================================== Top new questions this week: ==================================
[How can I use Kenneth Moreland’s "Diverging Color Maps for Scientific Visualization" in plots?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/101625/how-can-i-use-kenneth-morelands-diverging-color-maps-for-scientific-visualizat
I often want to plot two dimensional data that is centered around zero (for me, this is usually a 2D optical spectroscopy signal, but there are other cases), and the MATLAB "Jet" color scheme is ...
- asked by Jason B (21 votes), answered by Jason B (25 votes)
[Named patterns in Except] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/101903/named-patterns-in-except
Bug introduced in 8 or earlier and persisting through 10.3 or later
Bug isn’t present in version 5.2
I don’t think I quite understand how Except works.
I want to define \(f(a,b) = (a-b)\ln (a-b)\), ...
- asked by QuantumDot (12 votes), answered by Kuba (11 votes)
[What is the difference between Inherited and (Inherited + 0)] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/101715/what-is-the-difference-between-inherited-and-inherited-0
Let’s create a stylesheet:
NotebookPut@ Notebook[{ Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"]], Cell[StyleData["myStyle"]], Cell[StyleData["myStyle2", StyleDefinitions -> ...
- asked by Kuba (12 votes), answered by Kuba (5 votes)
[Why is DiscretizeGraphics missing points on my curve?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/101594/why-is-discretizegraphics-missing-points-on-my-curve
I have a graphics expression which renders nicely as a closed curve when put in Graphics, I don’t understand why I can’t get the lines from DiscretizeGraphics or BoundaryDiscretizeGraphics:
p = ...
- asked by M.R. (12 votes), answered by Jason B (7 votes)
[What’s going on here? Some kind of rationalization "under the covers"?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/102050/whats-going-on-here-some-kind-of-rationalization-under-the-covers
eq = (.25 a + .5 b + .25 c); CoefficientRules[eq^2] CoefficientRules[eq^2 // Expand] results in {{2, 0, 0} -> 1/16, {1, 1, 0} -> 1/4, {1, 0, 1} -> 1/8, {0, 2, 0} -> 1/4, ...
- asked by ciao (11 votes)
[Integration of incomplete rings (ellipses) pattern] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/102069/integration-of-incomplete-rings-ellipses-pattern
I am facing a problem in trying to do a series of averages in incomplete images. I have a series of X-ray data images, like this one:
As you can see my image is a series of partial rings/ellipses ...
- asked by Matteo S (10 votes), answered by nikie (16 votes)
[Is mathematica’s right click menu customizable to add Simplify tools?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/101684/is-mathematicas-right-click-menu-customizable-to-add-simplify-tools
Mathematica provide Algebraic Manipulate palette for simplifying expression. But the palette window will always stay on top, which is quite annoying.
Is is possible to customize mathematica’s right ...
- asked by matheorem (10 votes), answered by Karsten 7. (7 votes)
================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ==================================
[Where can I find examples of good Mathematica programming practice?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/18/where-can-i-find-examples-of-good-mathematica-programming-practice
I consider myself a pretty good Mathematica programmer, but I’m always looking out for ways to either improve my way of doing things in Mathematica, or to see if there’s something nifty that I haven’t ...
- asked by J. M. (382 votes), answered by faysou (348 votes)
[How to make Jacobian automatically in Mathematica] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/5790/how-to-make-jacobian-automatically-in-mathematica
If we have two vectors, \(a\) and \(b\), how can I make Jacobian matrix automatically in Mathematica?
$$ a=\left( \begin{array}{c} x_1^3+2x_2^2 \\ 3x_1^4+7x_2 \end{array} \right);b=\left( $$
- asked by George Mills (20 votes), answered by Jens (27 votes)
================================== Can you answer these? ==================================
[Coppersmith’s algorithm like Pari’s zncoppersmith?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/101978/coppersmiths-algorithm-like-paris-zncoppersmith
Is there some Mathematica package (or built-in that I missed) available, more or less equivalent to Pari’s zncoppersmith function?
Paraphrasing that source: given a polynomial \(P(x)\) with integer ...
- asked by fgrieu (1 vote)
[How do I calculate this integral along a complex line (not a contour) in mathematica?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/102088/how-do-i-calculate-this-integral-along-a-complex-line-not-a-contour-in-mathema
Given the function:
\[f(z) = \frac {\pi ^2 \cot (\pi \sqrt z) \cot (\pi \sqrt {z-a})}{4\sqrt {z^2 - az}}\]
Where a is a positive constant and:
$$z = \frac{i}{b} + t $$ $$t>a$$
Where b is also a ...
- asked by T. Welsh (1 vote)
[How to add symbols to autocompletion list] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/101871/how-to-add-symbols-to-autocompletion-list
There are some built-in Mathematica symbols that I use quite frequently but are not included in the autocompletion list in the front end. Examples are Analytic and PolynomialForm. (As @march points ...
- asked by QuantumDot (4 votes)