1.15 Thursday, January 28, 2021

1.15.1 Top new questions this week
1.15.2 Greatest hits from previous weeks
1.15.3 Can you answer these questions?

1.15.1 Top new questions this week

What’s the difference between these 2 associations?
How can I handle graphics or artworks with millions of points?
ContourPlot3D, grid of cylinders
Distorting image to ensure consistent vanishing point
Export infinite looping GIFs by default
Replace a color in image with hatchfilling
MeshRefinementFunction on 2D surfaces embedded in 3D

What’s the difference between these 2 associations?


I have 2 associations similar to these simplified ones:

asked by Coolwater https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=9754 16 votes

answered by Leonid Shifrin https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=81 16 votes

How can I handle graphics or artworks with millions of points?


As a hobby, I am trying to use Mathematica and Wolfram Language as a tool for making generative artworks. Generative art techniques may require drawing millions of points, lines, or curves. For ...

asked by mikabozu https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=74721 15 votes

answered by George Varnavides https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=41179 21 votes

ContourPlot3D, grid of cylinders


I am trying to make a 3D contour plot that looks like a grid of cylinders to represent the Fermi surface of a metal, like below:

I have no problem generating something that kind of looks like it.

asked by Nick https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=76998 10 votes

answered by cvgmt https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=72111 13 votes

Distorting image to ensure consistent vanishing point


Here’s Giorgio de Chirico’s painting, Ariadne:

The Surrealist artist deliberately broke the rules of geometric perspective, giving the work his characteristic sense of mystery and unease. What would ...

asked by David G. Stork https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=9735 10 votes

answered by kglr https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=125 2 votes

Export infinite looping GIFs by default


frames=Table[Plot[Sin[x(1+a x)],{x,0,6}],{a,0,2,0.2}]; 

The above code runs in version 9.0 to get a infinite looping GIF ...

asked by expression https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=7339 10 votes

answered by Kuba https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=5478 7 votes

Replace a color in image with hatchfilling


Is it possible to identify a color (say grey in a 3 color Black, Gray and White image) and ...

asked by skyfire https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=70181 9 votes

answered by kglr https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=125 10 votes

MeshRefinementFunction on 2D surfaces embedded in 3D


DiscretizeRegion doesn’t seem to run the supplied MeshRefinementFunction when meshing a 2D surface in 3D. For example:

asked by alessandro https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=42454 7 votes

answered by Tim Laska https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=61809 3 votes

1.15.2 Greatest hits from previous weeks

How do I identify the source of a "Tag times protected" error?
Labeling individual curves in Mathematica
How to add a vertical line to a plot
Drawing a square root spiral
Multivariable Taylor expansion does not work as expected
Solving \(L=\frac {3}{2} \sqrt {4 \pi ^2 A^2+W^2}-\frac {\sqrt {5 W \sqrt {4 \pi ^2 A^2+W^2}+6 \pi ^2 A^2+3 W^2}}{\sqrt {2}}+\frac {3 W}{2}\) for \(W\)
Mathematica command that allows it to read my intentions

How do I identify the source of a "Tag times protected" error?


I have some code that looks like

    a = 1; 
    b = {2, 3} 
    c = i;, 
    {i, 2} 
which gives an error: 
  Set::write: Tag Times in c {2,3} is Protected....

asked by dearN https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=204 29 votes

answered by Mr.Wizard https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=121 35 votes

Labeling individual curves in Mathematica


I need to create a plot for export and inclusion in a report. Is there a better way to label curves than PlotLegends? From what I’ve read and my personal experience,...

asked by Tianxiang Xiong https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=1041 63 votes

answered by Artes https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=184 47 votes

How to add a vertical line to a plot


In the plot below I would like to add two vertical lines at \(x = \frac {\pi }{15} \pm \frac {1}{20}\). How can I do that?

asked by sjdh https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=515 61 votes

answered by Ajasja https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=745 82 votes

Drawing a square root spiral


Here is a start. I’m looking for a nice way to draw it.

asked by matrix89 https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=5379 24 votes

answered by Bob Hanlon https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=9362 21 votes

Multivariable Taylor expansion does not work as expected


The basic multivariable Taylor expansion formula around a point is as follows:

asked by matheorem https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=4742 63 votes

answered by Jens https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=245 71 votes

Solving \(L=\frac {3}{2} \sqrt {4 \pi ^2 A^2+W^2}-\frac {\sqrt {5 W \sqrt {4 \pi ^2 A^2+W^2}+6 \pi ^2 A^2+3 W^2}}{\sqrt {2}}+\frac {3 W}{2}\) for \(W\)


When I solve the aforementioned equation for \(W\) or \(A\) on Mathematica I get a long and ugly equation in return, namely one of the solutions for \(W\) is: (attempt to read at your own health)

asked by J.D’Almbert https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=19257 8 votes

answered by Alexei Boulbitch https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=788 15 votes

Mathematica command that allows it to read my intentions


In version 2.0 of Mathematica there was a command, ReadProgrammerIntentions[ ] which allowed it rapidly compose code that could solve problems simple to complex, ...

asked by MikeY https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=47314 52 votes

answered by MarcoB https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=27951 38 votes

1.15.3 Can you answer these questions?

How to improve this code?
Error on DSolve
Remove defect of display in ListDensityPlot3D

How to improve this code?


The aim of my work is to find a value for the complex constant \(\omega \). In order to do that I solve the below system of differential equations with a manual shooting method: I first solve the system ...

asked by mattiav27 https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=8822 3 votes

Error on DSolve


I’ve been trying to solve this initial value problem using DSolve[]: \[ \frac {dy}{dt}=1+t\space \sin (t\space y),\quad y(0)=0, \quad t=[0,2] \]

asked by Walser https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=60465 1 vote

answered by Mariusz Iwaniuk https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=26828 0 votes

Remove defect of display in ListDensityPlot3D


I have a 3D volumetric data (for example, \(64\times 64\times 64\), at each point there is a value) read in from a file and I want to use ListDensityPlot3D to ...

asked by Dennis https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=69969 1 vote