Integrals 3901 to 4000

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log ^{-1+q}\left (c x^n\right ) \left (a x^m+b \log ^q\left (c x^n\right )\right )^p}{x} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate(log(c*x^n)^(-1+q)*(a*x^m+b*log(c*x^n)^q)^p/x,x, algorithm="maxim 


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(1\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log ^{-1+q}\left (c x^n\right ) \left (a x^m+b \log ^q\left (c x^n\right )\right )^3}{x} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate(log(c*x^n)^(-1+q)*(a*x^m+b*log(c*x^n)^q)^3/x,x, algorithm="maxim 


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(2\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log ^{-1+q}\left (c x^n\right ) \left (a x^m+b \log ^q\left (c x^n\right )\right )^2}{x} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate(log(c*x^n)^(-1+q)*(a*x^m+b*log(c*x^n)^q)^2/x,x, algorithm="maxim 


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(3\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log ^{-1+q}\left (c x^n\right ) \left (a x^m+b \log ^q\left (c x^n\right )\right )}{x} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate(log(c*x^n)^(-1+q)*(a*x^m+b*log(c*x^n)^q)/x,x, algorithm="maxima" 


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(4\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (a m x^m+b n q \log ^{-1+q}\left (c x^n\right )\right ) \left (a x^m+b \log ^q\left (c x^n\right )\right )^p}{x} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:



Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(16\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (a m x^m+b n q \log ^{-1+q}\left (c x^n\right )\right ) \left (a x^m+b \log ^q\left (c x^n\right )\right )^2}{x} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:



Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(17\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (a m x^m+b n q \log ^{-1+q}\left (c x^n\right )\right ) \left (a x^m+b \log ^q\left (c x^n\right )\right )}{x} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate((a*m*x^m+b*n*q*log(c*x^n)^(-1+q))*(a*x^m+b*log(c*x^n)^q)/x,x, al 


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(18\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (d x^m+e \log ^{-1+q}\left (c x^n\right )\right ) \left (a x^m+b \log ^q\left (c x^n\right )\right )^p}{x} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate((d*x^m+e*log(c*x^n)^(-1+q))*(a*x^m+b*log(c*x^n)^q)^p/x,x, algori 


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(30\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (d x^m+e \log ^{-1+q}\left (c x^n\right )\right ) \left (a x^m+b \log ^q\left (c x^n\right )\right )^3}{x} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate((d*x^m+e*log(c*x^n)^(-1+q))*(a*x^m+b*log(c*x^n)^q)^3/x,x, algori 


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(31\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (d x^m+e \log ^{-1+q}\left (c x^n\right )\right ) \left (a x^m+b \log ^q\left (c x^n\right )\right )^2}{x} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate((d*x^m+e*log(c*x^n)^(-1+q))*(a*x^m+b*log(c*x^n)^q)^2/x,x, algori 


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(32\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (d x^m+e \log ^{-1+q}\left (c x^n\right )\right ) \left (a x^m+b \log ^q\left (c x^n\right )\right )}{x} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate((d*x^m+e*log(c*x^n)^(-1+q))*(a*x^m+b*log(c*x^n)^q)/x,x, algorith 


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(33\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (\frac {2 x \left (d \sqrt {-\frac {e}{d}}+e x\right )}{d+e x^2}\right )}{d+e x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(2*x*(d*(-e/d)^(1/2)+e*x)/(e*x^2+d))/(e*x^2+d),x, algorithm=" 


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(40\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (-\frac {2 x \left (d \sqrt {-\frac {e}{d}}-e x\right )}{d+e x^2}\right )}{d+e x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(-2*x*(d*(-e/d)^(1/2)-e*x)/(e*x^2+d))/(e*x^2+d),x, algorithm= 


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(41\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (\frac {2 x \left (\frac {d \sqrt {e}}{\sqrt {-d}}+e x\right )}{d+e x^2}\right )}{d+e x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(2*x*(d*e^(1/2)/(-d)^(1/2)+e*x)/(e*x^2+d))/(e*x^2+d),x, algor 


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(42\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (-\frac {2 x \left (\frac {d \sqrt {e}}{\sqrt {-d}}-e x\right )}{d+e x^2}\right )}{d+e x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(-2*x*(d*e^(1/2)/(-d)^(1/2)-e*x)/(e*x^2+d))/(e*x^2+d),x, algo 


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(43\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (\frac {2 x \left (\sqrt {d} \sqrt {-e}+e x\right )}{d+e x^2}\right )}{d+e x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(2*x*(d^(1/2)*(-e)^(1/2)+e*x)/(e*x^2+d))/(e*x^2+d),x, algorit 


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(44\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (-\frac {2 x \left (\sqrt {d} \sqrt {-e}-e x\right )}{d+e x^2}\right )}{d+e x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(-2*x*(d^(1/2)*(-e)^(1/2)-e*x)/(e*x^2+d))/(e*x^2+d),x, algori 


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(45\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int x^4 \log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^4*log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(71\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int x^3 \log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^3*log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(72\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int x^2 \log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^2*log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(73\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int x \log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x*log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(74\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(75\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right )}{x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n)/x^2,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(77\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right )}{x^3} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n)/x^3,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(78\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right )}{x^4} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n)/x^4,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(79\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right )}{x^5} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n)/x^5,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(80\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int (d+e x)^4 \log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x+d)^4*log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(82\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int (d+e x)^3 \log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x+d)^3*log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(83\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int (d+e x)^2 \log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x+d)^2*log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(84\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int (d+e x) \log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x+d)*log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(85\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(86\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right )}{(d+e x)^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n)/(e*x+d)^2,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(88\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right )}{(d+e x)^3} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n)/(e*x+d)^3,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(89\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right )}{(d+e x)^4} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n)/(e*x+d)^4,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(90\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right )}{(d+e x)^5} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n)/(e*x+d)^5,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(91\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right )}{a e+b e x+c e x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n)/(c*e*x^2+b*e*x+a*e),x, algorithm="maxima" 


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(93\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (g \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right )}{d+e x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(g*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n)/(e*x^2+d),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(94\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log \left (g \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right )}{d+e x+f x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(g*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n)/(f*x^2+e*x+d),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*d*f-e^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(95\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \log ^2\left (d \left (a+b x+c x^2\right )^n\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(log(d*(c*x^2+b*x+a)^n)^2,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(4*a*c-b^2>0)', see `assume?` for 
 more deta

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(97\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log ^2\left (a x^n\right )^p}{x} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate((log(a*x^n)^2)^p/x,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(149\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\log ^m\left (a x^n\right )^p}{x} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate((log(a*x^n)^m)^p/x,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(150\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (b \log ^m\left (a x^n\right )\right )^p}{x} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate((b*log(a*x^n)^m)^p/x,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/168_3_Logarithm_functions

Test file number \(168\)

Integral number in file \(152\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int (d x)^m \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )^p \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate((d*x)^m*(a+b*log(c*x^n))^p,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/169_3.1

Test file number \(169\)

Integral number in file \(167\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int x^2 \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )^p \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate(x^2*(a+b*log(c*x^n))^p,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/169_3.1

Test file number \(169\)

Integral number in file \(168\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int x \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )^p \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate(x*(a+b*log(c*x^n))^p,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/169_3.1

Test file number \(169\)

Integral number in file \(169\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )^p \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))^p,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/169_3.1

Test file number \(169\)

Integral number in file \(170\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )^p}{x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))^p/x^2,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/169_3.1

Test file number \(169\)

Integral number in file \(172\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )^p}{x^3} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))^p/x^3,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/169_3.1

Test file number \(169\)

Integral number in file \(173\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )^p}{x^4} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))^p/x^4,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/169_3.1

Test file number \(169\)

Integral number in file \(174\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int x^{-1+n} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )^p \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \] Input:

integrate(x^(-1+n)*(a+b*log(c*x^n))^p,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: In function CAR, the value of 
the first argument is  0which is not of the expected type LIST

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/169_3.1

Test file number \(169\)

Integral number in file \(191\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {x^4 \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{d+e x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^4*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/(e*x^2+d),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(216\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {x^2 \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{d+e x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^2*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/(e*x^2+d),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(217\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )}{d+e x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))/(e*x^2+d),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(218\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )}{x^2 \left (d+e x^2\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^2/(e*x^2+d),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(219\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )}{x^4 \left (d+e x^2\right )} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^4/(e*x^2+d),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(220\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {x^4 \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{\left (d+e x^2\right )^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^4*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/(e*x^2+d)^2,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(226\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {x^2 \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{\left (d+e x^2\right )^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^2*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/(e*x^2+d)^2,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(227\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )}{\left (d+e x^2\right )^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))/(e*x^2+d)^2,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(228\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )}{x^2 \left (d+e x^2\right )^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^2/(e*x^2+d)^2,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(229\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )}{x^4 \left (d+e x^2\right )^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^4/(e*x^2+d)^2,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(230\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {x^4 \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{\left (d+e x^2\right )^3} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^4*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/(e*x^2+d)^3,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(236\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {x^2 \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{\left (d+e x^2\right )^3} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^2*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/(e*x^2+d)^3,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(237\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )}{\left (d+e x^2\right )^3} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))/(e*x^2+d)^3,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(238\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )}{x^2 \left (d+e x^2\right )^3} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^2/(e*x^2+d)^3,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(239\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )}{x^4 \left (d+e x^2\right )^3} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^4/(e*x^2+d)^3,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(240\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {a+b \log (c x)}{1-e x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x))/(-e*x^2+1),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(245\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )}{1-e x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))/(-e*x^2+1),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(246\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )^2}{\left (d+e x^2\right )^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))^2/(e*x^2+d)^2,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(247\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )^3}{\left (d+e x^2\right )^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))^3/(e*x^2+d)^2,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(248\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int x^5 \sqrt {d+e x^2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^5*(e*x^2+d)^(1/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n)),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(251\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int x^3 \sqrt {d+e x^2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^3*(e*x^2+d)^(1/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n)),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(252\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int x \sqrt {d+e x^2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x*(e*x^2+d)^(1/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n)),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(253\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\sqrt {d+e x^2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{x} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x^2+d)^(1/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/x,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(254\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\sqrt {d+e x^2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{x^3} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x^2+d)^(1/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^3,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(255\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int x^4 \sqrt {d+e x^2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^4*(e*x^2+d)^(1/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n)),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(256\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int x^2 \sqrt {d+e x^2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^2*(e*x^2+d)^(1/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n)),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(257\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \sqrt {d+e x^2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x^2+d)^(1/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n)),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(258\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\sqrt {d+e x^2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x^2+d)^(1/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^2,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(259\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\sqrt {d+e x^2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{x^4} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x^2+d)^(1/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^4,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(260\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\sqrt {d+e x^2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{x^6} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x^2+d)^(1/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^6,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(261\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\sqrt {d+e x^2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{x^8} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x^2+d)^(1/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^8,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(262\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int x^5 \left (d+e x^2\right )^{3/2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^5*(e*x^2+d)^(3/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n)),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(263\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int x^3 \left (d+e x^2\right )^{3/2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^3*(e*x^2+d)^(3/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n)),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(264\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int x \left (d+e x^2\right )^{3/2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x*(e*x^2+d)^(3/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n)),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(265\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (d+e x^2\right )^{3/2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{x} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x^2+d)^(3/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/x,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(266\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (d+e x^2\right )^{3/2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{x^3} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x^2+d)^(3/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^3,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(267\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int x^2 \left (d+e x^2\right )^{3/2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^2*(e*x^2+d)^(3/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n)),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(268\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \left (d+e x^2\right )^{3/2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right ) \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x^2+d)^(3/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n)),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(269\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (d+e x^2\right )^{3/2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{x^2} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x^2+d)^(3/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^2,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(270\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (d+e x^2\right )^{3/2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{x^4} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x^2+d)^(3/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^4,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(271\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (d+e x^2\right )^{3/2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{x^6} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x^2+d)^(3/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^6,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(272\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (d+e x^2\right )^{3/2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{x^8} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x^2+d)^(3/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^8,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(273\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {\left (d+e x^2\right )^{3/2} \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{x^{10}} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((e*x^2+d)^(3/2)*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^10,x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(274\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {x^5 \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{\sqrt {d+e x^2}} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^5*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/(e*x^2+d)^(1/2),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(276\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {x^3 \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{\sqrt {d+e x^2}} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^3*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/(e*x^2+d)^(1/2),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(277\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {x \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{\sqrt {d+e x^2}} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/(e*x^2+d)^(1/2),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(278\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )}{x \sqrt {d+e x^2}} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))/x/(e*x^2+d)^(1/2),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(279\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )}{x^3 \sqrt {d+e x^2}} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))/x^3/(e*x^2+d)^(1/2),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(280\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {x^2 \left (a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )\right )}{\sqrt {d+e x^2}} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate(x^2*(a+b*log(c*x^n))/(e*x^2+d)^(1/2),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(281\)

Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {a+b \log \left (c x^n\right )}{\sqrt {d+e x^2}} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: ValueError} \] Input:

integrate((a+b*log(c*x^n))/(e*x^2+d)^(1/2),x, algorithm="maxima")


Exception raised: ValueError >> Computation failed since Maxima requested 
additional constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* 
 help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(e>0)', see `assume?` for more de 
tails)Is e

input file name test_cases/rubi_tests/3_Logarithms/170_3.2

Test file number \(170\)

Integral number in file \(282\)