6.19 Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Top new questions this week: 

[Strange behavior with Cases and Position with SetDelayed] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/91917/strange-behavior-with-cases-and-position-with-setdelayed)

I feel like I must be missing something simple and obvious here, but this has me scratching my head.

This works as expected:

list = {f[a], f[b]}; 
Cases[list, f[x_] :> x] -> Position[list,  ...

- asked by rhennigan (16 votes), answered by Leonid Shifrin (15 votes)


[Scraping High-Res images from the MoMA and the Van Gogh Museum websites]( http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/91982/scraping-high-res-images-from-the-moma-and-the-van-gogh-museum-websites)

Many art websites allow the user to zoom into an image to see it at high resolution by using image tiles. It is great on the website, but presents problems if one wishes to compile a complete high ...

- asked by martin (13 votes), answered by belisarius (16 votes)


[best practices for saving Datasets and TemporalData to a SQL database] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/92020/best-practices-for-saving-datasets-and-temporaldata-to-a-sql-database)

I have been working with a simulation tool that generates large volumes of data, and it’s time to start saving this to a proper database. Is there an established mechanism for saving TemporalData ...

- asked by Michael Stern (12 votes), answered by Leonid Shifrin (6 votes)


[How to determine if a function is continuous?] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/91877/how-to-determine-if-a-function-is-continuous)

I wish to write code for Riemann Stieltjes integrals in Mathematica.

A necessary condition for the theorem to hold is that the function must be continuous. The domain of the function is a closed ...

- asked by Katherine (12 votes)


[How to service preemptive computations while running a LibraryLink function?] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/91893/how-to-service-preemptive-computations-while-running-a-librarylink-function)

Cross-posted to Wolfram Community

The following is from the comparison between WSTP (MathLink) and LibraryLink in the documentation:

When the Wolfram Language is waiting for a WSTP application ...

- asked by Szabolcs (11 votes)


[Why does this LibraryLink example of LinkObject based passing not work? Bug or user error?] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/92047/why-does-this-librarylink-example-of-linkobject-based-passing-not-work-bug-or-u)

There’s an example of LinkObject-based passing in the LibraryLink documentation. Unfortunately the cell in the documentation notebook is corrupted, but to skip that problem I’m going to reproduce it ...

- asked by Szabolcs (9 votes), answered by ilian (6 votes)


[Form of citation for data via Wolfram Mathematica] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/92179/form-of-citation-for-data-via-wolfram-mathematica)

What citation or reference should I adhere to if I’m using curated data obtained via Mathematica? I’m talking about data, or eg. plots thereof, obtained using functions such as SatelliteData, ...

- asked by zentient (9 votes), answered by V-J (5 votes)

================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ==================================

[Generating visually pleasing circle packs] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/40334/generating-visually-pleasing-circle-packs)

EDIT: (my conclusion and thank you note) I want to thank you all guys for this unexpected intellectual and artistic journey. Hope you had fun and enjoyed it the same as I did.

I would like to ...

- asked by VividD (80 votes), answered by level1807 (49 votes)


[What are the most common pitfalls awaiting new users?] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/18393/what-are-the-most-common-pitfalls-awaiting-new-users)

As you may already know, Mathematica is a wonderful piece of software. However, it has a few characteristics that tend to confuse new (and sometimes not-so-new) users. That can be clearly seen from ...

- asked by belisarius (263 votes), answered by Michael E2 (139 votes)

================================== Can you answer these? ==================================

[Intersecting RegionPlots] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/92252/intersecting-regionplots)

Does the Mathematica graphics system have any concept of intersecting regionplots? I’ve found about intersecting graphics but not regionplots so far. For example, if I want to show the intersection of ...

- asked by Elsa (3 votes)


[MathLink (WSTP) vs LibraryLink performance] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/91887/mathlink-wstp-vs-librarylink-performance)

Has anyone benchmarked LibraryLink vs MathLink when passing large arrays?

Specifically I would like to know how performance compares when using the following to pass and return a large array:


- asked by Szabolcs (6 votes)


[Issues adding properties to multigraph] (http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/92014/issues-adding-properties-to-multigraph)

Today I was working with a large multi-graph with properties on the edges when I discovered that properties aren’t assigned as expected.

My preferred graph construction method is to specify ...

- asked by Martin John Hadley (2 votes)