================================== Top new questions this week: ================================== [Why do big-O terms disappear in definite integrals since Mathematica 9?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/64318/why-do-big-o-t erms-disappear-in-definite-integrals-since-mathematica-9} In Mathematica 8, when I computed the following input: Integrate[Series[Cos[x], {x, 0, 2}], {x, 0, a}] Mathematica returned an expression that had a O[a^4] in it. (In other words, the result had ... - asked by Martin J.H. (4 votes) ---------------------------- [How to track Part of Symbol or How to symbolize Parts of Symbol without copying data]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/64312/how-to-track -part-of-symbol-or-how-to-symbolize-parts-of-symbol-without-copying} Let's create simple function: SetAttributes[h, HoldFirst]; h[data_] := Dynamic[Grid[data], TrackedSymbols :> {data}] test = RandomReal[1, {2, 2}]; h[test] Now you can evaluate somewhere else: ... - asked by Kuba (1 vote) ---------------------------- [Unimportant change in Dynamic]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/64310/unimporta nt-change-in-dynamic} I just observed an unimportant change in version 10 with respect to Dynamic. The command x=0; Dynamic[x=x+1] returns a cell showing an infinite loop for the value of x. Before Mathematica 10, ... - asked by Fred Simons (2 votes) ---------------------------- [Classify Function : Sentiment Polarity]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/64306/classify -function-sentiment-polarity} I have been working on a project involving the new Classify[] function. More specifically, the sentiment analysis function. It works perfectly well, as in the documentation: Classify["Sentiment", { ... - asked by afentis (1 vote), answered by rcollyer (0 votes) ---------------------------- [User defined functions and decimal places displayed]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/64284/user-de fined-functions-and-decimal-places-displayed} I have a couple of complicated user-defined functions, one which calls the other, and I wish to control the number of decimal places displayed when I call the "mother" function. I have tried the ... - asked by Freakalien (1 vote), answered by Mr.Wizard (1 vote) ---------------------------- [aligning the axeslabel in a 3D list plot]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/64280/aligning-the -axeslabel-in-a-3d-list-plot} I have the following code plot = ListPlot3D[mydata5, DataRange -> {{0, 6}, {0, 6}}, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality", BoxRatios -> {1, 1, .7}, AxesLabel -> {Style[Subscript[t, l], FontSize ... - asked by Seyhmus Gungoren (1 vote), answered by xzczd (1 vote) ---------------------------- [Solving system of differential equations using loops]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/64278/solving-sys tem-of-differential-equations-using-loops} I have $F$ system of differential equations. Out of those $F$ equations except for first and last I have general form for the remaining equations (say $ dP_{i}/dt)$. Let $dP_0/dt,dP_F/dt$ denotes the ... - asked by user1659936 (1 vote), answered by Michael E2 (1 vote) ================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ================================== [Implementing efficient multiple undo]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/1953/implementing- efficient-multiple-undo} At the time this question was asked, version 10 was not out yet. The Front End of Mathematica 10 does have multiple undo, see the answer by John Fultz. The Mathematica Front End's built-in Undo ... - asked by Rojo (111 votes), answered by John Fultz (34 votes) ---------------------------- [Programming paradigm change]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/45829/programmin g-paradigm-change} I'm new to Mathematica, I've been learning by myself, and, being a Java developer for some time, it makes it hard to adapt. I've tried to solve a Reddit challenge, and I came up with this solution: ... - asked by MHero (29 votes), answered by WReach (49 votes) ================================== Can you answer these? ================================== [FindSequenceFunction for sum of hypergeometric terms]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/64168/findsequenc efunction-for-sum-of-hypergeometric-terms} Mathematica's built-in function FindSequenceFunction is quite good at recognizing hypergeometric terms, i.e. terms $c_k$ for which $c_{k+1}/c_k$ is a rational function of $k$. For instance. ... - asked by Eckhard (4 votes) ---------------------------- [Finding the minimum vertex cut of a graph]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/63783/finding-the-minimum-vertex-cut-of-a-graph} It seems that Mathematica is not correctly finding the smallest set of vertices that will disconnect a graph. Here is an example: g = GraphData[{"Cycle", 5}] FindVertexCut[g]; HighlightGraph[g, %] ... - asked by Lonely Mathematician (3 votes) ---------------------------- [NMaximize gives wrong answer when using high precision] \url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/64256/nmaximize-gives-wrong-answer-when-using-high-precision} I'm using NMaximize to find the maximum of a function under constrain, but it seems to gives wrong answer when using high precisions. f[t_, t1_] := (Cos[2 Pi t] - Cos[2 Pi t1] + 2 Pi (t - t1) Sin[2 Pi ... - asked by xslittlegrass (1 vote)