================================== Top new questions this week: ================================== [Numerically solving Helmholtz equation in 2D for arbitrary shapes]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/56305/numericall y-solving-helmholtz-equation-in-2d-for-arbitrary-shapes} I would like to solve the Helmholtz equation with dirichlet boundary conditions in 2 dimensions for an arbitrary shape. (for a qualitative comparison of the eigenstates to periodic orbits in the ... - asked by Julian S. (25 votes), answered by Mark McClure (20 votes) ---------------------------- [V10's Operator Forms - what are they good for?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/56504/v10s-operato r-forms-what-are-they-good-for} V10 introduces an operator form for several functions perhaps primarily due to their role in queries as part of introducing data science functionality. At first pass it seems a lot of effort to add ... - asked by Ronald Monson (22 votes), answered by Simon Woods (24 votes) ---------------------------- [Why is Query so much slower than Part?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/56609/why-is-quer y-so-much-slower-than-part} Time for another of these(1),(2) as yet another new-in-10 function appears to have poor performance compared to older alternatives. This time: Query appears to be orders of magnitude slower than Part ... - asked by Mr.Wizard (15 votes), answered by m_goldberg (8 votes) ---------------------------- [BitShiftRight produces incorrect results in Version 10]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/56241/bitshiftright- produces-incorrect-results-in-version-10} With Mathematica 10 for Mac, BitShiftRight works properly on lists of up to 100000 numbers, but appears to give incorrect results when threaded over lists of 100001 or more: v1 = Table[i, {i, 1, ... - asked by DBM (14 votes), answered by Mr.Wizard (9 votes) ---------------------------- [Speed of curated data calls in Version 10]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/56172/speed-of-curat ed-data-calls-in-version-10} Curated datasets underwent a significant overhaul in version 10, primarily in the way content is delivered in the form of Objects and Entities. Additionally, it appears that this change in content ... - asked by bobthechemist (14 votes), answered by Nick Lariviere (13 votes) ---------------------------- [the winding number for the circle map (Arnold tongue)]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/56499/the-windi ng-number-for-the-circle-map-arnold-tongue} I want to do an iterative calculation: f[n_, a_, b_] := Nest[# + a - b Sin[2 Pi #] &, 0, n]/n; If I use i use the machine precision, it maybe produce a great error,for example: N@f[500, 1/2, ... - asked by Chenminqi (12 votes), answered by heropup (10 votes) ---------------------------- [Speed up adding Poisson noise to an image]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/56180/speed-up-ad ding-poisson-noise-to-an-image} I'm simulating some images corrupted with Poisson noise, but I'm encountering a few problems with performance. According to the documentation on ImageEffect, one can add Poisson noise according to the ... - asked by blochwave (11 votes), answered by blochwave (16 votes) ================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ================================== [How can I add drop shadows and specular highlights to 2D graphics?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/43186/how-can -i-add-drop-shadows-and-specular-highlights-to-2d-graphics} I thought I'd share some code in the form of a self-answered question, but other answers are of course welcome. Drop shadows are a familiar visual effect, giving the impression of a graphical element ... - asked by Simon Woods (31 votes), answered by Simon Woods (35 votes) ---------------------------- [Resources for beautiful Mathematica Stylesheets]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/5846/resour ces-for-beautiful-mathematica-stylesheets} When the Wolfram Demonstrations were introduced and the Documentation-Center was redesigned, I remember it was the first time I thought someone had put some effort into creating a beautiful ... - asked by halirutan (81 votes), answered by rm -rf (41 votes) ================================== Can you answer these? ================================== [DatabaseLink Example for DB2 and Mathematica]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/56283/datab aselink-example-for-db2-and-mathematica} could someone please point me to good example on how to make a JDBC connection to an IBM DB2 database? - asked by Rick QI (1 vote) ---------------------------- [Precision problem while evaluating RegionMember or Element in V10]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/56402/precision-pro blem-while-evaluating-regionmember-or-element-in-v10} I'll try to give you a background on where the problem occured. The problem itself is defined near the end of the post. I'm running a sort of a simulation of a particle in a box. I finally got my ... - asked by Daroslav (3 votes) ---------------------------- [Workarounds for a possible bug in the linearity of FourierTransform]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/56237/ workarounds-for-a-possible-bug-in-the-linearity-of-fouriertransform} This is somewhat similar to this question, except the problem I am encountering is to do with Fourier transforms of scalar multiples of functions and their derivatives. I wish to input ... - asked by Oliver Lunt (2 votes)