================================== Top new questions this week: ==================================
[Join lists with nested list] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/60666/join-lists-with-nested-list
Is there a way of smarter way of joining list of the form
l1 = a,b,c; l2 = d,e,f; l3 = g,h,i;
To obtain
The code I have is
{Sequence @@ #1, Flatten[#2]} ...
- asked by mete (14 votes), answered by Junho Lee (9 votes)
[Different results between V9 and V10 when using Style with Listplot]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/60929/different-results-between-v9-and-v10-when-using-style-with-listplot
Consider this example:
data = Table[{x, x^2}, {x, -2, 2, 0.1}]; ListPlot[Style[{#1, #2}, PointSize[Abs[#2]/50], Hue[#2]] & @@@ data]
the results from V9 and V10 are as follows:
It ...
- asked by Algohi (13 votes), answered by Brett Champion (7 votes)
[Bug in Operator Form of StringCases]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/60871/bug-in-operator-form-of-stringcases
According to the documentation there’s an operator form for StringCases
Here is the normal form
StringCases["abcadcacb", "a" ~~ x_ ~~ "c"] {"abc", "adc"}
Now, the operator ...
- asked by RunnyKine (12 votes), answered by WReach (8 votes)
[Around the Clock]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/60728/around-the-clock
I want to produce with Mathematica something like this
Or this
12 hours should be arranged in a pleasing ("rotated") style around / within a rectangle. I don’t ask for the hands - depending on ...
- asked by eldo (12 votes), answered by belisarius (15 votes)
[How to assign a list of numbers into letter grades]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/60497/how-to-assign-a-list-of-numbers-into-letter-grades
Here is my list:
collection = 76.6256, 51.9264, 50.238, 14.4203, 80.9205, 12.2036, 2.39568, 38.2747, 12.4422, 29.9621
collection /. {x_ /; x < 50 -> "F"}
and this gives me
- asked by Lonely Mathematician (12 votes), answered by belisarius (14 votes)
[Joining ordered set of points with splines in spiral]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/60619/joining-ordered-set-of-points-with-splines-in-spiral
I have a collection of points
-0.137445, -0.0103507, -0.0452845, 0.0343154, 0.30498, -0.0118266, -0.0224633, 0.0197979, -0.168469, -0.0197066, 0.0973217, 0.0478612, -0.0441388, ...
- asked by martin (11 votes), answered by Rahul Narain (11 votes)
[Fitting ellipse to 5 given points on the plane]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/60779/fitting-ellipse-to-5-given-points-on-the-plane
Five points are required to define a unique ellipse. An ellipse has five degrees of freedom: the \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates of each focus, and the sum of the distance from each focus to a point on the ...
- asked by user153012 (11 votes), answered by Mark McClure (21 votes)
================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ==================================
[Efficient way to build a certain quadratic matrix]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/51798/efficient-way-to-build-a-certain-quadratic-matrix
For odd n I’m looking for a short and swift way to construct with (f.e.)
n = 3
n = 11
- asked by eldo (15 votes), answered by RunnyKine (15 votes)
[Finding all simple paths between two vertices in a graph]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/25779/finding-all-simple-paths-between-two-vertices-in-a-graph
There are built-in methods to find a shortest path between two vertices in a graph, and the question on finding all shortest paths between two vertices has gathered quite a bit of attention.
A path ...
- asked by mrm (11 votes), answered by trybik (10 votes)
================================== Can you answer these? ==================================
[Weird glitch again!]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/60623/weird-glitch-again
I have been struggling with these glitches for two days...
A related question I asked is here How to eliminate the white gaps in the graph
Here is the code,
Show[Plot[Sin[x], x, -2 Pi, 2 Pi, ...
- asked by Tony (2 votes)
[How to solve a PDE with Robin Boundary Condition inside considered region?]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/60890/how-to-solve-a-pde-with-robin-boundary-condition-inside-considered-region
I’m trying to solve the heat diffusion equation in cylindrical coordinates. The main problem is that I would like to include the Robin Boundary Condition inside considered region in order to simulate ...
- asked by Jerry (1 vote)
[FITS metadata problem]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/60639/fits-metadata-problem
Looks to me that the FITS Export is borged. Here is the problem:
When I export out images with accustom metadata into a FITS file, Mathematica truncates and overwrites it.
Here is the metadata I ...
- asked by infocean (1 vote)