================================== Top new questions this week: ================================== [Longest path in 0/1 matrix]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/51247/longest-pa th-in-0-1-matrix} I have a matrix of 0's and 1's forming a number of disjoint paths: I would like to find the lengths of the paths, and from that "spectrum," the longest length (in the above example: 27, ... - asked by Joseph O'Rourke (25 votes), answered by rm -rf (24 votes) ---------------------------- [Visualization: elliptical insights into data sets]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/51163/visualizati on-elliptical-insights-into-data-sets} I was recently reading the following paper on visualization techniques using ellipses to gain statistical insights. Elliptical visualization for looking at correlations has briefly been touched on ... - asked by Pam (12 votes), answered by Pam (2 votes) ---------------------------- [What is the relationship between Mathematica and Wolfram Desktop?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/51372/what-is- the-relationship-between-mathematica-and-wolfram-desktop} I'm confused about the differences among various Wolfram products. In particular what is the relationship among Mathematica, Mathematica Online, Wolfram Programming Cloud, and Wolfram Desktop? Are ... - asked by raxacoricofallapatorius (12 votes), answered by mfvonh (8 votes) ---------------------------- [Find intersection of pairs of straight lines]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/51391/find-inters ection-of-pairs-of-straight-lines} I have a list of 24 points, in which 2 consecutive points (1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th, ...) are supposed to form a line. p1={{243.8, 77.}, {467.4, 12.}, {291.8, 130.}, {476., 210.5}, {103.2, 327.}, ... - asked by seismatica (6 votes), answered by eldo (9 votes) ---------------------------- [What is wrong about Abs[x]-a? Is it a bug?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/51118/what-is-wron g-about-absx-a-is-it-a-bug} Why is the Out[74] not {1 - a, {x -> -1}}? Maximize[{Sqrt[x^2] - a, -1 <= x <= 1}, x] {1 - a, {x -> -1}} - asked by fptan (6 votes), answered by RiemannZeta (4 votes) ---------------------------- [Find the smallest positive integer that satisfies a certain condition]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/51086/find-th e-smallest-positive-integer-that-satisfies-a-certain-condition} I know Mathematica is really powerful when it comes to functional operations like applying a list of tasks to a list of variables. Sometimes I feel like it isn't the most powerful tool when it comes ... - asked by cartonn (6 votes), answered by mfvonh (9 votes) ---------------------------- [Why am I getting wildly incorrect results from FirstPassageTimeDistribution with inexact transition matrix?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/51018/why-am-i- getting-wildly-incorrect-results-from-firstpassagetimedistribution-with> ) Working on some large systems using DiscreteMarkovProcess, I changed the transition matrix to machine precision vs using exact values, which sped things up handily. The only problem was for edge ... - asked by rasher (6 votes), answered by Bhuvanesh (4 votes) ================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ================================== [How many Christmas gifts?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/39338/how-many-c hristmas-gifts} This question is based on the old song, The Twelve Days of Christmas In a comment made on a recent question, Yves Klett remarked, "no seasonal questions this year?" This reminded me of one I solved ... - asked by m_goldberg (18 votes), answered by rm -rf (23 votes) ---------------------------- [Generating visually pleasing circle packs]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/40334/generating- visually-pleasing-circle-packs} EDIT: I want to thank you all guys for this unexpected intellectual and artistic journey. Hope you enjoyed as I did. I would like to generate a circle pack that mimics this: (don't pay attention on ... - asked by VividD (60 votes), answered by level1807 (36 votes) ================================== Can you answer these? ================================== [Solve set of non-linear equations with least-squares-fitting - constrain results?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/51274/solve-se t-of-non-linear-equations-with-least-squares-fitting-constrain-results} I'm trying to solve a set of functions to determine the material properties from a set of measurement values. (To set up this method I just want to fit my model with some already calculated data). My ... - asked by dummesschaf (1 vote) ---------------------------- [what is the best package/way to insert Mathematica code in latex docs?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/51215/what-is-the -best-package-way-to-insert-mathematica-code-in-latex-docs} I know that this question is not about strictly mathematica issue, but I think that in this site should be many pepople that use latex to distribute mathematica source code/examples. If the moderators ... - asked by Mika Ike (1 vote) ---------------------------- [How to force the compilation language to be C++ (not C) in CreateExecutable or CreateLibrary]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/51012/how -to-force-the-compilation-language-to-be-c-not-c-in-createexecutable-or- c} I'm trying to speed up a section of a Mathematica 9.0.1 notebook by performing some calculations in C++ with the Cilk Plus and Threading Building Blocks tools available for the Intel C++ 14.0 compiler ... - asked by user15996 (4 votes)