6.15 Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Top new questions this week: 

[How to speed up PDF export in Mathematica 10] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/94776/how-to-speed-up-pdf-export-in-mathematica-10)

Based on this question: - Version 7 print environment - I set up two 10 page test documents in version 7.0.1 and version 10.1. The version 7 document exported to PDF in 4.18 seconds whereas the ...

- asked by Chris Degnen (19 votes)


[How can I import a huge CSV file quickly?] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/94752/how-can-i-import-a-huge-csv-file-quickly)

I have two CSV files, each one is around 1 GB of data. When I use Import["file.csv"], it takes a very, very, long time to import the data. So how can I accelerate the import procedure?

The file ...

- asked by m00nlight (17 votes), answered by tesseract (12 votes)


[Is it possible to change the order that symbol definitions are checked? (DownValues vs UpValues)] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/95087/is-it-possible-to-change-the-order-that-symbol-definitions-are-checked-downval)

Suppose I have the function f with the following definition assigned to it:

f // ClearAll; 
f // Attributes = { HoldAll }; 
f /: HoldPattern[ f[x_] + f[y_] ] := upvalue; 
If I evaluate f[x] + f[y], I  ...

- asked by rhennigan (15 votes), answered by halirutan (9 votes)


[Is it a bug in Limit?](http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/95052/is-it-a-bug-in-limit)

Bug introduced in 9.0 and fixed in 10.0.0

Mathematica 9 on Windows and WolframAlpha says

is Interval[{-2,2}].

But actually the limit is 0.


- asked by user15961 (13 votes)


[Add a vector to a list of vectors]( http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/95033/add-a-vector-to-a-list-of-vectors)

What is the syntax to add v1 to each vector in v2? I know it has to be simple, but I really have searched and not found it.

v1 = {a, b, c} 
v2 = {{d, e, f}, {g, h, i}, {j, k, l}}

i.e., sum them in ...

- asked by DrBubbles (12 votes), answered by Artes (16 votes)


[How to remove a LocalSymbol (or CloudSymbol)?] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/94978/how-to-remove-a-localsymbol-or-cloudsymbol)

In version 10.2 LocalSymbol can be used to create a persistent store of a variable. Once this is created I don’t see a method to remove it. How are are they removed.

LocalSymbol["MySolution"] = 7


- asked by Edmund (11 votes), answered by ilian (11 votes)


[How can I route edges manually for a Graph?] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/95013/how-can-i-route-edges-manually-for-a-graph)

Most graph layouts supported by Mathematica use straight lines for edges; or at least something that only depends on the coordinates of the two adjacent vertices of the edge and nothing else.

A ...

- asked by Szabolcs (10 votes), answered by Silvia (9 votes)

Greatest hits from previous weeks: 

[Elegant operations on matrix rows and columns] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/3069/elegant-operations-on-matrix-rows-and-columns)


The Mathematica tutorial has a section ’Basic Matrix Operations’, describing operations like transpose, inverse and determinant. These operations all work on entire matrices. I am missing a ...

- asked by sjdh (91 votes), answered by Mr.Wizard (31 votes)


[How to make use of Associations?]( http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/52393/how-to-make-use-of-associations)

I have been curious about it for long. Now that Mathematica 10 arrives, I think it’s time to ask the question: How the new Association data structure would be used to improve Mathematica programming?


- asked by Yi Wang (89 votes), answered by Leonid Shifrin (100 votes)

Can you answer these? 

[Why is an imported plot different from the saved one?] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/94757/why-is-an-imported-plot-different-from-the-saved-one)

I have a question concerning the importing of previously saved graphics. So I drew a plot in Mathematica and saved it by right clicking on it and saving it ("save as..."). When I open this (.pdf) ...

- asked by drabus (2 votes)


[Number of 4-colorings of Johnson solids] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/95066/number-of-4-colorings-of-johnson-solids)

I want to know the number of 4-colorings for all Johnson solids. This is equivalent to evaluating the flow polynomial for the corresponding polyhedral graphs at \(k=4\).

I tried the following to get ...

- asked by Athanasios Evangelou (4 votes)


[How to have Mathematica pronounce/speak International Phonetic Alphabet?] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/95068/how-to-have-mathematica-pronounce-speak-international-phonetic-alphabet)

We know that Speak could read out English words and sentences such as

Speak["this is a sentence"] 
Unfortunately, Speak only works for English. Speak[" "] will only yield silence.

In fact ...

- asked by Harry (3 votes)