Integrals 801 to 823

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{\frac {1}{-400 x^5+\left (2000 x^4+400 x^5\right ) \log (x)}} (-5+4 x+(-20-5 x) \log (x))}{200 x^7+\left (-2000 x^6-400 x^7\right ) \log (x)+\left (5000 x^5+2000 x^6+200 x^7\right ) \log ^2(x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(8869\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {4 e^5 x^2 \log ^2(x)+e^{\frac {3}{e^5 x^2 \log (x)}} \log \left (2+e^2\right ) \left (6+12 \log (x)-4 e^5 x^2 \log ^2(x)\right )+e^{\frac {6}{e^5 x^2 \log (x)}} \log ^2\left (2+e^2\right ) \left (-3-6 \log (x)+e^5 x^2 \log ^2(x)\right )}{2 e^5 x \log ^2\left (2+e^2\right ) \log ^2(x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(8893\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{\frac {x}{2+\log (-18-2 x+\log (4)+3 \log (25))}} (-36-2 x+2 \log (4)+6 \log (25)+(-18-2 x+\log (4)+3 \log (25)) \log (-18-2 x+\log (4)+3 \log (25)))}{-72-8 x+4 \log (4)+12 \log (25)+(-72-8 x+4 \log (4)+12 \log (25)) \log (-18-2 x+\log (4)+3 \log (25))+(-18-2 x+\log (4)+3 \log (25)) \log ^2(-18-2 x+\log (4)+3 \log (25))} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(8900\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{\frac {2 x}{\log (x)}} \left (-2 x^2+2 x^2 \log (x)+2 x \log ^2(x)+e^{-30+2 x-2 x \log (2 x)} \left (-2+2 \log (x)-2 \log ^2(x) \log (2 x)\right )+e^{-15+x-x \log (2 x)} \left (4 x-4 x \log (x)-2 \log ^2(x)+2 x \log ^2(x) \log (2 x)\right )\right )}{5 \log ^2(x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9001\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{\frac {3+e^{10} \left (-x^2-x^3\right )}{-e^{10} x^2+e^{10} x^2 \log \left (\frac {x}{5 \log (x)}\right )}} \left (3+e^{10} \left (-x^2-x^3\right )+\left (3+e^{10} \left (x^2+2 x^3\right )\right ) \log (x)+\left (-6-e^{10} x^3\right ) \log (x) \log \left (\frac {x}{5 \log (x)}\right )\right )}{e^{10} x^3 \log (x)-2 e^{10} x^3 \log (x) \log \left (\frac {x}{5 \log (x)}\right )+e^{10} x^3 \log (x) \log ^2\left (\frac {x}{5 \log (x)}\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9011\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {30+30 x+e^4 \left (10+25 x+15 x^2\right )+\left (3 x+e^4 \left (-15 x-15 x^2\right )\right ) \log (x)+e^4 (15+15 x) \log ^2(x)+(-3-3 x) \log (1+x)}{e^4 \left (15 x+15 x^2\right ) \log ^2(x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9095\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {2 x \log (x)+\left (-x+\left (x+x^2-x^3\right ) \log (x)\right ) \log \left (2 x^2\right )+\left (-2 \log (x)+\left (-1+x^2\right ) \log (x) \log \left (2 x^2\right )\right ) \log (\log (x))+\left (2 x^2 \log (x)-2 x \log (x) \log (\log (x))\right ) \log \left (\frac {e^x}{-x+\log (\log (x))}\right )}{-x^3 \log (5) \log (x) \log ^2\left (2 x^2\right )+x^2 \log (5) \log (x) \log ^2\left (2 x^2\right ) \log (\log (x))} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9101\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {-36 x+36 x^2+\left (3 x-3 x^2\right ) \log (x)+\left (33 x-108 x^2+\left (-3 x+9 x^2\right ) \log (x)\right ) \log (2 x)+(-36 x+3 x \log (x)+(72 x-6 x \log (x)) \log (2 x)) \log \left (\frac {-12+\log (x)}{8 x}\right )}{(-12+\log (x)) \log ^2(2 x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9111\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^x x^3+\left (324+324 x+e^{e^{4 x}} (324+324 x)\right ) \log \left (1+e^{e^{4 x}}\right )+2 e^x x^2 \log (x)+e^x x \log ^2(x)+e^{e^{4 x}} \left (-1296 e^{4 x} x^2+e^x x^3+\left (-1296 e^{4 x} x+2 e^x x^2\right ) \log (x)+e^x x \log ^2(x)\right )}{x^3+2 x^2 \log (x)+x \log ^2(x)+e^{e^{4 x}} \left (x^3+2 x^2 \log (x)+x \log ^2(x)\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9277\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (8+2 x-2 x^2+e \left (16 x+4 x^2-4 x^3\right )\right ) \log (x)+\left (-4+8 x+e \left (-4 x+8 x^2\right )\right ) \log ^2(x) \log \left (\frac {x+e x^2}{e}\right )+\left (-8-2 x+2 x^2+e \left (-8 x-2 x^2+2 x^3\right )+\left (8+4 x-6 x^2+e \left (8 x+4 x^2-6 x^3\right )\right ) \log (x)\right ) \log \left (\frac {x+e x^2}{e}\right ) \log \left (\log \left (\frac {x+e x^2}{e}\right )\right )}{(1+e x) \log ^2(x) \log \left (\frac {x+e x^2}{e}\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9310\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {16 e^4+e^{4+2 x} x^2+e^{4+x} (-4+4 x)}{-32+16 x+e^x \left (-20 x+8 x^2\right )+e^{2 x} \left (-3 x^2+x^3\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: PolynomialError} \]




Exception raised: PolynomialError >> 1/(x**4 - 6*x**3 + 9*x**2) contains an element of the set of generators.

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9366\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{\frac {9+123 x+30 x^2}{10 \log \left (\frac {2+x^2}{x}\right )}} \left (18+246 x+51 x^2-123 x^3-30 x^4+\left (246 x+120 x^2+123 x^3+60 x^4\right ) \log \left (\frac {2+x^2}{x}\right )+\left (20+10 x^2\right ) \log ^2\left (\frac {2+x^2}{x}\right )\right )}{\left (20+10 x^2\right ) \log ^2\left (\frac {2+x^2}{x}\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9541\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {-72 x+144 x^2-108 x^3+10 x^4+15 x^5+\left (-48 x^2-72 x^3\right ) \log (x)+\left (-12 x^2+12 x^3-36 x^4\right ) \log ^2(x)+\left (-8 x^3-12 x^4\right ) \log ^3(x)+\left (-2 x^4-3 x^5\right ) \log ^4(x)+\left (72 x+108 x^2-30 x^3-45 x^4+\left (96 x+144 x^2\right ) \log (x)+\left (12 x+12 x^2+72 x^3\right ) \log ^2(x)+\left (24 x^2+36 x^3\right ) \log ^3(x)+\left (6 x^3+9 x^4\right ) \log ^4(x)\right ) \log (2+3 x)+\left (30 x^2+45 x^3+(-48-72 x) \log (x)+\left (-24 x-36 x^2\right ) \log ^2(x)+\left (-24 x-36 x^2\right ) \log ^3(x)+\left (-6 x^2-9 x^3\right ) \log ^4(x)\right ) \log ^2(2+3 x)+\left (-10 x-15 x^2+(8+12 x) \log ^3(x)+\left (2 x+3 x^2\right ) \log ^4(x)\right ) \log ^3(2+3 x)}{-72 x^2-108 x^3+10 x^4+15 x^5+\left (-24 x^3-36 x^4\right ) \log ^2(x)+\left (-2 x^4-3 x^5\right ) \log ^4(x)+\left (72 x+108 x^2-30 x^3-45 x^4+\left (48 x^2+72 x^3\right ) \log ^2(x)+\left (6 x^3+9 x^4\right ) \log ^4(x)\right ) \log (2+3 x)+\left (30 x^2+45 x^3+\left (-24 x-36 x^2\right ) \log ^2(x)+\left (-6 x^2-9 x^3\right ) \log ^4(x)\right ) \log ^2(2+3 x)+\left (-10 x-15 x^2+\left (2 x+3 x^2\right ) \log ^4(x)\right ) \log ^3(2+3 x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: PolynomialError} \]




Exception raised: PolynomialError >> 1/(9*_t0**16*x**4 + 12*_t0**16*x**3 + 4*_t0**16*x**2 - 180*_t0**12*x**4 -
 240*_t0**12*x**3 - 80*_t0**12*x**2 + 1350*_t0**8*x**4 + 1800*_t0**8*x**3 + 600*_t0**8*x**2 - 4500*_t0**4*x**4
 - 6000*_t0**4*x*

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9659\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {-50 x-20 e^4 x-2 e^8 x+\left (-20 x-4 e^4 x\right ) \log (x)-2 x \log ^2(x)+e^{\frac {x^3+x^2 \log (4)}{5+e^4+\log (x)}} \left (25+e^8+14 x^3+e^4 \left (10+3 x^3\right )+\left (9 x^2+2 e^4 x^2\right ) \log (4)+\left (10+2 e^4+3 x^3+2 x^2 \log (4)\right ) \log (x)+\log ^2(x)\right )}{25+10 e^4+e^8+\left (10+2 e^4\right ) \log (x)+\log ^2(x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9749\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (e^{10}-e^5 x\right ) \log ^2\left (e^{10}-2 e^5 x+x^2\right )+e^{\frac {4 x^3}{e^5 \log \left (e^{10}-2 e^5 x+x^2\right )}} \left (8 x^3+\left (12 e^5 x^2-12 x^3\right ) \log \left (e^{10}-2 e^5 x+x^2\right )\right )}{\left (e^{10}-e^5 x\right ) \log ^2\left (e^{10}-2 e^5 x+x^2\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9775\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{\frac {3 x^2+5 x^3+2 x^4}{(4+8 x) \log \left (x^2\right )}} \left (-6 x^2-22 x^3-24 x^4-8 x^5+\left (6 x^2+21 x^3+28 x^4+12 x^5\right ) \log \left (x^2\right )+\left (-8-32 x-32 x^2\right ) \log ^2\left (x^2\right )\right )}{\left (4 x^3+16 x^4+16 x^5\right ) \log ^2\left (x^2\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(9947\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{9 e^{\frac {2 \left (-4 x-x^2\right )}{6-3 x+3 \log (x)}}+\frac {2 \left (-4 x-x^2\right )}{6-3 x+3 \log (x)}} \left (-24-18 x+6 x^2+(-24-12 x) \log (x)\right )}{4-4 x+x^2+(4-2 x) \log (x)+\log ^2(x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(10034\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {7 x^2+(12+4 x) \log ^3(5 x) \log (3+x)+\log ^4(5 x) (-x+(-3-x) \log (3+x))}{147 x^2+49 x^3+\left (-42 x-14 x^2\right ) \log ^4(5 x)+(3+x) \log ^8(5 x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(10123\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {e^{-\frac {-5 x+e^5 x+\left (-5+e^5\right ) \log (x)+\log \left (\frac {x}{\log (x)}\right )}{x+\log (x)}} \left (e^{\frac {-5 x+e^5 x+\left (-5+e^5\right ) \log (x)+\log \left (\frac {x}{\log (x)}\right )}{x+\log (x)}} \left (x^2 \log (x)+2 x \log ^2(x)+\log ^3(x)\right )+e^{e^{-\frac {-5 x+e^5 x+\left (-5+e^5\right ) \log (x)+\log \left (\frac {x}{\log (x)}\right )}{x+\log (x)}} \left (-2 e^{\frac {-5 x+e^5 x+\left (-5+e^5\right ) \log (x)+\log \left (\frac {x}{\log (x)}\right )}{x+\log (x)}}+x\right )} \left (x+\left (1-x+x^2\right ) \log (x)+(-1+2 x) \log ^2(x)+\log ^3(x)+(1+x) \log (x) \log \left (\frac {x}{\log (x)}\right )\right )\right )}{x^2 \log (x)+2 x \log ^2(x)+\log ^3(x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(10148\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {128-32 x+64 x^2-16 x^3+8 x^4-2 x^5+\left (40-530 x+280 x^2-545 x^3+258 x^4-128 x^5+48 x^6-6 x^7\right ) \log (x)+\left (2-296 x+82 x^2-258 x^3+64 x^4-48 x^5+12 x^6\right ) \log ^2(x)+\left (-49 x+4 x^2-32 x^3-6 x^5\right ) \log ^3(x)-2 x \log ^4(x)+\left (\left (52-x+88 x^2-16 x^3+19 x^4-4 x^5\right ) \log (x)+\left (20+24 x^2+5 x^4\right ) \log ^2(x)+\log ^3(x)\right ) \log \left (\log ^2(x)\right )}{\left (16-8 x+x^2\right ) \log (x)+(8-2 x) \log ^2(x)+\log ^3(x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(10161\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {-507 x^2+481 x^3-152 x^4+16 x^5+\left (-234 x^2+150 x^3-24 x^4\right ) \log \left (81-108 x+54 x^2-12 x^3+x^4\right )+\left (-27 x^2+9 x^3\right ) \log ^2\left (81-108 x+54 x^2-12 x^3+x^4\right )+e^{\frac {1}{13 x-4 x^2+3 x \log \left (81-108 x+54 x^2-12 x^3+x^4\right )}} \left (39-49 x+8 x^2+(9-3 x) \log \left (81-108 x+54 x^2-12 x^3+x^4\right )\right )}{-507 x^2+481 x^3-152 x^4+16 x^5+\left (-234 x^2+150 x^3-24 x^4\right ) \log \left (81-108 x+54 x^2-12 x^3+x^4\right )+\left (-27 x^2+9 x^3\right ) \log ^2\left (81-108 x+54 x^2-12 x^3+x^4\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(10263\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (-208 x-60 x^2+108 x^3-36 x^4+4 x^5\right ) \log (2 x)+\left (-60+164 x-57 x^2-15 x^3+9 x^4-x^5\right ) \log \left (\frac {400-1920 x+2424 x^2-48 x^3-607 x^4+132 x^5+30 x^6-12 x^7+x^8}{81-108 x+54 x^2-12 x^3+x^4}\right )}{\left (60 x-164 x^2+57 x^3+15 x^4-9 x^5+x^6\right ) \log ^2(2 x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(10318\)

Sympy [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {5-5 e^x+5 x-5 x^2+\left (5+4 x^2+x^3+e^x (-5+6 x)\right ) \log (x)+\left (-x^3+e^x \left (x-x^2\right )\right ) \log ^2(x)+\left (5+(5-x) \log (x)-x \log ^2(x)\right ) \log \left (\frac {1}{2} (-5+x \log (x))\right )}{-5 x^2 \log ^2(x)+x^3 \log ^3(x)} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]




Exception raised: TypeError >> '>' not supported between instances of 'Poly' and 'int'

input file name 10_Hebisch/Hebisch_Problems.txt

Test file number \(210\)

Integral number in file \(10323\)