2.2 Thursday, December 17, 2020

2.2.1 Top new questions this week
2.2.2 Greatest hits from previous weeks
2.2.3 Can you answer these questions?

2.2.1 Top new questions this week

Plotting the Star of Bethlehem
Opacity gradient in custom legend
Circle Packing in Cone Texture
Is there a Mathematica CUDA ode solver?
How to properly use the function ThermodynamicData
How do I reorder and combine sublists based on sublist rankings given by another list?
How to convert cuboid to mesh efficiently

Plotting the Star of Bethlehem


Christmas is around the corner! In preparation, consider the polynomial f[x_,y_]:= 1/10 (4 - x^2 - 2 y^2)^2 + 1/2 (x^2 + y^2) 

and define \(r=(f_x,f_y)\) using the ...

asked by fwgb https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=44151 19 votes

answered by xzczd https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=1871 15 votes

Opacity gradient in custom legend


I need to produce the legend of a plot which encodes a color gradient together with a color gradient. In particular, I would like the image bellow to have the blueish edge faded and the redish solid:

asked by Marcelo Broinizi https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=53497 6 votes

answered by kglr https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=125 7 votes

Circle Packing in Cone Texture


This is a cone with texture generated by PatternFilling in plane. The problem this texture mapping is not conformal. So my question is how to generated a pattern image which could suit a fixed height ...

asked by HyperGroups https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=6648 5 votes

answered by cvgmt https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=72111 3 votes

Is there a Mathematica CUDA ode solver?


I have a system of ODEs which I’d like to solve with many (thousands) different initial conditions. In the net there are articles that CUDA can speed up such computations, but I haven’t found ...

asked by Andrew https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=306 5 votes

How to properly use the function ThermodynamicData


I’ve been trying to use the function ThermodynamicData, and it is going fine when I try to calculate properties such as Enthalpy or Entropy or even phase as a ...

asked by Igor Stravinsky https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=35043 5 votes

answered by Michael E2 https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=4999 2 votes

How do I reorder and combine sublists based on sublist rankings given by another list?


I have two lists:

asked by Gregorio https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=75996 5 votes

answered by wuyudi https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=68689 2 votes

How to convert cuboid to mesh efficiently


cuboids = 
Table[Cuboid @@ (pts = RandomReal[100, {2, 3}]), {i, 10000}]; 

asked by HyperGroups https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=6648 5 votes

answered by chyanog https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=2090 6 votes

2.2.2 Greatest hits from previous weeks

Mathematica code for Bifurcation Diagram
What are the most common pitfalls awaiting new users?
Calculate the 2D Fourier transform of an Image
How to make the digits of go around in a spiral like this?
How to make a Spherical Cow?
How can I plot a graph of an integral?
How to tell Mathematica that certain variables are real/imaginary, integer-valued, etc

Mathematica code for Bifurcation Diagram


At the moment I am trying to construct a bifurcation diagram of the iterative function \(f(x)=\) \(ax-1.1975x^3\). I’ve scoured the internet for pre-made bifurcation diagrams and found many (mostly of the ...

asked by Mel https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=3249 27 votes

answered by Mark McClure https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=36 47 votes

What are the most common pitfalls awaiting new users?


As you may already know, Mathematica is a wonderful piece of software. However, it has a few characteristics that tend to confuse new (and sometimes not-so-new) users. That can be clearly seen from ...

asked by Dr. belisarius https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=193 473 votes answered by Michael E2 https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=4999 285 votes

Calculate the 2D Fourier transform of an Image


I am new to Mathematica, and using version 8.0.

I would like to calculate the 2D Fourier Transform of an Image with Mathematica and plot the magnitude and phase ...

asked by user8727 https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=8727 17 votes

answered by Nasser https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=70 33 votes

How to make the digits of go around in a spiral like this?


Here is a start.

 Table[{t Cos[t],t Sin[t]},{t,0,16Pi,0.2}]]//Graphics

asked by matrix89 https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=5379 57 votes

answered by Martin Ender https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=2305 73 votes

How to make a Spherical Cow?


Being a theoretical physicist, I always have a great respect for Spherical Cow. So I thought about making one myself. I am not sure how can I create (something considered to be the simplest!) this ...

asked by Sumit https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=8070 69 votes

answered by andre314 https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=5467 76 votes

How can I plot a graph of an integral?


I want to plot the following function:

\[\int \left (\frac {\Gamma (x+1)}{2}-\frac {\Gamma (x-1)}{2}\right ) \, dx\]

asked by Anixx https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=651 4 votes

answered by k_v https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=24727 9 votes

How to tell Mathematica that certain variables are real/imaginary, integer-valued, etc

https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=question&id=66273 I’m trying to expedite some quantum mechanical calculations (expectation values etc.) by running them through Mathematica. When I say, for example,

asked by Matthew Brunetti https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=22304 39 votes

answered by SquareOne https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=19960 24 votes

2.2.3 Can you answer these questions?

Interpolation for different Parameters
Problem in iterative equation
Importing equations generated in subpackage to be solved in another subpackage

Interpolation for different Parameters


I am rather new to Mathematica and I tried to find a solution for my Problem on my own, also looking through this site and the suggested Similar Questions, but I at least could not make out that my ...

asked by n00bBoi1 https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=76302 1 vote

Problem in iterative equation


I am solving the following iterative equation to calculate Tf and Cp as a function of temperature:

An initial attempt for a ...

asked by John https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=72940 2 votes

Importing equations generated in subpackage to be solved in another subpackage


I have a package which contains two subpackages: one ("`MOTSimulator`MOTGenerator") which generates a systems of differential equations of the form

asked by crich https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=76216 1 vote