================================== Top new questions this week: ================================== [Is it possible to use RandomChoice to choose without other choices being evaluated?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/32175/is-it- possible-to-use-randomchoice-to-choose-without-other-choices-being-evalu at} I'm trying to do this: i1 = 1; i2 = 1; RandomChoice[{ (i1 = i1 + 1), (i1 = i1 - 1), (i2 = i1 + 1), (i2 = i2 - 1)}] In order to chose randomly which variable is going to be incremented or ... - asked by Gustavo Bandeira (14 votes), answered by ybeltukov (13 votes) ---------------------------- [Color Histogram3D by Bin Location]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/32460/color-hi stogram3d-by-bin-location} I am using a Histogram3D plot to view the correlation of the R & G of an RGB image. Naturally, I want the bins to have a color corresponding to their $x$, $y$ (R,G) position on the chart. ... - asked by Perfect Tommy (11 votes), answered by Kuba (10 votes) ---------------------------- [Method -> {"AxesInFront" -> False} for Graphics3D]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/32168/method -axesinfront-false-for-graphics3d} I'm aware of two ways to manage positioning of Axes for Graphics3D: AxesOrigin and AxesEdge. They seem to be quite different in terms of what is actually happening: GraphicsRow[{ ... - asked by Kuba (11 votes), answered by Brett Champion (2 votes) ---------------------------- [Why does Mathematica return a Fourier transform for a function for which it is not defined?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/32387/why-does -mathematica-return-a-fourier-transform-for-a-function-for-which-it-is-n > } The following function $$g(x) = (1 + x^{1/a} )^a $$ should NOT have a Fourier transform, as far as I am aware, for any real values of $a$ since $g(x)$ is not nice in the sense of decays quickly ... - asked by Luap Nalehw (10 votes), answered by ybeltukov (11 votes) ---------------------------- [Find eigen energies of time-independent Schrodinger equation]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/32293/find-eig en-energies-of-time-independent-schrodinger-equation} I'm trying to get the eigenvalues of a one dimensional time-independent Schrodinger equation, $-\frac{h^2}{2m_0}\frac{d^2\psi}{dx^2}+U(x)~\psi=Ei~\psi$ where U(x) is some potential and Ei is the ... - asked by xslittlegrass (10 votes), answered by Jens (13 votes) ---------------------------- [Is there a triangle like this?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/32338/is-there-a- triangle-like-this} I want to find the numbers $a$, $b$, $c$, $d$ of the function $y = \dfrac{a x + b}{c x + d}$ so that the triangle $ABC$ with three points $A$, $B$, $C$ have integer coordinates and lies on the graph ... - asked by minthao_2011 (8 votes), answered by belisarius (15 votes) ---------------------------- [Unexpected behaviour of Solve applied to two equations in two variables]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/32246/unexpec ted-behaviour-of-solve-applied-to-two-equations-in-two-variables} I have a simple Mathematica expression Solve[{a(a-1)Sqrt[1+a^2+b^2] == b(a^3-1), b(b-1)Sqrt[1+a^2+b^2] == a(b^3-1)}] which returns (on version 8.0, and also version 9.0) {{b -> -(a/(1 + a))}, ... - asked by Ashley Montanaro (8 votes), answered by gpap (2 votes) ================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ================================== [Finding the centroid of the area between two curves]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/17170/finding-th e-centroid-of-the-area-between-two-curves} When I have an area bounded by curves, is there a built-in way to find the center of the area? Or do I have to plot it first and then use ComponentMeasurements on it? For example: the area under $y= ... - asked by a3f (9 votes), answered by george2079 (3 votes) ---------------------------- [How can I improve Mathematica's resolution on a macbook retina display?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/18419/how-can- i-improve-mathematicas-resolution-on-a-macbook-retina-display} Mathematica looks a bit fuzzy on the retina screen, how can I increase the resolution? Here another screenshot showing a direct comparison between the browser and Mathematica - asked by Tom Wellington (23 votes), answered by programming_historian (10 votes) ================================== Can you answer these? ================================== [Setting PropertyValue for VertexWeight is not persistent]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/32320/settin g-propertyvalue-for-vertexweight-is-not-persistent} g = CompleteGraph[8, VertexSize -> Medium]; PropertyValue[{g, VertexList[g][[1]]}, VertexWeight] = 10; PropertyValue[g, VertexWeight] {10, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1} PropertyValue[{g, ... - asked by Ilya Sorokin (2 votes) ---------------------------- [Orthogonal basis of a hermitian matrix]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/32350/orthogonal -basis-of-a-hermitian-matrix} Is there a way to extract an orthogonal basis for a hermitian matrix in Mathematica? A simple diagnolization returns a non orthogonal basis and later using a Grahm-Schmidt process which isn't aware ... - asked by user9522 (1 vote) ---------------------------- [Convert ImageSize to FieldSize]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/32459/convert -imagesize-to-fieldsize} How might I construct a function called EmToPX[p] such that the following 2 InputFields would be the same width. If not please explain why doing such isn't possible. InputField["a", ImageSize -> ... - asked by Liam William (1 vote)