5.49 Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Top new questions this week: 

[List of Mathematica related acronyms and their real meaning] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/104593/list-of-mathematica-related-acronyms-and-their-real-meaning

A few years ago, Wolfram Inc. not only started to rename things around Mathematica, a lot of new technologies and frameworks were introduced as well. Now, we are left with a lot of acronyms and ...

- asked by halirutan (37 votes), answered by halirutan (38 votes)


[What would you ask Mathematica to do on a big system?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/104842/what-would-you-ask-mathematica-to-do-on-a-big-system

Our hardware supplier has given us the opportunity to test Mathematica on a big Windows system. The specs will be 1 to 4 TB of working memory and 12 sockets with 18 cores each. I got 1 full week of ...

- asked by pvanbijnen (25 votes), answered by David G. Stork (9 votes)


[What algorithm do the Compress and Uncompress functions use?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/104660/what-algorithm-do-the-compress-and-uncompress-functions-use

Compress and Uncompress are used internally by Mathematica to compress things like 3D data in notebook files - data that I’d like to read independently. Does anyone have any idea if the compression ...

- asked by Andy C. (12 votes), answered by Mark Adler (13 votes)


[Is there any predictor-corrector method in Mathematica for solving nonlinear system of algebraic equations?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/104578/is-there-any-predictor-corrector-method-in-mathematica-for-solving-nonlinear-sys

The FindRoot Function in Matheatica can easily be used to solve systems of nonlinear algebraic equations. But, I want to solve a system of nonlinear equations with variations of some parameters.


- asked by hesam (12 votes), answered by Chris K (9 votes)


[How do I define a periodic region?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/104723/how-do-i-define-a-periodic-region

I’m trying to create a region of "thick" grid-lines, like so

GRID = ImplicitRegion[((0 <= x <= 1 || 2 <= x <= 3 || 4 <= x <= 5 || 6 <= x <= 7 || 
   8 <= x <= 9) || (0  ...

- asked by Zorngo (12 votes), answered by Kuba (10 votes)


[Zoom in on a 2D graph] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/104718/zoom-in-on-a-2d-graph

I have seen many queries on zooming in on plots etc. But I haven’t seen any regarding 2D graphs. For eg if I have a graph like

Graph[{1->2, 2->3, 3->1}].

It will create a graph. I have a ...

- asked by vikram reddy (10 votes), answered by Kuba (11 votes)


[Fitting a curve to an image object: not a superellipse, not an egg curve.. what else?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/104419/fitting-a-curve-to-an-image-object-not-a-superellipse-not-an-egg-curve-what

I’m facing the problem of quantifying the morphology of objects with such a shape (nannoconids...

they are fossils).

One of the final goals is to produce a solid of revolution and compute ...

- asked by Stefano (9 votes), answered by nikie (9 votes)

================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ==================================

[Drawing a square root spiral] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/66969/drawing-a-square-root-spiral

Here is a start. I’m looking for a nice way to draw it.

Graphics[{EdgeForm[Black], White, 
  Polygon @ {{0, 0}, {-1, 0}, 
    Sqrt[2] {Cos[#], Sin[#]} &[Pi - (ArcCot[1])]}, 
  Polygon @ {{0,  ...

- asked by mathe (22 votes), answered by Bob Hanlon (17 votes)


[Advice for Mathematica as Mathematician’s Aid] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/92686/advice-for-mathematica-as-mathematicians-aid

I use Mathematica mainly as an aid in symbolic attacks on problems, usually intermediate or harder and often number theoretic. While Reduce, Simplify, et al. are remarkably powerful, they of course ...

- asked by CarlEdman (56 votes), answered by MarcoB (39 votes)

================================== Can you answer these? ==================================

[Way to make contour labels on SliceContourPlot3D?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/104590/way-to-make-contour-labels-on-slicecontourplot3d

SliceContourPlot3D doesn’t seem to come with the option of putting contour labels on the plots as far as I can see. I’m using the XStackedPlanes option. I don’t see any information about how one might ...

- asked by Eli Morris (4 votes)


[Implementation of a matrix formula] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/104463/implementation-of-a-matrix-formula

For the Bezier surface, which owns the following matrix definition:

where, \(B_{n,i}\) denotes Bernstein-basis.

vec1 = {B[0],...,B[m]}; 
mat = {{P[0,0],...P[0,n]},...,{P[m,0],...P[m,n]}}; 
vec2=  ...

- asked by Shutao TANG (2 votes)


[Can one preserve the appearance of the HorizontalGauge?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/104524/can-one-preserve-the-appearance-of-the-horizontalgauge

I use sometimes the HorizontalGauge instead of a slider in Manipulateor instead of the ProgressIndicator. I find it very convenient, since it gives quantitative information on the status of the ...

- asked by Alexei Boulbitch (3 votes)