3 SIR infection model

The SIR model is

\begin{align} \dot{S} & =-\beta SI\tag{1}\\ \dot{I} & =\beta SI-\upsilon I\tag{2}\\ \dot{R} & =\upsilon I \tag{3} \end{align}

Where \(S\) represent the susceptible population and \(I\) the infected population and \(R\) the recovered population, and \(\beta \) is the transmission rate from \(S\) to \(I\) and \(\upsilon \) is the recovery rate from \(I\) to \(R\).

This animation shows what happens as the transmission rate increases (while the recovery rate is kept fixed). This uses initial conditions of \(S(0)=1000\) and \(I(0)=1\). Which means one person is infected only initially.

The recovery rate is kept at \(0.05\) while the transmission rate is changed from \(0.0003\) to \(0.03\).

Pause Play Restart Step forward Step back

This animation shows what happens as the transmission rate is kept fixed at \(0.005\), while the recovery rate is increased from \(0.001\) to \(0.3\)

Pause Play Restart Step forward Step back

The above program is avaliable as Mathematica notebook. Here is screen shot

Figure 3:Program written for SIR model analysis