================================== Top new questions this week: ================================== [A set of elements]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/41753/a-set-of -elements} I have a set of say 100 numbers {1,3,7,11,19,...3971}. All elements are previously determined. I want to check whether 376 belongs to this set or not. what is the fastest way? Thanks - asked by Meqdad (9 votes), answered by Mr.Wizard (10 votes) ---------------------------- [Unwanted PlotMarkers appear at non-existent places]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/41706/unwanted-p lotmarkers-appear-at-non-existent-places} In this simple code ListPlot[Table[Sin[x], {x, 0, Pi, .1}], PlotRange -> {0, 0.5}, Joined -> True, PlotMarkers -> Automatic, ClippingStyle -> None, Frame -> True] We can see that ... - asked by saturasl (9 votes), answered by Coolwater (9 votes) ---------------------------- [Find positions of items in a list based on neighbours]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/41937/find-p ositions-of-items-in-a-list-based-on-neighbours} How can I select items from a list where the selection criterion depends on the neighbouring items? For example select all indices where a change has occurred with respect to the previous element in ... - asked by Danvil (8 votes), answered by Simon Woods (14 votes) ---------------------------- [How to run mathematica scripts without initializing the kernel every time]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/41742/how-to-run-m athematica-scripts-without-initializing-the-kernel-every-time} I have written a Mathematica script that is to be run periodically on a Raspberry Pi. The code takes about 3 seconds to execute if I test it in a CLI Mathematica session. However, when I execute the ... - asked by shrx (7 votes), answered by shrx (1 vote) ---------------------------- [Get Coordinates 4 significant digits limitation]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/42112/get-co ordinates-4-significant-digits-limitation} The tool "get coordinates" (clicking on a plot), seems to work with a fixed number of significant digits (4), in a way that we can quickly lose sensibility (the tool really becomes useless). The ... - asked by P. Fonseca (6 votes), answered by chuy (2 votes) ---------------------------- [How to take derivative of parameterized coordinate?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/41907/how-t o-take-derivative-of-parameterized-coordinate} Suppose I have a vector in $\mathbb{R}^n$ but $n$ is not known in advance. I want to be able to write functions which operate on the components of that vector, and then I'd like to be able to take ... - asked by Tom (6 votes) ---------------------------- [How to randomly erode a 3D distribution of points with Mma 7.0?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/41801/how-to-rando mly-erode-a-3d-distribution-of-points-with-mma-7-0} Suppose we have a 3D distribution of points, like the spherical ball example below : Ball[num_]:=Table[ { #1 Sqrt[1-#2^2]Cos[#3], #1 Sqrt[1-#2^2]Sin[#3], #1 #2 } &[ ... - asked by Cham (6 votes), answered by chuy (6 votes) ================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ================================== [Marking points of intersection between two curves]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/10472/marking-po ints-of-intersection-between-two-curves} I'm trying to illustrate the solutions numerically and graphically for an equation such as Tan[x] == x. I think I did everything ok except I wanted to mark each intersection between Tan[x] and x. ... - asked by fiz (20 votes), answered by belisarius (30 votes) ---------------------------- [What are the most common pitfalls awaiting new users?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/18393/what-are-t he-most-common-pitfalls-awaiting-new-users} As you may already know, Mathematica is a wonderful piece of software. However, it has a few characteristics that tend to confuse new (and sometimes not-so-new) users. That can be clearly seen from ... - asked by belisarius (121 votes), answered by Michael E2 (64 votes) ================================== Can you answer these? ================================== [OpenCLLink specify grid size when calling function]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/41992/openclli nk-specify-grid-size-when-calling-function} The Mathematica documentation (section "Details": https://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/OpenCLLink/ref/OpenCLFunction. html) states that: On launch, if the number of threads is not specified ... - asked by user2224780 (1 vote) ---------------------------- [Import merged cells from Excel]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/42069/import-merg ed-cells-from-excel} in a scientific paper I've found some data. I've saved it in Excel from a .pdf file. But it was saved in a strange way: all data are in two cells in Excel. In large merged cells. Now when I try to ... - asked by Mary (1 vote) ---------------------------- [Mysterious behavior of Precision for complex arrays]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/42075/mysterious -behavior-of-precision-for-complex-arrays} Mysterious behavior of Precision: {{1.0+I*0.0},{0.0+I*0.0}} // SetPrecision[#,30]& // Precision // Print; 0. {{1.0},{0.0}} // SetPrecision[#,30]& // Precision // Print; 30. Why is ... - asked by John Sidles (3 votes)