3.1.74 \(\int \frac {1}{(3+5 \cosh (c+d x))^4} \, dx\) [74] Optimal result Mathematica [A] (verified) Rubi [A] (verified) Maple [A] (verified) Fricas [B] (verification not implemented) Sympy [C] (verification not implemented) Maxima [A] (verification not implemented) Giac [A] (verification not implemented) Mupad [B] (verification not implemented) Optimal result

Integrand size = 12, antiderivative size = 98 \[ \int \frac {1}{(3+5 \cosh (c+d x))^4} \, dx=-\frac {279 \arctan \left (\frac {1}{2} \tanh \left (\frac {1}{2} (c+d x)\right )\right )}{16384 d}+\frac {5 \sinh (c+d x)}{48 d (3+5 \cosh (c+d x))^3}-\frac {25 \sinh (c+d x)}{512 d (3+5 \cosh (c+d x))^2}+\frac {995 \sinh (c+d x)}{24576 d (3+5 \cosh (c+d x))} \]

/(3+5*cosh(d*x+c)) Mathematica [A] (verified)

Time = 0.18 (sec) , antiderivative size = 63, normalized size of antiderivative = 0.64 \[ \int \frac {1}{(3+5 \cosh (c+d x))^4} \, dx=\frac {837 \arctan \left (2 \coth \left (\frac {1}{2} (c+d x)\right )\right )+\frac {5 (8141+9540 \cosh (c+d x)+4975 \cosh (2 (c+d x))) \sinh (c+d x)}{(3+5 \cosh (c+d x))^3}}{49152 d} \]

Integrate[(3 + 5*Cosh[c + d*x])^(-4),x]
(837*ArcTan[2*Coth[(c + d*x)/2]] + (5*(8141 + 9540*Cosh[c + d*x] + 4975*Co 
sh[2*(c + d*x)])*Sinh[c + d*x])/(3 + 5*Cosh[c + d*x])^3)/(49152*d) Rubi [A] (verified)

Time = 0.52 (sec) , antiderivative size = 108, normalized size of antiderivative = 1.10, number of steps used = 13, number of rules used = 12, \(\frac {\text {number of rules}}{\text {integrand size}}\) = 1.000, Rules used = {3042, 3143, 25, 3042, 3233, 25, 3042, 3233, 27, 3042, 3138, 219}

Below are the steps used by Rubi to obtain the solution. The rule number used for the transformation is given above next to the arrow. The rules definitions used are listed below.

\(\displaystyle \int \frac {1}{(5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^4} \, dx\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 3042

\(\displaystyle \int \frac {1}{\left (3+5 \sin \left (i c+i d x+\frac {\pi }{2}\right )\right )^4}dx\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 3143

\(\displaystyle \frac {1}{48} \int -\frac {9-10 \cosh (c+d x)}{(5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^3}dx+\frac {5 \sinh (c+d x)}{48 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^3}\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 25

\(\displaystyle \frac {5 \sinh (c+d x)}{48 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^3}-\frac {1}{48} \int \frac {9-10 \cosh (c+d x)}{(5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^3}dx\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 3042

\(\displaystyle \frac {5 \sinh (c+d x)}{48 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^3}-\frac {1}{48} \int \frac {9-10 \sin \left (i c+i d x+\frac {\pi }{2}\right )}{\left (5 \sin \left (i c+i d x+\frac {\pi }{2}\right )+3\right )^3}dx\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 3233

\(\displaystyle \frac {1}{48} \left (-\frac {1}{32} \int -\frac {154-75 \cosh (c+d x)}{(5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^2}dx-\frac {75 \sinh (c+d x)}{32 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^2}\right )+\frac {5 \sinh (c+d x)}{48 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^3}\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 25

\(\displaystyle \frac {1}{48} \left (\frac {1}{32} \int \frac {154-75 \cosh (c+d x)}{(5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^2}dx-\frac {75 \sinh (c+d x)}{32 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^2}\right )+\frac {5 \sinh (c+d x)}{48 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^3}\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 3042

\(\displaystyle \frac {5 \sinh (c+d x)}{48 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^3}+\frac {1}{48} \left (-\frac {75 \sinh (c+d x)}{32 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^2}+\frac {1}{32} \int \frac {154-75 \sin \left (i c+i d x+\frac {\pi }{2}\right )}{\left (5 \sin \left (i c+i d x+\frac {\pi }{2}\right )+3\right )^2}dx\right )\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 3233

\(\displaystyle \frac {1}{48} \left (\frac {1}{32} \left (\frac {1}{16} \int -\frac {837}{5 \cosh (c+d x)+3}dx+\frac {995 \sinh (c+d x)}{16 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)}\right )-\frac {75 \sinh (c+d x)}{32 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^2}\right )+\frac {5 \sinh (c+d x)}{48 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^3}\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 27

\(\displaystyle \frac {1}{48} \left (\frac {1}{32} \left (\frac {995 \sinh (c+d x)}{16 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)}-\frac {837}{16} \int \frac {1}{5 \cosh (c+d x)+3}dx\right )-\frac {75 \sinh (c+d x)}{32 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^2}\right )+\frac {5 \sinh (c+d x)}{48 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^3}\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 3042

\(\displaystyle \frac {5 \sinh (c+d x)}{48 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^3}+\frac {1}{48} \left (-\frac {75 \sinh (c+d x)}{32 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^2}+\frac {1}{32} \left (\frac {995 \sinh (c+d x)}{16 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)}-\frac {837}{16} \int \frac {1}{5 \sin \left (i c+i d x+\frac {\pi }{2}\right )+3}dx\right )\right )\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 3138

\(\displaystyle \frac {5 \sinh (c+d x)}{48 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^3}+\frac {1}{48} \left (-\frac {75 \sinh (c+d x)}{32 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^2}+\frac {1}{32} \left (\frac {995 \sinh (c+d x)}{16 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)}+\frac {837 i \int \frac {1}{2 \tanh ^2\left (\frac {1}{2} (c+d x)\right )+8}d\left (i \tanh \left (\frac {1}{2} (c+d x)\right )\right )}{8 d}\right )\right )\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 219

\(\displaystyle \frac {1}{48} \left (\frac {1}{32} \left (\frac {995 \sinh (c+d x)}{16 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)}-\frac {837 \arctan \left (\frac {1}{2} \tanh \left (\frac {1}{2} (c+d x)\right )\right )}{32 d}\right )-\frac {75 \sinh (c+d x)}{32 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^2}\right )+\frac {5 \sinh (c+d x)}{48 d (5 \cosh (c+d x)+3)^3}\)

Int[(3 + 5*Cosh[c + d*x])^(-4),x]
(5*Sinh[c + d*x])/(48*d*(3 + 5*Cosh[c + d*x])^3) + ((-75*Sinh[c + d*x])/(3 
2*d*(3 + 5*Cosh[c + d*x])^2) + ((-837*ArcTan[Tanh[(c + d*x)/2]/2])/(32*d) 
+ (995*Sinh[c + d*x])/(16*d*(3 + 5*Cosh[c + d*x])))/32)/48 Defintions of rubi rules used

rule 25
Int[-(Fx_), x_Symbol] :> Simp[Identity[-1]   Int[Fx, x], x]

rule 27
Int[(a_)*(Fx_), x_Symbol] :> Simp[a   Int[Fx, x], x] /; FreeQ[a, x] &&  !Ma 
tchQ[Fx, (b_)*(Gx_) /; FreeQ[b, x]]

rule 219
Int[((a_) + (b_.)*(x_)^2)^(-1), x_Symbol] :> Simp[(1/(Rt[a, 2]*Rt[-b, 2]))* 
ArcTanh[Rt[-b, 2]*(x/Rt[a, 2])], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b}, x] && NegQ[a/b] && (Gt 
Q[a, 0] || LtQ[b, 0])

rule 3042
Int[u_, x_Symbol] :> Int[DeactivateTrig[u, x], x] /; FunctionOfTrigOfLinear 
Q[u, x]

rule 3138
Int[((a_) + (b_.)*sin[Pi/2 + (c_.) + (d_.)*(x_)])^(-1), x_Symbol] :> With[{ 
e = FreeFactors[Tan[(c + d*x)/2], x]}, Simp[2*(e/d)   Subst[Int[1/(a + b + 
(a - b)*e^2*x^2), x], x, Tan[(c + d*x)/2]/e], x]] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, d}, x] 
 && NeQ[a^2 - b^2, 0]

rule 3143
Int[((a_) + (b_.)*sin[(c_.) + (d_.)*(x_)])^(n_), x_Symbol] :> Simp[(-b)*Cos 
[c + d*x]*((a + b*Sin[c + d*x])^(n + 1)/(d*(n + 1)*(a^2 - b^2))), x] + Simp 
[1/((n + 1)*(a^2 - b^2))   Int[(a + b*Sin[c + d*x])^(n + 1)*Simp[a*(n + 1) 
- b*(n + 2)*Sin[c + d*x], x], x], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, d}, x] && NeQ[a^2 - 
 b^2, 0] && LtQ[n, -1] && IntegerQ[2*n]

rule 3233
Int[((a_) + (b_.)*sin[(e_.) + (f_.)*(x_)])^(m_)*((c_.) + (d_.)*sin[(e_.) + 
(f_.)*(x_)]), x_Symbol] :> Simp[(-(b*c - a*d))*Cos[e + f*x]*((a + b*Sin[e + 
 f*x])^(m + 1)/(f*(m + 1)*(a^2 - b^2))), x] + Simp[1/((m + 1)*(a^2 - b^2)) 
  Int[(a + b*Sin[e + f*x])^(m + 1)*Simp[(a*c - b*d)*(m + 1) - (b*c - a*d)*( 
m + 2)*Sin[e + f*x], x], x], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, d, e, f}, x] && NeQ[b*c 
- a*d, 0] && NeQ[a^2 - b^2, 0] && LtQ[m, -1] && IntegerQ[2*m] Maple [A] (verified)

Time = 0.27 (sec) , antiderivative size = 75, normalized size of antiderivative = 0.77

method result size
derivativedivides \(\frac {-\frac {-\frac {745 \tanh \left (\frac {d x}{2}+\frac {c}{2}\right )^{5}}{1024}-\frac {265 \tanh \left (\frac {d x}{2}+\frac {c}{2}\right )^{3}}{96}-\frac {295 \tanh \left (\frac {d x}{2}+\frac {c}{2}\right )}{64}}{8 \left (\tanh \left (\frac {d x}{2}+\frac {c}{2}\right )^{2}+4\right )^{3}}-\frac {279 \arctan \left (\frac {\tanh \left (\frac {d x}{2}+\frac {c}{2}\right )}{2}\right )}{16384}}{d}\) \(75\)
default \(\frac {-\frac {-\frac {745 \tanh \left (\frac {d x}{2}+\frac {c}{2}\right )^{5}}{1024}-\frac {265 \tanh \left (\frac {d x}{2}+\frac {c}{2}\right )^{3}}{96}-\frac {295 \tanh \left (\frac {d x}{2}+\frac {c}{2}\right )}{64}}{8 \left (\tanh \left (\frac {d x}{2}+\frac {c}{2}\right )^{2}+4\right )^{3}}-\frac {279 \arctan \left (\frac {\tanh \left (\frac {d x}{2}+\frac {c}{2}\right )}{2}\right )}{16384}}{d}\) \(75\)
risch \(-\frac {20925 \,{\mathrm e}^{5 d x +5 c}+62775 \,{\mathrm e}^{4 d x +4 c}+111042 \,{\mathrm e}^{3 d x +3 c}+119310 \,{\mathrm e}^{2 d x +2 c}+68625 \,{\mathrm e}^{d x +c}+24875}{12288 d \left (5 \,{\mathrm e}^{2 d x +2 c}+6 \,{\mathrm e}^{d x +c}+5\right )^{3}}+\frac {279 i \ln \left ({\mathrm e}^{d x +c}+\frac {3}{5}-\frac {4 i}{5}\right )}{32768 d}-\frac {279 i \ln \left ({\mathrm e}^{d x +c}+\frac {3}{5}+\frac {4 i}{5}\right )}{32768 d}\) \(118\)
parallelrisch \(\frac {837 i \left (558+125 \cosh \left (3 d x +3 c \right )+915 \cosh \left (d x +c \right )+450 \cosh \left (2 d x +2 c \right )\right ) \ln \left (\tanh \left (\frac {d x}{2}+\frac {c}{2}\right )-2 i\right )+837 i \left (-558-125 \cosh \left (3 d x +3 c \right )-915 \cosh \left (d x +c \right )-450 \cosh \left (2 d x +2 c \right )\right ) \ln \left (\tanh \left (\frac {d x}{2}+\frac {c}{2}\right )+2 i\right )+226140 \sinh \left (d x +c \right )+190800 \sinh \left (2 d x +2 c \right )+99500 \sinh \left (3 d x +3 c \right )}{98304 d \left (558+125 \cosh \left (3 d x +3 c \right )+915 \cosh \left (d x +c \right )+450 \cosh \left (2 d x +2 c \right )\right )}\) \(167\)

*tanh(1/2*d*x+1/2*c))) Fricas [B] (verification not implemented)

Leaf count of result is larger than twice the leaf count of optimal. 793 vs. \(2 (87) = 174\).

Time = 0.27 (sec) , antiderivative size = 793, normalized size of antiderivative = 8.09 \[ \int \frac {1}{(3+5 \cosh (c+d x))^4} \, dx=\text {Too large to display} \]

integrate(1/(3+5*cosh(d*x+c))^4,x, algorithm="fricas")
-1/49152*(83700*cosh(d*x + c)^5 + 83700*(5*cosh(d*x + c) + 3)*sinh(d*x + c 
)^4 + 83700*sinh(d*x + c)^5 + 251100*cosh(d*x + c)^4 + 2232*(375*cosh(d*x 
+ c)^2 + 450*cosh(d*x + c) + 199)*sinh(d*x + c)^3 + 444168*cosh(d*x + c)^3 
 + 24*(34875*cosh(d*x + c)^3 + 62775*cosh(d*x + c)^2 + 55521*cosh(d*x + c) 
 + 19885)*sinh(d*x + c)^2 + 837*(125*cosh(d*x + c)^6 + 150*(5*cosh(d*x + c 
) + 3)*sinh(d*x + c)^5 + 125*sinh(d*x + c)^6 + 450*cosh(d*x + c)^5 + 15*(1 
25*cosh(d*x + c)^2 + 150*cosh(d*x + c) + 61)*sinh(d*x + c)^4 + 915*cosh(d* 
x + c)^4 + 4*(625*cosh(d*x + c)^3 + 1125*cosh(d*x + c)^2 + 915*cosh(d*x + 
c) + 279)*sinh(d*x + c)^3 + 1116*cosh(d*x + c)^3 + 3*(625*cosh(d*x + c)^4 
+ 1500*cosh(d*x + c)^3 + 1830*cosh(d*x + c)^2 + 1116*cosh(d*x + c) + 305)* 
sinh(d*x + c)^2 + 915*cosh(d*x + c)^2 + 6*(125*cosh(d*x + c)^5 + 375*cosh( 
d*x + c)^4 + 610*cosh(d*x + c)^3 + 558*cosh(d*x + c)^2 + 305*cosh(d*x + c) 
 + 75)*sinh(d*x + c) + 450*cosh(d*x + c) + 125)*arctan(5/4*cosh(d*x + c) + 
 5/4*sinh(d*x + c) + 3/4) + 477240*cosh(d*x + c)^2 + 12*(34875*cosh(d*x + 
c)^4 + 83700*cosh(d*x + c)^3 + 111042*cosh(d*x + c)^2 + 79540*cosh(d*x + c 
) + 22875)*sinh(d*x + c) + 274500*cosh(d*x + c) + 99500)/(125*d*cosh(d*x + 
 c)^6 + 125*d*sinh(d*x + c)^6 + 450*d*cosh(d*x + c)^5 + 150*(5*d*cosh(d*x 
+ c) + 3*d)*sinh(d*x + c)^5 + 915*d*cosh(d*x + c)^4 + 15*(125*d*cosh(d*x + 
 c)^2 + 150*d*cosh(d*x + c) + 61*d)*sinh(d*x + c)^4 + 1116*d*cosh(d*x + c) 
^3 + 4*(625*d*cosh(d*x + c)^3 + 1125*d*cosh(d*x + c)^2 + 915*d*cosh(d*x... Sympy [C] (verification not implemented)

Result contains complex when optimal does not.

Time = 3.75 (sec) , antiderivative size = 784, normalized size of antiderivative = 8.00 \[ \int \frac {1}{(3+5 \cosh (c+d x))^4} \, dx=\text {Too large to display} \]

Piecewise((-log(-3*exp(-d*x) - 4*I*exp(-d*x))/(625*d*cosh(d*x + log(-3*exp 
(-d*x) - 4*I*exp(-d*x)) - log(5))**4 + 1500*d*cosh(d*x + log(-3*exp(-d*x) 
- 4*I*exp(-d*x)) - log(5))**3 + 1350*d*cosh(d*x + log(-3*exp(-d*x) - 4*I*e 
xp(-d*x)) - log(5))**2 + 540*d*cosh(d*x + log(-3*exp(-d*x) - 4*I*exp(-d*x) 
) - log(5)) + 81*d), Eq(c, log((-3 - 4*I)*exp(-d*x)) - log(5))), (x/(625*c 
osh(d*x + log(-3*exp(-d*x) + 4*I*exp(-d*x)) - log(5))**4 + 1500*cosh(d*x + 
 log(-3*exp(-d*x) + 4*I*exp(-d*x)) - log(5))**3 + 1350*cosh(d*x + log(-3*e 
xp(-d*x) + 4*I*exp(-d*x)) - log(5))**2 + 540*cosh(d*x + log(-3*exp(-d*x) + 
 4*I*exp(-d*x)) - log(5)) + 81), Eq(c, log((-3 + 4*I)*exp(-d*x)) - log(5)) 
), (x/(5*cosh(c) + 3)**4, Eq(d, 0)), (-837*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2)**6*atan(tanh( 
c/2 + d*x/2)/2)/(49152*d*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2)**6 + 589824*d*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2) 
**4 + 2359296*d*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2)**2 + 3145728*d) + 4470*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2) 
**5/(49152*d*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2)**6 + 589824*d*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2)**4 + 235929 
6*d*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2)**2 + 3145728*d) - 10044*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2)**4*atan(ta 
nh(c/2 + d*x/2)/2)/(49152*d*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2)**6 + 589824*d*tanh(c/2 + d*x 
/2)**4 + 2359296*d*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2)**2 + 3145728*d) + 16960*tanh(c/2 + d* 
x/2)**3/(49152*d*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2)**6 + 589824*d*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2)**4 + 23 
59296*d*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2)**2 + 3145728*d) - 40176*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2)**2*ata 
n(tanh(c/2 + d*x/2)/2)/(49152*d*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2)**6 + 589824*d*tanh(c/2 + 
 d*x/2)**4 + 2359296*d*tanh(c/2 + d*x/2)**2 + 3145728*d) + 28320*tanh(c... Maxima [A] (verification not implemented)

Time = 0.28 (sec) , antiderivative size = 152, normalized size of antiderivative = 1.55 \[ \int \frac {1}{(3+5 \cosh (c+d x))^4} \, dx=\frac {279 \, \arctan \left (\frac {5}{4} \, e^{\left (-d x - c\right )} + \frac {3}{4}\right )}{16384 \, d} + \frac {68625 \, e^{\left (-d x - c\right )} + 119310 \, e^{\left (-2 \, d x - 2 \, c\right )} + 111042 \, e^{\left (-3 \, d x - 3 \, c\right )} + 62775 \, e^{\left (-4 \, d x - 4 \, c\right )} + 20925 \, e^{\left (-5 \, d x - 5 \, c\right )} + 24875}{12288 \, d {\left (450 \, e^{\left (-d x - c\right )} + 915 \, e^{\left (-2 \, d x - 2 \, c\right )} + 1116 \, e^{\left (-3 \, d x - 3 \, c\right )} + 915 \, e^{\left (-4 \, d x - 4 \, c\right )} + 450 \, e^{\left (-5 \, d x - 5 \, c\right )} + 125 \, e^{\left (-6 \, d x - 6 \, c\right )} + 125\right )}} \]

integrate(1/(3+5*cosh(d*x+c))^4,x, algorithm="maxima")
279/16384*arctan(5/4*e^(-d*x - c) + 3/4)/d + 1/12288*(68625*e^(-d*x - c) + 
 119310*e^(-2*d*x - 2*c) + 111042*e^(-3*d*x - 3*c) + 62775*e^(-4*d*x - 4*c 
) + 20925*e^(-5*d*x - 5*c) + 24875)/(d*(450*e^(-d*x - c) + 915*e^(-2*d*x - 
 2*c) + 1116*e^(-3*d*x - 3*c) + 915*e^(-4*d*x - 4*c) + 450*e^(-5*d*x - 5*c 
) + 125*e^(-6*d*x - 6*c) + 125)) Giac [A] (verification not implemented)

Time = 0.26 (sec) , antiderivative size = 98, normalized size of antiderivative = 1.00 \[ \int \frac {1}{(3+5 \cosh (c+d x))^4} \, dx=-\frac {\frac {4 \, {\left (20925 \, e^{\left (5 \, d x + 5 \, c\right )} + 62775 \, e^{\left (4 \, d x + 4 \, c\right )} + 111042 \, e^{\left (3 \, d x + 3 \, c\right )} + 119310 \, e^{\left (2 \, d x + 2 \, c\right )} + 68625 \, e^{\left (d x + c\right )} + 24875\right )}}{{\left (5 \, e^{\left (2 \, d x + 2 \, c\right )} + 6 \, e^{\left (d x + c\right )} + 5\right )}^{3}} + 837 \, \arctan \left (\frac {5}{4} \, e^{\left (d x + c\right )} + \frac {3}{4}\right )}{49152 \, d} \]

integrate(1/(3+5*cosh(d*x+c))^4,x, algorithm="giac")
-1/49152*(4*(20925*e^(5*d*x + 5*c) + 62775*e^(4*d*x + 4*c) + 111042*e^(3*d 
*x + 3*c) + 119310*e^(2*d*x + 2*c) + 68625*e^(d*x + c) + 24875)/(5*e^(2*d* 
x + 2*c) + 6*e^(d*x + c) + 5)^3 + 837*arctan(5/4*e^(d*x + c) + 3/4))/d Mupad [B] (verification not implemented)

Time = 1.74 (sec) , antiderivative size = 223, normalized size of antiderivative = 2.28 \[ \int \frac {1}{(3+5 \cosh (c+d x))^4} \, dx=\frac {\frac {39\,{\mathrm {e}}^{c+d\,x}}{50\,d}+\frac {7}{30\,d}}{450\,{\mathrm {e}}^{c+d\,x}+915\,{\mathrm {e}}^{2\,c+2\,d\,x}+1116\,{\mathrm {e}}^{3\,c+3\,d\,x}+915\,{\mathrm {e}}^{4\,c+4\,d\,x}+450\,{\mathrm {e}}^{5\,c+5\,d\,x}+125\,{\mathrm {e}}^{6\,c+6\,d\,x}+125}-\frac {\frac {93\,{\mathrm {e}}^{c+d\,x}}{640\,d}+\frac {791}{3200\,d}}{60\,{\mathrm {e}}^{c+d\,x}+86\,{\mathrm {e}}^{2\,c+2\,d\,x}+60\,{\mathrm {e}}^{3\,c+3\,d\,x}+25\,{\mathrm {e}}^{4\,c+4\,d\,x}+25}-\frac {279\,\mathrm {atan}\left (\left (\frac {3}{4\,d}+\frac {5\,{\mathrm {e}}^{d\,x}\,{\mathrm {e}}^c}{4\,d}\right )\,\sqrt {d^2}\right )}{16384\,\sqrt {d^2}}-\frac {\frac {279\,{\mathrm {e}}^{c+d\,x}}{4096\,d}+\frac {837}{20480\,d}}{6\,{\mathrm {e}}^{c+d\,x}+5\,{\mathrm {e}}^{2\,c+2\,d\,x}+5} \]

int(1/(5*cosh(c + d*x) + 3)^4,x)
((39*exp(c + d*x))/(50*d) + 7/(30*d))/(450*exp(c + d*x) + 915*exp(2*c + 2* 
d*x) + 1116*exp(3*c + 3*d*x) + 915*exp(4*c + 4*d*x) + 450*exp(5*c + 5*d*x) 
 + 125*exp(6*c + 6*d*x) + 125) - ((93*exp(c + d*x))/(640*d) + 791/(3200*d) 
)/(60*exp(c + d*x) + 86*exp(2*c + 2*d*x) + 60*exp(3*c + 3*d*x) + 25*exp(4* 
c + 4*d*x) + 25) - (279*atan((3/(4*d) + (5*exp(d*x)*exp(c))/(4*d))*(d^2)^( 
1/2)))/(16384*(d^2)^(1/2)) - ((279*exp(c + d*x))/(4096*d) + 837/(20480*d)) 
/(6*exp(c + d*x) + 5*exp(2*c + 2*d*x) + 5)