================================== Top new questions this week: ================================== [Proving the hairy ball theorem using xAct]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/57726/proving-the- hairy-ball-theorem-using-xact} I would to formally prove the hairy ball theorem in Mathematica, initially just for the $S^2$, and then see about generalizing. An approach I thought about to use the xAct package to define $S^2$ and ... - asked by Daniel Mahler (15 votes) ---------------------------- [How to understand the usage of Inner and Outer figuratively?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/57760/how -to-understand-the-usage-of-inner-and-outer-figuratively} Description: In Mathematica the functions like Thread, Inner, Outer etc. are very important and are used frequently. For the function Thread: ThreadUsage1: Thread[f[{a, b, c}]] {f[a], f[b], ... - asked by Tangshutao (15 votes), answered by Timothy Wofford (5 votes) ---------------------------- [Make MapIndexed listable]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/57898/make-map indexed-listable} My goal is to apply MapIndexed to every element of a nested list without destroying the arithmetic operations within the elements. For example, let's start with this list: {a, {b, {c^d, {e + f g}}}} ... - asked by seismatica (14 votes), answered by Mr.Wizard (10 votes) ---------------------------- [Is it possible to insert new colour schemes into ColorData?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/57885/is-it- possible-to-insert-new-colour-schemes-into-colordata} Because of the standards in my field, for many plots I need to use (or at least end up using) rather narrowly defined colour schemes, and in particular the Matlab "Jet" scheme, which is well described ... - asked by episanty (12 votes), answered by Mr.Wizard (10 votes) ---------------------------- [How to combine one or more rotated graphics objects?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/57803/how-to-c ombine-one-or-more-rotated-graphics-objects} I wish to produce an image with more than one composite graphics objects which have been modified using Rotate. I feel this should not be difficult, but haven't yet found a solution. A simple example ... - asked by image_doctor (11 votes), answered by mfvonh (11 votes) ---------------------------- [What is the correct way to use specific rule for specific pattern match when parsing an expression?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/58010/what- is-the-correct-way-to-use-specific-rule-for-specific-pattern-match-when- par} update: Thanks for the answers below. But I noticed they do not handle the following special cases: lis=1 and lis=z , lis=1/z and lis=-z as these are also considered legal input as given in the ... - asked by Nasser (10 votes), answered by seismatica (6 votes) ---------------------------- [Map of United States as a 3D histogram]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/57872/map-of- united-states-as-a-3d-histogram} By combining the state data from here and the extrusion code from here I have managed to make prisms of the various US states such as However, the extrusion method looses information about the ... - asked by sonright (10 votes), answered by Vitaliy Kaurov (11 votes) ================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ================================== [Finding all simple paths between two vertices in a graph]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/25779/finding-all -simple-paths-between-two-vertices-in-a-graph} There are built-in methods to find a shortest path between two vertices in a graph, and the question on finding all shortest paths between two vertices has gathered quite a bit of attention. A path ... - asked by mrm (11 votes), answered by trybik (10 votes) ---------------------------- [Marking points of intersection between two curves]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/10472/marking-po ints-of-intersection-between-two-curves} I'm trying to illustrate the solutions numerically and graphically for an equation such as Tan[x] == x. I think I did everything ok except I wanted to mark each intersection between Tan[x] and x. ... - asked by fiz (24 votes), answered by belisarius (31 votes) ================================== Can you answer these? ================================== [Error when using EquationTrekker]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/58005/e rror-when-using-equationtrekker} I just got to know EquationTrakker because I need to do phase graphs for my classes. When I load it << EquationTrekker` everything works fine with no errors. However when I try to use an ... - asked by Geo (2 votes) ---------------------------- [How to solve for exponents in an infinite product?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/57930/how-to-s olve-for-exponents-in-an-infinite-product} Say I have a power series, $f(x,y) \in 1 + x\mathbb{Z}[[x,y]]$ Then it admits a unique expansion $$f(x,y) = \prod_{i=1}^\infty \prod_{j=0}^\infty (1 - x^i y^j)^{n_{i,j}}$$ for some integers, $i, ... - asked by Vivek Shende (2 votes) ---------------------------- [Exporting a compiled function for later use]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/58108/exporting-a-c ompiled-function-for-later-use} I compiled a function then used it in NMinimize. The computation took 19 seconds. Then, I exported this compiled function and restarted MMA and imported this compiled function into my notebook. This ... - asked by yashar (5 votes)