2.13 Thursday, September 17, 2020

2.13.1 Top new questions this week
2.13.2 Greatest hits from previous weeks
2.13.3 Can you answer these questions?

2.13.1 Top new questions this week

Display hexagon grid to visualize Langton’s ant
Position function error
Mathematica exporting low quality images at high ImageResolution
How can I count the color pixels in each partition of the image
Why does Nearest not return both equally distant values?
BarChart does not display asymmetric error bars correctly
Pattern-matching complex numbers as a + bi

Display hexagon grid to visualize Langton’s ant


I am looking to recreate the following image from this reference as

using Mathematica’s Polygon documentation under "Applications" as a starting point. I want to eventually use Mathematica ...

asked by C. Fuhrman https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=60593 10 votes

answered by flinty https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=72682 8 votes

Position function error


I recently upgraded from Mathematica 6 to the most recent version. In my new version the Position function returns strange results that were not present in the old ...

asked by Peter https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=74626 8 votes

answered by ciao https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=11467 11 votes

Mathematica exporting low quality images at high ImageResolution


I recently upgraded from Mathematica 11 to Mathematica . I understand there were some UI changes to accommodate high resolution monitors. I’m not sure if this issue is related to that. I am ...

asked by user3556814 https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=74618 8 votes

answered by Piotr Wendykier https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=9239 1 vote

How can I count the color pixels in each partition of the image


I have a image of 1000 x 1000 pixels of which I have made 5 x 5 partitions. After that I am looking for a way to count number of color pixels in each partition. Thanks in advance for help.

asked by Atique Khan https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=59972 7 votes

answered by flinty https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=72682 4 votes

Why does Nearest not return both equally distant values?


Define the following three vectors:

a = {0., 0., 0.}; 
b = {-0.5`, 0.4330127018922193`, 0.25`}; 
c = {-0.5`, 0.`, 0.`};

Note that the distance from a to c is the ...

asked by abwatson https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=1709 7 votes

answered by Michael E2 https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=4999 5 votes

BarChart does not display asymmetric error bars correctly


BarChart seems to read the uncertainty in elements the other way around. The object: Around[5, {1, 10}] is evaluated as . However, when you use it in a BarChart, the uncertainties are swapped:

asked by Luis https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=24933 6 votes

Pattern-matching complex numbers as a + bi


I just started working with Mathematica and am toying with pattern matching. There may be something obvious I’m missing in this, but I can’t figure it out by myself. I want to write down a function ...

asked by ppln https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=69266 6 votes

answered by eyorble https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=52935 5 votes

2.13.2 Greatest hits from previous weeks

Plot, extract data to a file
How to calculate scalar curvature Ricci tensor and Christoffel symbols in Mathematica?
How can I improve Mathematica’s resolution on a macbook retina display?
Code that generates a mandala
How to create effect like Van Gogh’s stroke brush?
Find eigen energies of time-independent Schrödinger equation
How to find the position of elements in a list satisfying criteria

Plot, extract data to a file


I need to save data that Mathematica uses inside the Plot command. The format that I would like to have is:

x1 y1 
x2 y2 

asked by molkee https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=5097 30 votes

answered by Mr.Wizard https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=121 47 votes

How to calculate scalar curvature Ricci tensor and Christoffel symbols in Mathematica?


I am seeking a convenient and effective way to calculate such geometric quantities. I’ve used packages like TensoriaCalc, but they don’t work at all time. Sometimes,...

asked by Zoe Rowa https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=1713 38 votes

answered by Yi-Zen Chu https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=4869 18 votes

How can I improve Mathematica’s resolution on a macbook retina display?


Mathematica 9.0 looks a bit fuzzy on the retina screen, how can I increase the resolution? Here another screenshot showing a direct comparison between the browser and Mathematica

asked by Tom Wellington https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=2437 44 votes

Code that generates a mandala


My little brother asked me to print original mandalas for coloring. I would like some idea on how to create them, but without color, so he can color them.


asked by zeros https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=26849 71 votes

answered by Anton Antonov https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=34008 95 votes

How to create effect like Van Gogh’s stroke brush?


I need to apply Van Gogh’s stroke brush effect to a random image Take the following image as an example:

Thank you so much if you could help!

asked by user10495 https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=10495 34 votes

answered by Simon Woods https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=862 51 votes

Find eigen energies of time-independent Schrödinger equation


I’m trying to get the eigenvalues of a one dimensional time-independent Schrödinger equation,

\(-\frac {h^2}{2m_0}\frac {d^2\psi }{dx^2}+U(x)~\psi =Ei~\psi \)

where \(U(x)\) is some potential and Ei is the ...

asked by xslittlegrass https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=1364 48 votes

answered by Jens https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=245 46 votes

How to find the position of elements in a list satisfying criteria


Say I have a list x={2,4,6,8,10} and I want to find out the positions of the elements that are greater than 7.

asked by PeterR https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=140 66 votes

answered by J. M.’s discontentment https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=50 63 votes

2.13.3 Can you answer these questions?

Faster alternative to ImageCorrespondingPoints?
How to make this expression?

Faster alternative to ImageCorrespondingPoints?


I’m trying to use ImageCorrespondingPoints to register frames in a video sequence. Computational speed is an important consideration for the application I am ...

asked by Brady Hunt https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=9017 2 votes

How to make this expression?


How to code this expression in WolframAlpha. I am interested in how to code the second sum, because it contains a boolean expression: \[\sum _{i=1}^{100}{\sum _{j>n}}{x_{i}x_{j}}\]

asked by Andrey Stebenkov https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/landing/r/digest?cta=user&id=74632 1 vote