Integrals 3301 to 3341

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {(4-x)^{\frac {5 e^x}{-3+20 e^x}} \left (-90 e^x+600 e^{2 x}+e^x (360-90 x) \log (4-x)\right )+(4-x)^{\frac {10 e^x}{-3+20 e^x}} \left (-30 e^x+200 e^{2 x}+e^x (120-30 x) \log (4-x)\right )}{-36+e^x (480-120 x)+9 x+e^{2 x} (-1600+400 x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


+(-120*x+480)*exp(x)+9*x-36),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{62985600000,[1,8,8,1]%%%}+%%%{503884800000,[1,8,7,1]%%%}

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(5613\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {2 e^{e^4+e^e}+e^{e^4} (-20-8 x)}{300 x^2+120 x^3+12 x^4+e^{2 e^e} \left (75+30 x+3 x^2\right )+e^{e^e} \left (-300 x-120 x^2-12 x^3\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: NotImplementedError} \]


120*x^2-300*x)*exp(exp(exp(1)))+12*x^4+120*x^3+300*x^2),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: NotImplementedError >> unable to parse Giac output: -2/3*((-2*exp(2*exp(exp(1)))*exp(exp(4))

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(5706\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{-\frac {8 x^2}{e^{2 x}-2 e^x x+x^2}} \left (e^{3 x} (1-x)-x^3+x^4+e^{2 x} \left (-3 x+3 x^2\right )+e^x \left (3 x^2-3 x^3\right )+\left (e^x \left (16 x^3-16 x^4\right )+e^x \left (-16 x^2+16 x^3\right ) \log (x)\right ) \log (-x+\log (x))\right )}{-e^{3 x} x^2+3 e^{2 x} x^3-3 e^x x^4+x^5+\left (e^{3 x} x-3 e^{2 x} x^2+3 e^x x^3-x^4\right ) \log (x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


x)^2*x^3-3*exp(x)*x^4+x^5)/exp(8*x^2/(exp(x)^2-2*exp(x)*x+x^2)),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{-16,[1,23,7]%%%}+%%%{64,[1,23,6]%%%}+%%%{-96,[1,23,5]%%%

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(5841\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (18 e^{\frac {1}{x}+2 x} x^2+180 e^{\frac {1}{x}} x^3+e^{\frac {1}{x}+x} \left (90 x^2+36 x^3\right )\right ) \log \left (\frac {1}{3} \left (e^x+x^2\right )\right )+\left (-45 e^{\frac {1}{x}} x^2+e^{\frac {1}{x}+2 x} \left (-9+9 x^2\right )+e^{\frac {1}{x}+x} \left (-45-9 x^2+9 x^4\right )\right ) \log ^2\left (\frac {1}{3} \left (e^x+x^2\right )\right )}{e^x x^2+x^4} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


p(x)*x^2+x^4),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{-1,[0,14]%%%}+%%%{4,[0,13]%%%}+%%%{-3,[0,12]%%%}+%%%{-4,

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(5858\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {6 e^{8 e^{1171875/x}} x+6 x^3+e^{4 e^{1171875/x}} \left (-9375000 e^{1171875/x}-2 x+12 x^2\right )+\left (6 e^{8 e^{1171875/x}} x-2 x^2+6 x^3+e^{4 e^{1171875/x}} \left (-2 x+12 x^2\right )\right ) \log \left (\frac {x-3 e^{4 e^{1171875/x}} x-3 x^2}{3 e^{4 e^{1171875/x}}+3 x}\right )}{3 e^{8 e^{1171875/x}} x-x^2+3 x^3+e^{4 e^{1171875/x}} \left (-x+6 x^2\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


2*x)*exp(4*exp(1171875/x))+6*x^3)/(3*x*exp(4*exp(1171875/x))^2+(6*x^2-x)*exp(4*exp(1171875/x))+3*x^3-x^2),x, a


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Polynomial exponent overflow. Error: Bad Argument Value

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(5940\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{-\frac {2 \log ^2(x)}{-8 x+2 x^2+3 e^{4+x} x^2-4 x^3}} \left (\left (32-8 x-12 e^{4+x} x+16 x^2\right ) \log (x)+\left (-16+8 x-24 x^2+e^{4+x} \left (12 x+6 x^2\right )\right ) \log ^2(x)\right )}{64 x^2-32 x^3+68 x^4+9 e^{8+2 x} x^4-16 x^5+16 x^6+e^{4+x} \left (-48 x^3+12 x^4-24 x^5\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \]


2*x^3+64*x^2),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2OUTPUT:Unable to divide,
 perhaps due to rounding error%%%{17414258688,[0,8,9,38,8]%%%}+%%%{-156728328192,[0,8,9,37,8]%%%}+%%%{79670233

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(6028\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{\frac {8-8 x-8 x^3+8 x^4+e^{2 x} \left (-8 x^2+8 x^3\right )}{e^{2 x} x^2+x^3}} \left (-24 x+16 x^2+8 e^{4 x} x^3+8 x^5+e^{2 x} \left (-16-8 x+16 x^2+16 x^4\right )\right )}{e^{4 x} x^3+2 e^{2 x} x^4+x^5} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


-8*x^3-8*x+8)/(exp(x)^2*x^2+x^3))/(x^3*exp(x)^4+2*exp(x)^2*x^4+x^5),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{512,[1,17]%%%}+%%%{-2048,[1,16]%%%}+%%%{2816,[1,15]%%%}+

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(6050\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {-80 e^2-64 x+e^x \left (8 x^3+4 x^4+e^2 \left (4 x^2+4 x^3\right )\right )+\left (144 e^2+136 x+e^x \left (-6 x^3-4 x^4+e^2 \left (-4 x^2-4 x^3\right )\right )\right ) \log \left (e^2+x\right )+\left (-100 e^2-100 x+e^x \left (x^3+x^4+e^2 \left (x^2+x^3\right )\right )\right ) \log ^2\left (e^2+x\right )+\left (32 e^2+32 x\right ) \log ^3\left (e^2+x\right )+\left (-4 e^2-4 x\right ) \log ^4\left (e^2+x\right )}{400 e^2+400 x+e^x \left (40 e^2 x^2+40 x^3\right )+e^{2 x} \left (e^2 x^4+x^5\right )+\left (-640 e^2-640 x+e^x \left (-32 e^2 x^2-32 x^3\right )\right ) \log \left (e^2+x\right )+\left (416 e^2+416 x+e^x \left (8 e^2 x^2+8 x^3\right )\right ) \log ^2\left (e^2+x\right )+\left (-128 e^2-128 x\right ) \log ^3\left (e^2+x\right )+\left (16 e^2+16 x\right ) \log ^4\left (e^2+x\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Not invertible Error: Bad Argument Value

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(6464\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {-27+3 e^{256}-36 x^3+\left (27-3 e^{256}+9 x-18 x^3\right ) \log (x)+\left (-27+3 e^{256}-9 x+18 x^3\right ) \log \left (\frac {1}{3} \left (-9+e^{256}-3 x+6 x^3\right )\right )}{\left (-9+e^{256}-3 x+6 x^3\right ) \log ^2(x)+\left (18-2 e^{256}+6 x-12 x^3\right ) \log (x) \log \left (\frac {1}{3} \left (-9+e^{256}-3 x+6 x^3\right )\right )+\left (-9+e^{256}-3 x+6 x^3\right ) \log ^2\left (\frac {1}{3} \left (-9+e^{256}-3 x+6 x^3\right )\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


exp(256)+2*x^3-x-3)+(exp(256)+6*x^3-3*x-9)*log(x)^2),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Francis algorithm failure for[-1.0,0.0,1.23157876138e+243,undef]proot error [1.0,-0.0,-1.23157876138e+243,u

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(6657\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (-6-60 x+24 x^2+e^x \left (-12 x-12 x^2\right )\right ) \log ^2(x)+\left (\left (2+20 x-8 x^2+e^x \left (4 x+4 x^2\right )\right ) \log (x)+\left (\left (60 x+12 e^x x-12 x^2\right ) \log (x)+6 \log ^2(x)\right ) \log \left (10 x+2 e^x x-2 x^2+\log (x)\right )\right ) \log \left (\log \left (10 x+2 e^x x-2 x^2+\log (x)\right )\right )+\left (-20 x-4 e^x x+4 x^2-2 \log (x)\right ) \log \left (10 x+2 e^x x-2 x^2+\log (x)\right ) \log ^2\left (\log \left (10 x+2 e^x x-2 x^2+\log (x)\right )\right )}{\left (\left (10 x^2+2 e^x x^2-2 x^3\right ) \log ^3(x)+x \log ^4(x)\right ) \log \left (10 x+2 e^x x-2 x^2+\log (x)\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


(x*log(x)^4+(2*exp(x)*x^2-2*x^3+10*x^2)*log(x)^3)/log(log(x)+2*exp(x)*x-2*x^2+10*x),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Sign error %%%{ln(w),0%%%}Sign error %%%{ln(w),0%%%}Sign error %%%{ln(w),0%%%}Done

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(6684\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{\frac {x}{2-x+\log (2)}} (-2 x-x \log (2))+\frac {e^{450+\frac {x}{2-x+\log (2)}+50 \log ^2\left (x^2\right )} (-2 x-x \log (2))}{x^{600}}+\frac {e^{225+25 \log ^2\left (x^2\right )} \left (600-600 x+150 x^2+(600-300 x) \log (2)+150 \log ^2(2)+e^{\frac {x}{2-x+\log (2)}} (4 x+2 x \log (2))+\left (-200+200 x-50 x^2+(-200+100 x) \log (2)-50 \log ^2(2)\right ) \log \left (x^2\right )\right )}{x^{300}}}{4 x-4 x^2+x^3+\left (4 x-2 x^2\right ) \log (2)+x \log ^2(2)+\frac {e^{225+25 \log ^2\left (x^2\right )} \left (-8 x+8 x^2-2 x^3+\left (-8 x+4 x^2\right ) \log (2)-2 x \log ^2(2)\right )}{x^{300}}+\frac {e^{450+50 \log ^2\left (x^2\right )} \left (4 x-4 x^2+x^3+\left (4 x-2 x^2\right ) \log (2)+x \log ^2(2)\right )}{x^{600}}} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


8*x)*exp(25*log(x^2)^2-150*log(x^2)+225)+x*log(2)^2+(-2*x^2+4*x)*log(2)+x^3-4*x^2+4*x),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{-24000000,[0,3,915,1,1]%%%}+%%%{-48000000,[0,3,915,0,1]%

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(6767\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (4 x-10 x^2+6 x^3\right ) \log ^2(x)+e^{\frac {-x+x^2+5 \log (x)}{(-1+x) \log (x)}} \left (-x+2 x^2-x^3+\left (x-2 x^2+x^3\right ) \log (x)+\left (1-8 x+2 x^2\right ) \log ^2(x)\right )}{(-1+x) \log ^2(x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


3-10*x^2+4*x)*log(x)^2)/(-1+x)/log(x)^2,x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{4,[1,28]%%%}+%%%{-74,[1,27]%%%}+%%%{630,[1,26]%%%}+%%%{-

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(6770\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (-e^{2 x}+3 e^x x-2 x^2\right ) \log \left (\frac {e^{2 x} x-2 e^x x^2}{e^{2 x}-2 e^x x+x^2}\right )+\left (e^{2 x}-3 e^x x+2 x^3\right ) \log (x) \log (\log (x))+\left (e^{2 x}-3 e^x x+2 x^2\right ) \log (x) \log \left (\frac {e^{2 x} x-2 e^x x^2}{e^{2 x}-2 e^x x+x^2}\right ) \log (\log (x)) \log \left (\frac {\log \left (\frac {e^{2 x} x-2 e^x x^2}{e^{2 x}-2 e^x x+x^2}\right )}{\log (\log (x))}\right )}{\left (e^{2 x}-3 e^x x+2 x^2\right ) \log (x) \log \left (\frac {e^{2 x} x-2 e^x x^2}{e^{2 x}-2 e^x x+x^2}\right ) \log (\log (x))} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


^2-3*exp(x)*x+2*x^2)/log(x)/log((x*exp(x)^2-2*exp(x)*x^2)/(exp(x)^2-2*exp(x)*x+x^2))/log(log(x)),x, algorithm=


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Not invertible Error: Bad Argument Value

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(6890\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{\frac {67837+6 x-3 x^2}{768 x}} \left (-67837-3 x^2\right )}{3072 x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


integrate(1/3072*(-3*x^2-67837)*exp(1/768*(-3*x^2+6*x+67837)/x)/x^2,x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Polynomial exponent overflow. Error: Bad Argument Value

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(6897\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (4+4 x+4 e^x x\right ) \log ^3\left (5+e^x+x+\log (x)\right )}{20 x+4 e^x x+4 x^2+4 x \log (x)+\left (5 x+e^x x+x^2+x \log (x)\right ) \log ^4\left (5+e^x+x+\log (x)\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


x*log(x)+4*exp(x)*x+4*x^2+20*x),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Sign error %%%{ln(w),0%%%}Sign error %%%{ln(w),0%%%}Sign error %%%{ln(w),0%%%}Sign error %%%{ln(w),0%%%}Sig
n error %%%

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(6956\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{2 e^4} x^2-10 e^{3 e^4} x^2+25 e^{4 e^4} x^2-2 x \log (36)+10 e^{e^4} x \log (36)}{e^{4 e^4} x^2-10 e^{5 e^4} x^2+25 e^{6 e^4} x^2-2 e^{2 e^4} x \log (36)+10 e^{3 e^4} x \log (36)+\log ^2(36)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: NotImplementedError} \]


*log(6)^2),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: NotImplementedError >> unable to parse Giac output: (250*exp(6*exp(4))*ln(6)*exp(exp(4))-50*

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(7035\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{e^{x^2}+x^{\frac {1}{x}}} \left (250 x-500 e^{x^2} x^3+x^{\frac {1}{x}} (-250+250 \log (x))\right )}{125 e^{3 e^{x^2}+3 x^{\frac {1}{x}}}-1050 e^{2 e^{x^2}+2 x^{\frac {1}{x}}} x+2940 e^{e^{x^2}+x^{\frac {1}{x}}} x^2-2744 x^3} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: NotImplementedError} \]


(x)/x)+exp(x^2))^3-1050*x*exp(exp(log(x)/x)+exp(x^2))^2+2940*x^2*exp(exp(log(x)/x)+exp(x^2))-2744*x^3),x, algo


Exception raised: NotImplementedError >> unable to parse Giac output: Exchange 58065148 31 Vector [13,1,1,1,1,
1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,4] 70 Vector [13,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,4] 70/

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(7172\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{225/x} \left (2 x-x^9\right )+e^{225/x} \left (-450+2 x+225 x^8+7 x^9\right ) \log (x)}{4 x-4 x^9+x^{17}} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


integrate(((7*x^9+225*x^8+2*x-450)*exp(225/x)*log(x)+(-x^9+2*x)*exp(225/x))/(x^17-4*x^9+4*x),x, algorithm="gia


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Polynomial exponent overflow. Error: Bad Argument Value

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(7454\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {2 e^{e^3} x-12 x^6-50398 x^7-77752800 x^8-52478280000 x^9-13116168000000 x^{10}+1312200000000 x^{11}+\left (-2 e^{e^3}+12 x^5+50398 x^6+77752800 x^7+52478280000 x^8+13116168000000 x^9-1312200000000 x^{10}\right ) \log \left (2 e^{e^3}+2 x^6+7200 x^7+9720000 x^8+5832000000 x^9+1312200000000 x^{10}\right )}{e^{e^3}+x^6+3600 x^7+4860000 x^8+2916000000 x^9+656100000000 x^{10}} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


00000*x^9+4860000*x^8+3600*x^7+x^6),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Francis algorithm failure for[1.0,0.0,infinity,infinity,infinity,infinity,infinity,infinity,infinity,infini

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(7581\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {48 x^3+3 x^5+\left (-144 x^2-9 x^4\right ) \log (x)+\left (144 x+9 x^3\right ) \log ^2(x)+\left (-48-3 x^2\right ) \log ^3(x)+e^{\frac {2 \left (3 x^2+3 x^4-6 x^3 \log (x)+3 x^2 \log ^2(x)\right )}{x^2-2 x \log (x)+\log ^2(x)}} \left (12 x^2+x^3+12 x^5+\left (-15 x^2-36 x^4\right ) \log (x)+\left (3 x+36 x^3\right ) \log ^2(x)+\left (-1-12 x^2\right ) \log ^3(x)\right )+e^{\frac {3 x^2+3 x^4-6 x^3 \log (x)+3 x^2 \log ^2(x)}{x^2-2 x \log (x)+\log ^2(x)}} \left (12 x^3+4 x^4+12 x^6+\left (-24 x^3-36 x^5\right ) \log (x)+\left (12 x^2+36 x^4\right ) \log ^2(x)+\left (-4 x-12 x^3\right ) \log ^3(x)\right )}{-16 x^3+48 x^2 \log (x)-48 x \log ^2(x)+16 \log ^3(x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


log(x)^2+48*x^2*log(x)-16*x^3),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{62208,[2,38]%%%}+%%%{-808704,[2,37]%%%}+%%%{4852224,[2,3

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(7778\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {10 e^x+e^{2 x-x^2+\frac {1}{10} \left (-30+e^{2 x-x^2} x\right )} \left (-1-2 x+2 x^2\right )}{20 e^{2 x}+20 e^{\frac {1}{5} \left (-30+e^{2 x-x^2} x\right )}-40 e^x \log (2)+20 \log ^2(2)+e^{\frac {1}{10} \left (-30+e^{2 x-x^2} x\right )} \left (-40 e^x+40 \log (2)\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


2+(-40*exp(x)+40*log(2))*exp(1/10*x*exp(-x^2+2*x)-3)+20*exp(x)^2-40*exp(x)*log(2)+20*log(2)^2),x, algorithm="g


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Not invertible Error: Bad Argument Value

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(7781\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {-e^{5 x}-5 e^{4 x} x-10 e^{3 x} x^2-10 e^{2 x} x^3-5 e^x x^4-x^5+e^{\frac {1-4 x+2 x^2+8 x^3-5 x^4-9 x^5+2 x^6+4 x^7+x^8+e^{4 x} \left (1+3 x+6 x^2+4 x^3+x^4\right )+e^{3 x} \left (-4-8 x+20 x^3+16 x^4+4 x^5\right )+e^{2 x} \left (6-24 x^2-18 x^3+24 x^4+24 x^5+6 x^6\right )+e^x \left (-4+8 x+12 x^2-20 x^3-24 x^4+12 x^5+16 x^6+4 x^7\right )}{e^{4 x}+4 e^{3 x} x+6 e^{2 x} x^2+4 e^x x^3+x^4}} \left (-4 x^2+12 x^3-4 x^4-8 x^5+x^6-9 x^7+4 x^8+12 x^9+4 x^{10}+e^{5 x} \left (x+3 x^2+12 x^3+12 x^4+4 x^5\right )+e^{4 x} \left (-3 x^2+3 x^3+60 x^4+64 x^5+20 x^6\right )+e^{3 x} \left (4 x^2-26 x^3-30 x^4+112 x^5+132 x^6+40 x^7\right )+e^{2 x} \left (-4 x^2+12 x^3-38 x^4-66 x^5+96 x^6+132 x^7+40 x^8\right )+e^x \left (8 x^2-8 x^3-15 x^5-45 x^6+36 x^7+64 x^8+20 x^9\right )\right )}{e^{5 x} x+5 e^{4 x} x^2+10 e^{3 x} x^3+10 e^{2 x} x^4+5 e^x x^5+x^6} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


xp(x)*x^4-x^5)/(x*exp(x)^5+5*x^2*exp(x)^4+10*x^3*exp(x)^3+10*exp(x)^2*x^4+5*x^5*exp(x)+x^6),x, algorithm="giac


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{-167772160,[4,36]%%%}+%%%{4697620480,[4,35]%%%}+%%%{-629

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(7998\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {4+5 e^{12+2 x^2-4 e^3 x^2+2 e^6 x^2}+5 x^2+e^{6+x^2-2 e^3 x^2+e^6 x^2} \left (18 x-16 e^3 x+8 e^6 x\right )}{5 e^{12+2 x^2-4 e^3 x^2+2 e^6 x^2}+10 e^{6+x^2-2 e^3 x^2+e^6 x^2} x+5 x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


,x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:sym2poly/r2sym(const gen & e,const index_m & i,const vecteur & l) Error: Bad Argument Value

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(8098\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (-4+4 e^{4-x}\right ) \log ^2(x)+e^{\frac {5 x^2}{4 \log (x)}} (-5 x+10 x \log (x))}{4 e^{\frac {5 x^2}{4 \log (x)}} \log ^2(x)+\left (-28-4 e^{4-x}-4 x\right ) \log ^2(x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


*exp(-x+4)-4*x-28)*log(x)^2),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{62500,[0,17]%%%} / %%%{250000,[0,17]%%%} Error: Bad Argu
ment Value

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(8221\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {18 x+13 x^2+4 x^3-3 x^4+x^5+e^{25} \left (36 x^2+16 x^3-8 x^4+4 x^5\right )+\left (18 x+8 x^2-4 x^3+2 x^4+e^{25} \left (72 x+32 x^2-16 x^3+8 x^4\right )\right ) \log \left (\frac {9+4 x-2 x^2+x^3}{x^2}\right )+e^{25} \left (36+16 x-8 x^2+4 x^3\right ) \log ^2\left (\frac {9+4 x-2 x^2+x^3}{x^2}\right )}{e^{25} \left (9 x^2+4 x^3-2 x^4+x^5\right )+e^{25} \left (18 x+8 x^2-4 x^3+2 x^4\right ) \log \left (\frac {9+4 x-2 x^2+x^3}{x^2}\right )+e^{25} \left (9+4 x-2 x^2+x^3\right ) \log ^2\left (\frac {9+4 x-2 x^2+x^3}{x^2}\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


9)/x^2)+(x^5-2*x^4+4*x^3+9*x^2)*exp(25)),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:sym2poly/r2sym(const gen & e,const index_m & i,const vecteur & l) Error: Bad Argument Value

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(8232\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {-30 \log ^2(x)+e^{\frac {-2 x+x^2+3 x \log (x)}{30 \log (x)}} \left (2 x-x^2+\left (-2 x+2 x^2\right ) \log (x)+(30+3 x) \log ^2(x)\right )}{30 x^2 \log ^2(x)-60 e^{\frac {-2 x+x^2+3 x \log (x)}{30 \log (x)}} x^2 \log ^2(x)+30 e^{\frac {-2 x+x^2+3 x \log (x)}{15 \log (x)}} x^2 \log ^2(x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


30*x^2*log(x)^2),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{50625,[0,19]%%%}+%%%{-607500,[0,18]%%%}+%%%{3037500,[0,1

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(8511\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {5 e^{8+18 x} x^2+5 x^4+e^{\left .\frac {2}{5}\right /x} \left (-9 x+15 x^2\right )+e^{4+9 x} \left (10 x^3+e^{\left .\frac {2}{5}\right /x} \left (6+135 x^2\right )\right )+\left (-6 e^{\left .\frac {2}{5}\right /x}-10 e^{4+9 x} x^2-10 x^3\right ) \log (x)+5 x^2 \log ^2(x)}{60 e^{8+18 x} x^2+120 e^{4+9 x} x^3+60 x^4+\left (-120 e^{4+9 x} x^2-120 x^3\right ) \log (x)+60 x^2 \log ^2(x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


+60*x^2*exp(9*x+4)^2+120*x^3*exp(9*x+4)+60*x^4),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{-109350,[0,3,6,0]%%%}+%%%{-4860,[0,3,4,0]%%%}+%%%{273375

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(8966\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (16+8 x+x^2+e^x \left (-32-16 x-2 x^2\right )+e^{2 x} \left (16+8 x+x^2\right )\right ) \log ^2(x)+e^{\frac {-4 x-8 \log (x)}{\left (-4-x+e^x (4+x)\right ) \log (x)}} \left (-16-4 x+e^x (16+4 x)+\left (16+e^x \left (-16+16 x+4 x^2\right )\right ) \log (x)+\left (-8+e^x (40+8 x)\right ) \log ^2(x)\right )}{\left (16+8 x+x^2+e^x \left (-32-16 x-2 x^2\right )+e^{2 x} \left (16+8 x+x^2\right )\right ) \log ^2(x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


2+8*x+16)*exp(x)^2+(-2*x^2-16*x-32)*exp(x)+x^2+8*x+16)/log(x)^2,x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9232\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{\frac {e}{\log \left (\frac {3+e^{8+x}}{e^8}\right )}} \left (e^{8+x} \left (-24 e-e^3 x\right )+\left (3 e^2+e^{10+x}\right ) \log ^2\left (\frac {3+e^{8+x}}{e^8}\right )\right )}{\left (3+e^{8+x}\right ) \log ^2\left (\frac {3+e^{8+x}}{e^8}\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


(4)^2)^2,x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{1,[1,17,9,10,0,80,1]%%%}+%%%{21,[1,17,9,9,0,72,1]%%%}+%%

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9388\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{-2-\frac {-4 x+e^2 x \log \left (x^2\right )}{e^2}} \left (-e^2 \log \left (\frac {25}{2}\right )+\left (-20+e^2 (10-2 x)+4 x\right ) \log \left (\frac {25}{2}\right ) \log (5-x)+e^2 (5-x) \log \left (\frac {25}{2}\right ) \log (5-x) \log \left (x^2\right )\right )}{(-5+x) \log ^2(5-x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


/2))/(-5+x)/exp(2)/log(5-x)^2/exp((x*exp(2)*log(x^2)-4*x)/exp(2)),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{-4,[0,0,5,4,1,0]%%%}+%%%{4,[0,0,5,4,0,1]%%%}+%%%{1,[0,0,

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9484\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {3 x^2+3 x^3-x^4+e^{e^5} \left (-3-3 x-6 x^3-6 x^4+2 x^5\right )+e^{2 e^5} \left (6 x+3 x^2+3 x^4+3 x^5-x^6\right )}{-4 x^2-x^3+x^4+e^{e^5} \left (3 x+8 x^3+2 x^4-2 x^5\right )+e^{2 e^5} \left (-3 x^2-4 x^4-x^5+x^6\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


(x^6-x^5-4*x^4-3*x^2)*exp(exp(5))^2+(-2*x^5+2*x^4+8*x^3+3*x)*exp(exp(5))+x^4-x^3-4*x^2),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Francis algorithm failure for[undef,0.0,undef,undef,undef,undef]proot error [undef,0.0,undef,undef,undef,un
def]proot e

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9515\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{\frac {e^{21+x}-3 x^2-e^x x^2}{3 x+e^x x}} \left (e^{21+x} \left (18+6 e^x-18 x\right )+54 x^2+36 e^x x^2+6 e^{2 x} x^2\right )+e^{\frac {2 \left (e^{21+x}-3 x^2-e^x x^2\right )}{3 x+e^x x}} \left (-18 x^2-12 e^x x^2-2 e^{2 x} x^2+e^{21+x} \left (-6-2 e^x+6 x\right )\right )}{9 x^2+6 e^x x^2+e^{2 x} x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


-3*x^2)/(exp(x)*x+3*x)))/(exp(x)^2*x^2+6*exp(x)*x^2+9*x^2),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{-7776,[2,0,26,24]%%%}+%%%{-606528,[2,0,25,24]%%%}+%%%{-2

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9602\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {36 x^3+24 x^5+4 e^{2 x} x^5+4 x^7+e^x \left (-24 x^4-8 x^6\right )+e^{2 x+2 e^{\frac {-12+5 e^x x-5 x^2}{-3+e^x x-x^2}} x^2} \left (18+12 x^2+2 e^{2 x} x^2+2 x^4+e^x \left (-12 x-4 x^3\right )+e^{\frac {-12+5 e^x x-5 x^2}{-3+e^x x-x^2}} \left (36 x+36 x^3+4 e^{2 x} x^3+4 x^5+e^x \left (-30 x^2-6 x^3-8 x^4\right )\right )\right )+e^{x+e^{\frac {-12+5 e^x x-5 x^2}{-3+e^x x-x^2}} x^2} \left (-36 x-18 x^2-24 x^3-12 x^4-4 x^5-2 x^6+e^{2 x} \left (-4 x^3-2 x^4\right )+e^x \left (24 x^2+12 x^3+8 x^4+4 x^5\right )+e^{\frac {-12+5 e^x x-5 x^2}{-3+e^x x-x^2}} \left (-36 x^3-36 x^5-4 e^{2 x} x^5-4 x^7+e^x \left (30 x^4+6 x^5+8 x^6\right )\right )\right )}{9+6 x^2+e^{2 x} x^2+x^4+e^x \left (-6 x-2 x^3\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \]


3)/(exp(x)^2*x^2+(-2*x^3-6*x)*exp(x)+x^4+6*x^2+9),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2OUTPUT:Unable to divide,
 perhaps due to rounding error%%%{16,[0,2,10,11]%%%}+%%%{-128,[0,2,9,12]%%%}+%%%{-48,[0,2,9,11]%%%}+%%%{-432,[

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9654\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{\frac {16 x-81 x^2-24 e^{\frac {1}{5} (5 x+\log (5))} x^2+9 e^{\frac {2}{5} (5 x+\log (5))} x^3}{16-24 e^{\frac {1}{5} (5 x+\log (5))} x+9 e^{\frac {2}{5} (5 x+\log (5))} x^2}} \left (-64+648 x-108 e^{\frac {2}{5} (5 x+\log (5))} x^2+27 e^{\frac {3}{5} (5 x+\log (5))} x^3+e^{\frac {1}{5} (5 x+\log (5))} \left (144 x+486 x^3\right )\right )}{-64+144 e^{\frac {1}{5} (5 x+\log (5))} x-108 e^{\frac {2}{5} (5 x+\log (5))} x^2+27 e^{\frac {3}{5} (5 x+\log (5))} x^3} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


og(5)+x)+16))/(27*x^3*exp(1/5*log(5)+x)^3-108*x^2*exp(1/5*log(5)+x)^2+144*x*exp(1/5*log(5)+x)-64),x, algorithm


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{-51257812500000000,[2,12,0,1,0]%%%}+%%%{1230187500000000

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9667\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{-\frac {2}{\log (4-x)}} \left (40 x^2+40 x^3+10 x^4+e^{\frac {8}{2+x}+\frac {2}{\log (4-x)}} (-32+8 x) \log ^2(4-x)+\left (-160 x-120 x^2+10 x^4\right ) \log ^2(4-x)\right )}{\left (-16-12 x+x^3\right ) \log ^2(4-x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


^3+40*x^2)/(x^3-12*x-16)/log(-x+4)^2/exp(2/log(-x+4)),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{8,[0,19]%%%}+%%%{64,[0,18]%%%}+%%%{-288,[0,17]%%%}+%%%{-

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9685\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int -\frac {e^{5-\frac {e^5 \left (3 x-\frac {(-15+3 x) \log (3+\log (x))}{e^5}\right )}{\log (3+\log (x))}} \left (-3+(9+3 \log (x)) \log (3+\log (x))-\frac {(9+3 \log (x)) \log ^2(3+\log (x))}{e^5}\right )}{(3+\log (x)) \log ^2(3+\log (x))} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \]


,x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2OUTPUT:Unable to divide,
 perhaps due to rounding error%%%{27,[0,1,0,3]%%%}+%%%{81,[0,0,0,3]%%%} / %%%{27,[0,2,0,3]%%%}+%%%{162,[0,1,0,

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9697\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^5 \left (-e^{21}-3 x^2\right ) \log (3)}{\left (e^{21} x+x^3\right )^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: NotImplementedError} \]


integrate((-exp(21)-3*x^2)*exp(log(log(3)/(x*exp(21)+x^3))+5)/(x*exp(21)+x^3),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: NotImplementedError >> unable to parse Giac output: -(-2*exp(5)*ln(3)*exp(1)^21+6*exp(5)*ln(

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9708\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{\frac {5}{\log \left (-4+e^{e^{2 x}+x}+\log (5+x)\right )}} \left (-5+e^{e^{2 x}+x} \left (-25+e^{2 x} (-50-10 x)-5 x\right )\right )}{\left (-20-4 x+e^{e^{2 x}+x} (5+x)+(5+x) \log (5+x)\right ) \log ^2\left (-4+e^{e^{2 x}+x}+\log (5+x)\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \]


xp(2*x)+x)+(5+x)*log(5+x)-4*x-20)/log(exp(exp(2*x)+x)+log(5+x)-4)^2,x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2OUTPUT:Unable to divide,
 perhaps due to rounding error%%%{91125000,[0,7,0,3,10]%%%}+%%%{3189375000,[0,7,0,3,9]%%%}+%%%{47840625000,[0,

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9718\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (e^{10}-e^5 x\right ) \log ^2\left (e^{10}-2 e^5 x+x^2\right )+e^{\frac {4 x^3}{e^5 \log \left (e^{10}-2 e^5 x+x^2\right )}} \left (8 x^3+\left (12 e^5 x^2-12 x^3\right ) \log \left (e^{10}-2 e^5 x+x^2\right )\right )}{\left (e^{10}-e^5 x\right ) \log ^2\left (e^{10}-2 e^5 x+x^2\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


,x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{-196608,[1,22,6]%%%}+%%%{786432,[1,21,7]%%%}+%%%{-117964

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9775\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{\frac {-1+25 x+16 x^3+10 e^x x^3+100 x^4}{10 x^3+5 e^x x^3}} \left (6-100 x+200 x^4+e^x \left (3-49 x-25 x^2+104 x^4-100 x^5\right )\right )}{20 x^4+20 e^x x^4+5 e^{2 x} x^4} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


(5*exp(x)*x^3+10*x^3))/(5*exp(x)^2*x^4+20*exp(x)*x^4+20*x^4),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{1000000000000,[1,29]%%%}+%%%{-2200000000000,[1,28]%%%}+%

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9991\)

Giac [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{\frac {-2 x+(8+3 x-2 (i \pi +\log (-1+2 e))) \log (x)}{2 \log (x)}} \left (2-2 \log (x)+3 \log ^2(x)\right )}{-6 \log ^2(x)+2 e^{\frac {-2 x+(8+3 x-2 (i \pi +\log (-1+2 e))) \log (x)}{2 \log (x)}} \log ^2(x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]


*((-2*log(-2*exp(1)+1)+3*x+8)*log(x)-2*x)/log(x))-6*log(x)^2),x, algorithm="giac")


Exception raised: TypeError >> an error occurred running a Giac command:INPUT:sage2:=int(sage0,sageVARx):;OUTP
UT:Unable to divide, perhaps due to rounding error%%%{-128,[0,11,0]%%%} / %%%{256,[0,11,0]%%%} Error: Bad Argu
ment Value

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(10088\)