================================== Top new questions this week: ================================== [How to create a wind rose with Mathematica?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/31257/how- to-create-a-wind-rose-with-mathematica} I am trying to plot wind rose in Mathematica, but have no idea how to do this. Any suggestions ? - asked by bushiwo (22 votes), answered by David Carraher (16 votes) ---------------------------- [How to include Mathematica animation in a PowerPoint presentation?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/31511/how -to-include-mathematica-animation-in-a-powerpoint-presentation} I want to include a Mathematica animation in PowerPoint presentation. My code is: SetDirectory[NotebookDirectory[]]; data = ReadList[ "C:\\Users\\luka\\Desktop\\GRAFI- DIPLOMA\\9_gibanje \ ... - asked by Luka (15 votes), answered by Vitaliy Kaurov (18 votes) ---------------------------- [How do I calculate the area of a polygon given its coordinates?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/31241/how- do-i-calculate-the-area-of-a-polygon-given-its-coordinates} I have a polygon: Polygon[{{0, 200 }, {200, 100}, {500, 300}, {100, 700}}] How can I figure out its area? The docs page does not have any example. So far I've reached this point with no success: ... - asked by caligula (15 votes), answered by Kuba (14 votes) ---------------------------- [Pick elements of largest absolute value]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/31385/pick-elemen ts-of-largest-absolute-value} For example, given list = {{1, -3, -5}, {2, 1, 6}, {0, 2, 4}, {-9, 2, 6}} should return: {-5, 6, 4, -9} - asked by explorer (15 votes), answered by Simon Woods (19 votes) ---------------------------- [How to partition a list to make each subset's size equal and mean as close as possible]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/31469/how-to-p artition-a-list-to-make-each-subsets-size-equal-and-mean-as-close-as-po> ) Suppose we have 3 lists each with 18 numbers like this: list1 = {7.49, 7.56, 7.98, 8.09, 8.16, 8.21, 8.73, 8.64, 8.68, 8.46, 8.57, 8.29, 9.38, 9.43, 8.95, 9.04, 8.9, 9.07}; list2 = {21.08, ... - asked by incognito007 (13 votes), answered by Vitaliy Kaurov (4 votes) ---------------------------- [How can one write a robust ListableQ function?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/31498/how-can -one-write-a-robust-listableq-function} I would like to have a test that determines if a particular function is Listable. In the case of Symbols this is merely a matter of checking Attributes. Function definitions with the Listable ... - asked by Mr.Wizard (12 votes), answered by Mr.Wizard (5 votes) ---------------------------- [How can I efficiently "remap" an image?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/31274/how-can-i- efficiently-remap-an-image} Many image processing libraries like OpenCV, Intel Performance Primitives or Octave have a useful function called "remap", that takes an image, an array with X coordinates and an array with Y ... - asked by nikie (11 votes), answered by ssch (7 votes) ================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ================================== [Voronoi diagrams for generators other than points]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/20696/voronoi-di agrams-for-generators-other-than-points} Any suggestions how to determine Voronoi diagram for sites other than points, as e.g. in the picture below? Input is a raster image. - asked by DeeDee (22 votes), answered by whuber (26 votes) ---------------------------- [How to compile effectively?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/1803/how-t o-compile-effectively} What are the best practices of compiling functions? I understand that this is a vague question, but let me list some aspects that might trigger useful answers. Some of these have already been answered ... - asked by Istvan Zachar (65 votes), answered by Leonid Shifrin (59 votes) ================================== Can you answer these? ================================== [Generating an obstacle-avoiding closed-curve with a fixed perimeter and a target area]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/31365/generating-a n-obstacle-avoiding-closed-curve-with-a-fixed-perimeter-and-a-target} I was wondering if there was a neat way to solve the following problem in Mathematica v9 - Provided a binarized image (where we call black pixels "obstacles" or vice versa, whichever is most ... - asked by TilePath (3 votes) ---------------------------- [What was added to the LibraryLink API in version 9?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/31433/what-was-added -to-the-librarylink-api-in-version-9} Looking at the LibraryLink examples, there are several new functions and objects, as well as example programs, that appeared in version 9. Are these documented? If yes, where? If would be nice to ... - asked by Szabolcs (9 votes) ---------------------------- [Stochastic differential equations in the weak sense]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/31443/stochastic- differential-equations-in-the-weak-sense} There are some good discussions in http://mathematica.stackexchange.com regarding the numerical solution of SDEs of the form $dX(t)=a(t,X)dt+b(t,X)dW_t$, wherein $X(0)=X_{0},$ $W_t$ is the Wiener ... - asked by Fazlollah Soleymani (1 vote)