1)

1.2 (7)

1. (2)

1. (2)

1.1 (5)

2.7 (4)

1.1 (2)

0.9 (5)


1.2 (68)

3.3 (25)

11.7 (105)

3.4 (31)

6.5 (105)

2.5 (12)

84.8 (69)

2. (29)


1. (1)

9.1 (22)

5.4 (26)

1.7 (14)

4. (24)

2.7 (8)

2.6 (2)

1.2 (5)


1.4 (51)

2.8 (111)

11.7 (112)

1.9 (22)

6.5 (112)

2.6 (12)

27.3 (91)

1.9 (29)


1. (1)

9.3 (21)

7.1 (26)

1.6 (13)

4. (23)

2.7 (8)

3.5 (26)

1.3 (5)


1. (1)

21.7 (430)

7.5 (379)

3.7 (327)

33.5 (496)

24.6 (231)

8.7 (6)

16.6 (489)


1. (1)

5.4 (53)

3.4 (98)

12.9 (90)

6.6 (20)

1.9 (10)

6.9 (29)

1.7 (50)


1. (1)

1.5 (24)

1.9 (28)

6. (7)

6.1 (31)

0. (-1)

1.1 (7)

0. (-1)


1. (271)

8.7 (365)

7.3 (126)

21.3 (134)

32.5 (87)

22. (74)

25.9 (273)

22.4 (234)


1.3 (16)

9.9 (394)

8.5 (60)

23.2 (454)

2699.3 (269)

9185.8 (34)

23.5 (81)

30.4 (325)


1. (1)

13.6 (173)

6. (1)

3.6 (1)

16.2 (36)

4.1 (8)

8.7 (6)

2.4 (16)


1. (1)

1.8 (38)

3.6 (79)

3.5 (5)

4.3 (108)

2.3 (12)

18. (32)

1.7 (12)


1. (1)

2.1 (3)

3.4 (64)

12.9 (56)

6.6 (20)

1.9 (10)

5.2 (25)

1.9 (24)


1. (1)

1.5 (12)

1.9 (28)

6. (7)

6.1 (31)

0. (-1)

1.1 (7)

0. (-1)


1. (244)

8.7 (328)

6.8 (10)

11.4 (196)

44.9 (209)

22. (152)

25.9 (246)

21.4 (180)


1.3 (60)

2.5 (11)

9.3 (35)

7.4 (13)

2966.3 (69)

1913.7 (26)

5. (38)

36.5 (11)


1. (1)

3.7 (3)

5.5 (68)

3.4 (8)

39.5 (11)

1.7 (8)

3.2 (8)

1.6 (32)


1.2 (109)

3.5 (212)

6.4 (205)

12.6 (188)

65.9 (200)

129.1 (63)

4.2 (102)

11.1 (85)


1.3 (257)

10.1 (252)

7.9 (251)

23.3 (190)

178.8 (253)

36.3 (195)

13. (219)

27.4 (106)


1. (1)

4.7 (48)

5.8 (37)

3.7 (8)

30.5 (47)

11.7 (27)

3.2 (8)

1.6 (8)


1. (1)

6.3 (113)

6.4 (210)

13. (193)

66.3 (205)

11.6 (148)

5.9 (29)

11.1 (119)


1. (1)

10.3 (47)

7.9 (45)

6.3 (10)

177.8 (46)

5.5 (4)

8.7 (10)

19.2 (7)


1. (1)

2.6 (6)

2.9 (5)

2.5 (7)

16.2 (9)

0. (-1)

2.7 (7)

1.7 (7)


1. (1)

3.7 (83)

3.6 (79)

2. (15)

21.3 (15)

0. (-1)

2. (31)

4.7 (79)


3.5 (186)

3.4 (146)

12.7 (186)

8.6 (59)

168.4 (146)

2.2 (119)

5.4 (186)

7.5 (116)


1.4 (54)

14.4 (168)

5.6 (171)

21.9 (158)

170.3 (218)

5. (142)

4.3 (124)

18.2 (31)


1. (1)

6.3 (26)

4.6 (5)

3.1 (7)

17.5 (26)

0. (-1)

2.8 (7)

2.2 (25)


1. (1)

5.2 (18)

3.9 (78)

2.3 (15)

28.8 (15)

0. (-1)

1.9 (5)

9.7 (81)


3.3 (160)

6.7 (24)

22.3 (24)

6.3 (24)

33.8 (124)

0. (-1)

9. (24)

8.2 (120)


1.1 (12)

3.4 (24)

5.6 (17)

6.2 (1)

96.8 (15)

0. (-1)

8.8 (22)

9.5 (1)


1.9 (192)

515.8 (777)

142.2 (767)

26. (100)

105. (745)

138.5 (810)

12.2 (11)

24.9 (100)


1. (1)

1.9 (141)

2.7 (38)

1.4 (15)

3.3 (7)

1. (22)

2.3 (19)

0.9 (5)


1. (1)

3.5 (230)

10. (313)

3.5 (219)

11.1 (651)

3.5 (255)

2.6 (118)

1.9 (531)


1. (1)

6.7 (368)

5.7 (151)

12.2 (115)

26.7 (11)

8.2 (147)

8.4 (115)

2.7 (354)


1. (1)

3.2 (39)

2.3 (18)

1.2 (135)

2. (7)

1.1 (135)

2. (19)

0.9 (136)


1.4 (20)

5.5 (516)

17.2 (93)

2.6 (22)

19.2 (508)

1.7 (528)

2.2 (528)

1.6 (347)


1.3 (73)

6.9 (167)

26. (291)

9.1 (93)

49. (20)

7.6 (122)

6.3 (93)

25. (279)


1. (1)

1.9 (31)

73.1 (172)

5.3 (202)

9.9 (216)

30.9 (63)

7.5 (1)

3.3 (200)


1.6 (21)

8. (18)

56.2 (20)

2.3 (40)

236.8 (32)

62.6 (8)

10.6 (1)

8.9 (28)


1.6 (538)

5. (156)

71.1 (235)

16.1 (244)

7.1 (516)

4.5 (307)

6.7 (15)

6.9 (244)


1. (43)

11.2 (42)

61.2 (46)

4.9 (9)

14.6 (37)

119.2 (37)

15.4 (37)

16. (22)


2. (172)

3.7 (868)

51.8 (222)

18.3 (1152)

12.2 (1368)

30.7 (997)

9.7 (1368)

11.7 (652)


1.7 (81)

24. (319)

24.6 (312)

4.3 (72)

10.1 (312)

7. (276)

7.6 (133)

30.3 (131)


1.2 (78)

24. (238)

3055.9 (185)

3.9 (95)

14.6 (108)

119.2 (108)

15.3 (108)

9.4 (176)


1.9 (172)

4.9 (430)

11.6 (22)

3.5 (37)

4.3 (130)

15.8 (371)

5.1 (235)

2.8 (584)


1. (1)

16.3 (85)

19.4 (124)

1.4 (47)

21.8 (124)

1.5 (35)

0. (-1)

1.2 (27)


2.8 (38)

3.6 (29)

40.3 (80)

1. (34)

9.3 (6)

1.8 (80)

3.3 (47)

9.3 (74)


1.2 (75)

2.9 (111)

11.3 (112)

2.1 (10)

23.6 (112)

1.2 (9)

0. (-1)

1.2 (9)


1.6 (55)

8.2 (13)

5.2 (66)

2.7 (31)

7.3 (71)

2. (31)

3.1 (54)

1.5 (31)


1. (1)

1.7 (102)

2.5 (221)

1.1 (31)

2. (140)

2.7 (221)

1.6 (18)

4.4 (48)


1. (1)

2.5 (57)

1.5 (92)

3.3 (136)

2.4 (60)

2. (179)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)


1. (1)

2.6 (41)

3.4 (134)

4.4 (88)

5.7 (117)

7.3 (69)

557.1 (66)

0. (-1)


1. (1)

2.5 (131)

1.3 (7)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)

8.5 (69)

0. (-1)

0. (-1)


1. (1)

1.3 (195)

2.4 (41)

4. (155)

2.7 (28)

4.9 (30)

0. (-1)

1.6 (155)


380.1 (628)

2947.4 (1688)

183057. (2420)

6.9 (1028)

14782.7 (2646)

99.5 (821)

31. (1760)

166.7 (67)


643. (6841)

21182. (7738)

892063.8 (10190)

1205. (6099)

145.9 (2571)

363.2 (8409)

39084.8 (5246)

131.6 (3170)


66.8 (46)

527.7 (105)

439.4 (224)

439.4 (224)

35.8 (64)

522.8 (105)

573.4 (253)

208.3 (46)


1.2 (44)

9.5 (16)

2.5 (9)

6.5 (16)

10. (23)

7. (23)

12.5 (18)

0. (-1)

1.6 Pass/Fail per test file for each CAS system

The following table gives the number of passed integrals and number of failed integrals per test number. There are 210 tests. Each tests corresponds to one input file.

Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail
1 175 0 175 0 173 2 166 9 174 1 160 15 170 5 169 6
2 33 2 35 0 28 7 16 19 25 10 7 28 17 18 9 26
3 13 1 14 0 12 2 8 6 12 2 9 5 10 4 11 3
4 48 2 50 0 33 17 24 26 48 2 19 31 41 9 12 38
5 279 5 284 0 282 2 252 32 281 3 253 31 269 15 270 14
6 3 4 7 0 5 2 3 4 7 0 5 2 5 2 7 0
7 7 2 9 0 9 0 7 2 9 0 5 4 9 0 9 0
8 113 0 113 0 113 0 111 2 112 1 105 8 109 4 106 7
9 376 0 376 0 376 0 374 2 376 0 346 30 375 1 372 4
10 705 0 705 0 655 50 564 141 660 45 437 268 590 115 542 163
11 113 3 101 15 79 37 20 96 90 26 29 87 35 81 37 79
12 8 0 8 0 8 0 7 1 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0
13 1917 0 1917 0 1565 352 1328 589 1601 316 1214 703 1301 616 1241 676
14 3201 0 3201 0 2870 331 2051 1150 2897 304 1608 1593 2414 787 1884 1317
15 158 1 155 4 128 31 39 120 66 93 33 126 42 117 49 110
16 34 0 33 1 28 6 16 18 28 6 19 15 28 6 4 30
17 78 0 78 0 78 0 27 51 64 14 5 73 46 32 40 38
18 35 0 35 0 35 0 0 35 9 26 0 35 0 35 0 35
19 1071 0 1071 0 767 304 632 439 735 336 1023 48 616 455 695 376
20 349 0 349 0 264 85 79 270 192 157 101 248 106 243 66 283
21 1156 0 1156 0 1041 115 704 452 952 204 631 525 822 334 730 426
22 115 0 114 1 107 8 27 88 35 80 26 89 31 84 27 88
23 51 0 51 0 14 37 14 37 14 37 29 22 14 37 14 37
24 174 0 174 0 170 4 170 4 170 4 155 19 170 4 129 45
25 3078 0 3059 19 2591 487 2196 882 2625 453 2743 335 2043 1035 2228 850
26 385 0 383 2 198 187 167 218 214 171 138 247 125 260 170 215
27 1081 0 1081 0 749 332 409 672 802 279 395 686 554 527 531 550
28 46 0 46 0 12 34 12 34 12 34 20 26 12 34 12 34
29 594 0 594 0 577 17 422 172 531 63 431 163 420 174 449 145
30 454 0 454 0 385 69 153 301 319 135 115 339 261 193 193 261
31 298 0 296 2 275 23 212 86 277 21 126 172 227 71 197 101
32 143 0 143 0 113 30 108 35 113 30 47 96 111 32 132 11
33 2590 0 2582 8 2325 265 1428 1162 2311 279 1035 1555 1969 621 1589 1001
34 2646 0 2646 0 2584 62 1720 926 2549 97 1247 1399 2279 367 1685 961
35 958 0 937 21 729 229 331 627 654 304 261 697 402 556 276 682
36 123 0 123 0 121 2 67 56 111 12 43 80 91 32 53 70
37 143 0 143 0 141 2 15 128 83 60 10 133 50 93 19 124
38 400 0 393 7 388 12 291 109 352 48 142 258 347 53 195 205
39 1126 0 1126 0 1062 64 688 438 1001 125 472 654 821 305 695 431
40 412 1 407 6 399 14 113 300 245 168 186 227 187 226 184 229
41 413 0 406 7 376 37 173 240 285 128 124 289 267 146 218 195
42 111 0 111 0 111 0 83 28 91 20 45 66 106 5 106 5
43 145 0 145 0 143 2 73 72 124 21 80 65 139 6 143 2
44 42 0 40 2 40 2 0 42 9 33 6 36 5 37 1 41
45 4 0 4 0 4 0 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4
46 664 0 662 2 496 168 303 361 535 129 274 390 435 229 360 304
47 96 0 92 4 49 47 17 79 48 48 43 53 37 59 49 47
48 156 0 147 9 137 19 69 87 121 35 77 79 110 46 122 34
49 17 0 17 0 2 15 2 15 7 10 1 16 4 13 5 12
50 140 0 139 1 136 4 24 116 130 10 47 93 109 31 72 68
51 491 3 494 0 489 5 409 85 456 38 433 61 423 71 485 9
52 1019 6 1002 23 842 183 385 640 789 236 267 758 512 513 455 570
53 98 0 98 0 78 20 64 34 93 5 42 56 56 42 58 40
54 93 0 84 9 75 18 78 15 93 0 53 40 54 39 53 40
55 768 2 747 23 630 140 500 270 686 84 344 426 366 404 576 194
56 193 0 193 0 121 72 106 87 123 70 79 114 102 91 60 133
57 456 0 449 7 332 124 245 211 280 176 260 196 200 256 146 310
58 249 0 243 6 120 129 68 181 90 159 46 203 60 189 46 203
59 314 0 298 16 193 121 238 76 210 104 111 203 186 128 200 114
60 263 0 249 14 98 165 180 83 156 107 44 219 125 138 127 136
61 106 2 108 0 27 81 68 40 41 67 20 88 35 73 35 73
62 543 4 543 4 322 225 224 323 221 326 168 379 215 332 209 338
63 641 0 621 20 352 289 391 250 393 248 201 440 351 290 326 315
64 314 0 314 0 241 73 220 94 279 35 128 186 190 124 183 131
65 538 0 538 0 443 95 243 295 420 118 102 436 213 325 248 290
66 348 0 348 0 264 84 203 145 322 26 116 232 179 169 143 205
67 72 0 72 0 47 25 32 40 47 25 32 40 39 33 36 36
68 113 0 113 0 113 0 53 60 113 0 26 87 71 42 20 93
69 357 0 346 11 245 112 270 87 305 52 113 244 188 169 129 228
70 653 0 638 15 555 98 288 365 521 132 105 548 311 342 258 395
71 36 0 36 0 34 2 34 2 36 0 20 16 34 2 16 20
72 206 2 203 5 178 30 142 66 178 30 5 203 154 54 154 54
73 837 0 820 17 640 197 218 619 580 257 163 674 482 355 344 493
74 1560 3 1515 48 1380 183 983 580 1294 269 243 1320 1215 348 1131 432
75 51 0 51 0 50 1 16 35 31 20 4 47 21 30 13 38
76 358 0 348 10 290 68 133 225 275 83 102 256 286 72 178 180
77 19 0 15 4 12 7 13 6 13 6 8 11 12 7 13 6
78 34 0 34 0 5 29 7 27 9 25 1 33 3 31 9 25
79 592 2 583 11 522 72 332 262 474 120 74 520 359 235 334 260
80 9 0 9 0 9 0 2 7 9 0 5 4 9 0 9 0
81 19 0 19 0 19 0 5 14 17 2 6 13 9 10 19 0
82 294 0 294 0 196 98 92 202 197 97 18 276 34 260 80 214
83 189 0 189 0 135 54 140 49 137 52 55 134 112 77 74 115
84 62 0 62 0 45 17 39 23 45 17 32 30 39 23 35 27
85 99 0 99 0 87 12 81 18 91 8 33 66 52 47 30 69
86 88 0 88 0 88 0 27 61 57 31 23 65 32 56 34 54
87 34 0 34 0 32 2 32 2 34 0 18 16 32 2 15 19
88 22 0 22 0 22 0 17 5 21 1 1 21 21 1 18 4
89 932 0 924 8 854 78 303 629 675 257 100 832 273 659 310 622
90 4 0 4 0 4 0 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4
91 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
92 644 0 635 9 634 10 204 440 470 174 65 579 208 436 231 413
93 393 0 389 4 236 157 119 274 238 155 15 378 18 375 75 318
94 1541 0 1535 6 1533 8 489 1052 1160 381 123 1418 536 1005 629 912
95 98 0 98 0 98 0 70 28 81 17 19 79 76 22 67 31
96 21 0 21 0 21 0 2 19 18 3 6 15 19 2 19 2
97 20 0 20 0 20 0 4 16 18 2 5 15 20 0 20 0
98 387 0 386 1 267 120 137 250 206 181 18 369 84 303 122 265
99 62 1 63 0 58 5 49 14 63 0 28 35 35 28 32 31
100 66 0 66 0 36 30 61 5 48 18 36 30 36 30 38 28
101 700 0 700 0 580 120 405 295 573 127 124 576 262 438 369 331
102 91 0 90 1 83 8 79 12 83 8 8 83 82 9 83 8
103 1328 0 1207 121 1116 212 577 751 950 378 295 1033 517 811 835 493
104 855 0 797 58 780 75 428 427 621 234 209 646 270 585 529 326
105 171 0 169 2 122 49 84 87 84 87 63 108 84 87 103 68
106 499 0 497 2 412 87 269 230 407 92 95 404 310 189 283 216
107 51 0 51 0 41 10 0 51 16 35 0 51 0 51 0 51
108 52 0 52 0 37 15 37 15 21 31 8 44 17 35 26 26
109 61 0 61 0 58 3 49 12 61 0 28 33 35 26 28 33
110 23 0 23 0 23 0 19 4 23 0 6 17 23 0 23 0
111 19 0 19 0 19 0 15 4 19 0 4 15 19 0 19 0
112 106 0 105 1 103 3 79 27 31 75 2 104 3 103 103 3
113 64 0 64 0 63 1 21 43 64 0 11 53 53 11 39 25
114 32 0 32 0 26 6 0 32 16 16 0 32 0 32 0 32
115 299 0 299 0 226 73 93 206 199 100 25 274 36 263 78 221
116 46 0 46 0 42 4 36 10 46 0 20 26 24 22 24 22
117 83 0 79 4 51 32 48 35 63 20 37 46 43 40 47 36
118 879 0 869 10 735 144 321 558 609 270 49 830 269 610 323 556
119 305 1 304 2 267 39 175 131 237 69 8 298 191 115 193 113
120 364 1 345 20 331 34 213 152 260 105 40 325 254 111 181 184
121 240 1 227 14 218 23 96 145 145 96 6 235 130 111 56 185
122 286 0 273 13 265 21 166 120 237 49 1 285 224 62 191 95
123 634 0 634 0 586 48 212 422 458 176 8 626 209 425 195 439
124 70 0 70 0 70 0 48 22 70 0 3 67 46 24 49 21
125 1373 0 1338 35 1263 110 510 863 1034 339 11 1362 545 828 552 821
126 468 2 424 46 431 39 286 184 402 68 25 445 275 195 243 227
127 70 0 70 0 53 17 28 42 53 17 9 61 31 39 16 54
128 84 0 80 4 52 32 51 33 64 20 37 47 44 40 47 37
129 59 0 53 6 41 18 25 34 41 18 3 56 41 18 33 26
130 16 0 16 0 16 0 12 4 16 0 0 16 16 0 16 0
131 23 0 23 0 23 0 18 5 23 0 0 23 23 0 23 0
132 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 9 15 24 0 24 0
133 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
134 27 0 27 0 27 0 17 10 27 0 0 27 20 7 8 19
135 254 0 252 2 215 39 159 95 214 40 70 184 161 93 169 85
136 294 0 294 0 289 5 271 23 290 4 67 227 281 13 290 4
137 397 0 396 1 359 38 341 56 365 32 126 271 246 151 155 242
138 9 0 9 0 9 0 1 8 9 0 1 8 1 8 1 8
139 330 0 305 25 107 223 141 189 171 159 69 261 90 240 149 181
140 140 2 142 0 114 28 114 28 115 27 41 101 63 79 50 92
141 944 6 938 12 908 42 655 295 910 40 423 527 725 225 700 250
142 227 0 226 1 217 10 75 152 85 142 100 127 163 64 75 152
143 703 0 694 9 554 149 265 438 265 438 208 495 239 464 146 557
144 472 2 464 10 377 97 123 351 204 270 164 310 246 228 89 385
145 227 0 226 1 215 12 75 152 85 142 100 127 163 64 73 154
146 33 0 33 0 30 3 12 21 15 18 11 22 15 18 3 30
147 118 0 114 4 78 40 30 88 51 67 34 84 51 67 22 96
148 166 0 163 3 145 21 93 73 92 74 96 70 85 81 108 58
149 31 0 26 5 30 1 14 17 11 20 11 20 6 25 14 17
150 1301 0 1279 22 1202 99 423 878 565 736 575 726 464 837 754 547
151 70 0 66 4 69 1 37 33 28 42 24 46 9 61 30 40
152 385 0 368 17 203 182 134 251 286 99 86 299 117 268 147 238
153 153 0 153 0 134 19 87 66 143 10 52 101 59 94 55 98
154 234 0 228 6 228 6 143 91 168 66 82 152 111 123 108 126
155 12 0 12 0 6 6 1 11 6 6 3 9 1 11 6 6
156 174 0 169 5 139 35 85 89 112 62 69 105 96 78 53 121
157 50 0 49 1 37 13 18 32 28 22 13 37 27 23 10 40
158 178 0 172 6 146 32 86 92 114 64 65 113 93 85 57 121
159 49 0 49 0 36 13 15 34 27 22 12 37 25 24 12 37
160 502 0 475 27 341 161 289 213 465 37 123 379 198 304 209 293
161 102 0 101 1 80 22 84 18 78 24 31 71 54 48 29 73
162 33 0 33 0 31 2 31 2 33 0 9 24 31 2 9 24
163 369 0 369 0 319 50 266 103 353 16 120 249 278 91 221 148
164 525 0 501 24 488 37 196 329 444 81 77 448 290 235 247 278
165 183 0 181 2 111 72 143 40 150 33 62 121 103 80 70 113
166 111 0 111 0 111 0 64 47 111 0 26 85 71 40 20 91
167 68 0 68 0 58 10 62 6 60 8 23 45 43 25 21 47
168 33 0 33 0 31 2 31 2 33 0 9 24 31 2 9 24
169 336 0 336 0 297 39 208 128 325 11 103 233 258 78 190 146
170 85 0 84 1 85 0 34 51 72 13 18 67 47 38 55 30
171 77 0 71 6 69 8 63 14 64 13 30 47 46 31 39 38
172 247 0 247 0 207 40 151 96 209 38 68 179 187 60 175 72
173 263 0 263 0 249 14 177 86 260 3 42 221 230 33 185 78
174 61 0 60 1 58 3 55 6 61 0 28 33 35 26 28 33
175 224 0 224 0 164 60 105 119 179 45 33 191 137 87 131 93
176 53 0 53 0 43 10 16 37 50 3 7 46 27 26 32 21
177 16 0 16 0 8 8 5 11 12 4 3 13 4 12 4 12
178 84 0 80 4 49 35 39 45 64 20 34 50 44 40 47 37
179 201 0 192 9 140 61 90 111 179 22 11 190 115 86 94 107
180 220 0 220 0 180 40 147 73 217 3 10 210 134 86 121 99
181 29 0 29 0 19 10 13 16 25 4 4 25 8 21 8 21
182 83 0 76 7 48 35 55 28 63 20 34 49 43 40 47 36
183 175 0 175 0 136 39 109 66 166 9 0 175 107 68 91 84
184 27 0 27 0 14 13 10 17 27 0 0 27 20 7 5 22
185 1059 0 1051 8 936 123 762 297 989 70 328 731 814 245 740 319
186 156 0 156 0 99 57 51 105 43 113 48 108 36 120 30 126
187 663 0 662 1 469 194 259 404 241 422 196 467 95 568 133 530
188 370 1 364 7 244 127 116 255 157 214 97 274 98 273 78 293
189 166 0 166 0 111 55 57 109 52 114 53 113 39 127 32 134
190 569 0 555 14 471 98 245 324 237 332 162 407 106 463 144 425
191 295 1 287 9 194 102 82 214 130 166 81 215 84 212 64 232
192 243 0 231 12 199 44 154 89 147 96 85 158 127 116 128 115
193 49 0 48 1 48 1 29 20 17 32 10 39 17 32 17 32
194 538 0 536 2 509 29 270 268 259 279 145 393 177 361 175 363
195 62 0 60 2 61 1 34 28 17 45 15 47 17 45 17 45
196 1378 0 1353 25 1099 279 620 758 1118 260 457 921 668 710 698 680
197 361 0 360 1 342 19 268 93 350 11 98 263 254 107 239 122
198 300 0 294 6 273 27 246 54 223 77 109 191 152 148 153 147
199 935 0 914 21 784 151 505 430 841 94 206 729 444 491 518 417
200 190 0 185 5 154 36 86 104 121 69 49 141 45 145 52 138
201 100 0 96 4 74 26 21 79 73 27 2 98 4 96 56 44
202 178 0 172 6 103 75 84 94 114 64 37 141 46 132 49 129
203 71 0 71 0 53 18 42 29 51 20 32 39 32 39 41 30
204 311 0 300 11 179 132 140 171 258 53 198 113 131 180 203 108
205 218 0 190 28 154 64 118 100 190 28 118 100 60 158 60 158
206 136 0 134 2 118 18 57 79 126 10 52 84 71 65 34 102
207 136 0 136 0 104 32 34 102 34 102 52 84 34 102 34 102
208 198 0 196 2 148 50 127 71 104 94 48 150 16 182 71 127
209 2046 1108 2866 288 1790 1364 570 2584 2279 875 557 2597 802 2352 810 2344
210 6554 3781 10013 322 10097 238 9632 703 10326 9 9774 561 8971 1364 9315 1020
211 295 21 312 4 299 17 292 24 306 10 260 56 290 26 283 33
212 70 0 70 0 70 0 69 1 70 0 70 0 70 0 70 0

1.7 Timing

The command AbsoluteTiming[] was used in Mathematica to obtain the elapsed time for each integrate call. In Maple, the command Usage was used as in the following example

cpu_time := Usage(assign ('result_of_int',int(expr,x)),output='realtime'

For all other CAS systems, the elapsed time to complete each integral was found by taking the difference between the time after the call completed from the time before the call was made. This was done using Python’s time.time() call.

All elapsed times shown are in seconds. A time limit of 3 CPU minutes was used for each integral. If the integrate command did not complete within this time limit, the integral was aborted and considered to have failed and assigned an F grade. The time used by failed integrals due to time out was not counted in the final statistics.

1.8 Verification

A verification phase was applied on the result of integration for Rubi and Mathematica.

Future version of this report will implement verification for the other CAS systems. For the integrals whose result was not run through a verification phase, it is assumed that the antiderivative was correct.

Verification phase also had 3 minutes time out. An integral whose result was not verified could still be correct, but further investigation is needed on those integrals. These integrals were marked in the summary table below and also in each integral separate section so they are easy to identify and locate.

1.9 Important notes about some of the results

1.9.1 Important note about Maxima results

Since tests were run in a batch mode, and using an automated script, then any integral where Maxima needed an interactive response from the user to answer a question during the evaluation of the integral will fail.

The exception raised is ValueError. Therefore Maxima results is lower than what would result if Maxima was run directly and each question was answered correctly.

The percentage of such failures were not counted for each test file, but for an example, for the Timofeev test file, there were about 14 such integrals out of total 705, or about 2 percent. This percentage can be higher or lower depending on the specific input test file.

Such integrals can be identified by looking at the output of the integration in each section for Maxima. The exception message will indicate the cause of error.

Maxima integrate was run using SageMath with the following settings set by default

'besselexpand : true' 
'display2d : false' 
'domain : complex' 
'keepfloat : true' 
'load(abs_integrate)' 'load(diag)'

SageMath automatic loading of Maxima abs_integrate was found to cause some problems. So the following code was added to disable this effect.

 from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib 
 maxima_lib.set('extra_definite_integration_methods', '[]') 
 maxima_lib.set('extra_integration_methods', '[]')

See for reference.

1.9.2 Important note about FriCAS result

There were few integrals which failed due to SageMath interface and not because FriCAS system could not do the integration.

These will fail With error Exception raised: NotImplementedError.

The number of such cases seems to be very small. About 1 or 2 percent of all integrals. These can be identified by looking at the exception message given in the result.

1.9.3 Important note about finding leaf size of antiderivative

For Mathematica, Rubi, and Maple, the builtin system function LeafSize was used to find the leaf size of each antiderivative.

The other CAS systems (SageMath and Sympy) do not have special builtin function for this purpose at this time. Therefore the leaf size for Fricas and Sympy antiderivative was determined using the following function, thanks to user slelievre at

def tree_size(expr): 
    Return the tree size of this expression. 
    if expr not in SR: 
        # deal with lists, tuples, vectors 
        return 1 + sum(tree_size(a) for a in expr) 
    expr = SR(expr) 
    x, aa = expr.operator(), expr.operands() 
    if x is None: 
        return 1 
        return 1 + sum(tree_size(a) for a in aa)

For Sympy, which was called directly from Python, the following code was used to obtain the leafsize of its result

  # 1.7 is a fudge factor since it is low side from actual leaf count 
  leafCount = round(1.7*count_ops(anti)) 
  except Exception as ee: 
         leafCount =1

1.9.4 Important note about Mupad results

Matlab’s symbolic toolbox does not have a leaf count function to measure the size of the antiderivative. Maple was used to determine the leaf size of Mupad output by post processing Mupad result.

Currently no grading of the antiderivative for Mupad is implemented. If it can integrate the problem, it was assigned a B grade automatically as a placeholder. In the future, when grading function is implemented for Mupad, the tests will be rerun again.

The following is an example of using Matlab’s symbolic toolbox (Mupad) to solve an integral

integrand = evalin(symengine,'cos(x)*sin(x)') 
the_variable = evalin(symengine,'x') 
anti = int(integrand,the_variable)

Which gives sin(x)^2/2

1.10 Design of the test system

The following diagram gives a high level view of the current test build system.