================================== Top new questions this week: ================================== [Making a Mathematica package manager?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/49111/making-a -mathematica-package-manager} I'd like to get a serious discussion started about a package manager. This has come up elsewhere, and many people have implemented their own solutions. It would be nice to have a standardized way to ... - asked by mfvonh (10 votes), answered by mfvonh (7 votes) ---------------------------- [Graph from binary matrix (not adjacency) respecting the original matrix positions]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/50363/graph-f rom-binary-matrix-not-adjacency-respecting-the-original-matrix-position> ) I have a binary matrix. My objective is to connect every close (without "jump") elements with value equal to 1, but I must keep the point positions, just like it's shown at the image. Can somebody ... - asked by Jazz (9 votes), answered by Oska (11 votes) ---------------------------- [Using Mathematica to make a graphics array of circles]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/49176/using-mat hematica-to-make-a-graphics-array-of-circles} I need to make .svg file that contains an array of black circles that all have radii of 5 units ad are evenly spaced apart from each other 32 units. The difficulty in creating this design is the ... - asked by Sebastian Freeman (9 votes), answered by halirutan (3 votes) ---------------------------- [CSS Selectors for Symbolic XML]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/49052/css-selectors -for-symbolic-xml} Symbolic XML is a convenient way of managing XML in Mathematica, at least for casual use or small tasks. Here and elsewhere you can find examples of XML handling in Mathematica, including XSLT/XPath ... - asked by Fallible (8 votes), answered by Fallible (12 votes) ---------------------------- [Complement of multisets]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/49068/complem ent-of-multisets} Given lists $a$ and $b$, which represent multisets, how can I compute the complement $a\setminus b$? I'd like to construct a function xunion that returns the symmetric difference of multisets. For ... - asked by Leon Lampret (8 votes), answered by rasher (8 votes) ---------------------------- [Thread over uneven (ragged) expressions with full functionality?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/49359/th read-over-uneven-ragged-expressions-with-full-functionality} There are a number of questions on this site about "threading" including several relating to uneven (ragged) lists. However, none that I could find deal with the full functionality of Thread but ... - asked by Mr.Wizard (7 votes), answered by mfvonh (5 votes) ---------------------------- [Hatched Filling for ListPlot]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/49202/hatched- filling-for-listplot} I am plotting to data curves using ListLinePlot. I like the look of Filling, but this is going to be printed, so I want something both black and white friendly, but giving more definition and ... - asked by ThomasH (7 votes), answered by ThomasH (4 votes) ================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ================================== [Finding real roots of negative numbers (for example, $\sqrt[3]{-8}$)]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/3886/fi nding-real-roots-of-negative-numbers-for-example-sqrt3-8} Say I want to quickly calculate $\sqrt[3]{-8}$, to which the most obvious solution is $-2$. When I input $\sqrt[3]{-8}$ or Power[-8, 3^-1], Mathematica gives the result "$2 (-1)^{1/3}$". Not what I ... - asked by jtbandes (31 votes), answered by Brett Champion (10 votes) ---------------------------- [Is it possible to export the equations from Mathematica to MATLAB?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/14035/is-it-pos sible-to-export-the-equations-from-mathematica-to-matlab} Is it possible to export the output expressions from Mathematica computations (e.g., equations) in valid MATLAB syntax? - asked by Seyhmus Gungoren (14 votes), answered by rm -rf (20 votes) ================================== Can you answer these? ================================== [Relative performance of the Julia language]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/50391/relative -performance-of-the-julia-language} I was just reviewing the Mathematica benchmark code linked from the Julia language home page http://julialang.org/. The stated goal of the benchmarks is to test the performance of specific algorithms, ... - asked by TheDoctor (2 votes) ---------------------------- [Help wanted in evaluating an integral]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/49319/help-wan ted-in-evaluating-an-integral} Trying to evaluate an integral. To be specific, I'm trying to find the expectation value of $x^2$ for the ground state of hydrogen. Here is the code I used: FullSimplify[ Integrate[x^2/(Pi*a^3) ... - asked by Sam (1 vote) ---------------------------- [Tooltip over a picture & creating complex forms]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/49235/tooltip-ove r-a-picture-creating-complex-forms} I have some picture like the one seen below. Now, I'm trying to create some tooltip with some descriptions when moving with the mouse over a body part e.g. "this is the head", "This is the left arm" ... - asked by holistic (1 vote)