29.18.22 problem 498

Internal problem ID [5096]
Book : Ordinary differential equations and their solutions. By George Moseley Murphy. 1960
Section : Various 18
Problem number : 498
Date solved : Monday, January 27, 2025 at 10:10:52 AM
CAS classification : [[_homogeneous, `class C`], _rational, [_Abel, `2nd type`, `class A`]]

\begin{align*} \left (3+9 x +21 y\right ) y^{\prime }&=45+7 x -5 y \end{align*}

Solution by Maple

Time used: 1.007 (sec). Leaf size: 212

dsolve((3+9*x+21*y(x))*diff(y(x),x) = 45+7*x-5*y(x),y(x), singsol=all)
\[ y \left (x \right ) = \frac {\left (-5-x \right ) {\operatorname {RootOf}\left (-27+\left (c_{1} x^{7}+35 c_{1} x^{6}+525 c_{1} x^{5}+4375 c_{1} x^{4}+21875 c_{1} x^{3}+65625 c_{1} x^{2}+109375 c_{1} x +78125 c_{1} \right ) \textit {\_Z}^{49}+\left (-12 c_{1} x^{7}-420 c_{1} x^{6}-6300 c_{1} x^{5}-52500 c_{1} x^{4}-262500 c_{1} x^{3}-787500 c_{1} x^{2}-1312500 c_{1} x -937500 c_{1} \right ) \textit {\_Z}^{42}+\left (48 c_{1} x^{7}+1680 c_{1} x^{6}+25200 c_{1} x^{5}+210000 c_{1} x^{4}+1050000 c_{1} x^{3}+3150000 c_{1} x^{2}+5250000 c_{1} x +3750000 c_{1} \right ) \textit {\_Z}^{35}+\left (-64 c_{1} x^{7}-2240 c_{1} x^{6}-33600 c_{1} x^{5}-280000 c_{1} x^{4}-1400000 c_{1} x^{3}-4200000 c_{1} x^{2}-7000000 c_{1} x -5000000 c_{1} \right ) \textit {\_Z}^{28}\right )}^{7}}{3}+\frac {x}{3}+\frac {11}{3} \]

Solution by Mathematica

Time used: 60.881 (sec). Leaf size: 7785

DSolve[(3+9 x+21 y[x])D[y[x],x]==45 +7 x-5 y[x],y[x],x,IncludeSingularSolutions -> True]

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