5.19 Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Top new questions this week: 

[GeoPosition coordinates from Shape file (.SHP) with unknown Datum] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/124121/geoposition-coordinates-from-shape-file-shp-with-unknown-datum

The City of Amsterdam supports an Open Data policy. Much information can be retrieved at the level of boroughs (stadsdelen). Unfortunately, GeoGraphics does not provide outlines of these smaller ...

- asked by Romke Bontekoe (12 votes), answered by JasonB (8 votes)


[Detecting collisions in FEM] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/124324/detecting-collisions-in-fem

Say I want to study the deformation of a pitchfork when you have it fixed on the bottom and push one side.

<< NDSolve`FEM` 
  RegionDifference[Cuboid[{0, -5}, {1, 0}], 
   Cuboid[{0.45,  ...

- asked by tsuresuregusa (12 votes)


[Discovering crosswords] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/124552/discovering-crosswords

I am trying to create a code that can identify the following terms: MATHEMATICA, STACK, EXCHANGE and USERS.

list2={"A ","T ","H ","X ","R ","X  ...

- asked by Leandro Maciel de Carvalho (11 votes), answered by C. E. (15 votes)


[29 Differential equations hang/not solved in version 11 compared to 10.4, looking for cause] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/124573/29-differential-equations-hang-not-solved-in-version-11-compared-to-10-4-lookin

I run Kamke differential equations in version 11 and compared the result to version 10.4. Found 29 differential equations that are no longer solved in version 11. Actually v11 hangs on these, eating ...

- asked by Nasser (11 votes)


[Using predefined expressions as free variables in a pure function] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/124530/using-predefined-expressions-as-free-variables-in-a-pure-function

I want to have a function value of an expression where some variables are solutions to some set of equations, with some values of parameters. I had an idea to use pure functions for that.

However, ...

- asked by Picek (10 votes), answered by Alexey Popkov (4 votes)


[How to delete unnecessary resistances in a resistance network] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/124475/how-to-delete-unnecessary-resistances-in-a-resistance-network

I’m still dealing with resistance network processing and got one problem left: how to delete unnecessary resistances?


Let’s assume we are junior high students and know nothing about ...

- asked by Wjx (10 votes), answered by Sascha (5 votes)


[Object detection in a low contrast image] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/124060/object-detection-in-a-low-contrast-image

I have a small dark object in the upper left corner of an image.

How can I separate it from the noisy rest and determine its IntensityCentroid?

The problem is that the objects intensity is not ...

- asked by mrz (10 votes), answered by Svyatoslav Korneev (12 votes)

================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ==================================

[Make a beautiful Moiré effect] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/112998/make-a-beautiful-moir%c3%a9-effect

How do I make the following Moiré pattern?

I tried:

A = Plot[Table[n, {n, 1, 30}], {x, 0, 31}, 
GridLines -> {Table[n, {n, 1, 30}], None}, 
GridLinesStyle -> AbsoluteThickness[1.2],  ...

- asked by vito (23 votes), answered by gpap (34 votes)


[Beautiful dance of the Earth and Venus around the sun] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/115358/beautiful-dance-of-the-earth-and-venus-around-the-sun

I have seen very nice dynamic graphics created by users of Ma. I would like to get help whether the following graphics can be created using Ma. I was not able to create the dynamic picture here. ...

- asked by ramesh (11 votes), answered by ubpdqn (6 votes)

================================== Can you answer these? ==================================

[CapForm bugged in V11?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/124591/capform-bugged-in-v11

It appears on my system (OSX 10.10.5) that CapForm isn’t behaving itself in V11. Initially I thought it was a problem with the combination of CapForm and VertexColors but it seems even weirder than ...

- asked by Quantum_Oli (6 votes)


[Linear tangent steering law and orbital insertion altitude] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/124489/linear-tangent-steering-law-and-orbital-insertion-altitude

I’ve been trying to figure out how to build a rocket launch simulation that allows the user to specify the desired altitude at which a payload will be inserted into a stable circular orbit, but have ...

- asked by AlexR (2 votes)


[What is a "generic case"?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/124347/what-is-a-generic-case


With this question I am coming back to a long-standing issue I have with Mma’s concept of a "generically correct" result. The basic idea seems to be, vaguely, that if a result is true in ...

- asked by Pirx (6 votes)