One way is to use Vitaliy Kaurov ManToGif. Another way is to run the manipulate and do
screen capture using program such as LICEcap
In math italicize single Roman letters that are variables or functions (example, x,y,f(x),t 2. Exception to above is capital letters for points like P and Q in geometry. 3. Do not italicize Greek letters (example, alpha, gamma, beta, etc..), and units like sec or rad, or punctuation like ( ). 4. Styling the control labels is optional. 5. Do not use strings with <> for such formatting. Use Row[{ăăă }] 6. put () around units in plot labels. As (sec) or (hz) 7. do not italicize function names longer than one letter. So Style["exp",Italic] should just be "exp" 8. The t in delta(t) should be italic--but not the delta, Greek letter are not Italian letters is how I remember that. 9. Log should be log. 10. Is j^2= -1? Better say so in the caption for non EE.
see also
I made small copy here so I do not have to keep looking for this all the time.
To put label on plot, example
To typeset math for display on the demo use this type of coding
Text@Style[TraditionalForm[HoldForm[Sin[x] + Cos[y]], 12]]
To add invisible space use ESC is ESC
Useful notes taken from different places from Mathematica documentation. And some added by me.
(added 7/5/14) There is a race condition between when updating a variable in the second argument of dynamics, which is also updated in the Manipulate expression. The problem is easy to explain
Manipulate[.... n=n+1;...., Manipulator[Dynamic[f,{f=#;n=0}&....]
Now, what happens, sometimes, is that when moving the slider, and setting \(n=0\), that this update to \(n\) can be lost, since it depends on the timing of when this happens. The Manipulate expression could be in the middle on updating \(n\) itself. This is classical lost update problem in multi-threading. The way to avoid this, is to follow this rule of thumb: When using second argument of dynamics in a Manipulate control, do not update a shared variable which can also be updated inside the Manipulate expression, as the update can be lost. The write to the shared variable/updating should only happen either inside the Manipulate expression or in the second argument of dynamics. But not in both places
variables are saved in
the file when the notebook is saved.
SystemOption "DynamicUpdateInterval")
to all dynamics, else will time out. When
using Refresh
tracks on 2 of my own symbols (not control variables). Use
tick, only. Causes major synchronization problems with I update 2 variables inside a
refresh, and have the refresh tracks both. Only make one track local variable, such as
can causes annoying refresh on the UI whenever
I move sliders. So removed it.
and not ->
for TrackedSymbols
Module variables should *never* appear inside Dynamics or Manipulates internal to that Module. To be clear with some examples (all using Dynamic, but they could equally well use Manipulate, which is implemented using Dynamic)... (* OK *) Dynamic[Module[{a}, a]] (* OK *) Module[{a}, (* expression involving a*); Dynamic[(* expression *not* involving a *)] (* BAD *) Module[{a}, Dynamic[a]]
By John Fultz on math group, jan 24/2012
"Generally, you should construct controls so that they’re not inside Dynamics that will trigger while you’re interacting with those controls, since this can create instability"
By John Fultz on math group, feb 3/2012
"CDF files which you expect to deploy cannot rely on Shift+Enter evaluations to prime the pump. You need to make sure that all of the code dependencies are in the dynamic evaluations somewhere. Some possible ways of doing this, all of which have been discussed at various points on MathGroup, include:
* Using the Initialization option of Dynamic, DynamicModule, or Manipulate
* Using the SaveDefinitions option of Manipulate
* Adding code to the NotebookDynamicExpression option of the notebook (if it’s
initialization code, then wrapped in Refresh[#,None]&
to prevent it from evaluating more
than once per session).
* Not such a good idea for function definitions, but if you simply have code that needs to run
before Dynamic code runs, nesting a DynamicWrapper
around it might be appropriate,
This is the support explanation of why this error came showed up: The issue is specifically with the section: Evaluate@env[{{age, 100, "age"}, 10, 200, 1}] Manipulate doesn't really evaluate until it gets to the Initialization option, but it will check its input for correct form. Mathematica reads the main body of the Manipulate before running the Initialization option. This is can be verified by using a Print statement: Initialization -> (Print["Test"]; makeCustomEnvironmentAlt = Function[Null, Function[code, With @@ Hold[{##}, code], HoldAll], HoldAll]; env = makeCustomEnvironmentAlt[$age = 1, $salary = 2]; Print["Test"]) Test does not print. Getting around this will be probably not be clean. .... Having the code for the controller for age depend on evaluation of some function which must be initialized does not appear to be possible with simply Manipulate.
see how-to-define-constants-for-use-with-with-in-one-place-and-then-apply-them-lat
When DynamicModule
is first evaluated, initial assignments for local variables are made
during the evaluation. Any setting for the Initialization option is evaluated only when the
output of DynamicModule
is displayed.
see how-to-make-dynamicmodule-work-without-an-extra-enter
Here is a trick to allow one to control one slider based on another
Manipulate[{a, b}, Grid[{ {"a", Manipulator[Dynamic[a, {(a = #) &, (a = #; If[b > a, b = a]) &}], {1, 10, 1}], Dynamic[a]}, {"b", Manipulator[Dynamic[b, {(b = #) &, (b = #; If[b > a, b = a]) &}], {1, 10, 1}], Dynamic[b]}} ], {{a, 5}, None}, {{b, 3}, None} ]
Manipulate[x, {x, {True, False}}, Grid[{ {Dynamic@If[x, Control[{y, {True, False}}], Control[{z, 0, 1, .1}] ] } } ] ]
See convert_manipulate_to_dynamicModule
I wrote these for an answer here
The manipulate expression is anything between the start of Manipulate and the first
Manipulate[Plot[Sin[x (1 + a x)], {x, 0, 6}], {a, 0, 2}]
It has the form
Manipulate[expression, controlVariables, Initialization :> ()]
foo[] := Plot[Sin[x (1 + a x)], {x, 0, 6}] Manipulate[Evaluate@foo[], {a, 0, 2}]
move foo[]
in the above example to inside Manipulate, in the initialization section, add
literal symbol a
so Manipulate will track it
Manipulate[a; foo[], {a, 0, 2}, Initialization :> (foo[] := Plot[Sin[x (1 + a x)], {x, 0, 6}]) ]
Notice the trick above. a
was added so that it appears in the Manipulate expression.
Otherwise, it will not be tracked. You’ll get an initial plot, but nothing will happen when
moving the slider
move foo[]
to global context, but have to tell Manipulate that LocalizeVariable
foo[] := Plot[Sin[x (1 + a x)], {x, 0, 6}]; Manipulate[a; foo[], {a, 0, 2}, LocalizeVariables -> False]
But notice, we still need to put a
somewhere in the expression for it to tracked. Not enough
just to say LocalizeVariables -> False
It is not enough to use TrackedSymbols :>a
, if the symbol itself do not show up in the
expression. Hence this does not work
foo[] := Plot[Sin[x (1 + a x)], {x, 0, 6}]; Manipulate[foo[], {a, 0, 2}, LocalizeVariables -> False, TrackedSymbols :> a]
Notice there is no a
in the expression. Manipulate will not track a
even though we told it to
Same as case 4, even if we put the function inside the Initialization section, it will still not
track a
. One will get an initial plot, but that is all.
Manipulate[foo[], {a, 0, 2}, TrackedSymbols :> a, Initialization :> (foo[] := Plot[Sin[x (1 + a x)], {x, 0, 6}];)]
Putting the function definition of foo[]
itself inside Manipulate expression, now
Manipulate sees a
there and will automatically track it. No need to do anything
Manipulate[Module[{}, foo[] := Plot[Sin[x (1 + a x)], {x, 0, 6}]; foo[]], {a, 0, 2}]
Or simply
Manipulate[Plot[Sin[x (1 + a x)], {x, 0, 6}], {a, 0, 2}]
This is the method I use myself. Put all the functions inside the initialization section, but pass the dependent variables by argument call.
Manipulate[foo[a], {a, 0, 2}, Initialization :> ( foo[a_] := Module[{x}, Plot[Sin[x (1 + a x)], {x, 0, 6}]] )]
I like this, becuase it achieves both the goal of having all the slider symbols inside the Manipulate expression, hence Manipulate will track them, and at the same time, it avoid the function be in global context, and it is the modular way, since one can see which parameter each function depends on by looking at the signature of the function.
Similar to case 7, but the function itself is now in the global context. This is a fine solution as well, if this function needs to be called from somewhere else as well other than from the Manipulate. Otherwise, it is best not to have in the global context and use case 7.
foo[a_] := Module[{x}, Plot[Sin[x (1 + a x)], {x, 0, 6}]]; Manipulate[foo[a], {a, 0, 2}]
Note: This is now (2024) no longer works. Can not run CDF any more in browsers.
Type this in the chrome window
and click enable to enable NPAPI. Chrome now disables NPAPI and so CDF no longer runs inside browser. After doing the above, restart the browser again. Now it should run